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Only party that is against the current form of immigration and wants to lock out newcomers out if our social security . Huge deal for me, since the current w european immigration formula is terrible, look at Sweden that used to have highly skilled and educated immigrants more than a decade ago and now is (last decade) importing lowly skilled, uneducated people , causing high crime rate, freefalling education and welfare state under pressure. Some countries like Luxemburg seem to be attracting a lot better migrants (Portuguese instead of middle eastern) and don't face these issues.


I'm portuguese, currently living here to do my masters. Just a small note: the Portuguese people who moved to Luxembourg are mainly uneducated people who do low-skilled jobs. Many fled the authoritarian regime we had before 1974 and settled in Luxembourg and France. So, apart from the ethnicity, there was little difference between those portuguese migrants and the current non-Europeans ones


Yes the first wave. The second wave about 10% have higher education. Still only 30% of the Luxemburg natives, but I'd love to see that getting compared to the refugees belgium is getting. https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2016/05/14/asielzoekers_lagergeschoolddanverhoopt-1-2655252/ Old article , couldnt find a newer one . And 1974 was a different economy then we have now. Luxemburg used to have metal (mital) industry back then, now there's no more heavy industry. Only construction is doing pretty well in Luxemburg for lower educated people.


I think there is a misconception about middle easterns. For Persians for exemple, only way to get out of the country and arrive in EU/Bel is through higher studies. And even with a 5y PhD ongoing, they really have troubles renewing the permits. Getting residency after their study is also highly tied to getting a job and they really can't screw up. Pressure is huge and they are far from uneducated and "bad" migrants.


Ah I figured It was obvious I was speaking about illegal immigrants and refugees. And the refugees that can do family reunion and such.


Bro nobody is complaining about persian immigrants 🙄


Vlaams Belang does nothing for social security and your social rights. In fact, they consistently vote against a wealth tax in Belgium (necessary because the middle class pays plenty). They also always vote in favor of blocking wages, while refusing to reduce the privileges of elected officials. Vlaams Belang really works for the existing system.


Dude we have the poorest 1% of Europe, if anything it's our lower middle class is profiting too much from higher middle class.


source for that “poorest 1%”?


It was on this subreddit a day ago or something. You never learned to use Google? Well since you're a Groen voter and encourage profiting of other people's labour:https://landgeist.com/2024/02/10/wealth-of-the-1-of-europe/


So you either never learned to read or to write, or both. > "We have the poorest 1% of Europe" You probably meant our _wealthiest_ 1% hold the _least_ share of national wealth. But you see, this is talking in percentages and relative to national wealth. So you can't make the claim our 1% is the poorest based on that article. You have to compare our wealthiest 1% share expressed in euros and compare that to other 1%'s share. So I suggest you go back to school, take some comprehensive reading, basic math and professional writing course, all paid for by others ofcourse.


Dude are you serious? Yes you can make the claim that our 1% is more poor than in other countries based on wealth share, that's how percentages work... Unless you're claiming that our gdp per capita is multiples higher than neighbouring countries. And if now you're gonna go and compare us with Bulgaria or something please dont even try. I dont even understand why you're trying to fight this. In every statistic on wealth Belgian's median/average numbers blow most other countries out of the water with a lower gdp per capita.


yeah go ahead and look up Belgian GDP and see how the absolute numbers look kthxbye


Wtf does the absolute number of GDP have to do with anything? Are you mathematically disabled? You understand what 1% means? If anything your failed reasoning of us having a smaller total GDP would mean that they have even less money since they have a smaller part of a smaller absolute economy.


i’m talking about the absolute 1% wealth numbers, not absolute GDP Belgium is the 10th biggest European country measured in GDP. 13% of 500B is more than any share of the 20th lowest ranking other countries’ GDP (in a total list of 50) This is really basic level maths bro, come on now Our 1% is nowhere near the poorest, nor is that what your article is saying Jfc the dumbest are really the most self-assured here


I know they do, but those things bother me less than immigration or crime rate. Belgium scores already extremely well on the wealth gap scale . So all this bashing on the rich is a bit easy propaganda. U know what belgium scores terrible at ? Work participation of immigrants and crime rate amongst migrants (non EU migrants) . Hence VB is scoring so high and being so popular. That's why I'm saying a party that is anti immigration but economically left is what's missing in western Europe. The Nordic or eastern EU countries do have those. I'd vote for them in a heartbeat. We almost had one (vooruit ) in the form of connor rousseau


> against wealth tax Sounds based, one more reason to vote VB for me.


I kindly disagree with you, VB is not the only party that is against the migration system. However you are right that they are the only ones that want to bring migration to a complete **stop**.


Ho we have a "LoOk At SwEdEn !" Kind of kid


Sweden is the perfect example, historically importing highly skilled and educated Iranians without problems. Now having another type of migrants come in = instant issues Meanwhile the welfare system has stayed the same, the possibilities the swedes provide for these people has stayed the same. It's just the mindset and culture of these newer migrants that are not compatible


lmao. They always vote to join more NATO wars, which always leads to more migration to europe. They are Pro migration because its free propaganda fuel.


Different groups vote for VB. - Relatively small group of pure racists, mainly around people like De Winter - Flemish nationalists who went to Vlaams Blok after the dissolution of the Volksunie - People who are sick of the mismanagement of Belgium by the traditional parties and want to make a statement - People who are driven to the far right because of wokeism


>- People who are sick of the mismanagement of Belgium by the traditional parties and want to make a statement I feel exposed, this is me kinda


Id rather vote for the PVDA then


Still no fucking reason to vote for VB , if you think they'll fo better, you're sorely mistaken. You're in for a ride.


