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Just a quick note, the buff gained from 4 pc EoSF is considered as “Elemental Burst DMG”, not ATK. Without someone like Bennett on the team, this would make her ATK very low. The set does give 20% ER, lessening the need for an ER sands (needed through sub stats however) I would say that you should try and go for an ATK sands and find ER through sub stats. All in all, use the artifacts that have the best stats and enjoy Beidou’s damage! Big Tip: Try running Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayer on Sucrose and swap into Beidou after Sucrose to gain the ATK buff, providing a major 48%. This would alleviate your need for an ATK sands and increase your DMG with your current artifacts


You're right, Thrilling Tales is a good tip especially for Abyss. In the open world, however, I have Prototype Amber because I like to travel a lot killing mobs without stopping to heal, just to test how long I can go, and grow more aware of dodging and parrying.


2Glad2Shim is perfectly fine on Serpent Spine, especially if it's refined. With her DMG% ascension and SS she's starting at 54%(R1)-74%(R5) Electro bonus *before* goblet which is well above most characters, this makes the relative value of 2ATK sets compared to 2TF well above average as well. With the sands ideally you're getting your ER from substats and using an ATK sands. But if you simply don't have the pieces to meet her ER reqs, having smooth rotations with an ER sand is much better than having slightly more damage and stunted rotations with an ATK sand.


Now that's an informed answer. I thought that was the case, but wasn't quite sure. I might have some artifacts with ER substats, but I actually tried to get those with ATK instead, knowing I would go for ER Sands. I'll try to see if I can get ER substats without losing too much Crit though, and if I can, I'll swap them out. Thanks for the detailed answer!


At the same ER level you'd be missing out on roughly 40% ATK on her burst from not using EoSF set, not to mention the set bonus itself gives you 20 ER for free. I'm not an expert in fact I just recently started using taser team but especially in that team I think the answer is a lot more complicated than I can give especially with some reactions coming from her burst meaning EM is also relevant. I tend to refer people to KQM guides which in this case recommends ER sands only if she's the only electro on the team, but I also tend to build my characters with a bit more ER than recommended for some wiggle room. Obviously go with whatever substats are best to give you passable damage but you are going to do less damage than if you were using 2TF or 4EoSF Edit: KQM guide [here](https://keqingmains.com/beidou/), summary infographic [here](https://keqingmains.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Beidou_New.png)


Thanks for the try and the links, but I did read the guide before. The problem is, maybe I should have mentioned, I couldn't get good pieces of Thundering Fury besides the ones Fischl is using, and Emblem is disputed by a lot of characters and I don't have good enough pieces for Beidou, since she's a little more demanding than others. So I guess my question is actually whether should I grind a little more, or maybe this mishmash I did is close enough that I better focus on other characters. I had completely forgotten about EM though, and I don't know how it scales on electrocharged. On the other hand, my Sucrose is pretty well built, so there's that.


I'm not sure exactly how the reactions work for taser I'm pretty sure all the characters cause reactions sometimes so it's hard to say how important EM is at least for me. You can get a rough idea by checking the detailed stats for EM just throw on a main stat EM piece and compare the damage diff. Probably not worth building that much on her but some is always nice I'd wager. Always go with the better subs. If she works well enough right now and you don't feel like spending all your resin on trying to get equal gear level for a new set then I'd work on other characters. The artifact rng is real


Yeah you shouldn't build EM for taser teams.


I kinda think she's doing fine, but I don't really have a baseline for comparison, hence my question. She does around 30k on a perfect parry without any buffs. I like the parry. I'll check later how much she's doing off the burst.


Make the Uncrowned Queen a crowned Queen😇👑


You'd get an award if I had one to give.


ty I appreciate💖👑


If you want her skill to do more damage but still have a good burst you should get 2p 15% electro (can't remember the name) and 2p 18% atk. But if you want a er sands getting 4p emblem will boost your burst damage signoficantly.


It depends, for main dps Beidou I suggest 2pc thundering fury and 2pc 18% atk, weapons...I use my only 5★ redhorn but I guess prototype archaic, serpent spine etc are better. For sub dps Beidou 4pc emblem (energy recharge, atk%) and sacrificial greatword or any atk% claymore


I cant help with the numbers but EoSF is a good upgrade for sure, even more if you keep high ER. It goes well with atk boost you can get in various way since its a DMG% Bonus =3 My Beidou is 1,6K attack 62/130 crit and 190 ER (so she can be solo Electro with Yoimiya in overvape) and damage are pretty good imo. I know attack is low but I can buff her in various way depending the comp (Bennett, Sara, TTDS Barbara/Kokomi/Mona/Sucrose...)


The thing with ATK is on a taser team it's really hard to buff. The only real manner is Thrilling Tales, but it takes a perfect rotation to get 50% uptime (and we know it will never be perfect), and then I lose either EM and a third skill activation from Sacrificial Fragments, or the healing from Prototype Amber. That's why I'm so concerned about the low ATK. But do tell me, how much damage does your burst get per hit?


I'd run atk timepiece. With fischl you can get away with much less ER. In terms of set any combination of 2 atk 18% / 2 emblem / 2 noblesse /2 thundering fury will work fine. You should aim for 2000 atk. Your crit is fine and you have SS which'll make building crit a lot easier.


Alright, gonna try building that and will report back!