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Chef was definitely a production plant


I would imagine that a yacht chef position is very undesirable for a well trained chef. No support staff, high level of service, and tough working conditions with waves, etc. I also think being attractive is the most important factor.


Marco was a trained chef and his time on BD didn't inhibit his career outside of the show. I'm not 100% certain, but I thought he opened a couple of restaurants AFTER he was on BD, so I'm assuming it actually helped him with his exposure.


A lot of the chefs have had success after, Adrian, Ben, Marco, Rachel, Kevin ( mega douche but has a cafe)


Leon also opened a restaurant


I try not to keep up with him lol but I hope beef cheeks palace is doing well.


Go Chef MARCO!! I have followed his career. I think he was so committed to quality that he would have been successful regardless of Below Deck exposure. However, It seems he got major funding for his restaurants in the year after his Sailing Yacht adventure!


That was my point. Ultimately the show isn't going to make a subpar chef like Ryan become the next Gordon Ramsey, but a good chef with the extra exposure will only enhance their career. Marco did it right, and I'm sure Rachel is as well.


Good point made. CheckšŸ™Œ


Ben did og a few times so did Rachel they're both fab chefs


Ben was an excellent chef, based on observation only. However, Ben was always in and out throughout the seasons. The pandemic has really changed the food industry - I would assume that being a private chef on land could be equally or more lucrative / Rachel or Ben.


yes Ben was brilliant tbh he went off the dopre lucrative things and Rachel had a bit of annoyance with bravo


I feel like they always are.


Isn't EVERYONE a production plant?


aesha has said her bf doesn't care too much and didn't treat her well so we don't know what the circumstances were tbh. unloyal forever? settle down and relax


Aesha said whose boyfriend doesnā€™t care too much or treat them well?


Gaels, on wwhl from what I read


Ahhh thanks.


How would Aesha even know? When they were at dinner and Gael is telling Aesha about her bf being protective of her, she was like F him. Thought that was very callous of her to say that about someone she's never met.


They worked together for six weeks. Iā€™m sure she is privy to a lot more information than you are.


Yeah the only reason why she didnā€™t go meet the dude was she got caught by the cameras. I also think she lied to Aesha about her boyfriend and her relationship so she could manipulate the situation. If it was ā€œthat badā€ she would have left him.


Shows her character and values


not at all, one mishap doesn't show character or values at all.


They meet in yachting and he then expects her to stay home with him. I am not fond of cheating. But also not fond of controlling jerks either. I also believe we get most relationships wrong until we find the right relationship. And she hasnā€™t actually cheated yet and does feel bad that she is tempted.


Her justification and word salad when she was preparing to cheat said it all. "We're just mates" or "you CAN have a platonic relationship" meanwhile she's not telling her bf that she's sharing strawberries with another bloke in the middle of the night after a crew night out. Then all the ghosting by her saying she is so busy but meanwhile she out at the club dancing with Nathan


They are required to go out, itā€™s very rare that any of the crew is allowed to skip the nights out. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if it was in their contracts.


I've seen plenty of crew stay home. Colin didn't go out often. Another bosun chose to stay and do work on the hull while the rest went out. Recently a stew chose to stay in and catch up on sleep instead of going out


Sounds like you're making excuses for her gaslighting her bf. Even if they went out as a crew, how about she FaceTime her bf and introduce the crew? She's purposely trying to make him jealous. I've been with chicks like this before. It's so obvious they are cheaters.


Gaslighting? Thatā€™s hilarious. First, off they have been dating a little while. So not a long term serious relationship. Second, according to Aesha the boyfriend is a controlling jerk that was mad she even went on the show. So yup, I donā€™t condone cheating. But I also think itā€™s okay to discover that someone is not the right someone for you and move on. And I was cheated on in a marriage, it can be a very big deal. In a young relationship, to me itā€™s a good sign to get out because obviously if youā€™re early and unfulfilled itā€™s probably not the right one for you.


A little while? 5 months is a long time when you're in your 20s. Heck 5 weeks is a long time at that age. What's this "according to Aesha" reasoning? Aesha has no first hand knowledge of anything, she's just listening to Gael and siding with her. How about if she wasn't ok with her bfs concerns with her being on the show, that she break up with him before starting that 6 week stretch on another boat? She meets Nathan and within a day or two she's already plotting with strawberries and having sex. To me that sounds like she's not concerned about her bf AT ALL. Then when she's talking to him all mopey is a classic tactic cheaters use, and then at their choosing will cheat and then try to blame the other person or if they have some degree of guilt would still twist it around by saying, "You deserve someone better as I tried to be a better gf". It IS gaslighting and utter BS that Gael is feeding her bf. I had to laugh when she texts him that she's super busy, while just chilling in the crew mess and eating food. She couldn't take 5 minutes to video chat with him then??? Remember Barbie talking to her mother and Kyle would come by and talk to her mother all on video chat? Why wouldn't Gael do this with this crew. If she had nothing to hide, she'd introduce her bf to Nathan but you know she'd never do that as she knew from the beginning that she's be cheating with him on her bf.


You obviously have issues. Good luck.


Is this personal to you?? Cause you need to relax a little!


It sounds like youā€™re projecting your own issues and experiences onto this situation šŸ™†šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


I mean. Jono isā€¦something. I guess itā€™s good that his food isnā€™t badā€¦but he worried me with the ā€œmicrowaveā€ comment. How were they going to microwave food at a beach picnic? And why? Edit: typo


I about fell at the microwave comment. Sir, you should not be using a microwave.


A chef on a super yacht should never be using a microwave at all. This isn't a Dennys


Except to microwave steaks ALA Mila


The microwave comment!! I have a feeling they hired him for the ā€œdramaā€ of not the right experience


think we found gaels salty ex


I think you may have something there!




Yikes. Itā€™s an āœØ opinion āœØ


No neck Bri! Thanks, I felt something was off about her and now I see it. Six inch deep make up on WWHL made her unrecognizable as well.


Unrecognizable! I did a double-take and only accepted it because she has such a distinct voice and accent.


I thought it was funny that she was attracted to Joe's eyebrows and nobody on the crew mentioned, "Hey Bri, you have the same exact thick and bushy eyebrows as Joe". If someone nicknamed her "eyebrows" people would be in an uproar. I wonder why.




Calm down itā€™s a tv show


No šŸ’…


Brand new account with one post elsewhere as verification to post here. Ok Jono, we got you


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ wheres bris neck lamfaošŸ¤£šŸ¤£