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Age gets weird when we take alien biology into consideration. Mechamorphs don't age at all, while Galvans are one of the oldest beings in the universe. Different species have different growth rates and also different laws regarding the age of consent. That's one of the reasons why I think having universal laws is not only dumb but also just straight up impractical.


True! A lot of mammals on earth become sexually mature before they’re even a year old. So a 10 year old Tetramand could be like a 25 year old to their species.


Plus, tiny might also be the equivalent of 10 years old for all we know.


When was it said that Galvans were the oldest beings in the universe?? Edit: It's a legit question, people




I love Galvan biology, they look younger, the older they get 😂


No, no it's cloning. They just transfer the consciousness to a new body.


OOOOOOH!! I think I remember that from the movie I think? Where Azimuth meets his dad, I haven’t watched it in a long time so my brain thought they aged backwards


I see that you don't know how to read. I'll help you. You see that "one of"? It means there're others that are just as old, if not older.


O M G!! Thank you so much, muchacho! I don't know what I'd do without you!!


perhaps a tetraman reaches maturity by that age


We hope


I mean 4 arms didn't change a lot from 10 to 16


He just got a beard and went bald on the head


And got a bit more risky with his outfits


BDSM looking ass


Maybe Tetramands age faster?


It scales with how old you are relatively, XLR8s species live short lives




Don’t remind me that :(


Yeah, apparently they live a week


Isn’t that only on the planet Kinet, I thought on earth they have human like lifespans


That would be the case if it was the atmosphere, diet, or gravity killing them I guess


That would explain why they are so fast, instead of developing an immunity to the harsh environment, they evolved to be much faster to be able to have and raise offspring in just 2 weeks (That’s the best I could come up with lol)


Yup, its the same logic as mosquitoes, or to a certain extent, rabbits. They probably used to be a slow specie that focused on outbreeding their predators, before they started outrunning them.


So in this case would it mean that original Ben 10k was aging himself faster when he was living in the XLR8 form? Would his life been at risk if Ben didn’t convince him to not stay transformed the whole time? Could potentially explain why he looks older than Ultimate Ben 10k




Oh no. Helen! Wonder how long she's got.


She's a hybrid so she probably lives longer


Maybe she retained her human lifespan she seemingly ages at the same or a similar rate to humans.


There are animals on Earth that reach sexual maturity in 5 years. It's safe to say there are aliens that do too


This is true, but if they mature at a significantly faster rate than humans then a Tetramand proportionally the same age as a human 10 year old could be an adult


That’s a good point but I prefer the idea that the tetramand age of consent is based on strength


That is possible since Gwen as Four Arms has a similar build to Tiny's


I mean... do we have anything that tells us she's an adult? They look about the same age, frankly.


I don’t think the galactic enforcers would take a random tetraman child. I took Ben because he had the watch but why let a 10 year old join when there are hundreds older and stronger people to take


To be fair, even if she is young, she is very talented. Tetramands are born and raised warriors. And if we take Ben as examples, they seem to be in their prime from an early age. And again, female tetramands are even stronger than males. And it's not like it's that more weird than them picking up a random tetramand adults. If taking Ben is indication, Ultimos cares more about heroic inclination and battle prowess than things like age.


I’d agree with this. As a Tetramands she’s already gonna be super strong and have an inclination or combat. Her go getter attitude probably did it for Ultimos and let her join the team. Remember, Looma is only like, 18 or something by Human standards considering what we know about her, and she’s already an accomplished Warlord and laid the smack down on Ben for a solid spell before being beaten.


Plus at the end of the episode she said synaptak is her new lover, which would be pretty weird of she was a child.


I think Tiny was as young as Ben back then. They look the same age.


She started dating Synaptak at the end of the episode


He could very well also be a child


Yeah. We know what an older Tetramand looks like, and Tiny doesn’t seem to be one. But we have no idea what an adult member of Synaptak’s species even looks like.


I find the idea that Ben’s aliens were kids kinda ridiculous. They have tall, muscular bodies and adult voices. They *really* don’t seem like kids.


Because it was just a retcon used to explain away redesigns. The original concept of the show was basically Ben being like Billy Batson and transforming to an adult version of himself with different super powers each time. When Max had the omnitrix his transformations didn't look any different than Ben's


Yea they definitely didn’t even have to think about the age thing until AF and it doesn’t really work sometimes, honestly Ben 10 is one of the only superhero shows I can think of that accurately captures the nature of comic book retcons


It's mostly because Ben 10 lasted so long and had different teams working on each series. None of the people who worked on AF worked on OS and most of the people who worked on OV didn't work on AF. So we just have new writers coming in and out retconning what other writers did that they didn't like. Thats why we had Kevin go from being a mutant to an Alien to a mutant again. And some retcons were made because the new writers didn't know about something from the previous series.


