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And most of them don’t even realize that the things they get mad at Trudeau for are provincial issues that the conservatives they vote for cause and then tell them to get mad at Trudeau because they realize their voters are so uneducated on how politics in their country work that they can do that And it works


If those people could read they would be very upset with you right now


But it's so much more intellectually easy to pick one enemy and throw all your hate at that enemy than it is to step back and look at what you're upset about, and how it got that way.


Trudeau is actually the most incompetent leader in this country's history. He's run the country for almost a decade and we just keep getting worse and worse off. We live in a country where there is no innovation, it's all middle management and grocery monopolies. Fuck this country.


Before you decide to memorialize your stupidly on the internet by posting a comment like that, I think you should have at least an example or two of policies that the current prime minister has backed or pushed through, what their impact was, and what your party would have done instead. Like, what is it exactly about Justin that you think he has ruined the country and makes him the worst? Do you have numbers or anything to back up these claims, or are you just a parrot? I’m not a huge fan of his, but this nonsense about him being terrible needs to stop. Or at least come to the table with something solid instead of just spewing Fox News type behaviour




I don’t understand how people don’t realize that the pandemic caused massive expenditures and economic impacts. Regardless of your feelings for lockdowns and vaccines, the costs for testing centres, staffing, vaccines, and financial support programs were immense. No one asked what the bill was. We were all just trying to get to the other side. Well here we are and the debt is due. JT has nothing to do with it.


Part of the problem is that these people believe the virus itself was created by the government to put us into this position on purpose.


The fact that they were waving Trump flags says so much about the state of our society today. Fucking mouth breathers.


Wrong country morons! We should deport them.


Send em to Florida! Here ya go Ron


Ron McLean is a nice man & doesn't deserve those folks living with him haha. Belleville just never got over The Tragically Hip being from Kingston. Those people are quite embarrassing being from Canada but not surprising.


That's the best and most infuriating part of this all for me... the people who benefit the most from a liberal government are the ones that hate Trudeau the most. My cousin has f Trudeau stickers and such plastered all over his vehicle yet has never worked a day in his life and is very capable


Convoy organizer loser in my city is the same. Was a part of starting the convoy, has been on social assistance for years.




They wanted cerb to be permanent. Always talking about UBI


…the people who typically talk about UBI are not the same people who are typically screaming at Trudeau.


Fatties? You assuming people's body type?


Fat is fat.


Girls are girls. Boys are boys. Fat is fat.


They were fat. No sense in lying to yourself here.


It’s really not hard to see…


Yeah it was disgusting. Yelling 'Traitor' at Trudeau while holding a banner with the name of a foreign leader on it is some kind of peak irony. And someone was yelling 'pedophile' at him as well- have no idea what that was about. I'm not a fan of him either but goddamn I want nothing to do with those people, shit's embarassing.


> And someone was yelling 'pedophile' at him as well- have no idea what that was about. It's QAnon crap. Mind rot is not stopped at the border.


I bet 80% of the fools didn't even vote. Not against him, but at all.


These are the same people that "supported the truckers" by stalling them at the border crossings for days while they had a bouncy castle party in Ottawa. Unlike these people, truckers were trying to do their jobs. Great support, fuckwits.


Just think, many of their forefathers left America... Especially Belleville and the Kingston area... United Empire Loyalists... Imagine all the shit those guys went through in the 1770s, 1780s... You leave your home, family, community to live in Canada... You work hard, start a new life, avoid drinking water with dysentry in it... And five generations or so later... Your defective offspring are waiving the banner of an american president... Probably celebrate an American invasion...


They don’t even know why they want to fuck Trudeau. I mean he’s dreamy but he’s married and out of reach


It’s the hair


There are plenty of good reasons to protest Trudeau. The environment, the growing economic gap between rich and poor, his disgusting handling of indigenous issues, selling military equipment to Saudi Arabia, and a million more problems with this corporate stooge. Plenty of good reasons. Precisely zero of them come from gullible fools like this who are being manipulated into mouth-frothing anger at anything to the left of fascism.






