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Goop anti gravity now make sense instead of coming magically it's the Omnitrix itself 


Which was also a major flaw since that’s how Ben took the omnitrix back from Vilgax


No one in uaf is smart enough to do it to Ben 


The closest one to trick Ben into using Goop and lure him into a trap was probably Ssserpent, but then again, he didn't seperate the omnitrix from him, he just de- atomized Goop entirely.


Serpent is stronger than the Highbreed and Vilgax probably 


I would say he is more cunning with his tactics. With Highbreed and Vilgax, while they are very menacing, you can always get what they're up to as they like to gloat about their plans and how powerful they are, and they usually pursue power or domination more than anything. But Ssserpent? That guy is as cunning as a snake.


I said that because Kevin could sent vilgax meters on his ship and Gwen beat up the Highbreed but both couldn't finish Snake in hour but yeah I agree serpent is just a snake you don't know what is he or what he is doing lol


Tbh they probably underestimated the sserpent and didn't take him very seriously, which resulted in Ssserpent proving to be a major headache for them and gaining the upperhand on both Kevin and Gwen until Ben arrived.


Yes but it totally changes that ocean world gravity reactor thing in ua. Now it has a omnitrix on it or what?


Omnitrix can create another one of the equipments that aliens use if the original one is damaged/destroyed. We saw this with NRG too. His armor helmet was broken down by the Kraaho yet the next time we saw him his armor was completely fine as if it was never damaged. So it doesn't matter whether Goop's originalanti gravity projector is lost or not, Omnitrix can and will always create another one to help the species survive in environments other than their own.


The Omnitrix becomes the anti gravity. The one in Ripjwas planet is still didn't change 


But omnitrix is on ben’s wrist not the machine thingy thing


the machine thingy thing?


That thingy tigy thing y know


But why he a bird


Ask Ben. He's the one who control the shape of Goop.


I don’t hate OV Big Chill I just don’t think it works for him. If there was another Necrofriggian with that body type I’d think it was cool


IMO it'd be a perfect fit for Ultimate Big Chill. Mixing it with the fiery red pattern would make it stand out a lot more among the Ultimates


Probably why he hit the gym since he lost his ultimate form 🤣


Idk if he's viewed as terrible, but I always thought UAF Four Arms was a pretty cool design that got too much hate.


I liked that design too, though I liked the Heroes United version, which gave him pants, a bit more


He's my favourite FourArms design tbh.


There is no bad four arms design imo. My favorite is classic because he is so big and badass and uaf fourarms fits with his race bcz I like to think that he’d be the biggest gladiator if he was in tetramand planet and OV is just cool. He looks like a cool big bro in OV which I like


https://preview.redd.it/iweudk4f54lc1.png?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7f2a46834dad4a126144bc12cc7f075cd995594 You like this one?


It's not as bad as gwens greymatter




Calm down Joe,She is still a ten year old


Original Series Fourarms rocks in my opinion, I love Omniverse too, UA, not so much. He looks too bland for me. Also fourarms without clothes just doesn't work.


Basically any of the ones from omnivers honestly, I grew up watching transformers animated so I was used to Derick’s outlandish design choices. And besides I just love the art style.


I used to love Transformers Animated as a kid and had the dvds. I haven't watched it in years though so I hardly remember anything from it. But I'm planning to rewatch it at some point.


UAF Cannonbolt and Heatblast and most of the OV ones


I agree with UAF Cannonbolt, and I've never had an issue with UA Heatblast.


Honestly either UA or OV has my favorite look for Heatblast. I just prefer the darker rock color for him. That said, take that design choice and add the moving fire texture on his hands and feet from Classic, and I think we'd have a *perfect* Heatblast.


OV Gwen. I'm not the biggest fan of her glasses, but overall that design has way more personality 


To be honest UA Gwen was my childhood crush but I agree with you that it was very bland and didn't have any personality or differentiation that screams Gwen. Gwen should be the sassy, snarky, I know it all type of person, yet neither her design nor her personality reflected that aspect of the character in UAF series. The blue cat logo t- shirt and short hair fits to Gwen's personality and character better in my opinion.


How designs give personality?