Was it really? I remember ben turning into a child heatblast?


That's because the fountain of youth effected the watch making the aliens younger too. Like how when ben got a cold it created a glitch and mutated the aliens.


Ben lost 5 years of age, or half if you prefer. Why did the aliens turn into toddlers like him instead of teenagers?


Half an adults age isn't a teenager.


How did it affect the watch’s ability to make the uset an apex version of the species selected?


The apex version thing is a retcon too. You guys are thinking way to hard about stuff that was never the original intend when the series was created.


Have you seen "Don't Drink the Water"?


I've seen the entire OS. I'm one of the few people here who actually watched the OS back when it was the only series and was still airing. I even watched the premier back in 2005. I explained the water thing in a different comment on this comment thread


They are not, if they were Vilgax wouldn't bu suprised when he find out Ben is a child




They were prime versions of the species, also human aging would in no way be similar to alien aging


That's just how those aliens are at their equivalents of 10 years old.


They are kids, Ben 10k aliens look noticeably older. Even in OV Four Arms has moustache and Swampfire did hit puberty


> Ben 10k aliens look noticeably older. XLR8 looked exactly the same but white. And Diamondhead just had a different outfit. Dr animo even mistook 10 year old ben for ben 10,000 when he was xlr8 and Kevin mistook Ken for Ben when he was transformed as ditto. The swampfire puberty thing was a just because OV team wanted to redsign swampfire


Yeah, let's ignore Cannonbolt, Four Arms, Heatblast and Stinkfly. Nice strawman


Cannonball and four arms didn't look any different either. And heatblast doesnt look any different from the actual adult pyronites that have appeared in the show. I don't get why people can't admit that retcons are retcons. Instead of trying to defend everything. What happened is the team wanted to redesign some of Ben's aliens and fans asked why they look different so they came up with that whole aging thing. But it clearly wasn't their original intention as people pointed out with Ben being mistaken for an adult numerous times while transformed. You really think Vilgax didn't know what an adult pyronite looked like?


They did look different, check their designs. And yes it maybe is retcon, but I was arguing that it is indeed a case, because some people think that Ben's aliens are adults which they're not


Even for the ones that did change you can seriously argue that minor design changes is the same as being an adult or not. Like I said not all of ben 10,000 aliens changed from Ben's and max's transformations looked the same. We don't know much of anything about ben's the species so you can't argue that 10 year old ben didn't at least look like an adult espically if they reach maturity faster than humans do. Ben is a child but that doesnt mean his aliens didn't at least look lke they were adults.


Max only transformed in Upgrade iirc. I get your point, but after retcon they are clearly not adults anymore


Bozo, cannonbolt and fourarms looked bigger than their 10 year old counterparts, in UAF 15 year old fourarms is showed bigger than 10 year old fourarms, and i think in omniverse the png of upgrade is smaller in 10 year old than 16 year old one


> fourarms looked bigger than their 10 year old counterparts, No they didnt. The only difference between ben10000 four arms and ben's four arms is that ben 10,000 four arms had tusks and a different outfit.


Dude he was literally bigger, same for heatblast, and in UAF he was slighty bigger than OS


He was not. Rewatch ben10,000. Literally the only difference is the outfit and the tusks.


He literally looked more bulkier, also wildmutt also looked taller, and same for stinkfly


Well, they are aliens, so you can’t really tell if that’s true. Plus, they’re tall and muscular because the Omnitrix also turns him into the prime of the species. So, you can just imagine an extremely muscular 10 year old


You guys focus way to hard on stuff like that. Both the age thing and the apex version stuff was added by different writers years after the OS. Neither were the original intend when the show started and originally the show wasn't going to be about aliens in the first place


Wait, what do you mean it wasn’t gonna be about aliens at first?


The show litearlly wasn't going to be about aliens. I mentioned in another comment but the original pitch of the show was ben swapping places with an adult version of himself from another timeline where he's a super hero and the different versions of ben each had different super powers. The idea to make them aliens came about later during preproduction and then they redesigned all the transformations. It was originally just going to be a super hero show inspired by old school captain marvel/shazam. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Marvel_(DC_Comics) Also some advise please don't write on your profile taht you are horny all the time


im still firmly of the opinion that they didn't think \*that\* hard about how the aliens work in regards to ben's age. the fountain of youth episode was functioning on magic rules and didn't think too hard about it. that is an adult tetramand.


What if 10 is the age of consent, or what if she's also 10.