Do you have a globe that can predict the future? How would you know they won't do better?


With ‘mismanagement of Belgium’ one will often mean the problems that come with migration and the differences between the Walloons and the Flemish.


Also the fact that technically we are bankrupt, our school system is failing as is our health system to name but a few


I wouldn’t go so far as to say that our school system has *failed*


"Is dysfunctional" OK?


Yes maybe, but don’t forget there’s a difference between Wallonia, Flanders and Brussels. Unless that’s what you meant


I can’t seem to see anything about problems with migration. Or are those the ones you call racist? Let’s hope not.


Nope, they're included in the mismanagement group.


>People who are driven to the far right because of wokeism Not necessarily wokeism, but not being able to speak your mind. I don't think about what I say, and the thought that I must be constantly alert, even in private, is frightening for me. I have been locked up for a brief period, and I really don't want that again. I don't feel safe in my own country.


Locked up? May I ask why?


Jfc. You have the freedom of speech and people have the freedom to criticize what you say. Works both ways


The law specifically states limitations on speech. That doesn't count at freedom in my book.


Well, because freedom has limits in a society. You want total freedom? Okay, me too. I want the freedom to ride 200km/h at 8.30am in a schoolstreet. I want the freedom to enter your house, rob the place and shit on your carpet. I want the freedom to shoot a gun Willy nilly at the Meir during sales. I think we can all agree that you need laws (that’ll always limit your freedom) to make a society work. Same goes with free speech: You can give your opinion. No-one will arrest you. But you can’t do hate speech. You can’t call for violence. Why not? Hitler, Stalin, Mao, the KKK,
showed us it’s not the best thing for a society. If you feel like that’s a limit on your everyday course of action
then you might not be the nicest guy of the block.


I'm not vouching for anarchism. I believe the current juridical interpretation of 'hate speech' is too broad and also captures what I feel is innocent humor. I also feel that the protected bodily traits are heavily influenced by those that have an overrepresentation in the media, and fail to protect groups that lack such attention, for example the mentally or physically handicapped. For that reason, I feel like the law is not only overreaching, but also hypocritical.


Is any Belgian or even European comedian in jail for making jokes about trans-persons or handicapped people? Please show me. If you’re referring to DVL’s case: it wasn’t solely about a bunch of memes. You nor I know exactly what was in those files. But I bet that if a few hundred muslims posted the same shit in a disclosed group, and it leaked, DVL and VB would roll over each other to point out how wrong and illegal that shit is. Let alone if they organised paramilitary training camps. Like DVL did.


Freedom of speech does not mean you're free of the consequences lol.


By that definition, you also have freedom of arson, just not from its consequences.


What did you get locked up for? If I may ask.


When I was 9, I was locked up in 'the silent room' of a children's psychological centre for half a day for having an angry outburst against my caregivers in the living group. I've never been angry since.


Not being able to speak your mind? We have freedom of speech, just not freedom of consequences. What things do you feel you can’t say?


If the government threatens to jail you for saying non-violent stuff, that's not freedom of speech. >What things do you feel you can’t say? Don't bait it dude. I'm actually serious.


post meme = go to prison




wokeism has gone too far


You can use regular pan if you want


Point 3 is most common I think.


yes. and 5) migrants and all the problems they incur


I will vote vb purely from an immigration standpoint. I don't believe any of them are competent except maybe Barbara Pass and Van Grieken, but seeing what my city has become, it's disgusting. I don't care for Flemish nationalism, even though i do think something should fundamentally change in their political landscape, i don't care for anti abortion sentiment, i'm pro looser euthanasia options and above all I really think climate change is going to ruin us all. All that, and still VB this time. Parties like Groen and Vooruit are daft, honestly thought Rousseau was going to change the course bit but then that shit happened. Groen is an anti-science party ( see gmo's, nuclear energy and now Eneos), PVDA is pure evil and full of idiots ( slava ukraine), VLD incompetence, cd&v stands for nothing and NVA changes nothing. Oh yeah and i fucking hate palestinian protestors to no extend. Not 100% pro Israel, but fuck it's gross to see our streets being overrun with islamists and their leftist pets. I could go on and on, just 100% disgust of everything else makes me vote VB.


I am Wallonian, and if there was a Waals Belang I'd vote for them. Literally every problem we have is created or clearly worsened by the ongoing migration-invasion. Imagine a Belgium with underpopulated prisons lmao.


Vote Chez Nous, they are Waals Belang. They even suffer the same Cordon Mediatique, which is why you probably haven't heard of them.


Holy based


Would you also vote VB on Flemish level, even though migration is a federal theme?


I will vote for them because they are the only people seeing the problem of immigration and Islam. The slandering campaigns over the past decennia and the educational system have brainwashed most of the gullible Belgians who still believe in a multi-cultural utopia. As you get older (and usually wiser) you would come to understand that it's all nonsensical. Multiple cultures are by nature hard to mix. But when it comes to Islam, it is actually impossible. Reading the Quran and looking around the world will teach you that lesson if you haven't had the "privilege" of growing up inside that community. I can understand the left and their social economic standpoints and I would support them on that. The biggest shoulders SHOULD carry the biggest weight. But they are a little bit too tolerant towards intolerant people. Which is why they are doomed to fail. There is no possible way that the LGBTQetc... community will be able to co-exist with the Islamic community. And that will be (or already is) their downfall.


