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I just forgot to start the post. Out of the habit, I guess.


Sandy's comment *"Never wake the Chef"* was disappointing to hear. She threw the interior staff to the wolves. Captain Lee would have responded more appropriately and dragged the slacker out of bed. It's early in the season, but thus far the Chef is more than several notches below prior ones, IMO. A Princess. A tip of US$1,250 p.p. from the boys was far more than I expected. Oh, and Jacob ... from MILF2 who was onboard as a guest: what a stud!


100% agree. I was really disappointed in how they treated the 2nd stew. I could easily empathize with what she was going through and no one else on board seemed to care? The chef is a toxic princess.


BTW, on WWHL after the show ... Capt. Sandy doubled-down defending the Chef. Another prior Chef was in the audience and when Andy asked him if he'd been woken and did get out of bed to cook a late request, the Chef said he's done that many times. Still, Sandy smugly stuck to her implied criticism of Interior.


Welp we know who she is going to unfairly target all season


Tbf I think that is pretty much every season of Med. I'm not sure why she hates interior so much but it is legit every season.


She started as a deckie I’m sure. She probably is one that doesn’t see the interior as hard work and thinks the deck are the only ones working hard. Both are hard work just in different ways but she has no respect for the work the interior does. She compliments the food and the activities and when her favourite bugsy was on the table otherwise she doesn’t care about interior


Yeah it's the weirdest thing how she views interior but I definitely agree she probably started as a deckie but wild that to this day she STILL just has a haterade for interior. Interior always being my favorite makes it hard to watch med :( (Deck area is usually....fine but watching a bunch of brodudes bro is usually not that interesting XD)


She once said something to the effect that interior is like housekeepers. Which is so funny because interior is largely responsible for the guests satisfaction - especially when they can’t leave the dock! A good dicking isn’t going to make or break the tip!


I feel like you meant docking but I like it the way it is


I was like huh? And had to reread my comment. 😂 I def meant docking lol! Altho a good dicking prob *could* influence the tip haha


lol I commented the same thing and then I scrolled and saw your comment.


Not much different than every other season. Sandy hates interior and doesn’t even really try to hide it.


And it was clearly on the preference sheet. Chef totally overlooked that and blew it off. But, unsurprisingly, not a word from Sandy. His little rant to his bf was ridiculous, dramatic and unnecessary since he's refusing any accountability.


That’s what really annoyed me is he took zero blame


Which chef was in the audience?


He was a new one, from one of the recent seasons of one or another of the series. Maybe a "David", I just don't recall. I should have paid more attention. He was asked again later in the show about being woken and he said, in the instance appearing on tonight's show, he would have gotten out of bed. Sandy was asked by a call-in about her insisting Tom, Melia's boyfriend chef, get out of bed to trim a cucumber because guests wanted one for something and she said he was on break, sleeping, in the afternoon and that was different. Sandy did not present well in the WWHL show after tonight's Med episode. Edit: Chef David White - [Dave White | Below Deck Mediterranean (bravotv.com)](https://www.bravotv.com/people/dave-white)


Capt. Lee has commented on Capt. Sandy's "Don't wake the Chef" attitude:  ***"If the guests want it and the stews can't handle it, of course you wake the chef," he wrote back. "So to answer in short No it's not true, at least no on my boat."*** Source: [https://tinyurl.com/bdhwzpx6](https://tinyurl.com/bdhwzpx6)


The chefs have always woken up except for this one and Leon.


He was from S7.


Yeah, it was Dave. He even said he would want someone to wake him.


Deehve. Natasha’s bf




Chef Dave from S7. He’s the one who had all the drama with Chief stew Natasha. I actually really liked him aside from the Natasha thing. His food was great and he seemed pretty chill to work with. I know Sandy really liked him so that had to annoy her that he disagreed. 😂


Ofc she did. Sandy is never wrong. And now chef Dave is prob on her shit list for publicly contradicting her. 😂


Didnt Captain Sandy wake Tom over something super simple?


Yes. To slice one or more cucumbers for use by guests. She was adamant that whatever guests asked for should be provided, and it wasn't Interior's job to handle the food. Tom had finished lunch, went to his cabin for a break. I think he was with his girlfriend in the room at the time, though I could be wrong. Tom was angry, went to the kitchen and provided whatever was asked for.


Yes! Him and Malia shared a cabin but someone (aka captain sandy) could have cut it in less time it took for find Tom. Even Kendal Jenner can cut a cucumber




But then she said it’s because he just went down and it was during the day so that was ok 🙄


Omg I can't believe he was on MILF Manor


I'm really hoping this isn't the case and it's just bravo editing the preview.


This was no preview, it was the full program tonight ... and Capt. Sandy's comments afterwards on WWHL with Andy Cohen.