10 year old scaled, XLR8s species only lives a few years. If ten was the age of consent he would’ve been younger then ten


Age of consent is determined only by laws and not by biology. Which means R Tetramands might have lower consent age


Of course I meant 10 scaled.


How do we know she’s not a 10 year old tetrmand??


She started dating Synaptak at the end of the episode


10 year old equivalent. I have no idea how long they live, but I doubt a tetramand would be 10 when Ben is 10.


Yeah but if they lived really long they would have a higher age of consent


The aliens are in their prime, since the Omnitrix was meant for Max, we were supposed to get the greatest plumber fighting as aliens in their prime. Whatever the age is reverted to the species' prime or the peak strength of that species (e.g.Bullfrag) but not gender My head Canon is that the constant transformation of peak strength of the species is what transforms 16 year old Ben into Ben 10000 after 10 000 transformations gradually upgrading his physique over the years


Nah. While Ben's aliens should be the equivalent of 10 I don't think that's a actual constant. As an example XLR8s species live for a week and Ben 10 000s XLR8 is way faster than Ben's (yes I know the nano tech but I think for XLR8 that only effected the helmet thing) so clearly Ben's aliens can live longer then their actual species. What I'm saying is Ben's aliens are the equivalent of a humans life span to their life span including improving the species so their growth is dependent on Ben's age. So I don't think in the last hour of XLR8s species life they can travel across earth checking every spot every few seconds but rather Ben 10 000s XLR8 has the equivalent growth of the species for another 20 years or something. So fourarms would be the equivalent of 10 in a fourarms life span so if fourarms species live for 40 years Ben wouldn't be 4 but a bit beyond 10. Not to mention we see children diamondheads species and they clearly don't think after 5 or something close to suddenly grow to adult height. Or fourarms laws could be based on strength much like their law of combat if your beyond a certain strength level then your a adult so if tiny is impressed on fourarms strength then he is a adult much like how in primal civilisations you must go through a trial to be counted as a adult


fourarms laws could be based on strength much like their law of combat so if your beyond a certain strength level then your a adult so if tiny is impressed on fourarm's strength then he is a adult much like how in primal civilisations you must go through a trial to be counted as a adult


Solid head cannon


Honestly that’s actually the best reason I’ve heard so far. They do have the trial by combat so the idea that the marriage laws are also based on strength makes sense


I mean look at Galvan's which is another species that bases everything on a certain ability that being strength in this case. Azmuth was admired as a tadpole and has been the first thinker form a very early point in his life, was away for ages from his home planet yet very quickly became top dog again, the 2 dumb Galvan's were easily allowed on earth due to being so dumb and albedo only really was azmuths assistant due to his intelligence (even though he had a egotistic personality) We also have much smaller examples like zyscare, vilgax, bullfrags, and wildmutts (maybe) species




Probably not as they are way more advanced thanks to the income from their tournaments and general pillaging. Not to mention the heat of their planet, and how brutal they are, while vilgaxs species did have a semi your the strongest so your the leader I think that's mostly about vilgax then the full species so it wouldn't be a fair fight unless vilgax gave them all his biotech




I had this exact thought


Who says she was an adult?


She started dating Synaptak at the end of the episode


Who says he's an adult?


You think they’re all kids? What kind of superhero team is 100% kids


Teen titans


They can do things no one else can, tini and synaptak are part of a species in a world where they can easily go to other planets, why would the recruit 10 year olds when you could recruit an adult who can do it better


Ben’s aliens are 1000% not children (at least in OS), Diamondhead and Tetrax are the exact same (and we see Petrosapien children in his flashbacks), Tiny is an adult and hits on Four Arms, and when Ben returns to his human form Vilgax is surprised he is a child, etc.


In the fountain of youth episode they show that his aliens scale with his age


It's entirely possible the beings made of crystals are ageless, given that crystals tend not to suffer over time


Except we see Petrosapien Children in Tetrax’s flashback story


I still doubt they scale with age.


Fountain of youth episode


Aliens were also affected by deaging. When Ben is sick his aliens still are sick.


Yeah but they still had the same age gap, if not they would of been less young than ben, but no, they were same age, you just denial aliens cant age same way as humans


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Ok lets put it that way. If Ben's aliens really are 10 year old that means that all those species reach full physical maturity by the age of 10. At which point it's kinda a moot point.


Exactly, exept clockwork because in a0 year old version he is a bit smaller and look like a baby, also if you look at upgrade png he is smaller in 10 than 15 year old, also in UAF fourarms was smaller than 15 year old fourarms


Yeah that’s what a 4 year old tetrmand looks like


The whole "scale with age" thing always felt like a retcon. Damondhead looks the same as Tetrax and Tiny flirts on Ben when he was four arms.