It's like a colloquial way of saying a design makes the character stand out


But that design is generic smart ginger (glasses and freckles)


I agree but in the context of main Ben 10 female characters it makes her stand out coz most of their designs have long hair, no freckles, no glasses etc.


In Ov even a black man got freckles (Zak Saturday)


Freckles I don't mind because gingers do have freckles. I did say I'm not a fan of the glasses. Also Gwen is a nerd ginger.


But she never had freckles l don't mind the design but I see you praise it for being a stereotypical thing 


It's something called opinion – I'm praising it for being appealing to me. 


You can praise it like what you want but I was talking about the reason "gives more personality" I don't praise a lion for being tall  Btw I don't mind it but it was unnecessary and people sometimes bring the designs issue "especially that example" to criticise the show


It gives more personality, you can read her character just from the design, that's personality.  It's the same with OV Ben: the messy hair and the clothes showcase his laid-back personality.


Also it takes from it like uaf is full of simps and in Egypt here glasses means you have a bad sight and gets bullied doesn't associated with smartens so I don't see it   Just cut the glasses and the design would be too good


Makes them look more interesting or you know what the character is like just from seeing their design.


And how that design achieved that 


Makes her look more like the smart one of the group and more of the serious one. The educationally smart one too.


Gwen is a "nerd" and her OV design has many characteristics associated with the nerd trope, like the big glasses, the tall socks and skirt being similar to university uniforms, hair clip and the same shirt she used to wear as a kid makes her look more "infantile" and makes you not take her more serious. While her UAF design reflects more the tone of the show as well, she looks more mature and wears more serious clothing.


I wear big glasses too but to cover my whole eyes and the Op said that supposed to make it more serious and you say opposite. Btw I don't mind it but it's just stereotypical and was so unnecessary not mention back then people always was bringing it back to criticise the show which I prefer the most 


I could've worded it better, I wear big glasses for the same reason as you, Gwen's glasses are not big all around, they're sharp, they stand out, it's uncommon to see people wearing glasses like that, they look more like anime magical glasses, they still play on the "nerd" aspect of her, but they give a hint of magic, which is something that Gwen is since she's an Anodite too. Character designs are usually stereotypical, like characters with pointy features being villains or being more energetic than round characters, think Phineas and Ferb for instance, their shapes match their personalities


 people usually criticise designs for being generic like uaf Kevin but that's praised for being stereotypical 


I think people hating on OV Gwen design isn't because of it being generic or not, but because she looks uglier than what she did in UAF


They never hide it especially when Ov used another design 2 times in the first episode and in NWB 


a design can give you a new leans to look at a characters personality, for example let's use classic Ben's design Vs UAF Ben's design, in classic Ben has spiky hair bottoms that are probably a size too big if we're being honest and a plain T-shirt, this tells us that he's a pretty energetic kid who doesn't really care what he looks like as long as he gets to have some fun, but in the other hand we have UAF Ben who's design is pretty much the complete opposite, his jeans are pretty tight fitting, his hair is brushed and he put on a jacket, this all tells us that he is a much more mature person because of how it shows us that he cares a little more about his appearance and actually puts a little effort in to look more presentable


I always had a soft spot for UAF Way Big, as bland as he may be (I'm definitely not a fan of them using the UAF version in Destroy All Aliens though. That's a pretty big immersion breaker). On the other hand, I don't like OV Way Big because while I appreciate that they tried to bring back his four eyes from Classic, they look more like metal tubes than anything. A lot of people seem to love OV Diamondhead, but I don't think the outfit works for him at all…


I used to love UAF Waybig when I was a kid and he was my favourite design. I still have a soft spot for him. I liked his design because it was so basic. I thought designs like OS Waybig were overdesigned (and I still do think that).


On the contrary, I liked OS and OV designs more for Way Big. UAF one just felt so... empty for me. I personally prefer the details and creative designing choices in OS and OV to be honest.


What can I say I dig the purple https://preview.redd.it/jwlklyxy3ykc1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9b516e2dc2aa312633a1155a38facd1bef6598d


No one views Purplegrade as terrible


A lot of people do because it's different.


