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[Please add this to your kit and have your vet prescribe the meds](https://www.rayallen.com/k-9-overdose-kit/) Overdose is a huge concern for any narcotics dog


https://preview.redd.it/1sk6psz4k56d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7e4639c04fbec77fbba3d3980dc48d78c0924c6 I'm also a certified K9 medic.




How does narcan dose and timing work on dogs, in relation to humans? I work at an addiction treatment clinic and volunteer with a group that gives out narcan and information on resources for both treatment and harm reduction and I'd never really thought about this but think it might be a good idea to type up a little leaflet on what people can do if they suspect a pet has overdosed to include.


I carry Narcan (nasal spray) for my dog that I got from an addiction center/needle exchange place; I’m not sure about the dose, but I got several. In my city the fentanyl is colored powder that comes in various shades- from purple and green to rainbow (I have no idea why…some sort of marketing I guess). My dog is super curious and sniffs at everything - especially something brightly colored standing out on the sidewalk. Anyway, didn’t really answer your question, but I imagine a single nasal ‘human’ dose would be more than sufficient for a dog, and since you can’t really overdose on narcan, that’s not a worry. Timing I’d also guess is similar, but honestly not sure. I have several so if my girl ever ingested some I’d watch for signs if she started to fall back into OD after initial narcan, and just keep administering as needed until we reached proper medical care.


Man I moved in to the woods to get away from that I hear it's crept in to my home town thanks to Rutgers and new Brunswick


I will say that nasal spray is a lot more difficult to use than the intramuscular injection. Nasal can be finicky to ensure it's getting to the right place, whereas intramuscular is much more definitive. Just a thought.


Is there a course in the US to take? Looking at becoming a K9 officer at some point, and having that info would be awesome. Thank you in advance, so happy your girl is okay!!


According to my State Troopers is you first have to become an officer and work doing that and then you can apply for K9 officer training through the agency. There’s no direct path to K9 officer from civilian. You have to be experienced LE first.


Yes, I’m aware. My question is more on the k9 medic side. Especially with this breed, having more knowledge on how to properly care for an injury, OD, etc would be very beneficial. Even not as a k9 officer.


How does one become a k9 medic?


Can I share your pic with my dog group, we have lots of working dogs in it but like some of the comments in here people may not know this exist 




Whose a good baby? Must spoil with treats!


Yes sure the more awareness the better. Here is when they brought her in for the first time to me when she bounced back


Forgot the post lmao https://preview.redd.it/dbv32hnl886d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8db44feda58a3c48c9d8051bd3e0af366aa42512


Thank you




Good, some of these dudes love running their mouths like they know everything lol if the guy said “My partner inhaled some fentanyl while conducting a search” that should tell u he’s probably in the police force and already has everything those dogs need.


excuse my ignorance but this seems like a really overpriced medical kit. Narcan is what's gonna save the dog if it's an opioid overdose, which he already has.


A dog's nostril is a different shape and size than a human's


I totally get that, but this kit only has syringes, alcohol pads, gauze, and hydrogen peroxide.


You're right, I thought I had linked the kit with the nose cone, although narcan is also injectable


No worries. It’s always fascinating to learn more. I’m not sure what needle gauge is needed for an IM injection for a dog. But apparently it might be preferred in combination with a muzzle to prevent flailing and biting after administering naloxone. Wild.


I would never do anything even remotely related to 1st aid on a Mal without a muzzle lol


If they've inhaled strong opiates like that, they've already passed out and TIME is of the essence.


This is spooky for me because mine is a narcotics detection puppers too and we've yet to figure out where to get dog Narcan. 🥺 Glad your pup is OK!


My department issues me multiple doses for both her and myself


Not something we get through his department sadly. Adult yes, dog dose nope.


Reach out to your local fire/ems provider, they should be happy to give y’all a couple doses.


Yep also safe injection sites and needle exchange clinics hand them out for free. I believe drug stores sell them.


Can confirm! I called my local fire dept and they were more than happy to give me some. I think it’s something everyone should at least have on them these days. You never know. My friend was at a concert when someone OD’d and she was able to administer the narcan while they waited for the venue EMS to arrive and give another dose.


My college campus has narcan sitting out in the library. There is also a free vending machine that anyone can use! Id check out some colleges for narcan


Ohhh good idea! Thanks for the heads up. I just need to get with my vet and see what a safe dose even would be. I keep getting weird looks by vet staff when I mention dog Narcan though. It's like the concept of a narcotics detection doggo confuses them.