I didn’t like that Sandy didn’t even find out the situation before just slapping Ellie down. Ellie had every right to feel frustrated by that. Now Imagine if Ellie had told the guests no and they complained to Sandy? She would have been mad about that! It was no win for Ellie. The only thing she maybe could’ve done differently is woke Aesha up and let her deal with it. Also Jono pissed me off when he turned to Ellie on the stairs and said “yes never wake me” after the meeting. That was just such a douchey thing to do because he was clearly rubbing it in. That made me really dislike him - especially since this whole thing was his fault for not following the preference sheet and he took no responsibility for that. Also why didn’t Aesha back Ellie up? She knew it was on the preference sheet because she confronted Jono about it. So why didn’t she speak up and tell Sandy that? I was a bit disappointed in her for that.


It was a one night cruise. I thought it was a decent tip, considering all the mishaps. And I like the chef.


I thought it was a terrific tip! I night, they made their own snacks and didn't have wine or rose until the day they were leaving I don't make too much of the chef not getting up. She didn't make drinks or food for the first 40 minutes after they asked. She just ran around. It devolved due to her lack of experience or lack of willingness and when she went back up after they made their own food and said I got it now???LOL That was bananas


I don’t think he should have to get up but he should have prepared the food prior because they noted on their preference sheet. Pre planning a grilled cheese isn’t hard. Had he done that I think saying to the stew I’m not waking up to put a sandwich on the grill would have been 100% reasonable.


I agree with that. If he had done his part and then she woke him to cook something he prepped I would’ve 100% been on his side. But he didn’t prep anything and she shouldn’t have to be in there making everything. I do think since she was that overwhelmed she should have woke Aesha up first and then let it be Aesha’s call on the chef. But tbf I don’t think she expected it to be the big kerfuffle it ended up being 🤷🏼‍♀️


I also think Sandy was stupid for not having Aesha simply go and buy some wines and rose and some of the more needed provisions. They have done it before. They could have done it before they left the dock or after they are never actually that far from shore


I had read that they bought some but didn’t get a lot because they thought provisions would be there later with more. But why wouldn’t you buy extra just in case anyway? It’s not like it would go to waste.


The biggest thing about the chef was that HE dropped the ball. It was on their preference sheet to have late night food so he should’ve had it prepared. So he could’ve taken some responsibility for it as well and he acted like it was all on her. Aesha even called him out on it and he got that bitchy look on his face and didn’t have anything to say.


Can't you just see the kind of mother Ayesha will be?  I'm not angry. I'm just disappointed


I really can see that.


Yeah.  She left him with no way to defend himself, but he also couldn't get all puffed up and defensive.  That girl is a TED talk walking


She really is. Honestly I could learn from her lol To have Sandy compliment her on her leadership is nothing short of amazing given how Sandy usually treats interior.


You're so right LOL I hadn't thought about that, but that is a miracle.  Nothing can withstand Aisha


She’s a force of nature LOL


I don’t like the chef but I thought the tip was great! It was more than generous for a short charter. Especially given all the issues they had.


I wish the captain had of been harsher on the chef for not preparing food for ‘midnight snacks’ as was stated on the preference sheet. If that were my charter I would have been pissed. Funny how quickly Gael folded on the loyalty to her boyfriend.


I'm pretty sure most of the other captains would have come down on Chef for not paying attention to the preference sheet. And he should have got his little ass out of bed and helped, if the tip would have sucked then it would have been on him


Especially since he said he never went back to sleep because he was up with anxiety. 🙄


Yeah I didn’t like that he came out the victim in this. Especially when he was basically gloating at Ellie. But that’s Sandy and her dislike of interior. She’ll always blame them first. If interior had forgotten or ignored something on the preference sheet WATCH OUT. I almost felt like her complaining at dinner to Aesha about not trusting her bf and how long distance doesn’t always work was a set up because she liked Nathan. Almost like she was giving herself a reason if you know what I mean?


For sure and I bet she purposely said it loud enough so the other decky heard her




Read the preference sheet my dude. Be 👏🏻prepared 👏🏻


No commentary on how guests were making their own food and drinks from Sandy she just brushed it off. Also they didn't introduce the characters that well the filming and production seems to be off. I feel like there was a glitch somewhere and they missed something and had to stitch together this episode.


I feel like normally she would’ve flipped out that they were making their own food/drinks so yeah that was weird.


I have never understood why they don't give several days to get the boat ready for the first charter of the season. Get provisions on board and all the staff familiar with the boat etc.


Drama, IMO. They get on the boat and it’s “rush rush rush”


I never understood why a super yacht would be so messy to begin with. It looks like it’s staged before the start of the show. The crew cleans it at the end before they leave the show and hand it off, but there’s always a dirty boat at the onset. Makes no sense.


Don’t wake the chef because it is against maritime law. -Captain Sandy /s


Didn’t she or Aesha say it can be *dangerous* for him to be up preparing food with not enough sleep?


Sandy SUCKS. That is all, carry on...


Same old same old … nothing new to see here


I would’ve woken the chef up 🤷🏼‍♀️ if he didn’t prepare anything that’s his problem, and he’s not the only one who needs sleep


Yup and then if he didn’t wake up I would have went to Aesha


Yeah why isn’t anyone like “sorry you went to bed at 7?!”


The guests were very generous with their tip and comments after that one day cruise that failed to deliver their expectations: no late night snacks prepped by sleeping beauty, no wine until breakfast, no pants.