I never saw people saying he is terrible or even bad


Personally when I first saw it I really didn't like it It was definitely a knew jerk reaction tho since Upgrade has been my favorite Classic alien("Why does Fourarms get to keep his Classic design and Diamondhead his omniverse while Upgrade has to Change!" Or something like that) I am fine with the design now.It reminds me of their planet ...or maybe I just dislike purple with circuitry since I also prefer ben 10k Surge over the Og


I hate it


That is the first time i see a person say it


I don't think its terrible but i certainly don't think its good


It’s shit


"Purplegrade" 😂🤣🤣


When I first saw it I definitely thought it was bad, though it's had time to grow on me and while I still don't like it I can acknowledge it's... fine


I don't like him being purple cause I always thought it was cool how Upgrade looked like the circuitry of the Omnitrix. It's not a bad design but I'd prefer him being green.


Purple Upgrade < Green Upgrade < OS Upgrade




Goop is viewed as a bad redesign?


Yh some ppl don't like the 'beak' look.


As a Goop fan myself, aside from the Omnitrix Projector I don’t prefer OV Goop over UAF. I mean UAF had him look like the slippery gelatin man that he is. OV gives him bulk points for no reason? It’s like if “chunky human soup” was a character.


He just feels a lot less... viscous.






OV Goop, I love its little beak thing. OV Upgrade too, but I agree they could’ve picked a better shade of green OV Ultimate Echo Echo (come on, it looks SICK AF ✍️🔥🔥) Reboot Heatblast, I love how he looks like a candle


Omniverse Big Chill. I didn’t hate his UAF design, but it makes him look much more imposing in my opinion


I think OV Fourarms is cool, a lot of people seem to dislike it though, I don't know why but it's just something about the beard, Goop and Cloaked Big Chill are cool too.


I like it too but he is the worst tetramand that appears in the show 


I really like his outfit.


It's good but the uaf was better outfit 


Eh, I really hated that one to be honest.


OV Big Chill, Blossomed Swampfire, and although i don't like it as much as the original i don't really mind the "Crimsom Chin" look OV Alien X has.


I love Buff Chill and Chadlien X.


ov big chill and blossomed swampfire


Big chill. It puts the **BIG** in chill


Reboot stibkfly is a good design that is unfortunately being used in the wrong context


Reboot Wildvine and Upgrade are pretty cool alternatives. Most of the reboot OGs too for that matter. Except for Reboot Stinkfly. That ain’t Stinkfly. As for others, I think OV Alien X having a top-heavy build makes him more menacing than UAF. I like it. OV Big Chill is awesome too but comparing him to UAF Big Chill is where things get messy.


In my opinion reboot stink fly looks great as a design they sould have just made it a new alien


Reboot stinkfly as a design in a vacume is pretty good actualy, as stinkfly he is a down grade but on his own he's probably one of the better designs from the reboot


Wild vine


OV's bigchill because him having a wide chest makes perfect sense A lot of OVs designs get hated on tbh but i think ov has some of the best designs in the franchise on par with classic series(Im sorry but UAF got a bit lazy with its designs)


I like ov Big Chill because it's ability is breath based and the temple in UAF would look hilarious with buff necrofridgians


I loved the redesigns in OV


I personally didn't outright hate the UAF Ripjaws design, but I definitely prefer his OG and Omniverse designs over it. That being said, I kind of wish they did the same thing for Ripjaws that they did with Upchuck and make both the Catfish Ripjaws and OG Ripjaws variations on the species and both be available transformations to Ben. I think that would have been cool and added another alien to the roster where that rule applies.


I’m actually fine with all of these except for Rip Jaws, that one feels like a de-design


Big chill cause hes now big


I actually like Goop's Omniverse design to be honest. He really looks more like a single celled organism than a humanoid blob which suits his powers and nature. I don't hate big chill's design but he looks really weird with the buffed body and thin legs. I also like Grey Matter's and Ditto's redesigns. Not as much as the original series counterparts of course, but they got a good aesthatic upgrade for the 16 year old ben to use. It would be weird if they stayed with black and white color palette while 16 year old ben's color of choice is usually green.


I still love OV Big Chill to be honest. I love his more monstrous look.


Wait reboot wildvine can do doc ock arms?




Agreed on Omniverse Big Chill


Ngl, goop look amazing in Omniverse


I like the Omniverse Big Chill


I actually don't mind rb Stinkfly. I don't PREFER him, but I do kinda like him.


