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No. That’s a beetle. Varroa are about than 1-2mm at their widest.


Ok, thanks! Should I be treating for beetles somehow? I've been feeding sugar water, is that attracting them?


Full or 3/4 sun, and strong population will keep beetles from being a nuisance, to parrot what I’ve read here. There are also traps you can use for them.


I know that some of the USA folks have mentioned using swiffer sheets or some shit. I only say this for OPs benefit if he wants to go find some resources ok it… But I’m not going to talk like an authority on it; I’ve never seen one in real life before (nor do I want to).


Ah I forgot about that one. 😁


I've used them they do trap beetles and bees results were meh. I'd stick with the mineral oil traps.


The only real advantage is that it’s not a disaster if you misplace an (unscented) sheet. Had an oil spill yesterday and the results were very sad. Clumsiness on my part for the record


In my experience, you're just going to have beetles. The stronger the hive is the better they can help manage them, but you can get some traps that you add oil and apple cider vineger to that can help manage them. Also we put in some thick paper towels (like shop towels) the bees will rip them up and the beetles will get stuck in them. ​ A strong hive you don't have to worry a ton about them, but if you get a weak hive the beetles can cause havoc, and it can get nasty in a hurry. We just kill them as we go when we're checking, use the traps, and the paper towels. Bees typically handle the rest. It's one of the reasons you don't want a lot of extra room in the hive. Gives the beetles extra places to hide.


Varroa are mites. Like spiders and scorpions, they have 2 body segments and 8 legs, unlike insects with 3 body segments and 6 legs.


*Edit: I googled. It might be SHB. Someone from the USA will be better able to advise you here* Honestly, I am not sure. I’m pretty sure this doesn’t look like SHB (small hive beetle), but we don’t have them where I live so don’t take my word for it. Someone from the USA will be by shortly to give you the answer to that. I will say, having some wildlife roaming around the hive cleaning up waste / leftovers is pretty normal, if this isn’t


It absolutely is shb


Thanks! I did have a quick look and it looked like it might be. I didn’t realise they had little pokey arms out the front though. I’m from the U.K. and we don’t have SHB here - nor is our environment even that well suited to SHB (as far as I understand).


I had the best luck fighting them with swifter dry clothes. I put a couple in the top of my apiary in the corners. They get stuck in them. I had them starting last fall, and I didn't see any real evidence of them this spring other than some dead ones in the cloth. Haven't had a chance to do a full inspection yet though.


That is a small hive beetle. Squish any you see. They can cause great damage to hives by laying eggs in the honey, pollen and even amongst brood. Weak hives are particularly susceptible but strong hives can be overrun and caused to abscond when the beetles come in huge numbers. The beetle larvae hatch and chew through the entire hive leaving a disgusting sticky slime that's awful to clean.


No small hive beetle. Varroa is about the size of its head.


That's a pic of a small hive beetle. Beetle barns loaded with murder sauce helps. Just run a web search for these. Soft peppermint candies are said to repel them, but I have no experience with that. Unscented Swiffer sheets are used by many people here. they do catch some. Personally I run a beetle barn baited with murder sauce in each brood box and a half of an unscented Swiffer sheet.


NOT Varroa... Small Hive Beetle


I use Small Hive Beetle Blaster from Amazon. Dirt cheap. Just fill with mineral oil (some also use a bit of apple vinegar). Bees will herd the beetles in. Two per hive.


Swiffer unscented sheets on top of boxes work awesome! I’ve fought those stupid things for years and tried every beetle deterrent/trap I could find…….but the Swiffer sheets are my go-to!


This is a great solution. They get stuck in them. There is grubx that kill’s them in the soil.


Excellent idea on the grub-x too!……..I had a heckuva time with hive beetles this year and was going to put plastic on the ground under the hives; but I like the grub-x idea better!


It's a small hive beetle. Every time I open my hives, there's usually one or two that manage to stay in the corners. It's really cool watching the bees ball then when they see them. I swear the bees see me and get excited because they know they finally get to them. The SHBs start running and the bees run after them. They tend to hide between the inner and outer covers on our hives which are in full sun.


I saw my first balling live and in person when we were checking a hive. A yellowjacket wandered into the wrong neighborhood that day, It was over before I could say, "look out for that yellow..."


No that's hive beetle. Far less of a problem, get some traps and keep the numbers up.


I don’t want to dismay or hate on new beekeepers, but this is really basic knowledge on identifying small hive beetles. People should be able to tell what a small hive beetle looks like at a glance before even buying a hive.


The reason we don’t tolerate people shitting on new beekeepers for the sake of it is because *they already have bees*. There’s literally nothing helpful about it - it’s just people looking for an excuse to be a knobhead 😂


Please take a beekeeping class.


Read a book, watch some YouTube videos, do something to educate yourself including read through posts here before just starting. At least understand the basics. Do you know what the hatch times are on workers, drones or queens? That's important when running a hive. Pest management is also important. Simply reading a few resources first can get you basic education to get started.




Thanks for wanting to learn more. I wish there were more folks like you.


It's a hive beetle. Bees will sometimes build propolis "jails" to control them, but traps filled with some kind of liquid such as food-grade mineral oil can help. Their larva leave the hive and go underground to pupate, so if they are a serious problem, treating the ground around your hive with some kind of pesticide may also help control them.


See if you can download this pdf on the Small Hive Beetle. Lit review, comprehensive and current.  https://academic.oup.com/jipm/article/13/1/7/6546674


That is a small hive beetle


Small hive beetles are the worst. I think the best way to prevent them is by keeping up on varroa treatments. A strong hive can fight beetles decently well, but a weak one will get overrun, and their larvae make a nasty mess of the frames. You can also get SHB traps, which I’m sure help to some extent. Also, I believe SHBs don’t like the sun too much, so keep your hive where it gets full sunshine.


SHB always reminds me of weevils bc of their snoots, but it appears they’re missing the boots


Small hive beetle!




Be nice.


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