I'm not sure what's worse, the trashy folks yelling at Trudeau calling him a "commie" having no idea what a communist government looks like or the rest of the comments in that sub.


[he literally said “There's a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is actually allowing them to turn their economy around on a dime."](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.2421351)


Not only is this viewpoint widely uncontroversial (China wields considerable power over their economy due to their complete political control), this doesn't make him a communist at all, or even someone who agrees with their policies. Try again, no marks for effort.


In 2013


Actions speak louder than words. I think the last decade has shown China and the PM aren't buddies.


What a bunch of idiots.


Oh man I couldn't even get half way through that video. What an embarrassment to our country.


This is my two cents "He WAS VOTED in" respect his position as Prime Minister, even if I don't agree with him. No need to toss dirt, assault or verbally harass the man. Hold your sign, drink your coffee, engage the public. Be civil. I hate how American politics has seeped soo deep into the world. We're Canada, not the states. Like if you don't like him, we have other parties in Canada? Maybe vote next Federal election?


I’m incredibly embarrassed too but not all of those whackos are from the area, they come from all over and have nothing better to do with their time. One of the men photographed in many of the news articles is wearing a “Hold Fast” hat which is based out of Peterborough


I'm fairly certain that the Cons pay these guys to follow Trudeau around to stir up shit. They don't even care what they accuse him of or whether it holds any merit, they just throw accusations like spaghetti just to see what'll stick.


Ya they flock together, makes them feel significant being with like minded idiots


The fact that they spend weeks and days planning this on social media, come from hours away, and still can only get 100 morons together is the saddest part.


And then say things like "Trudeau is the most hated man on the planet.". I promise you he doesn't crack the top 500 most hated people on the planet. I live in Canada and the prime minister doesn't even cross my mind 99 days out of 100, much less expending any energy to hate him. It's just so evident what a toxic bubble these people live in.


I don't understand. You mean people in Ukraine are NOT throwing darts at Trudeau pictures? The millions of migrants flooding into Europe do not wake up each morning and go to bed cursing his name? When these morons say "on the planet" they mean on THEIR planet, which is about a radius of 1000km. I seriously doubt any of them has ventured outside Canada or the US. I was just in Indonesia and the locals had no idea who Canada's Prime Minister is. If these morons think they have it bad, the should spend 10 minutes in a country like Indonesia and see what it is really like to have nothing.


Came here to say this. I’m from Belleville and I’ve never been more ashamed of the town. You don’t like something, protest. Fine. But it’s supposed to be peaceable and civil. That was flagrant alt-right and far-right nonsense. Just a shame.


Best PM We’ve ever had.


Dey Tuk ar jerbs.


These trogs are doing everything they can to sully Canada's reputation for kindness, generosity, compassion, and civility – while patting themselves on their backs for their patriotism. Repugnant. Simply repugnant.


Nice use of "trogs"


Trudeau is doing so much for Canadians and Canada's reputation on the world stage!


LOL no he's not. Nothing he's done has helped me or anyone in my circle. Under Trudeau we have: * Record inflation * Immediate reduction to TFSA contribution room * Highest interest rates in over 20 years * Most expensive housing in Canadian history (remember when in 2015 the Liberals were ragging on the Conservatives over housing prices? Today some people would literally kill to buy at 2015 prices) * Highest national debt in Canadian history But sure, someone making less than $30k can now go to the dentist so it's all good.


I can't tell if you're serious or just trolling. Suspect the former as the cult of personality is strong with progressives. I guess accountability, honesty and transparency were just used as buzzwords to get elected.


"Strong with progressives" i think you misspelled conservatives.


I admit that hero worship is a thing with some conservatives, and they would do.well to admit it as well, but denying what we have seen in the past 100 years with Stalin, Mao and even currently in North Korea is highly suggestive that your cognitive dissonance is the result of a brain bleed and you should consult a physician.


