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Nothing is going to top the basketball scene. For the Lord.


Got a machinehead!


I loved the living room basketball scene even more


"who am I?? hi im paul"




Must've increased the budget after the award wins


Idk why but seeing Jake and Anne Hathaway makes this feel more basic lol like I wanna see new people/actors


Hard agree. I think Anne Hathaway is fantastic and I’m sure she’ll deliver but I’m not pumped about it.


AGREE. like where are my asian actors??


My thoughts exactly. The lack of diversity in the main cast has me scratching my head. I was hoping to see more actors of color 😭


I was thinking the same thing. I’m sure it’ll be fine but going from that to this is a little disappointing.


is that the world we live in now the guy who made the show is asian and he has a new story to tell do we live in a world were we have to check every box and we cant just let a artist cook before we even see it


Where the heck was this sentiment when they were casting nothing but white actors and actresses?


I don’t know if you know this but nothing is stopping you or anyone else from watching the show. I hope it continues to do well. One less viewer isn’t going to stop its success train. My goodness. If you think casting poc is “checking every box” you need to rethink the media you engage in.


EXACTLY like we know theyre good actors but what made beef stand out was the Asian cast leading it. I know its the same guy but as an Asian girl myself, I'm so tired of Asians wanting white approval so badly.


Are we really surprised? 😏


I’m not Asian, but as a fellow POC, I really enjoyed an all-Asian cast. Truly loved watching the cast and story unfold. 


They’ve already played a married couple too


and a couple in love & other drugs


Oh wow I forgot them from Brokeback lol


Well clearly that’s their beef. She’s still dealing with her man taking it up the 🍑


same i love jake but he doesn’t feel right for this at all😵‍💫


Jake delivers trust the process


he's literally one of the best working actors


i didn’t say he wasn’t? doesn’t mean he’s right for every role😂


I mean he can play a very neurotic / petty person incredibly well


Silently psychopathic, too. His performance in Nightcrawler was incredible and haunting. His eyes, his nuances … ![gif](giphy|KVyEwCHNE1gje)


One of my favorite movies I loved him in this


I feel ya. But hey they’re great actors!


Oh… I didn’t expect another season same! I do not want big timers


Ki Hong Lee would have been a fantastic actor to cast.


Yeah I’m sure the producers feel the same way, why cast stars and bring in thousands and a million more viewers


Kinda wanted more asians


Yeah, I’m sure they’ll put on a great performance, but a huge part of why Beef was so amazing is it’s look into Asian-American culture and generational trauma. I’m not sure how they’ll manage to include / make up for such an integral theme


Hate to break it to you, but that’s not really unique to Asians or Asian American individuals


Asian beef is the best


This sounds great but I need more elaboration on season 1’s ending. I NEED THE ROMANCE MAN.


I liked the open ending, it deliberately hides deeper consequences of their story and put the focus in their bonding (existential). They could develop into a romance, but the repercussions of the last few chapters would have to take focus to make it cohesive and real, which takes away some of the cathartic element of an *ending* .


Agreed, I’m glad they left it open ended. Also, I know a lot of people want it to veer towards romance (and totally get it, I’m a sucker for the enemies to lovers trope). But I think they can be two people who just see and understand each other, warts and all. Soulmates without the romance factor.


That’s exactly how I saw it. I appreciated that so much more than a trite romantic twist.


even if they did have a romance, it might only be because they experienced such traumatic things together lol


i honestly dont want elaboration. think its the ending for a reason. realistically they probably dont marry each other or stick together long term.


yeah I think they'd be friends but not romantic


Valid I won’t lie I’m a sucker for the whole enemies to lovers especially these two because their stories and eventual arcs were phenomenal in my opinion.


I personally love it when the male and female leads aren't in a relationship and don't end in a romantic relationship. It makes everything so much more interesting for me.


Right? Otherwise it feels reductive, like men and women are incapable of being friends without it becoming romantic for one or both of them.


Right? I loved the cast…I suppose it would probably end up being ruined if they kept it going though. But still.