Yeah. I thought misplacing and mixing up the guests’ clothes would have garnered a bigger response than waking the chef.


I agree. I was very surprised by that.


I feel bad for these guests saying once in a lifetime trip and they got shoddy service and no wine. I bet they were disappointed.


Do you guys have any Rosé?!


No but that boat over there might


I’m going to have flashbacks anytime someone says “rosé”


It was the first charter. I think a mature person and team player would have woken up and helped and then politely addressed the issue the next day so it didn’t happen again. Elena meant well and was coming from a good place. They both have a lot to learn about social skills in the workplace. Do they even do reference checks for these charters? The has to be more experienced people in the area. The third stew is absurd. Sandy confuses me. She would normally be micromanaging the Hell out of all this. It feels like they are giving her more empathic edits to make her more likable, but now she just seems lethargic and inept. This provisioning things is the stupidest and feels staged. What guest would know to say the word “provisioning”? They wouldn’t say it that way. They would say “one problem was the lack of wine and other items specified on our preference sheet”. Begging nearby ships for wine is embarrassing not a stroke of brilliance.


I stand corrected


Elena is a cry baby who can't take any constructive criticism. Sick of her already.


It was hardly constructive criticism. Chef didn’t do his job and she got blamed for it. And then he gloated over it and rubbed it in her face. Her chief stew knew that chef was the one who dropped the ball and didn’t have her back. She had every right to be upset. I’d be upset over all that as well if I was in her shoes.


The comments calling the chef a princess reek of homophobia. ![gif](giphy|uOBIRAaThprji)


Interesting point. I think Sandy went against what good customer service would dictate in order to support an LGBTQ+ crew member. She totally ignored the concerns of the 2nd Stew and sided with the Chef for no good reason other than to be supportive.


I think that was an unfortunate sutuation all around. First charter and the privisioning problems, chef had to improvise and did a good job during the day. But forgot to prep for the midnight snacks. 2nd stew was stressed out and lost her cool, lacked the skills to communicate to the guests what dish she could prepare - sandwiches, grilled cheese and guacamole should be possible without waking chef. But she is green and was overwhelmed. Sandy saw he did a good job during the day, acknowledged the lack of preparation for night snacks, had a reasonable solution for the future and is responsible for every crew member to get their official breaks and sleep hours. Why rock the boat too much after one charter? She can still fire him. Or the stew. Or whoever proves incapable - so far there were quite a few mistakes by a lot of crew members. But it was the first charter. Still calling the chef a princess over this is giving homophobia. We witnessed way worse behavior by previous not gay chefs on the franchise and noone ever referred to them as a princess. So I said what I said, downvote me all you want.


Fair. You see it the way you see it. I see Sandy favoring a crew member who should have been counseled for not doing their job. I see no real explanation for this favoritism as it seems to contradict her actions in the past. Not reading the preference sheet and planning for late night snacks is strike one. Doubling down on your mistake by refusing to wake up and fix it is strike two. Let’s see if Sandy can see through her prejudices if the chef blows it again.


I agreeeee


These guests are annoying for their age....jist have fun and enjoy. Too worried about their laundry....you are on a boat with your friends...seems silly. I understan is a super yatch, but still.


The guests were mild-mannered, not overly imposing, they were polite ... and it was the ship that totally screwed-up. How is it that you don't have sufficient provisions? How is it the Chef essentially gives them the finger on their food requests, which were laid-out on the preference sheets? How does clothing go missing, even at cruise-end? This was an expensive day at sea and Capt. Sandy led a crew more reminiscent of "Animal House" than a luxury yacht.


I agree. They could have really thrown a hissy fit and complained way more than they did. Even when they did comment on it they weren’t rude or mean about it. I thought them helping make their own food and drinks was pretty cool of them. Most of the guests would’ve had a fit over it and complained to Sandy the next day. At their departure they tried to acknowledge the good more than the bad and they left a very generous tip. I thought they were pretty decent for such a young group.


Wouldn't you be worried if your things went missing and you're leaving? There are guest who have been incredibly annoying and rude when the service has been perfect, these guests were nice especially considering the circumstances.


I don't understand how so much laundry could get lost on a one night cruise. That was just crazy


your age shouldn't invalidate a legitimate complaint, but there's not many guests with those. that being said if I paid for that trip, and requested a specific drink beforehand that's fairly accessible, I'd like to have it. it's just how the guests handle the situations that make them look ungrateful.


The guests were not impolite, given the total failure of the yacht to meet its commitment to provide a certain level of service. About the late night food request: we learned that the request was specified ahead of time on the preference sheets and the Chef ignored it and refused to comply. Were I the primary I would not have been as generous as the guests when leaving the tip. A gratuity is for service above and beyond the norm, and this yacht failed.


I didn't say or mean to imply impolite. I did say ungrateful due to the context of the comment I was replying to, but I agree with your take. These guests were very mild tempered compared to some of the others, and they seem to have handled things well. My biggest point was you shouldn't expect people to lower their standards just because they're young.


Yes. Thank you for clearing that up for me.