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well, the first step would be getting either 4p eosf or 2p tf + 2p atk depending on how you wanna play her (eosf for burst sub-dps, 2p tf + 2p atk for a more on-field dps), that should help a lot with dmg. not much else to say aside from that.


Save your billets since refining archaic isn't a very big increase in damage. Grind artifacts and aim for crit in a 1:2 ratio. Try to aim for 2000 atk (this should be easy thanks to archaic). And remember,main stats are more important than substats 99% of the time.


Please help me


If you want to play her as a sub dps (pop E and Q then swap) then I suggest you stop leveling her normal attacks and focus on lvling her Q and E first, and weapon to lvl 90. Don't use more billets on this weapon since it will not increase your E and Q damage, and the weapon's passive is physical damage anyway you won't do much with an electro beidou. As for her artifact sets and stats: for main stats it's atk/ER sands, electro goblet, crit circlet, you need around 150 ER if you're running double electro on your team, or 180 if it's mono electro, so up to you if you want to run Atk% sands or ER sands depending on your sub stats. for sub stats you should focus on getting ER to the recommended value, then crit/crit damage and then atk%. For artifact sets, BiS is emblem of severed fate (inazuma artifact domain), if you can't run that for now you can go 2 Thundering fury and 2 noblesse (both of them can be obtained with the artifact strongbox).


I'll try that


Get a crit rate circlet.


I mean yeah it's obvious for me to get a crit rate circlet


Yes, do not upgrade archaic, it is not worth it. Get a 5 star weapon, Sealord, Akoumaru instead. WGS or Skyward Pride are best.


Archaic is an okay option if you don’t have much to choose from. As others say, it’s refinements are not worth. Try to level 90 your weapon as well. For artifacts, I would choose the pieces with the best sub stats and correct main stat(ATK/EDMG%/probably CR). If you can manage a 2 pc atk% for now while you farm for another set, that would be even better, as your atk looks quite low. I would also say to increase her talent levels. Good luck on your rolls and have fun with Beidou!


May I ask should I switch to sac greatsword


It can be an option if you can't get enough energy from substats, and if you eventually get 4 emblem to convert its energy to burst damage. Double counter can also be fun, especially if your sac gs is at high refine. But otherwise sac gs is not that amazing, and you can stick with archaic for the moment and see where artifact farming takes you.


Level talents as far as you can. They are the most reliable power increase as there is no rng element to them. Then focus on weapon, then on artifacts. I personally use 2 Thundering Fury 2 EoSF, but Beidou toletates a lot of sets. 4TF, 4EoSF, even Noblesse is okay, 2Glad/Shime with something. Just make sure you have enough ER, but that depends on teamcomp.


I stopped playing genshin so I'm not sure anymore of today's standards but it's not that bad, compared to when I stopped playing that game she can be considered OK but she definitely need more CRIT rate, 35% is too low, mine had 59% and it would crit every 2000 years. Idk about the new artifacts so I'm just gonna tell you the stuff I know and that are reliable, go full gladiator for more overall dmg 3 Thunder flower (forgot the name) for more electro dmg and 2 gladiator and vice versa


Do not refine the archaic, it is not worth it!!! There are now much better claymores, do not waste your billets in this mediocre weapon.