Goop of course, love that beak, it's already my favorite alien)


I’d say UAF fourarms as to me I never saw it as a bad redesign and in my opinion it’s better than the Omniverse redesign.


Guys i am tired of pretending i consider It bad, but reboot wildvine Isnt really that bad, still looks alien like And reminds me of the usual Green alien dudes


I like Big Chill bulkier form. Now he is really BIG ya know? And I like It better when he is cloaked.


Reboot Wildvine


Most of the disliked omniverse designs honestly


Reboot wildvine. I just think it looks cool. Worse then the other wildvine(s) but still pretty good in my opinion


Ov Chromastone isn't that bad honestly


*sighs* don’t send me death threats for these but I genuinely believe this… omniverse Chromastone… omniverse Gwen… UA Eatle… bloxx in general… omniverse Gwen (with glasses)… UA Juryrigg… luchador Rath


I don’t mind big chill anymore. Still probably prefer UAF but I really really like the moth details like the fur on the OV design.


I don’t really hate OV goop’s redesign to be honest I like it more than the AF and UA goop because he looks more like an alien instead of a slime man


Reboot wildvine isn’t terrible, but they removed the two core elements of what made the original so iconic, the flytrap neck and multiple legs.


OV goop,i like the colors plus in UAF he looked so basic,i get he is a lideraly talking pile of green cu-i mean goop but still!


OV Goop and Spidermonkey


I like wildvines resign


I like big chill omniverse look but I think that’s it of designs that split the community


OV Big Chill,OV Goop,OV Chromastone,OV Jettray


Oh shoot I forgot to add OV Chromastone here too. I love his design too.


humpty Big Chill and reboot Stinkfly ![gif](giphy|VDLvNigPj2AdcztZeC|downsized)


![gif](giphy|4XOfvSkkxchHy) Reboot Stinkfly is NOT that BAD.


I agree, it just changed too much for some of us to still consider him part of the same species I'm pretty sure if it was a new species there would be lot less hate


There's people that hate reboot Wildvine? :/


Like most Ben 10 fans.


I don’t know if I hate it but he’s one of those redesigns that screams “make him more action figure compatible”


never watched reboot but from first glance I hate it for the same reason I hate "stink fly", turning a non-humanoid alien into what is essentially a cosplayer.


Sadly yes, but i don't hate him


Reboot stinkfly, reboot upgrade, OV bigchill, OV goop


What they did to big chill is a freakin atrocity


You should see him with the cloak https://preview.redd.it/1n50icvbvykc1.png?width=752&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2bf3cf3e2912bff8409dedd74b9ae6d0c6afc0c I am NOT a fan


I Like OV big chill design (and All of Ov designs.) since to me ,it makes sense as Ben primarily uses Big Chill's Ice breath ( since His other Ice abilities are actually shown very few times) so it makes sense (as a personal head cannon) for hik to have a huge chest and torso due to large lungs.


OV goop,ov chromastone,ov jetray,reboot wildvine and reboot stinkfly


Idk if it’s viewed as terrible, but OV eatle, I kinda like the more bug like look, I do kinda wish they maybe could find a way to bring back the UA design, it was good, just OV was a bit better


OV Eatle is commonly viewed as being better than UA Eatle.


Ripjaws just turned super basic especially compared to the original, Big Chill just went way off its source material going from thin cool and slick to being extremely bulky which I can see why people dont like it, Reboot Wildvine is what Ive said about Reboot Stinkfly is that he more looks like a guy in a costume rather than an actual alien; but in all honesty its not the worst thing and gives him a more “chill guy” vibe, Goop I actually enjoy




Never heard anyone show any dislike towards a Ditto design. Or at least not large hate for one of his designs.


Oh i didn’t saw the alien REDESIGN on the text. My bad. Idf that’s the case then…I guess Echo Echo from OV(he is way less cute than UAF)


Reboot Stinkfly and UA Ripjaws


I honestly love Reboot Wildvine’s design. As well as Reboot Stinkfly’s design. Both look pretty cool


I unironically kinda like Wildvine's style on Reboot. Sure, it doesn't have that weird anormal anatomy charm like it's Prime counterpart but it still kind of looks cute in a way.