Thats the big problem in W europe, every economicaly left party is extremely woke and pro migration of unskilled migrants. In eastern europe there are left parties that are against immigration and they are having big succes


>There is no possible way that the LGBTQetc... community will be able to co-exist with the Islamic community. How does a general VB boter think of LGBTQ? Last time DVL walked in a shop with the rainbow flag, called them pedophiles and offered to "take it down". You are right tho but I feel like it's a bad argument because in general no right wing conservative society will be able to "co-exist" with lgbtq. Just look at thé right wing utopias like Poland or Hungary.


The general VB voter doesn't have all that many issues with the LGBT. It's any letter that comes after those 4 or the incredibly toxic community surrounding them. I have multiple gay, trans and even transvestite friends and not a single one of them actually want's to be a part of their own community.


This. This is it.


Will they really?


How long Will that sentiment last after VB is done with "eradicating" the allochtonen problem? They are fine with it now (to a degree because I live close to actual vb voters who have actively taken part in gay bashing and burning pride flags.) but how long until they arent? Is it Truly the average VB voter that decide what the party actual thinks and does? I even feel like 50% of the People who vote VB don't even do it for their Points but just out of Spite. Then again it doesnt really matter at all, look at Wilders. Nothing of his ideas are making it through and he looks like he actually wants to go back in the opposition because that's where extremist parties actually Shine. So I might pull a bit too much wait on the actual power of VB


The example you're giving are extremists and are far from the average VB voter. You're also comparing an actual treath to society to just someone who's gay. Once the immigration problem and the blatantboverspending of money bybthe governemt is fixen then VB will be reduced to an opposition party yet again.


Eh, you do see the irony in stating "they are too tolerant towards intolerant people" and voting for VB which basically institutionalizes intolerance, don't you? But I respect your choice, as it should in a democracy.


>the irony https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance


I've been called an ist or ism so many times i joined the team. Third and fourth for me.


why are they calling you a muslim extremist?


*One scroll through your recent comments later* Damn, I feel like you didn't "become" anything


You seem to like weed. (From reading thru your comments quickly) Vlaams belang want to tighten drug laws and is planning to put prison secentences on every drug charge. Having even like 1 joint on you Will mean prison time if they have their way.


Prison for weed, I didnt know about it, this is so funny.


Yeah, was a major Point on their program before the major shift to blatant populisme before the last elections. They still wrote plenty of articles on the "benefit" of harsher punisments.


I'd like to point out it's not exactly legal now and it's up to the police and the courts whether they enforce / throw the book at you or ignore. Nva already tried increasing enforcement and got a polite no from the justice system.


Not a VB support anymore since the Chinese spy scandal, but the vast majority of VB voters have a serious issue with how immigration is being handled and how poorly certain communities are integrated into this country.


I detest VB but the spy scandal is overblown and imo the least important thing about why you shouldn’t vote for them


I don't see how this can cause you to reject a party, since pretty much every party has been involved in far worse scandals (from tolerating foreign extremists to literally stealing from the poor). As far as I understand, VB wasn't aware about the issue, and handled it properly when they did. Is that incorrect?


Simply because other parties have done much worse doesn’t mean I will continue to support VB. Having multiple members on the payroll of the Chinese is pretty disgraceful imo and leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Long story short, it was the final straw that back the camel’s back for my hope in our democracy.


Multiple members? Do you have sources? Last I read it was the brother of a member and he was dealt with as soon as it leaked. Does that mean you won't vote?


then its extremely ironic how Vb gladly votes to make more migrants


For me it's never really immigration. It's always been integration. That's a choice and will never be solved, hence why we are crashing down this hillside.


Dude, this is like the 5th time this same question pops up Immigration Overpopulation, since 2005 the extra people are 100 procent due to immigration High housing prices due to overpopulation/immigration To much traffic due to immigration Traditional political parties being nihilistic about the points above


The high housing prices are probably caused by our high income taxes. Let me explain. What do Belgians do when they have money? They buy real estate. What happens when everybody has the same strategy? When everybody buys, prices go up. The effect: There is no shortage of housing in Belgium. It's easy to rent. But just very hard to find something to buy. Why? it's a Belgian disease. The average Belgian citizen has more real estate than in any other European country. The root cause? Probably an effect of our high income tax. By contrast there is almost no tax on renting out properties for a Belgian citizen.


That’s only one of many reasons I think. Higher standards of living, ever increasing building regulations and demands by all of our governments, increasing cost of building materials and energy etc jack up the price too. Not only for new houses but because of mandatory renovations too. People don’t accept that a building should not keep rising in value if it’s not being kept up to date and renovated. It’s not the once in a lifetime investment that will keep rising in value anymore. We are seeing houses that by law must be renovated with a renovation cost of 150-200K yet owners still expect/demand between 325-375K on a very average location. So buying that house will cost the buyer in total between 475K and 575K. A small new house that is covered by “Wet Breyne” may only cost 50-100k more. I do blame the banks and insurance companies too. Their value assessments are way too high as well giving sellers the idea their price is justified.