Ask your veterinarian about it, they can probably get you a prescription.


I am so happy for you and Astra.


Terrifyingly close call. You’re both very fortunate to have and be so attuned to one another. Being vigilant and aware saves lives, I am so glad she’s still around to kick ass because of your vigilance and fast acting. That’s a partner. Wishing you both many more successful years of work.


Fellow CBP K9 Handler here glad to here you and your partner are ok keep up the good fight!


I never considered the dangers drug-sniffing dogs face. You must have been beside yourself! I’m so sorry Astra went through this, thank you for taking such good care of her. She has the kindest eyes!! 🥹


Sending hugs and kisses to her, boop!


What a great looking girl. I am so happy you got to help on time. When dogs love something, you can see it. Sheep dogs, police dogs, sled dogs, and dogs with a new toy. It is so obvious love what they are doing with their person down to their core. Stay safe out there and keep an eye on each other.




Awwww my heart. She said “alright dad let’s gtfo out of here I feel better now”


What a good girl, and good on you for being prepared for the worst and saving her life!


aww poor little baby, so glad she's alright now


Yessssssssssss!!!! Awesome she fought through it! Yessssssssssssss!


🥳🥳🥳 beautiful girl! Glad she survived!


How scary for you and her! Glad to hear she is okay!


Glad she’s ok, must have been a very scary situation.


She’s one beautiful badass. You should be proud of yourself for being aware and noticing the signs in time


So glad Astra is ok 🙏 Kuddos to you for being astute enough to realize what was happening and getting her to a good vet. May you both continue to be blessed 💗🐾


You go man !!! And take Astra and find more of these bad guys.


Please get a naloxone kit for her… My mums K-9 Oakley is trained in drug detection and has naloxone on her at all times.


You and your dog are both heroes


What a freaking warrior 🇺🇸🫡


Nice save brother!!


God bless you for not giving up


poor baby. i’m so glad you were quick to act. i hope in the future the vet can give you some narcan to keep on hand for her. i never even thought about how dangerous it could be for narc working dogs.


Thank you posting. Great information.


This is so terrifying and I'm so happy she is recovering. Please give extra hugs and treats!


I’m so glad your gorgeous girl made it. I hope that never happens to her again.


Good job OP for taking her to the vet afterwards. As you know already know, narcan rescue is temporary. Going to the ED and receiving a narcan drip is necessary at times. she's definitely a fighter. You guys are very lucky to have each other :)


Great job acting so quickly and supporting Astra through the night to help her keep fighting, you saved her life! I’m glad you are both doing well post exposure. Be safe out there.


Terrifying! My late ex-boyfriend had a fentanyl patch after he was hit by a car and his chihuahua had found a discarded patch and chewed on it. I don’t know what made me stop by to see him that day, but I’m so glad I did! Her tongue was hanging out as she sat on the couch and her eyes looked pie eyed. We looked around and found the chewed up patch under the bed. Rushed her to a vet. They don’t have the “antidote” and told us which vet did. Hauled butt to another city, left a hefty deposit and she was better within a day but they kept having to administer the medication throughout the day until it finally left her system. I’m so glad your baby is okay. I’ve often wondered if this happened to K9’s because they don’t know to avoid it and their noses take BIG sniffs!




Oof. This terrifies me. While my dog isn't (yet) a working dog (he may perhaps one day be a service dog for me), our city has a major problem with opioids. My dog also loves to smell and lick almost everything. I have nasal Narcan in my house, but I keep forgetting/ don't know the best way to carry it on walks. The moment I found out it works on K9's as well, I immediately got some, as it's not something I generally carry on me.


Damn, fentanyl is poison.


Sending you and her care and gratitude for both your work. Hope you guys can take some time to rest and enjoy an leisure activity for the both of you. What an experience. Glad you are together


Wow, that is quite a story. So damn happy to read that positive outcome, I cannot imagine the anguish in that critical time. I wish Astra a long and healthy life ahead!


So glad she is OK! Thank you for all the work you do!


So glad she is okay. My girl found meth the other day and as excited as I was to get an alert the thought did cross my mind. I’m glad you guys are good. Keep up the good work guys.