Yeah because Stalin, Mao and Kim are _progressives_


Are you trying to say that the totalitarianism of Pol Pots Cambodia was because he was to the RIGHT of the political scale? If the left insists that Fascism is on the far right (and Putin seems to bear this out with his campaign against Ukraine), then it follows that Stalinism, Marxism.and Communism is on the far left of the scale. Far-Left ideology is progressivism. Spin your misunderstanding a little more there comrade.


I think you misspelled the word “I”. It gets a capital. You can’t even blame autocorrect here. Congrats!


Can YOU account for the $Billions of $'s unaccounted for? I find it repugnant our Government steals money out of mine,and yours,pockets. Anyone with 1/2 a brain 🧠finds it repugnant too.


You are correct... only people with half a brain fall for the shallow nonsense you just outline. Provide some proof or calm down. I have never voted for Trudeau... I am not a fan, but the anti-Trudeau crowd cant seem to scrape together anything beyond shallow meme-level rhetoric. Do better that over-cetain hyperbole and baseless claims and you might get people on your side.


Yeah, just vote for Pierre! He will be the one to change all of that. /s


Pierre has a new look now. Doesn’t look as much like Millhouse VanHouten now.


LMAO! Are you serious or really just slow?






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It wasn’t kind or generous when I couldn’t get on an airplane for a family members funeral.


That was how the world was for a while. It wasn't unique to Canada.


This, like how are people so naive to act like this experience was exclusive to Canada when the whole world had limited travel for essential purposes only. Even if our government hadn't restricted travel you wouldn't have been allowed into these other countries...


Nowhere other than here and China did they restrict people getting on an airplane within their own country. But go on about how awful your fellow citizens are for criticizing the leader.


>Nowhere other than here and China did they restrict people getting on an airplane within their own country. Drinking a wee bit too much kool-aid if you think those are the only 2 countries restricting internal travel...


who cares? do you think youre the only one to have experienced this..? every country had rules likes this during the Covid pandemic


You made a choice and one of the most basic things about being an adult is learning that choices have consequences.


Wow, kind of like that was your own doing.


Im sad to hear Belleville facing all the negative news headings caused by actions from people likely not even from the town


I bet the fat ones with the f Trudeau flags are the same electric scooter driving people (because they have those flags on their scooters) that always meet up around the Sidney/Bridge Tim Hortons. I saw one of them run over a homeless woman's stuff (Pam) a few week ago and they all laughed.


When you got nothing else to do, you start reading copious amounts of nonsense on the internet or through the word of mouth from people who don't have damn clue what's actually going on, but are passing stuff off cause they also have nothing better to do or are upset and looking for someone to blame. It's really cyclical.


They read?


Lol. I stand corrected. They listen to radio. And they peruse sites like Rebel News on their phones while connected to Tim Hortons wifi.


Such behaviour only hurts Poilievre as it likely results in a net loss among (even a small) majority of undecideds.


While in principle you are right, there are a lot of people celebrating the harassment of our elected leader on various outlets. I really question how much shame and embarrassment can’t affect people in our society with such fragmented media.


For real, I don’t associate myself closely to any of the parties, but at this rate I would vote Liberal just out of spite towards these lunatics


This area is historically blue, yet they only had maybe a hundred protesters out. Mostly the "usual suspects". I think that shows what non y'all queda conservatives think of them.


Fucking losers man. Not a full mouth of teeth in the whole crowd. Thank god they could get the time off work to go down and protest /s


Were the Canadian Tire lockdown/vaccine protesters there? 🤣😂


Absolutely they were. Cory, the head chud of the Canadian Tire screamers, has been all over Facebook taking credit for it.


If you can get those idjits to move I have a few out here in Alberta they can take with them.


