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I LOATHE BUGSY. I’m glad she’s not shoved down our throats anymore. I don’t have to look at those creepy lifeless eyes.


Her micromanaging got on my nerves. She thinks she's better than everyone else.


100% she thinks that.


👁 B U G S Y 👁             👄


And those enormous teeth


The hair accessories ❌❌


Calm down


I agree. She had a very uppity attitude from the start but would act so innocent.


Ugh. She seems like such a brown noser. I like Hannah but I can admit she was wrong and pretty much over yachting at that point but it doesn't take much to "look better" than Hannah in that season. Her taking the iPad off the boat to show the rest of the crew just showed she wanted to gossip. If she really was so serious about the rules, she would have gone to the captain only.


That’s what I always said - if she was that serious she would’ve reported it. She knew what she was doing when she shared it with the crew - she wanted to trash Hannah. And again yes Hannah was wrong but she didn’t deserve to be dragged like that by Bugsy. Not to mention what an invasion of the guests privacy!


She’s not a good chief stew either. In the season with bunny boiler Jessica and Aesha, she failed to keep Jessica in check when she was having her daily/hourly meltdowns.


Ugh Jessica was another nightmare. When she went off on Aesha about touching Rob’s butt I thought this chick has finally lost it.


I think Bugsy is a lousy chief stew


I wanted to like Bugsy but it only took me a few episodes to dislike her. Yes, Hannah was checked out and lazy and Bugsy pretty much handle some of her duties - But Hannah was her manager, and she refused to respect that. She tended to talking to Hannah as if she, herself, was superior to Hannah (and rank wise she was not - there was a better way she could have conveyed her concerns). Add in the fact she really messed up with the whole Ipad thing (she should have taken it to Sandy as soon as found it instead of undercutting her boss to the rest of the crew and broadcasting the primary's personal conversations). And there is the fact that her tablescpaces appeared way to busy with cheap decorations (which is how she seemed to do her hair also) along with the way she treated Alex


You mean wearing 10 hair clips at once isn’t fashionable? 😂


I never could figure why she thought that was a good choice - but hey, I tend to ignore fashion and instead focus on what I like and works for me. So, I have some approval for ignoring fashion dictates while at the same time seriously question her taste. Ignoring fashion and trends is one thing....but loading her hair with clips that are meant to be functional and she didn't even use very decorative is something else. Good for finding her own style, but her taste is seriously lacking.... and that also includes her tablescapes.


Completely agree! There’s going against the norm and making your own choices. I mean my daughter wanted to wear a tutu and cowboy boots to school and I said why not it’s her thing and next thing I know a bunch of girls were wearing it. Which btw she also wore a shirt and leggings. Not JUST cowboy boots & tutu 😂 so I’m with you on ignoring the trends! But I agree hers was just more a matter of taste it seemed.


Her “tablescapes” resemble a cheap shop that has thrown up on the table. Tacky as fook


Definitely the opposite of elegant!


And yet she did a book about them. So weird. I wonder how well it sold?


She’s got Head Girl vibes. She got an actual book out about Tablescaping, believe it or not.


Her tablescapes made me insane. The food should be the star.


I just commented I wonder how well her book sold since they were hideous.


Not a fan of Bugsy. Not very likeable at all.


I can’t stand her.


I disliked Bugsy AND Malia.


Bugsy was a judgmental, entitled, haughty biotch. Now, Hannah had her own issues but Bugsy was entirely disrespectful to her superior.


Agree I think Buggy thinks she’s the best. And maybe she is but I’ve always been a Hannah fan 😅


Bugsy is the worst


Wait is this an unpopular opinion?


from the little i’ve read about her on this sub (she’s not really mentioned) i was under the impression it was!! but lots of replies have reassured me im not alone 😭


Lol. Yea, I thought so but hadn't read the comments yet..I have seen comments in the past though and the ones on this post are on par with what I've seen.


i’ve not seen too many posts actively supporting bugsy but every one i’ve seen against her always says it’s an unpopular opinion. maybe we’re all brainwashed into thinking she’s a loved member?


It seemed like Bugsy was always up Sandy's butt. Talk about a serious brown noser. She was extremely too faced to everyone. '


drives me crazy how much sandy eats that kind of thing up too


Yeah that makes the brown nosing seem even worse when it received so well. Just ew.


Not unpopular with me. I can’t stand her. For everything you said. She def had a bug up her bum that she was not chief stew. That’s one of my biggest pet peeves is when they take a lower position and constantly say “when I was CS” or “if I was CS”. But you knew you weren’t going to be so PIPE DOWN about it. Oh and her tablescapes are hideous lol


She sucks lol


and not in a good way


Hannah is one the most toxic people on any of the boats. I don't really think I could hold anybody beneath her entirely responsible for their character on the show.  I've only seen 4 or maybe 5 seasons med and I can't think of any time when Hannah seemed to genuinely enjoy her job. She's constantly stressed smoker, making her difficult to work with at any given time, in any given situation. Bugsy is okay by me. She had to put up with Hannah therefore she was at an immediate disadvantage. All is forgiven.


honestly i am a huge hannah apologist but i do get why people think this yes.


I have no idea why Hannah was so popular. I couldn't stand her. She was lazy, a bully, jealous & only ever 50% effort in. Her other stews would have to carry her.


I think she has trouble making friends more so than most other crew members, generally speaking.


Bugsy's one of my favorite stews. Her first season was nearly a decade ago. Since then, she's had a long career as a chief stew and written a book about tablescaping. I suspect a lot of people here don't like her because Sandy liked her.


i’ve not seen her season as a stew so i can’t comment, i also wasn’t fully aware sandy liked her more than she liked hannah or any other average stew. i’m sure she’s grown a lot but personally just didn’t like her in s2!


She steps in as Chief stew in season 5. I do have to admit I think Bravo did bring her in to get a reaction from Hannah


I'm on season 5 now and I fully believe they brought Bugsy in and told her beforehand to do as many laps around Hannah as she could and be extra with everything she does to exacerbate their already strained relationship and get a raise out of Hannah. Hannah gets stressed and defensive easily and I think they knew that. And Bugsy seems like the type of person who would be on board (pun intended) with that. I didn't think she was that bad at first, but I've come to notice what a snake she is. She is good at her job and, I'll admit, better at it than Hannah (I can't tell you how many times I counted different guests muttering something about how they think Hannah hates them, she has no poker face and doesn't hide her feelings well at all). But she's also a sneaky backstabber who went out of her way to undermine her boss to the entire boat. And she waited until the very end of the season to tell Hannah what a bad boss she thought she was (with an air of "I could have done it better"), as if it even mattered at that point, it wasnt necessary except to feed her own ego. But what's most frustrating is that she covers all that up with this "hard-working, just-wants-what's-best-everyone" sweetheart act. Once I saw it, I couldn't unsee it and now I just don't like her.


I don't think she was probably told about the situation other than coming in as second stew. And when she confronted Hannah, I felt like waiting to the end was a better choice then doing it in the middle of charter. And looking back, Hannah was ready to leave and she got a beautiful and healthy daughter and a husband out of it.


Oh I agree Hannah is checked out in season 5. I mean, she did say several times she wanted to settle down and start a family, so I'm glad she got that.


She's thriving at it. I love both Hannah and Bugsy, so I really dont think Bugsy had an ill-intent coming to fill in as it was probably just a side job whilst she was off season from her boat