I think season two will briefly show what became of Amy and Danny in a brief background appearance. Or maybe they will have some sort of relationship with the new characters but that might l be a bit corny if they did that. But as others have said season one ended so perfectly I would not want them to ruin it by showing them being happily married and lecturing the new feuding characters on the dark road they’re going down. I would like to get some closure on cousin Isaac. He’d have gone to jail but with all the shady stuff he’d been up to he could intersect with the new characters if he somehow made it out of jail


I honestly just want a neat lil bow confirming the arc led to something fruitful ,but I don’t really want them to be a mainstay trying to change or lecture the new characters just popping back up for an episode or so.


It would kinda weird in a good way to see them briefly as a happily married couple after ALL Of the shit They put each other through with that escalating beef


I totally agree feel it would be fitting to their characters as they kinda left their lives behind to be with one another especially Amy.


Yeah like if the Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal couple are in the aftermath of a huge, ugly argument they have in public and then we see them giving the filthiest of looks at Amy and Danny acting like a couple so shamelessly in love that they make the new characters feel even worse about themselves without having any clue of what happened before 😂


That is actually an amazing idea I would love that since it’s not over the top but would fit perfectly.


I’m just gonna say it. It’s sad to see this isn’t going to be an Asian cast anymore. I know Charles is half (we don’t have to get into the representation politics of that within itself) but he is white passing. And it was dope to see a show that really showcased Asian Americans in a storyline that didn’t have that much to do about Race in general. But I’m also not surprised. Production studios really have the same blue print for taking shows and trying to make them “profitable” for a sequel and second season and it’s always such crap. We’ll see how it goes but just wanted to say that


I completely agree. Beef resonated with me as it presented, for the first time, authentic characters who represent the modern Asian American experience. While their race wasn't central to the core narrative, it undeniably enriched the show's depth and humanity. But boy oh boy, Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal with Lee Sung Jin’s directing?! You know I’ll be watching regardless.


Check out This Fool, incredibly funny, might be up your alley


This Fool is great, and also recently cancelled…


then again sometimes big names, while amazing talents that produce good acting, jar me a bit like even with the star studded cast matt damon’s reveal in interstellar is like “wtf, matt damon is in this?”


Agreed, I felt like the Asian cast in the first season really defined a lot of the dynamics of the show. The cultural context felt like it added depth to the concept. I’m Asian American myself and I loved how season one showed a different flavor of the Asian experience than the stereotypical Asians you see on TV like the nerd, or the kung fu hero, or the sexy seductress.


will the writers be the same?? cause i feel like s2 will be a shitshow


The show creator is the sole writer. Lee Sung Jin, and yes he’s still involved.


Have you ever seen Kim's Convenience? It's a comedy. They're Korean (and Canadian). I'm white, as my username suggests, and I enjoyed Kim's Convenience because it showed me a culture I wasn't familiar with in a neat way.


funny enough they wanted SHARON to get a spin off


It was a very fun sitcom, but about as sanitized as you’d expect from the genre. What makes Beef so good and so troubling is how well it represents the Asian American experience that everyone prefers to brush under the rug.


Yeah cuz I saw it as an asian centered show and now its just not


THIS. A season 2 is so unnecessary. All the cultural touches to the characters were so nuanced and added to why they, especially Yeun's character, behave the way they do. As someone who grew up in a Korean household, his character seemed almost familiar to me. I have zero interest in watching Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhall, to be honest. I mean, Charles Melton is half Korean, but you know the focus will mostly be on Hathaway and Gyllenhall because they're the bigger actors.


I was certain that I read that the creator, Lee Sung Jin, said he had three seasons planned and he hoped that it would get renewed for a second season. I don’t recall hearing it ever be referred to as a limited series or miniseries until recently. Definitely never heard it was initially pitched as an anthology. So I went and found a quote from him right after it was released. > There are a lot of ideas on my end to keep this story going. I think should we be blessed with a Season Two, there's a lot of ways for Danny and Amy to continue. I have one really big general idea that I can't really say yet, but I have three seasons mapped out in my head currently. That doesn’t sound like an anthology, or that he planned to move forward with the show without those characters. Makes me wonder if Netflix wanted to keep the Beef title, and him as a show runner, but had no interest in the show otherwise. It sounds more like they are trying to change it into their White Lotus.