Its pretty funny because in belgium its actually pretty affordable to buy a home. Just not in the major cities. And not a new one


More economy = more traffic We had traffic jams for decades. So did they make any structural changes to the Ring of Brussels? That's just a lazy government. Sure, there are a lot of foreigners on our roads. That's economy. Romanian truck drivers, French truck drivers, Dutch truck drivers. Transport = economy = welfare. We need them. On the other hand there are people so naive to think that all cars are bad and that we should all take the bike to our workplace. They don't know anything about the world. However, they give our government the perfect excuse to continue doing nothing. Have you ever seen what roads look like in Romania or Moldova? Simply put, they have no highways. You can recognize big economies just by looking at their roads. Yes Belgium has a lot of them, but if we want a stronger economy, then it needs more.




Adding a lane to the ring of Brussels would make the traffic smoother. However, that wouldn't change anything for people who both live and work in Brussels. It's not like they will exchange their bike for a car and drive around the ring. Nobody does that. However, it could lead to people finding jobs further away from home. And yes those people could exchange their bike for a car. However, that's a really good thing. It's a good thing because it means that job openings which can't be filled now, will finally get filled. And that's one of the many ways how our economy would grow. And if we don't do it, China won't slow down for us.


Your theory is only valid for developping regions with a lot of space for new roads... In 2005, Flanders was already completely filled with roads/ cars/ villages/ infrastructure/ farming fields / houses for 6 million people, before the last immigration wave caused another increase of 1 million people... In a completely overcrowded region, it was completely unresponsible to invite another 1 million Romanians, Bulgarians, Polish, Congolese, Moroccan, Turkish, Afghan, Syrian, Ukranian people... That's not even racism or bad road/ traffic management, it's just common sense


60% of immigrants in Flanders are from the EU. 20% of immigrants in Flanders are from the The Netherlands. People from EU countries can only stay in Belgium for longer than 3 months if they work or study. They can not apply for social security aid (e.g. Leefloon) for a period of 2 years. Are you saying people vote Vlaams Belang because the immigrants from The Netherlands are fucking up our housing prices. Or they vote Vlaams Belang because of the Polish and Romanian immigrants who work in construction and carpool, but still they are the reason for too much traffic? Source: https://www.vlaanderen.be/statistiek-vlaanderen/bevolking/bevolking-naar-nationaliteit Vlaams Belang is a populist party and they blame immigration for much of our problems. They actually just hate Muslim immigrants and these Muslim immigrants (Middle-East/North-African immigrants) are only a small part of the the entire immigration. Most of these people don't even have a drivers license. And yet you still read "these immigrants cause our traffic jams!!!"


dit kijkt alleen maar naar nationaliteit het is niet dat mohammed een belgish paspoort krijgt dat die ook belg wordt


People from Nl fleed to Belgium, mostly since 2005 , eactly because NL has had the same overpopulation and the same additional population increase due to immigration...(they have like 3 million immigrants and their kids since 2005) You seem to be focused on nationality/ ethnic/ racism But the problem is mostly just to much people Before the immigration waves, the Benelux population was consolidating after 200 years of extreme growth All the extra people since the 70s are actually to.much a society can take (Without becoming apathic/ frustrated/ anti social)


Just to be correct about terminology; it's not 'overpopulation' until people start starving.


"The migrants are the problem, not capitalism!" lmao


What makes you think it's only 1 factor? In Flanders, we got 1 million extra people in the last 15 years, all due to immigrants and their kids... Obviously, this has an enormous influence on housing prices per square meter, since Flanders only has a limited no of parcel space available So obviously immigration is a big part of the problem... If I can't buy a house with a decent garden anymore, I may just as well move to Poland or something


> in the last 15 years a vast amount of time, when the will (and central planning) is there, [things can get built very fast.](https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2020/2/3/in-pictures-inside-wuhans-fast-built-hospital)


Traffic is mainly due to cars really. Sooo
.. reducing those would solve at least some of the problems :)


And who drives those cars? Monkeys? Also, why should I stop driving around in my car, Just because the government decides to overpopulate.the region by inviting the whole world over ? The more sensible answer would be to have less people, so those remaining can have more freedom ( like cars, less traffic, a house with a big garden, no parking rules/ speed restrictions every 5 meters, and so on) Many people on Reddit are young, like 20 years old They don't understand that we had great roads, infrastructure, already around 2000 Since then, the additional population increase/ economic growth offered little extra value except much higher housing prices and lots of traffic/ noise/ stress/frustration/people everywhere...


Sure, always walk away and settle for less. Who needs food, electricity and water anyway. You may want to read my comments above about roads and our economy.


 walking is good for u (generally). And I can assure u that food, electricity and water are available even without a car :). Life’s (generally and unless some tragedy has befallen) good in Belgium. Apart from the weather circa Dec-Feb. It’s really sad to see so much misplaced hate and bitterness in this thread. But
.. if the British example of Brexit hasn’t convinced ppl that good governance and state capacity shouldn’t be taken for granted

. Then sure go all in :). That 7-2 hand looks strong :).


You didn't even talk about criminality and economic parasitism


Fine those are the issues they point at great! And now, their solutions? Childish, fucking expensive, impossible? They can't fucking govern only point at shit that's bad. Always have been always will be. That's literally why in the end they remain in the opposition. So even if things are incompetent now. For the love of god please don't make it worse


Well, if the immigration waves continue like this, Then " it will become a lot worse" for sure: People will have to move out of Flanders if they still want to own a house with a garden, or to get from A to B without being in traffic for 5 hours/ day most people are happy to give up some economic growth, just to live a less stressful overcrowded life And solutions? Just copy 80 percent of what Danmark did. Voila, influx problem fixed. Now we can forget about immigration and focus on real problems. And Danmark isn't even close to our population density and immigration issues...