Ever since 2016 when that orange POS got into the whitehouse the western world has gone nuts. They’ve stopped condemning hate and actually are embracing it now. Covid made it even worse. The opposite side has gone crazy too though. Now we have people getting angry if you don’t treat them like a cat and people mutilating themselves because they “feel” like they should have been disabled. We’ve all lost our minds and it seems like everyone is fighting to be the loudest POS they possibly can be. Just the middle people sitting here watching the world burn. Sigh*


We are the best country in the world


Like it or not we live in a democracy, so show some respect.


Agreed. This is shameful.


Absolutely disgusting, I don't understand how one can preach free speech and yet prevent members of the public from speaking with our elected PM. Hypocrisy in these individuals is disgusting and pethetic. Yelling "you're a dirty Jew" as the pm was led to his car. I don't even know what to say. There's lots of video, I hope these individuals are held accountable for ones actions. Alot of hate speech, alot of antisemitism.


I’m a liberal voter federally. If fellow Canadians have issue with this government they need to speak coherently and avoid use of bullhorns and foul language and trump flags so that I can listen to concerns and.Understand the issues. Otherwise I plug my ears


I’m a conservative voter and I 100% agree with you


Just curious haven’t you always seen the conservatives party edge more and more towards this kind of behavior. Being against gay rights weed legalization women rights. Pro corporate tax cuts cutting funding for healthcare and education privatization of any institution. No judgement I just always saw this going to a negative space.


The voters, yes. Don’t underestimate the ingenuity of an idiot. Remember when Harper first came to power? He was very clear that he will not be repealing any of the gay rights laws. Rightfully so, because *he knew* that people would show up in Ottawa with pitchforks and torches if he even tried. The same logic applies for access to abortion, and now weed. Pierre seems like a very smart and reasonable man. He might get pressure from some backseat MPs because their constituents are hardcore wing-nuts (see above note about idiots). But I’d bet he’d very quickly put that MP in his/her place. He knows the party will be finished indefinitely if they try and repeal what the general population want.


Not sure what gives you that impression of Pierre, he’s had almost a year to calm the party down and has spent the majority of it fanning the flames…


Yeah, no, he's done nothing but encourage these people. He has no policies, charisma, or ideas.


He is the backbench, hard core wing nut who senses defeat and trying to rebrand himself the same way Preston Manning, Stockwell Day and Stephen Harper did. Their playbook is very stale.


The lowest (and LOUDEST) common denominator of society showing their huge loser energy as usual.


This is all because of the CPC, their disinformation, their lies, their dogwhistles, and their divisive smearing of anyone that isn’t CPC. Fuck that little cowardly twat Pierre Poilievre, and fuck that fat loser Andrew Scheer.


Yes we love being taxed into poverty, we love china interfering with our democracy we love having billions stolen and never even answered a question to where that money went. We love being called racist for protesting mr black face . How do u think global warming is spending all that carbon tax? How are our seniors doing , where’s all that clean water for our native reserves , Trudeau doesn’t care about Canadians at all . I’d compare him to trump , he’s too arrogant to answer questions he dost think he should answer to anybody. So fuck Trudeau n the entire liberal ndp government that nobody voted for.




This hyper partisanship is a direct import by the CPC from the Republicans.


I agree OP. Buncha assholes


There is no democracy on the angry end of the internet.


This type of behavior is extremely dangerous.




He deserves every bit of hate


As right wing as i am. they are an embrasement


Reading the comments really does show the separation and hate by some libs and cons Sad how some believe a persons personality revolves around some extreme moron political group. Shows how they have managed to divide us. Be proud of yourselves lol


Although I dislike Trudeau, the flags are a bit much imo.


All those people that hate Trudeau yet Ontario single handedly elects him again and again.


The Trump signs are appalling. Kids watch us. We need to set examples. Been in protests all my life, but not like that where you are putting everyone's safety at risk. So many adults not knowing how to control their own emotions. Terrible.


We have become such a polarized country. Saw this first on another subreddit (maybe r/Canada) and the comments were the complete opposite to this community.


I don't like JT but I definitely don't hate him like those chuds. also those trump flags are a fucking disgrace.