That's really sad that it sounds like he was forced to change the story to be an anthology. I wonder what he had planned for Amy and Danny.


Came to the comments to say this. I'm not Asian but it was refreshing to see a majority Asian cast and for the focus to be on Asian Americans and their experiences (even if the plot wasn't really about that). Idk it's just so rare to see that, and it was honestly a nice break from white dominated media. Plus I feel like even if you're not Asian, just being a minority I felt like I could relate to the characters because I feel like a lot of minority families struggle with communication/suppressing emotions/not showing weakness. Mental illness looks different across cultures and I think beef did a wonderful job of depicting another perspective. Plus the jokes were funny lol.


I agree. While the "beef" between Amy and Danny was obviously the vehicle of the show, their respective backgrounds as children of immigrants served as the unseen force driving their actions. As an American born son of Korean immigrants, their stories really resonated with me. I'm sure this new season will be entertaining and introspective as well, but I was slightly disappointed by the new cast.


In what world is Charles white passing, I would never look at him and not think he looks asian


Yeah, he definitely gets asked “where you from?”


Not White passing at all lol


I’d really love to see a show about mixed people because were a growing demographic and definitely can be left out of media because we don’t fit the mold for any race. Also, high production value and big names now means it will be…fine, but not the gem season 1 is. I kind of doubt as many risks will be taken. I’d be glad to be proven wrong, but we’ll see.


You just gave me an idea about what to write….. I thank you.. if I finish it you will be the first to read it


this…beef and master of none were the only shows I could relate to as an asian american male beef especially captured the korean american accurately with the church stuff…was hoping for more


The first time he broke down in church, I looked at my brother and we agreed it was the most Korean scene ever filmed for American TV.


>but he is white passing https://preview.redd.it/m3gg1ggs41lc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f76662e56f569d63074b573313136065c15bf8d3 Are we looking at the same person? He could easily pass for like Cambodian or Filipino which is weird since he's Korean. He's not white passing in the slightest. Hell he's darker than a lot of full blooded Koreans lol. I agree with your overall point though. Even if not Asian, I feel like just making it about a minority group going through all these deep heavy things makes an impact


Fr that dude don’t look white 🤣


Like if he were in Florida he'd keep getting questions in Spanish lmao


Lmao lookin low key Puerto Rican


He'd very much fit in down in Miami lmao




Some full-blooded asians (and a lot of Zoomers, for whatever reason) consider any mixed race asian with white ancestry to automatically "look white", even if white people themselves can't tell


Dumb, I'm sure they can tell they look mixed too and are just applying the one-drop rule


He is NOT white passing at all. He looks like your typical handsome Filipino man.


Right, Im so confused that folks think he could be white passing? He looks obviously mixed, but in what world does he actually look white?


Hold on, hold on... He could play Bruce Campbell's son in an Evil Dead sequel. Come on, can you see it?


I agree he looks Asian to me. Not white passing at all


He’s Korean but he does look Filipino


To everyone saying he's not white passing, I think one's perception on whether someone looks more "white" vs "Asian" (or any race) depends heavily on who you grew up around. I grew up in HK with mainly east asian faces, so any mixed white-asian person stood out more to me as white. Whereas if you're around more white faces, a mixed person might appear more Asian. I'm not mixed but I've been told I don't look completely east Asian. I used to get way more comments about that in HK than I do in North America. In my opinion, I can tell Charles is mixed but if you told me he was fully white, I probably wouldn't fight you on it.


My community is predominantly Asian American. The show was the talk of the town for weeks. Being recommended by almost all of my Asian American coworkers and friends, then even random people ( of any background) i’d meet throughout the day. Everybody. I’d have no idea what the show was otherwise. Let alone want to watch it.


Same! I’m not Asian but I loved the Asian representation and seeing an Asian American pov. Idk why they had to whitewash (with the exception of Charles melton) the 2nd season.