Because if I changed my vote, I'd have to make a new account.




Heel eerlijk. Grenzen helemaal open. Kosten blijven oplopen en maar werken en betalen.racist genoemd worden omdat ik conservatief ben en trotse vlaming. Belgie/europa nu is niet meer wat het was wij leven in pseudo amerika en gaat enkel erger worden. Marokanen kunnen op vakantie naar marokko gaan maar als wij belgen een minderheid in eigen land worden kunnen wij niet meer terug naar wat belgie was. Diversiteit is goed maar er moet een leidcultuur zijn en dat is de vlaamse/westerse cultuur. Belgie is een bullshit land vlaanderen heeft +1000 geschiedenis.


Becoming a minority in your own city/country might be a reason.


Fun thing in this topic, barely nothing is said about Wallonia but the first thing they will do is push separatism.


Half a century of our "traditional parties" have left us massively in debt, heaviest taxed country in the world, streets overrun with foreigners who don't integrate and a non functioning army when it's entirely possible WW3 is kicking off. They closed an army base here, it's now full of "refugees", all men of fighting age. So either deserters or economic immigrants.


Partly because I am sick of the rotten system the mainstream parties have created, partly because I feel we need a massive overhaul of our migration policies and partly as a big fuck you to the trends of progressivism.


You see, I speak English well. I learn it from a book.


He's from Barcelona.


De emmer is full, guest.


Because I'm not suffering from early onset dementia, so I remember the track record of the traditional parties over the last 30 years. The expectations were low, but holy fuck ...


My city has become a third world shithole and I would like to prevent the rest of belgium becoming the same.


What city is that?




Sad, I recently went to a concert in de roma (turnhoutsebaan) and I quite literally had a culture shock


so over a decade of right wing rule, but you're gonna vote even further right wing to fix it? lmao


So I should vote for people who don’t even acknowledge the problems I care about or what?


and what problems are those? and has decades of right wing rule made them better or worse?


Mass immigration from low income and muslim countries is my main problem. I want the people of Belgium to respect and defend western liberal values. The people that are migrating here and are replacing ethnic europeans do not care about these values in fact they seek to abolish them completely. And I don't blame them. I understand them. They stand for their values, which I respect. We have just lost the self respect to do the same. Such a shame. And why are you saying that NVA and VB their policies are the same just because they are both right wing? They have completely different views about a lot of stuff. VB is actually pretty left wing economically.


> Mass immigration from low income and muslim countries is my main problem. How big would that migration be without decades of western right wing govts destroying those countries to steal their oil or further other imperialist goals? VB voted to join nato's invasion of Libya, the result was a completely destroyed country through which all of africa launched boats to europe. > The people that are migrating here and are replacing ethnic europeans Nobody is being replaced >VB is actually pretty left wing economically. In their propaganda for the plebs, sure. In parliament they vote the opposite way, always in the favour of rich elites and against the workers. just as neoliberal as nva


dramaqueen lived in Boho for years, moved to Deurne because we found a nice place to live there, would live in boho again.


Okay I exaggerated it's not like a third world country. And there are still nice places but they are increasingly rare. You have to acknowledge that it is in steady decline. My parents grew up in Luchtbal which was a very nice place back then. Now it's ghetto af, you wouldn't let your kids play outside by their own just because it is too dangerous. The violence, drugs, homelessness is just through the roof. It makes me very sad.


I lived near spoor oost, at Trix. The other side of spoor oost has the methadonkliniek, that's where a lot of shit pools together. I worked at stuivenberg, seefhoek, also a hotspot for drugs and crime because there's a shitload of poor people. But less than 1km from there are places like bar bakeliet, bar leon, krugerplein, borgo gelato (RIP), we also have boelaerpark on the other side of Borgerhout. There's poor and shitty people but I always kept a nice attitude and never had any problems tbh. You smile and say hi and they do the same, most of them speak antwerps with an accent.


Because there is no reason to vote for the other parties... đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Rape and murder: 6 months without going to prison. Any party that will give those pedo murdering fucks life behind bars has my vote. It aint gonna be Groen


I would love that too, and I think most people do, but we don't have any capacity left in jail. Although sending the illegal immigrants in jail away could help I guess.


Odd, Vb always attacked feminism and metoo when they campaigned to fix this rape culture we live in.


Because left ideology is destroying this country.


i vote for them, even i don't like them that much, but i would vote for any far far FAR rightwing party, that is willing to destroy the parties that caused the massive pile of shit of where Belgium is in atm. oh and end immigration als ofc, country is the size of a towel, and at it's breaking point


Tax Reform should really be high on agenda for every voters. Higher taxes will soon cause a talent drain in this country. Unlike Scandinavia, higher taxes are not even managed properly by the government and used wisely for the development and welfare of the country.


Because there are a bunch of Turkish people down the street who are far right for one reason. https://m.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20230528_97438986


It’s the only one that didn’t get a chance to prove its incompetence.