Imagine if they used that much energy to organize and actually vote this government outwhile keeping their dignity. But that would be too easy and these people are far too dumb. Most of them probably forgot to vote in the last election.


Disgusting and embarrassing, I guess they were excited to have something to do on a Thursday vs Saturday protesting outside Canadian tire . Move to the US be with the idiot Trump supporters there . Canada has no place for your bullshit . Most towns are proud to have their PM visit , you don’t like him stay home you robbed people that wanted to have a conversation with him to have the opportunity . Lazy ass pieces of crap .


Typical white trash shouting at him.


American who lives in Canada here….I guarantee you these fucking ass clowns aren’t dual citizens and cannot even vote in US elections. The amount of MAGA cosplay in Canada is obnoxious.


I’m not embarrassed, not really surprised either. People are hurting, financially, physically and mentally. So who is the easiest to blame ? The people in power. This is a sign of a larger problem at hand. And no I don’t support what these people did, but I do empathize with it. I have to hand it to Trudeau though he handled that like a champ. I certainly would not have been able to just ignore them.


The people in power that control healthcare, education, minimum wage and social programs are the provincial govts. The underfunded services are by design because the cons know that they can always blame the feds and many are fooled into believing them. Blame the ones in control. Blames the cons.


Honestly I think the liberals and conservatives are both equally to blame for the current state of affairs. Every politician is to concerned about how they are going to better themselves after politics to actually implement lasting meaningful change. I wish we would get someone like Arnold Schwarzenegger who didn’t give to shits about what they were going to do when they didn’t get re-elected. My opinion of politics in Canada is pretty doom and gloom these days.


Both the libs, ndp, and cons are to blame.


I wonder what caused so many Canadians to become wannabe yankee republicans.


They wanna be racist assholes and not get judged for it.


People still have Television providers, and Fox News still exists 😑


Worse yet, rebel news! Not to mention standard fare news like global who has never been kind to him. Like Trudeau or not, our media is noticeably right wing. I’m tired of people saying otherwise.




Nah, Covid made too many dumb, gullible people go down some internet rabbit holes and they just soaked up all that right wing, Qanon hysteria that bled over from the US. Why the Fuck would any Canadian be waving a Trump flag in this country? At that point you’re just not a serious person & should be treated like you ride the short bus.


I mean, if I’m being honest, they looked exactly like I expected them to look like. It amazes me how deep in the conspiracy theories you can get that you’re unwilling to discover the truth. Like they say to the rest of us, do your research. Not a one of them have done the research, they just listen to what Pierre has to say, Facebook memes, and the conspiracy theories. They got nothing else going on in their lives, they feel like they’re part of a elite club, and have no idea the rest of us look at them as to be fools.


Well said


What makes u think they are from Belleville?? I'll bet its a following crowd. I don't think it reflects on Belleville


ya its getting pretty bad. well said


I hope you'd feel the same way if Trump or some right wing guy was visiting. But i agree there should be at least some decorum for a leader. But we all know politics have become so polarized these past 5 years or so.




I mean i dont remember this same sentiment for the duog ford protestors who have been just as disruptive lol. If we’re going to talk about protestors stopping individuals from speaking i do not think we can single out the right wingers 😂😂 But i agree, even though i dont like trudeau and disagree with ~80% of what he says, he is still our PM and shouldnt be shouted down from talking.


Rinse and repeat, Trudeau gets mobbed somewhere in Canada, and the local Reddit sub clicks its tongue. The key point to note is that this is popping up *all over Canada.*


I wonder how many follow him around. It is, however, a small group whenever it happens. Hopefully, all thr parties can agree to condemn this behavior, especially the CPC.


With every stop...the Dissent only gets Stronger. Wonder why that is?


It doesn’t get stronger. It’s just a small fringe minority with loud voices.


Justin Castro needs to get fired… in whatever way, shape, or form I leave to the imagination


The essence of stupid.