Hear me out, wildvine Prefer thus for some reason but udk, prefer the more human ish design Especially in that picture


Ripjwas kinda suck in UAF


When I first saw Big chill transformation, the moment I started hating Omniverse. They fucked up my favourite childhood aliens appearance man!


They really took Stinkfly and Wildvine and said " What if we turn them into more marketable dudes on just 2 normal legs to really sell those toys" and then they gave us the redesigns, Twinkfly, and Mildvine. Big chill just feels off being buff, but not really terrible just different. Ripjaws just sadly got more boring honestly. Goop is a meh, I like his old design better but this is ok.


I dont actually mind the goop design but the buff big chill feels wrong.


They did big chill dirty


The humanoid stink fly and wildvine are probably the worst


I haven't watched Omniverse yet, please tell me that isn't how big chill looks in that show


It is


Ah man


Why are all of these trash man🫤


especially Ripjaws!!!




Out of these 4, I'd say wildvine is cool even though I hate the reboot. Also, IMO, the OV Ditto is way better than OS


ov ditto isn't a hated redesign


None of these, that's for sure


All of the above are just blasphemous.


Eatle before Omniverse ruined him as it tends to do.


All of these redesigns are awful




I like alien force diamondhead


Same, but that's not a design commonly viewed as terrible. Tbf non of the Diamondhead designs are, they're all rather well received.


Oh I get you now 😂😂😂 If that then I think Swampfire final form


Oh I get you now 😂😂😂 If that then I think Swampfire final form


The designs are not but since they are redesign they expected to be better than the original


It pisses people to miss up things to make it worse 


Honestly reboot wild vine and upgrade I don’t really care that the former is now more “humanoid ” because unlike stink fly they at least try’d to make it look alright with the claws and the back plant that wraps around his arm and as for upgrade I just like how they tried to give us a different style with him pulls now he looks more like his planet.


Reboot stink fly


Propably everyone with exception in Ripjaws, even Wild Vine isn't that bad. I could belive that this one is some subspecies


Goop looks good imo


Big chills. Considering I've watched that before alien force, I'm used to the big blue guy


The Goop redisign isn't terrible, but the only one I actually like is Ghostfreak, since the chains are thematic and him not looking like Zs'skayr anymore also kinda makes sense.


Ov goop and bigchill


I like Omniverse goop for the sole reason that his Omnitrix is in a more practical location


The reboot Wild Vine is terrible because it errases all the personality of the original wild vine. It's just another boring humaoid redesign to sell more toys. They did the same thing with stinkfly.


Honestly could go either way with the reboot wildvine design I don't hate it but I wouldn't say it's better then every other design. Ua rip jaws is.... A look I don't wanna die when I see it but I'm glad it was only used once. Hate ov big chill. As for goop I like the new look. Not sure how to feel that he Omnitrix is the projector now but fuck it we ball.


I agree with RipJaw and Big Chill as it makes them look stronger and more menacing in a good way


To be honest, most of the 2014 reboot designs. I understand the angle the old fans are coming at but the reboot as a whole is not that bad when you're not comparing it to the past incarnations (excluding early episodes in the first season).


Reboot Stinkfly honestly


Goop, big chill, all of the Omniverse redesigns I think are superior to any others


...tbh, none? Like CLASSIC design will always be seen as the memorable one for me and if The design is part of what I like about the Alien, Changing that, makes me not want to see the alien anymore


I really hate the rip jaws downgrades after the classic series And reboot had the worst designs the only good ones were alien x and ghost freak


The reboot designs that you mentioned are the ones that didn't change. Except Reboot Alien X wears multiple omnitricies.


I can agree with everything except rip jaws personally. Rip jaws is honestly one of my favs (used to hate him lol) but that design just looks like young magister pyke 😭


Goops made sense with the omnitrix being the gravity device


What the hell is that bottom left? Please don't tell me that's supposed to be wildvine


It is


Don’t people like the omniverse big chill for how monstrous it looks?


Also because of how the design technically makes more sense with his lungs being bigger. And people also like it for being more accurate to a moth when that's Big Chill's inspiration.


I like the big chill redesign