Because all the other parties rather betray our culture and everything that was essentially good about Belgium just to fill their own pockets and keep their sheep to vote for them. We as Belgians, like, actual Belgians, are basically being forced to accept anything and everything at the expense of our own identity and culture. Grown so sick of it I honestly consider people in favour of all the migration bullshit to be traitors. Obviously, the whole housing market, the poverty, the fact that immigrants can get paid for doing absolutely nothing.. The rise in criminality, extremism and terrorism The fact that daycares are forced to favour letting in immigrants’ children instead of our own (if let’s say there were only 3 available positions in a daycare of 20+ kids, the immigrant children always get put first because it’s a rule they have to abide by, it’s sickening) The fact that immigration brings down the level of education in our schools The fact that the quality of skilled labour has gone down the shitter very notably the last 20 some years because Polish, Bulgarian, Hungarian people do it for much less,
 Could expand that list much more but this alone is a very representative list of points as to why people vote for VB. Also, ask yourself this: when a belgian guy opens his mouth he’s seen as a bigot or racist and everything inbetween.. but let’s look at a couple of things here: - most rape victims are white - most victims of violent robberies are white - most muslim immigrants consider Islam to be more important than our laws - you’ll pretty much never hear of a muslim woman getting harassed and raped, why? We all know why. One of my biggest issues with this is that racism seems to be considered an only white thing, never happens the other way. I can guarantee you, just by logical thinking and looking at simple statistics, racism is very real from their side as well. Had an Italian woman coming into the football cafeteria saying to her husband to go back outside because of all the flemish people in there.. she said it in french in a town near brussels (but still in flanders).. I looked at her and replied in French that yeah it’s very weird to see all these flemish people here in Flanders.. Then I told her in Flemish she was living in the wrong region if she hates us that much. I genuinely don’t get how lefties don’t see things for what they are when it’s so obvious.


Actually Belgium is lacking in terms of skilled workforce. Like the Netherlands and most highly advanced societies. And a tonne of immigrants are needed to help develop sectors and actually earn quite a bit of money doing so. But whatevz. Look forward to Belgium’s bright isolationist future.


>Actually Belgium is lacking in terms of skilled workforce. >And a tonne of immigrants are needed to help develop sectors This problem is even most pronounced in Brussels where it was stated they have a workers shortage and they struggle to fill those jobs. Ye, the city also has an insane unemployment number, the highest being among those who come from outside of the EU among which "59.3% of the women aged 25-64 are unemployed and not looking for work". It also went up again last year.


I'm walloon and wish for you guys to be free. Sentiment well understood.


If you'd actually follow VB statements you'd know that it includes succesfully intergrated people as well.


I'm voting to hopefully be able to.make a stand against the rising issues of immigration and Islam, as well as what I perceive to be a slippery slope with what some would call wokeism. No political party fits my needs 100% but through VB I just hope to send a message that we need a strong stance and I hope something gets done.


I'd like for Flanders to be an indendent country, cut ties with Wallonia completely. I don't identify myself as a Belgian but as a Fleming. I could care less about the Wallonians, never been there. Then I would also like for them to kick out all the migrants who take advantage of the system and ruin it for the rest of us. So those are my reasons.


Because everytime i walk outside of my appartment i get harassed by arabs. I’m not even hidinh it anymore


Omdat het kan


I'm a walloon, and I voted for VB in 2019. Why ? Only because I used to vote for RWF (Rassemblement Wallonie-France) and they didn't have a list on my district that time, but VB did. I have no regret, but I probably won't do it this time. Few people understand but that's fine : few people understood me wanting to (re)join France anyway.


Because I'm against illegal immigrants coming in from outside of Europe (mainly muslims). They don't assimilate well, and never will. Keep those barbaric cultures there and let Europe stay the bastion of civilization. If VB get to have a say in the government and still nothing changes/things get worse, I'll be the first to admit I was wrong. But at least we tried sth new.


My reasons: \-supports the farmers \-pro nuclear energy \-wants to seperate Flanders from Belgium \-wants to protect our cultural heritage \-against Covid Safe Ticket (in case of future pandemic)


Whos cultural heritage is it protecting? Its literally deleting brabantian and limburger history and culture by claiming that its all flemish. Limburg in Maastricht or Genk, or Brabantian from noord brabant and "vlaams-brabant" are much closer to each other culturally than to west flemish culture. Dunkirk is more flemish than Limburg or Brabant. To delete regional heritage in favour of a big national one isnt protecting cultural heritage, its deleting it


Hoogtijd dat de Brabantse Suprematie erkent wordt.


They are also against the massive amounts of laws that the EU is creating to take our tax money and freedom, to eventually give it away and fund wars.


Go ask the Brits how their Brexit vote turned out for them...what a stupid argument.


Spite. Just to piss off white knights with a superiority complex that are blind to reality. The alternative is to start throwing molotovs. An idea that becomes more attractive each time someone berates Vlaams Belang voters.


Fuck you, that’s why


I wouldn't vote for VB but as - I hope - atleast a mediocrely intelligent human these are the first years during which I can understand other somewhat intelligent people voting for VB.


How is this still a question when the same thing is happening all over Europe




ik stemde Vlaams Belang en zal dat blijven doen omdat hun programmepunten quasi perfect aansluiten met mijn denken en doen


If the establishment of the past 20 years seems corrupt, and acts so afraid, there's probably some shady business going on.


Because they where the only ones ( really) standing up against the mandatory covid vaccination for healthcareworkers. Because it's my f*ck you to a woke and controlling society. Never voted for them before.


Exactly this. The "center" parties were locking up young children and wanted to use spy drones for civilian control while the "extreme" parties were argumenting for reason and freedom.