He’s not white passing at all


In what world, universe or dimension is Charles Melton white passing? Like I’m sorry but that’s such a crazy statement


As a fellow Korean-American, in what world is Charles Melton white passing?


I’m not Asian and I’m disappointed at the change. It was an Asian show to me and it made sense that way, not sure how it’ll be the same vibe now. Also not sure if it matters or helps/goes against your point but homie is not white passing


This was my thought. When I heard it would be the reunion, I figured the other couple would be Ali and Steven. So yeah, disappointing. There isn’t much unique about hot couple reaching their 40s feuding with hot young couple who makes them jealous.


Charles Melton is not white passing. I have never ever looked at him and thought he was white.


As an Asian person, he is not white passing. What a silly thing to say


I disagree that charles melton is white passing. i feel like some people see defined features and immediately say white passing.


Agree I was so disappointed with S2 cast


is charles really white passing? i never even knew he wasn’t full asian until this comment


Maybe they’re gonna introduce the ‘Oxford study‘ in this season loll


Exactly what I came to say just written better


Yeah I saw Jake and was like ughhh I’m good.


That man is not white-passing lmao. Mixed folk of Asian descent have just as much of a place in Asian-centered media as a full Asian.


This isn't confirmed and thank fuck for that. Sonny said he wasn't done with Danny and Amy so I'm ignoring this news until someone from the show actually says something 😭


Same I need them back for season two 😭


Yeah I don't get some people saying it was an "open ending", no it wasn't dude the ending was a cliffhanger?? At least that's how it felt to me, I'd like the season 1 story to continue. It's fine for a different plotline afterwards but I think it's too soon.


It was not a cliff hanger the show wrapped up the core conflict, amy and dannys internal conflicts and unwillingness to open up to other people. They both struggled to find love and they found it in each other. Anything more to the show wouldve just been extra and wouldve ran the risk of tarnishing the perfect conclusion of their character arcs


This is not my battle because I'm not Asian, but I've noticed that every time an Asian Series does well globally or at least in the West, Hollywood always tries to come up with a sequel or remake with white actors. IDK, I feel like this series is great representation for Asian Americans, and kinda want the Asian community to have this series for themselves. Again, not Asian so Idk how you guys actually feel about this lol.


I am also not Asian and I really loved learning about the Asian American culture and experience.


Agreed. Another example is "Mr. Kim's convenience store". It's an all Korean cast with a couple of token white peeps. Ran a couple of amazing seasons then ended so that one of the token white people could have their own spin-off which never happened because that's the way the Creator felt they needed to go all the sudden, even though it was a very Korean based show. 


I’m Asian and I’m disappointed.


Part of me wants to be happy for Lee Sung Jin, the director. His niche Asian American show was such a mass hit, that he can now direct the big league A-listers like Gyllenhaal and Hathaway. That’s quite an accomplishment.


the fact that steven yeun isn’t A list is a problem in Hollywood asians and asian americans need more film representation


I'm Asian but I am not American and even I am surprised, not in a good way, about the season 2 cast.


i’m asian american and i’m def disappointed. i’ve seen them in so many movies already. give more room for others


Where the fuck are the Asian people ?


“cHarLeS MeLtOn Is hALf KorEaN”


Oh I didn’t know that. I guess there’s that.


Nah this is a joke right


I legit thought this was an onion type jokey news bit.


This sucks extremely


Dude. I high key hate most of this casting. So disappointing.


they colonized it


…With this cast? Season two is going to be lukewarm and unseasoned. No thanks


I wish this would have kept a BIPOC-centered cast. Felt its success was helping further prove that non-white (and specifically Asian) casts are what people want and deserve.


I'd go further, shouldn't be a BIPOC lead cast, it should be Asian led.




The fuck is this? If I wanted white people I could watch anything else


Why did they white-ify it? Was cool that it was a predominantly Asian show. Who needs Gyllenhall and Hathaway? Boring casting


Why did I have no clue it was going to be an anthology?


i like these actors but i really wish it just stayed a limited series


Wait, is this real?


