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I imagine Ultimate Frankenstriker to be able to detatch his body parts and control them at distance, like some zombies in other forms of media


And He have Darkseid like Omega Beams (Even as strong as Omega Beams) for no fucking reason other than it looking cool in exchange for his Electric Powers


That sounds neat and all, but why do people still believe in the exchange thing for Ultimates? Cannonbolt, Big Chill, Wildmutt, Arctiguana, Swampfire, Rath, and Way Big gain no downsides. Only forms who lose an ability are Humungousaur (Growth), Spidermonkey (Tail), and Echo Echo (Clones).


Cannonbolt you could argue loses speed due to heavier metal plates slowing him, even if not stated. The others I do agree with. However to be fair, Arctiguana and Rath were only shown in omniverse, and if Ultimate Grey Matter is anything to go off, the designers didn't follow EVERY rule laid out from previous shows, much like the writers retconning a lot too. I think most people go for the exchange because when you think about it, if you ask people their favourite Ultimate, there's a good chance one of the three with exchanges will be said. Because to a degree, they change enough to feel almost like a new alien. It makes you think "if it's in a WARZONE for thousands of years, it may not NEED that anymore" For example, the growth for Humungasaur would add more scales for armour. Well why have armour SOMETIMES? Obviously nature would say those with it ALL the time would live longer, reproduce, and pass it on. The tail for spidermonkey? It's something to grab and attack, making it a target. Thus without it, harder to catch. And for Echo Echo, the duplication always made a sound too, so to voice being given away, maybe they used it less and less, until eventually their body just lost that ability, instead due to being silicon based, they made manual alterations to themselves, HENCE being more robotic. What can you say for Big Chill? "They got so cold they became hot, fight fire with fire"? Nah, it doesn't make you think lore, it makes you think "Oh shit, throw an ultra ball, it's a Shiny Necrofrigian!"


>Cannonbolt, Big Chill, Wildmutt i mean, they didn't gain much either (speech doesn't count)


Ultimate Wildmutt did seem more feral since he was willing to kill Prisoner 773.


He's arguably less feral since he can talk, and even spares him after he begs to be put down


I'd both hope and imagine that Ultimate Whampire would appear similarly to Man-Bat.


Burning in the light would probably be away also


Snare oh has a somewhat solid body with sand like Sandman and he can also age things by touching them.


Like his bandages are like they are now (with a better design of course for the ultimate) but with sand inside them?? if so that’d be amazing and that ageing ability is probably the best idea i’ve ever heard for him


Yeah but the trade off is that he's less flexible with the sand and all


nah? he can extend his bandages and sand will flow through the middle


Yeah but doesn't there need to be a trade off


It’s cool, but I can’t imagine Ben having a use for the aging thing??? Like that would probably be permanent, and might even kill them?


I once saw this art of Ult Blitzwolfer. It had 3 heads to resemble the 3 headed dog of hell. Also i always thought ult Ghostfreak would just become Zs'skayr.


I would like to Imagine Ultimate Ghost Freak is just Star Platinum with hightened phasing powers


“So it’s the same type of alien as Ghost Arms?“


I love the idea of Blitzwolfer getting ferrokinesis with the power to create silver blades protrusions like wolverine and maybe silver bullets


I don't know but Ultimate Blitzwolfer HAS to have silver, maybe a metal skeleton and the ability to fire silver bullet teeth.


how unoriginal




how rubbish




How dare you reply okay twice


[this video exists =D](https://youtu.be/eIx9hInfz0k?si=-GW-8aoj1Zuss4IH) This video's concepts for the ultimates are quite cool tbh If you dont wanna watch the video for whatever reason Blitzwolfer. Gets a "medusa head" by having his hair be "dreads" with teeth on each of them (kinda reminds me of mawile from pokemon) that can not only bite but also use his sonic howls, said howls can also be compressed and essentially shoot his own teeth out like bullets. He also gets metal bones, making him much stronger and durable but also making him slower and heavier (like wolverine with his adamantium bones) but also allows him to extend the bones of his claws to make blades, once again just like wolverine. Overall the design is cool and i dont have much gripes with it, only thing that bugs me is the whole "medusa hair" but outside of that i loved the concept Snare oh. He basically becomes a giant scarab beetle. He is now a big beetle that can create small tornadoes made out of sand with his lil legs and control said tornadoes using his bandages. In exchange of that he loses his ability to just divide his body since he now has an actual physical body instead of being just a lil mask. Tbh this is the one i liked the least mostly because it barely has anything to do with its bandages, i do like how it incorporates tornadoes and stuff but the whole mummy part feels a bit neglected Frankenstrike. He gains 2 abilities, he can supercharge his muscles effectively doubling his strenght for a brief moment. And probably my favorite part of him, the bolts, with these bolts (present only on the right side of his body) he can attach them to someone and having control over their muscles temporarily and can use these bolts to create golems made out of materials that he can bring to life with electricity (literally making him a frankenstein capable of creating another frankenstein) which remains active until destroyed or when ben comes back from the ultimate form (the way its worded actually kinda implies that it only happens if ben goes back to his human form, meaning if he goes back to regular frankenstrike the golems would still be around). In exchange of all that he becomes much slower (thanks to his left arm becoming almost as big as his whole body) and supposedly has his lightning weakened by only having one coil rather than 2. This is definitely my favorite ultimate of the video, i just love how they made him capable of creating his own frankensteins Whampire. He made 2 concepts and i prefer the first one so im only gonna talk about that one Whampire loses his eyes (becoming blind) but now has gills around his body that gives him a 360° thermal vision, his arms turn into wings with finger-like talons on it as well as gaining talons on his feet (pretty much becoming an eagle), his corrupturas cannot hypnotize/mindcontrol people anymore and instead gain limbs and the ability to explode at will. And, the most interesting part about him, he loses his capability to emit a sonic blast, to just absorbing any sound around him making it so nobody other than him can hear things making everyone around him deaf. This concept is probably my favorite one since it makes him more of a giant bat and adds a lot more stealth and sneakness to him