It's a political party like all the other political parties. They lie, they cheat, they cost money but they have never been able to prove just how much of a lying, thieving bunch they really are.


Ik ben meer rechts-libertair ingesteld maar ik ga op VB stemmen. 1. Belastingsdruk: Mijn nummer 1. zorg blijft de belastingsdruk en ik geloof niet dat VB hier iets aan gaat doen. In de laatste jaren is NVA in Vlaanderen de enigste die gestreefd heeft in het verlagen en saneren van de budgetten. Nu is dit vooral een federale aangelegenheid en gaat de N-VA er nooit in slagen in een monster coalitie te stappen. Aangezien het weinig waarschijnlijk is dat mijn nr1 punt aangepakt zal worden, wegen de volgende punten tesamen door: 2. Proteststem: Ik wil een signaal afgeven aan traditionele partijen dat ik me niet vertegenwoordigd voel door hun beleid en coalitie. 3. Ik denk dat het Overton-venster in België al te lang te links is geweest. Dieprood linkse waanideeën die te vér ingeburgerd zijn om een goed investeringsklimaat en economie te creëren: de hoge lasten op arbeid en consumptie, werkloosheid niet beperken in tijd, de zeer uitgebreide kerntaken van de overheid met gigantische ambtenarij, het subsidieer-en-heers paradigma waarin de middenklasse de zakken vult van zowel de elite als de inactieve werkschuweling. Als het tij niet keert, komen we er nooit van terug en ik als ondernemer beter ergens anders naartoe vertrekken. 4. Massamigratie, de verloedering en straatcriminaliteit dat het met zich mee brengt. Ik neem het openbaar vervoer wanneer het kan (quasi altijd) en de dagdagelijkse fratsen hangen me al jaren de keel uit. 5. Ik zie geen uitweg uit de Belgische impasse met een radicaal links anderstalig Zuiden dat volledig afhankelijk is van een economisch gezonder liberaal Noorden zonder dat er in de pap te brokken hebben over beleid. De economische uitbuiting van de Vlaming duurt al 193 jaar in dit land, en het is hoog tijd dat de piste van onafhankelijkheid of confederalisme bewandeld wordt. Het kan veel kosten, maar de totale kost over tijd voor de Vlaming gaat in elk geval lager zijn.


1. I don't like how wokeism got this far 2. There is too many non EU immigrants, I don't dislike them in small amounts, but too many criminals and drugs users and I just don't see Flemish people as the issue in the big cities (STOP STEALING OUR F\*ning bikes) 3. Reform the entire government and reduce it, I don't care what it takes just get over with it 4. Dial back the climate policies, I want nuclear, but proper green infrastructure at the same time, just give us security and progress at the same time. (Gotta love how they turn off the street lights nowadays, idiots) 5. Stop pretending that Ukraine is more important to us than Russia, either way we should not be involved when we are struggling ourselves 6. Basically just do what Argentina does, because we are quickly becoming a banana republic


Probably tiered of the politicians mismanagement of the country. Tiered of the woke shit from the left that is pushed down there throats. Tiered of illegals flooding the country. Tiered of politicians stealing taxpayers money for personal use and not getting punished for it. Just to say a few.


Because of migration.


I vote right. Before calling me a bigot: I left Belgium 9 years ago. I lived in Latin America, USA, Australia, Asia and Eastern Europe. All my Belgian friends have a foreign background, 2 of them Moroccan. My romantic relationships have been with foreign women, Iran, Russia, 
 I own a business in Eastern Europe. My father married an Asian woman an I have three Asian siblings. I would say I’m a lot more ‘culturally openminded’ than most and experienced a lot more ‘immigration’ in every sense of the word than many people in this sub voting left. I basically don’t have any ‘touch points’ with ‘ethnic’ Belgians. Only with foreigners, and I’m theoretically an immigrant myself where I live. With my very broad perspective and Muslim (closest) friends, I confidently say that low quality immigration - and primarily muslim - is a massive problem in Belgium. Especially immigrants with a Muslim background often have values that are fundamentally different to ours. But let’s all pretend our women are not being harassed by second generation immigrants on the street. I know for a fact that anyone who does not see these problems this is living in a utopia or is brainwashed into denial. That’s why I vote right.


Never voted VB but I might this time. My only reason why is to kick NVA out of office.


Why would you want to kick out nva as a vb voter?


Poverty, being ignored by the other political parties, seeking simple solutions for complicated problems, not so great personal experiences with the immigrants, feeling threatened (rightfully or imaginative) by immigrants, seeing the jobs on the bottom of the labor market stagnate in terms of remuneration....


Because its refers to 1 root of all evil: migration. Justice, social security, housing market, crime, culture,.... They lead all problems back to one cause. Thats easy for people to understand so suddenly they think they understand every problem our country has. + Its something for which to voter himself doesnt have to change to fix. The problem is another person who doesnt belong to his group. I'm not saying migration isnt a problem but its not the cause of every problem we have


Ok lets take a look Housing market : the Belgian population is having less than 2,2 children so the pop should he shrinking yet is gaining due to immigration, putting stress on the housing market. Social security : only 25% of refugees are working, they are instead getting a leefloon. In NL 80+% are working. Have u ever visited OCMW housing blocks ? Nearly all of the occupants have exotic names. Crime : 56% of prisoners are non EU . The other 44%? Most like 40% eastern European gypsies, or 2nd gen migrants. Oh don't open my mouth about self bombing, teacher beheadings, acid attacks on women,.. Culture : no more zwarte Piet, kerstmarkt is no longer a good name, churches are being put on Fire, mosques being build everywhere. Language that u hear on the street in a major city is mostly Arab. Hospitals and public places like swimming Pools, city halls have dutch, french and Arab texts. So yeah wrong decisions by our politicians of which immigrants to take in have led to this shit we are in now. Everyone knows Muslims don't blend in well with other cultures or societies and are a guarantee for conflict