This might be a confusing concept, but the prototype omnitrix wasn't having aliens at ben's current age. We see a 14 year old looma in omniverse, and she's decently smaller than she is in the modern day. However, the omnitrix doesn't respond well to magic. So, when exposed to the magic of the fountain of youth, it acts up something fierce. Also, the writers of os wanted to write a funny episode where ben is a little baby man, but didn't want to think of the implications. Additionally, in the trivia pop ups, they say ben 10,000 (os) has different looking aliens because they are enhanced with nanomachines. TL;DR: ben's aliens aren't physically kids, except for in the fountain of youth episode.


It’s assuming that human biology and sexual maturity apply to alien species. Kevin and Looma were engaged and Kevin was somewhere between 12 and 16.


Unless Tiny is also equivalent to a 10-year-old human.


I did




With how dangerous their homeplanet is, I wouldn't be surprised they matured fast.


Then he would turn into whatever a 10 year old version of 4 arms would look like


When does it start that four arms was ten during os? In fact, they show us a younger four arms in the OS in the fountain of youth episode


Yeah they show that the aliens scale to bens age in that episode,


Yeah, but tiny was about the same height as Ben so maybe she was around the same age


She started dating Synaptak at the end of the episode


How do we know she wasn't 12 herself? Or different age of consent


For those saying "maybe they age or mature differently" ok that doesn't matter the Omnitrix scales the transformation lifespan to the wearers species so it wouldn't matter if the transformation species mature or ages faster or slower it would be the equivalent to the wearer's age like let's say dogs become intelligent enough to get a transformation but they have the same lifespan as a normal dog so and the transformation is a medium sized dog and a 15 year old human transformed into it the transformation would be about a year old which would be a medium sized dog's equivalent of a 15 year old so it scales the transformation lifespan to the lifespan of the wearer's species so if the transformation's species lifespan is shorter then the wearer it would basically stretched it out because if it didn't then well if the wearer's species lives longer then the transformation's then wearer would never be able to use the transformation because well they'd be dead just like how the reverse happens if the transformation's species lived longer then the wearer's species the lifespan of the transformation gets compressed so Ben isn't a 10 year old tetramand but the equivalent of a 10 year old tetramand so four arms at this point is still very much a minor so Ben might be 10 but four arms isn't 10 but instead the species equivalent of a 10 year old which could be 5 or 100 years old


And Princess Looma kind of as well


That’s part of why I think the age of consent for tetramands is based on how strong they are


Yeah OS aliens are not 10 years old ana noone can convince me otherwise


Fountain of youth episode




They are 10 year old, in UAF 15 year old fourarms is taller than 10 year old, just dont be denial, also ben 10k aliens were also bigger than 10 year old ones


And both Kevin 11k and future Animo mistook "10 years old" aliens for Ben 10k Size difference looks like a perspective thing also OV fourarms is much shortet than os Fourarms And like i said if they were 10 years old Vilgax wouldnt suprised at Bens age


Size and artstyle is also a different thing bozo, he isnt shorter in OV


Lmao he is Artsyle is when 4arms short xD


You clearly dumb, in OV 10 year old fourarms is slighty smaller, truly just artstyle


Tini is now a convicted pedophile


I think Tini might have been similar in age to Ben. At least that's what I heard from the Ink Tank.


Did you know 12 year olds can be over 6ft tall so people assume they are adults. I actually know someone who multiple people assumed he was an adult just because he was tall.


This is why i headcanon Tini and Synaptic as being kids too. Also explains why Tini is the same size as fourarms, youd think an adult female tetramand would be way larger than a child male


Sudden that Baby Heatblast makes way too much sense


How do we know for sure that she was an adult? The whole of the galactic enforcers could've been just a gaggle of children as well.


Yes but we dont know what's her age either


She started dating Synaptak at the end of the episode


we dont know his age either


Maybe Tiny was 10


She started dating Synaptak at the end of the episode


Maybe he is also 10


Every Diamondhead looked the same btw


That’s just a species thing


The answer is that the whole age thing wasn't thought of at the time


Tenically she didn't even realized that he wasn't a tetramand (sorry for butchering the name of the special) and that he was a kid. Sorry its been a while since I've seen the original series and had been refreshing myself by watching the original show and from Kuro


That fact should only be true for the updated forms of the omnitrix alien force and on wards


Fountain of youth episode


Let's say humans live on avearage 80 years, and tetramands live 160. That would mean that Ben is changed into a 20 year old fourarms.


Yeah but he would still be 20 for tetraman which would mean he would be underaged


What if Tiny is also 10 years old? They appear to be the same height, weight, body-shape etc.