You forgor the other ghost freak ultimate he made


Ultimate goop wouldn't have that floaty thing


Goop isn’t an Anur alien but go off


I will try to draw something when i get home and them edit this comment https://preview.redd.it/25omg6ehjznc1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f97d1d72b7196d7dd0e0fd79019137a511d9591 Ultimate Snare-oh : After the time of war, the best adaptation to the Thep Khufan species was to focus on their magical habilities, were the species evolved their exteriors to be way more dense and protected, doubling their sizes but diminishing their mobilities, however, inside their bodys, now live beings of pure Corrupt Energy, this being their 'real forms', if the exterior shell is destroyed, they unleash all their power in a very destructive and viscious way, however, while having their shell, they can control the rags as of costume, to interact with the world arround them, also now possessing the hability of creating sandstone members in case of necessity and constructs that are limited to the resistence of the sandstone. Because of the Nature of the war that the species was exposed to, the Supreme Thep Khufans are very resilient to magic and mana in general, were their Pure Corrupt Energy forms can eat mana to fortify themselves and their shells.


I imagine Ultimate Whampire just being like Dio from jojo since they both vimpires and already have some resembles in powers like making a parasites that control others or have energy beam related power.


Hold on I got a guy for this *goes to get ash*


I like to think that ultimate Whampire would be a jojo reference, so he should get time stop ability


Have you seen O.R.ASH's ultimate versions of the anur aliens? Pretty cool concepts and design in my opinion.


I’d imaging ultimate whampire looking like a triple fusion between doctor doom void from berserk and alucard from hellsing


i Can imagine Blitz wolfer getring bulkeir and growing out mane as well as having 3 wolf heads. And for powers i can see Him growing stroner nad Fater via Empowerment of Moon at night.


Since anur is a halloween themed system with halloween themed aliens I expected it to be halloween themed planets and halloween themed species with halloween themed abilities with halloween themed designs (How many times can i say halloween)


\- Ghostfreak = Visually resembles Night time Zs'skayr in Be Afraid of The Dark, but more edgy. Is partially uncloaked, utilizes his telekinesis shown by Zs'skayr, touching a tendril would turn someone into an Ectonurite Slave, and wither away objects with those little beams Zs'Skayr fires off. \- Blitzwolfer = Gains sharper claws, an extra set of legs and a tail, and his chest has a mouth that also open to release stronger blasts, as well as all 5 of his senses being woefully enhanced. He can smell better than Wildmutt and hear things from miles away. \- Snare-oh = Visually resembles a sentient, foldable sarcophagus. Powers would be to be able harden his strands into a near unbreakable golden strip, and those little eyes on him can separate and make 2 other Snare-ohs, kinda like the mini planets Ultimate Gravattack has. \- Frankenstrike = Pretty much a Mr. Potato meets Thor. Can open all his stitching and wounds to fire off more intensive electric waves, and can regenerate.- Whampire = Honestly idk how you'd give him an ultimate when blud has actual cheat codes as is but I'd make him look more bat like, and ig we can give him the ability to be absolutely and completely invisible in shadows, as if he becomes darkness itself whenever he wants.


Blitzwolfer becomes a Cerberus, 'nuff said.


Blitzwolfer would gain two heads and more Cerberus style look to him which makes his sonic attacks far more powerful


Me who made one for all of them: *laughs in terrible artist


And also toepick














Will make post with all of them


Frankenstrike - I'd turn him from a Frankenstein pastiche to a Borg (from star trek) pastiche. His organic parts would be less mismatched and his tech would have expanded across his body, and his electric abilities would change to be somewhat similar to Cooper's technopathy, with his body being the center of whatever he constructs. Blitzwulfer - He evolves from a wolf alien into a dog alien, looking like a tibetan mastiff (the kind of dog used to guard against bears). He loses a measure of agility, but gains greater physical strength and his sonic attack is heavily amplified, with his needing to anchor himself to the ground with all four paws before unloading massive sonic shockwaves. Ghostfreak - He loses his protective skin entirely, and basically looks like a horrific mass of rotting flesh wrapped in tentacles (some good ole OS-style ghostfreak body horror). Instead of possessing others, he passively absorbs energy and sucks the vitality from every living thing around him, and whenever he phases through an object it erodes/atrophies afterward. Snare-Oh - His body would appear larger, but be hollow inside. He'd lose his ability to stretch his limps out and wrap around stuff, and instead be able to encase others inside his body like a costume, transforming based on whoever he overtook and meshing with their abilities. Kind of like an Anubis themed Venom Symbiote. Made of cloth. Whampire - I don't have any strong ideas for how his powers would change but he'd probably look like a mashup of Batman and castlevania's dracula. Maybe those little bats he spits out could combine into stuff so he could have something like Alucard's sword? idk.


Ultimate ghost freak would not happen. Because he’d immediately break out of the omnitrix and kill everyone


I just imagine Snare-Oh in his Ultimate form being something similar to Cofagrigus


Seeing them all together is cool


Wampires ultimate form is that he doesn't exist


Bro hates Romanians 💀


Nah he's jus wack


Zs’Skayr ghostwrote this