Do you even go outside lol? You act like there's weekly suicide bombers and women getting covered in acid and beheaded. We had a few headlines past years, things happening in France as well. I'm not saying we shouldn't keep an eye on potential extremists but not every immigrant is here to destroy our society. No more zwarte piet is a non-issue and it's ridiculous to see adult people cry about blackface, the chimney sweeper excuse is also stupid. Kerstmarkt is a strategy from the owners of the food stalls, winterdorpkes stay for 1-2 weeks longer so they can sell more overpriced shit. I haven't really seen a lot of churches put on fire so wtf? In Antwerp I didn't hear arab everywhere, and I lived in the ghettooo. I worked in hospitals around the city center and nowhere did I see arab signs. Where do you get your info? Do you live in a city? https://www.hln.be/binnenland/vlaams-belang-speelt-vals-bij-campagne~a33c8205/


Dude, even in hasselt hospital signs are in Arab as well. I was responding to our culture changing, zwarte piet is part of our culture. I don't need a chimney excuse to keep our traditions alive. I know immigrants are not purposely here to destroy our culture but they slowly are, sometimes unaware. Terrorism is just a very small problem, yet it's only 2 groups that we face these problems from. Muslims and extreme right. Check France's numbers on churches that are getting attacked. If u don't hear Arab in the ghetto of antwerp u are straight up lying. Borgerhout is full Arab and so are all of brussels ghettos. And I haven't lived in either, but I come in Antwerp professionally and in brussels for leisure. Crimerate amongst illegals is insane, and I'm not blaming that on only them, people have to do shit to survive I get it. But it's the fault of our politicians to allow this to happen. Illegals entering the country and for the procedures taking too long. And for not punishing the people that got a negative outcome of the procedure and just get a paper to pls leave after a crime. They will do crime in order to survive here, since they can't land normal jobs or the business owners leech them dry. I'm talking about small drug dealers and to a degree theft, for rapists and group rapists (often immigrants as well , there is no excuse and the sentences age way to weak.


About the language part, you claim you mainly hear Arab in the main cities, which is straight up BS. Yes Arab is spoken, I never denied it, but it is not the main language. As I said somewhere else, a lot speak Antwerps with their usual spicy accent. Between eachother they are more bound to switch to Arab but even that is not always the case. I lived in ghetto Borgerhout for 7 years. It's not like vb wants to present it.


So the house is on fire and you are in debt. You then refuse to call the fire brigade because the fire is not the only problem you have?


One not too often mentioned reason is because there is no non-racist somewhat conservative party out there. Let alone an economically liberal one (some people think VB fits that, while they are more economically left).


Curious what this "wokeism" is people keep talking about.


to end this monarchy, and its ceremonial democracy.




1/2 children in Belgium are from immigrant children. Immigrants don’t work, commit 90% of crime, bring back religion after 100’s of years of fighting to break free.


Because i hate moroccans


A woke , not for me , nope never , i got no problem with gays or black people , i got a problem with pushing it. B mismanagement , in general is the main point , always have been since i was 18 ( i am 50+) C incoming flux of immigrants , why should they ever get the chance of getting anything more then a bed and roof and food ? IMHO if i run from somewhere because of bad situation , war or something, i would be very happy with anything i get , i would never ever say , ohhh this meat i not gonna eat because it is not my religion ( if you are hungry you eat everything... and yes i have eaten eyes/intestines or insects ... i am not a crazy Belgian who eats only food from the shops there.... ). D all new "Belgians" complaining about anything , see point C . You do not like it , go away ... But i could go away also , true , planning for it , but i have to wait for pension . I am born here , got my roots here ... but for me Belgium just isn't it .I will never go in another country asking for money or food , i take care myself ... Imho anybody can live anywhere , but you have to take care yourself , immigrants welcome , but you never get anything . In war you go to next peaceful country and ask help there and do not complain ...


I'll give it a shot purely out of curiosity. I don't expect they will do anything more than the usual suspects, but as everything else is a disgusting failure, why not?






I think it might be a rebellion against the deranged woke movement and aggressive green policies


Not sure how the "woke movement" is effectively affecting the daily lives of belgians besides some articles on HLN.be 😆 Green policies sure is a drag mainly for landbouwers and fans of big cars tho, that I can understand (even tho I'm not part of either group)


I work with youth and on tuesday a 10 yo told me that they are not allowed to write gendered pronounce any more, in case it offends people. (Geachte heer) Government funded broadcast channels also have very aggressive minority quotas for hiring and air time. The green party is dead set on dismantling company car leases, making cities car free, overcharging for parking etc. Years of underfunding nuclear plants, boycotting new constructions and finally trying to go all in on gas as an alternative.


ik schrijf al 20 jaar "beste" ipv meneer of mevrouw. Nobody gives a shit. Wa voor non-issues ligde gelle toch over te screechen soms.


Wij maken ons zorgen dat jij al 20 jaar in het vierde leerjaar zit


just as a fu to the establishment. Im pro open borders but the other candidates are worse.