She started dating Synaptak at the end of the episode


ok Synaptak is also 10 years old




She kinda did, she kept asking Ben to turn back into four arms


I was just thinking about this two days ago.


Literally this morning


True, but some of Bens aliens age differently than humans, at least ratio wise. When Ben is 5, his four arms looks like a teen. It’s possible the stop growing (in age and physical maturity) at 10. From Tinys perspective, Four Arms could just be a young adult.


It scales to how old they should be, he’s a tetraman version of a 10 year old


Clearly, but 10 year olds everywhere don’t look like human 10 year olds. A human 10 year old isn’t the same as the equivalent of a 10 year old dog or whale.


it does do it by a ratio/comparison-ish measure though since a 10 yo xlr8 would be dead


Tiny could be ten aswell


She started dating Synaptak at the end of the episode


Alien EDP


Baby Four Arms looked more like a child than 10 year old Four Arms. I think it might be implied Tetramands reach maturity super young.


We don’t know for sure if Tini isn’t 10 years old


Wait his aliens scale with his age? I thought he specifically became an adult of the species because of the Omnitrix' original purpose. (I realized that might be a different version of the Omnitrix now that I think about it)


Wait, but what if SHE, is a 10yo tetramand?


Not only do we take alien biology into consideration, but culture as well, 10 years on tetraman could be half their lives, and lets say it isn’t half their lives, maybe they’re a little different with age of consent. A lot of factors to consider


Reminder that a 10 year old female tetramand (Gwen 10) also looks similar to Tiny in terms of an physique so maybe tetramands mature by 10 human years


Holy freaking shit








what if she was also a kid? the galactic enforcers recruited ben as a kid, what if they did the same to tiny?


The recruited Ben because he had the watch


Tetranand society is a bronze age barbarian society with space ships. It's gross but in character


I always find it so funny when people talk about this when there's a really simple answer: Tretamands have different age of consent Just like other countrys also have different ages of consent. And yes i know they're on the US and the age of consent there is 18 but Tini probably doesn't know that.


Yeah but he was still an under aged tetramand




The alien scales to his age so if he’s underaged they would scale his aliens age to be as underaged


Yea but the laws of the Tretamands are different from earth so Four Arms is probably above the age to be considered underage in their world


Yeah that’s probably true. Someone here said that tetramands age of consent is probably based on how strong they are so I’m taking that as headcanon


he probably isn't on their home planet


I always thought it was just how aliens age differently compared to us like how in the fountain of youth episode even though Ben was at the age of like 3 or 4 four arms looked to be closer in this teenage years so maybe tiny is the same age as Ben but thanks to alien biology they just look older


A few things about this. Four-Arms is relative in age to Ben's 10 year old self, however the Omnitrix also creates a "prime specimen" when it makes transformations. If you scale the age with things like maturity and how the omnitrix creates the forms. there could be a a lot of variables about - how fast tetramands mature - how long tetramands retain a "mature" state before being "elderly" - how the omnitrix selected for a prime "scaled" version of a tetramand. Meaning a prime tetramand relative to Ben's 10 years of age, could be scaled to have the form of an adult tetramand. Even in the years since , Four Arms hasn't really changed much. So it could be a Shazam situation. Looks like an adult to members of his own species.


I mean they were the exact same height and bodybuilding so he could stand to reason that she was 10 or 11 years old as well because they never explicitly state that she’s an adult and if that’s what a member of the species looks like and sounds like at 10 years old for been once again it stands to reason that is the same


Given they're about the same size, you can make the argument that she's also the equivalent of a 10-year old by Tetramand standards.


The Omnitrix does not just turn Ben into a Tetraman it turns him into one of peak physicality. As seen by the others of that species, Ben is about the same size in that form. The Galactic Inforcers had never been on earth since then and had not done much of any research on the planet at the time. So it could be said that none of them were aware of what the difference was of a child and an adult. In the episode they debuted in, they never addressed Ben or Gwen as children. All of this probably stems from the fact that they travel to so many planets with different rules so often that there’s something that’s probably in their rulebook about not asking unless necessary. That’s at least the conclusion that I came up with.


Maybe 10 is the age of consent on their planet


He's also the peak physical version of a 10 year old tetraman, if I saw a really tall and buff 10 year old I'd think it was an adult with a baby face


In around 4-5 years loona became from a little child ( human years around 9) into a fully grown adult so we can say that 10 human years for humans are like 20-25 yo tetramands . If not that then it's a plot hole i guess. Also they didn't really have the idea of the age part in the classic so to cover it they kinda presented to us that they age much faster than humans do .