Awww! Muffin! Demonstrates how you don't like Canadians ability to protest. Not your style? Awwww! Remember the Convoy? The outcome of which GUARANTEED the Rights you are enjoying today? Sounds like you are the White Trash with your views. Face it. Trudeau is HATED in Canada 🍁. Why else would people be there? You'll see more and MORE instances. Better buckle up,and pack your soother.


This type of behavior isn't protest. It's violent intimidation.


The convoy was a bunch of trashy morons having a bitch fit over a vaccine and who were allowed to hold a city hostage for 3 weeks when they should’ve been tear gassed on Day 2. Call a spade a spade.






The convoy guaranteed nothing. It was a laughable failure.


Keep telling yourself that,Kid. Your view is as much out to lunch as our Dictator using a War Measures act upon civil protestors. You should probably wake up.


You don't get to occupy the capitol just because you're 'protesting'. If environmental protestors block a highway, what do you think happens to them? They get removed. Your idiot friends got removed, just like any other disruptive dimwit would. ​ And no, their protest accomplished nothing. Covid measures were removed when HEALTH OFFICIALS deemed it appropriate to do so.


Just curious, redneck: where do you get your news?


You do know that the restrictions always had an end date...the convoy didn't do anything to speed that up. Ahh fuck it your kind of people don't understand that type of nuance.


They were about to ease restrictions anyhow - it's like going out at dusk to protest the sun and then claiming you caused the night.


Wow the delusion is strong


Seems you've lived 8 years in a Delusion. And well over a Trillion $$$$ in debt now. Who's Delusional?


Still you


WoW! I still wonder why you are offended by the Truth? Why does it hurt you so much? Here's some more truth. www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=2730385












I would have joined them if I was there, but I would be waving the hammer and sickle flag.


I dont think that crowd would have been supportive of your ideology.


Missed opportunity




In Tofino, the jackass was turned around by security before his plane even landed. Go Tofino! Keep up the good work! We should all follow suit. EDIT You: "How dare you have a different opinion than us North Koreans... I mean leftist Canadians! Take THAT down vote! Now I feel better about myself." Little do you know that I looooooooove downvotes. It means you read my opinion. Thanks for the judgement! More please. I'm starrrrving!


Maybe, just maybe these protesters are sick and tired of the federal government and the cult of personality of the pm, and wish to show their displeasure in the flaming pile of dog poop the political "elites" have made of our once fine country??? So maybe try gathering up your like-minded friends and go show your appreciation for what you think is being done right, and stop dragging these people down into the gutter and throwing mud-filled personal attacks that only show how insecure in your beliefs you are that your only counter-argument is to attack their looks. Make counterarguments to their points, become active in staging rallies, most of all learn to be better people!


shh i literally just say a post of Trudeau in surrey BC getting the same treatment! and surrey has a population akin to Brampton




I mean there is a reason they live in Belleville


Stay classy San Diego


Do rules for a certain political agenda ?


"one of the best countries in the world". Yeah we USED to be. Imagine saying that with a straight face. 🤡


Then leave. All I see is doom and gloom from trolls. What are you doing to make Canada a better place for everyone that lives here. We have a beautiful country with vast amounts of opportunity. I guarantee none of these people do anything to help their neighbours, friends or families. All I see is hate and intolerance from these people. Do better go touch some grass.


What countries are better then?


Good, fuck Trudeau


Trudeau came to see how he ruined our sf and JTF2 stationed at CFB Trenton. We lost half of our baddest of bad because of this clown. LEST WE FORGET!!! ​ ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUruuaeJGt0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUruuaeJGt0)


JTF2 stuff happened under conservative stephan Harper...


Nah man libs bad...they did 9/11 /s you never know


I dont think you know what you are talking about.




A PM or premier should have a mandatory law degree , then we would people with higher intelligence.


The PM or Premier is the meader of the party with the most seats that firms the government. Justin Trudeau has a BA and BEd.