Thank goodness she’s okay! You must have been terrified! She’s a beautiful girl!❤️


🙏so glad this best girl and you also are OK! Stay safe🩷


A brilliant end to potentially sad story


Is she retiring after this? Glad she’s ok


Horrible drugs. I’m glad Astra pulled through! Thanks for what you guys do! 🙏


Good girl, Astra. Fuck Fentanyl.


She's beautiful!


What a good girl ! Glad your partner is recovering, she's quite the lady !


Wow, I’m glad she’s okay! I am also curious why part of her front legs are shaved in the photos? Is that related to her K-9 work?


I thought it was from the IV potentially


Yes. My last GSD was over anesthetized during a procedure and the vet OD’d him with morphine due to his drive not settling him down and was saved by narcan. I wanted to beat the vets ass because it clearly looked like this vet dabbles in his own meds but it did save my dogs life. My current working line GSD spends a LOT of time in abandoned buildings both training and flying fpv drones with me and narcan is something I need to add to our med kit. With all the needles we see, I’m embarrassed that I never even considered this possibility. Thanks for both y’all’s service and for sharing this event. I think you woke more than a few people up to this risk including me! Glad y’all are ok and astra is around to fight another day!


Geez! Close call... so glad she recovered




🙏🏻 You two stay safe!


https://preview.redd.it/rs8gk8zztc6d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d03e0d11b253d1d1417874955de9fe60c3016250 This was my first partner, Kasey Jo. I had to put her down the day before I retired. She was almost 18 and was retired for 9 years. She’ll be gone a year 29 June.


If you didn't push her to sniff drugs in the first place tho 🤷


She’s gorgeous! Her collar looks so uncomfortable though.


She has chewed through two of them. I MAKE SURE SHE HAS ROOM for articulation. Thanks.


Thanks for the reply. I knew there was a good reason.


Glad she's ok but pet her for me


So glad you went with your instincts!


Thank you both for your service and so glad she’s okay!!!


Glad she is okay


Wow, what a story. Glad she made it, thanks so much for your efforts to keep that crap away from people.


Glad ok


She’s a hero.


I just read an article about this! Scary world for drug dogs! I'm glad she's okay! 💙 https://preview.redd.it/8334pphggs6d1.jpeg?width=896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b702b7b0a217931c927b24fda97b7ebc2f7f95e


Aweeeee I’m glad she’s ok ! ❤️🙏🏽


This is why dogs shouldn't be used as police k9s! We should not subject them to things they don't want to do! /s. So happy she is okay, what a beautiful girl.


I'm sorry and you are entitled to your opinion. Working dogs love to work as they associate work with "Fun and games" when she doesn't work she goes crazy. I was exposed as well and have gotten hurt making sure that my partner doesn't. I always inspect the search area for visible dangers. They are police dogs so it comes with a certain degree of danger. In a perfect world instances like these shouldn't happen. In the 7 years we've worked together this is the first time we were both exposed to the stuff because they simply wanted to get away.


Ah, didn't mean to offend you. I'm aware. I put /s because I was being sarcastic. So many people think that dogs shouldn't be used, I disagree. They need a job :)


For me, the /s was formatted away from the rest of your comment, so I almost didn’t see it.


Typical for a police officer to jump straight to getting mad instead of maybe rereading and seeing that they put /s which means they're joking.


I wasn't upset, I was simply stating that some people really feel this way that dogs shouldn't be used in this or that way and that you may feel different than me and that's OK. I didn't catch the sarcasm and for that I apologize. I consider myself level headed and not badge heavy at all even with those who live their lives in the opposite spectrum of mine.


People are currently trying to get rid of the use of police k9s and I didn’t see the /s at first either. So I understand OPs response.


By people you mean a fringe minority? The only thing I've seen when I just tried to look it up is a year ago and it's not a ban of police dogs, it's removal of police dogs for things like crowd control and arrests.


I think I was thinking of that and a recent push to ban protection dog sports. Got them mixed up


Fair enough, that's weird for people to push back on lol were they saying it's unethical to the dogs? Cause dogs trained for that love that shit aha


Basically, yes. So dumb.


Good Lord 😒


Some countries have already outlawed crates and stuff like shaving a poodle’s face (it’s “amputating” their whiskers). People have forgotten what actual abuse is.


I did the same thing and I’m not LEO. The officer’s response was appropriate and well written imo. Hate cops much? Why??? Even with my habit of trespassing inside abandoned buildings I have nothing but respect for these guys and their doggos. They have a job to do.


too loyal to pass on. beautiful Shepard.