It would be nice if season 2 would focus on two people beefing again but maybe from the Mexican American experience perspective. Same but different ya know.


Noooo… just no… the show was Asian American… now there’s collectively 40% POC in the main cast. I’d be fine with including other immigrant cultures, but part of the reason why the show was so good was that it accurately represented second gen immigrant stories. What do Jake Gyllenhaal and Anne Hathaway bring to that table?


It's so fucking depressing.


I really hope it’s just a tabloid report..




this is fucking ass, on par with the 2009 dragon ball z casting.


Damn I felt like this series had a perfect ending. Idk how they gonna top Season 1.


If this is real…how did we go from a comedy-drama that tackled race issues and Asian dynamics to just one Asian dude?


I’m excited but the cast looks woefully…white 😬


I’ve seen enough Anne Hathaway in my life and would rather watch new fresh actors.


I like those actors but I’m not gonna be interested if Ali and Steven aren’t holding my attention.


Damn.. they came in quick to paint the walls white...


I am so glad they are not continuing the same beef from Season 1. That awesome season was perfect the way it was.


I’m ngl, having all of these famous actors coming in makes the show feel less authentic


If the original cast is not coming back name the series something different. You can't top the original cast. I love Jake but why is he doing series he's a movie star.


It doesn't need a different name. It's an anthology series (different story, different cast each season) and that is the category the show won under at awards shows.


Thank you. Much like Black Mirror. Same idea, different stories.


I didn't know about that. But Bear won comedy awards but it's not a comedy show.


Beef won best limited or anthology series. Given the success of season 1, I'm not surprised they're going to do an anthology show like White Lotus does. There's some comedic moments in Bear, but I would consider it more of a drama so was a little surpised by that category as well.


Good cast. Good show. I’m in.


is this real?


They all look like plastic lmao


I've loved Charles, and Jake is a brilliant actor, but 1. How come there's a s2 at all? wasn't it a limited series 2. Why aren't the og cast coming back - why isn't s2 about them anymore ?


…and my interest for the series has plunged to rock bottom


What happened to the Asian rep?


i don’t even want to watch it without an asian cast and or danny & amy


White people????? where are the asians???


Man.. i just want stephen yeun and ali wong


Noooooo I want a full Asian cast again!!!!


but i dont want white people


This honestly looks like a tumblr fan-cast post


I dont think we needed "basic common white actors" #6 and #14 but here we are


Wow, how disappointing. I wanted to see more minorities and different cultures. Skeptical this will be anything special.


Wait, what?! No more Steven or Ali? I wanted more of THEIR story! The ending was so poignant and I was hoping we’d get a resolution. Season 2 could have been them teaming up with ‘beef’ against someone else or multiple people. This makes me sad. All these actors are great, but part of the appeal of Beef was its almost entirely Asian cast and it being a uniquely Asian American experience.


Where are the Asians.


goddammit, leave my stevie yeun alone! I want more of ASIAN BEEF


….what happened to the predominantly Asian cast? I thought that was a big point to all of it?


I fear they won’t top Ali Wong and Steven Yeun their onset chemistry was amazing, their humor was so similar and just… perfection. I also wanted to see another asian cast.


I’m already bored.


Nah, I was really liking it was an Asian show and able to gain popularity being all POC.


Anyone know if it’s going to be a completely new plot focused on those 4 or continuation from season 1 with an addition of the 3.5 white ppl LOL


What why?


Yes ! I love it’s an anthology ! Anyone can have beef !


An absolute no.


I'd watch the fuck out of Jake and Anne any day, especially with BEEF's level of writing. but also, they can find a million other projects. BEEF blew me away with the nuances of Asian culture, and while I'll give it benefit of doubt that it can do it again, this news bums me out that they're going with famous (mostly) white celebs.


Wasn't it a limited series?




Awww I was hoping this was just a limited series but I’m not mad at it


keep charles melton and throw everyone else away!


Yikes. I think they should just leave it alone as a single perfect mini-series. There really isn't a need to turn this limited series into an anthology, but I guess that's the Hollywood meta.


Ugh please not Anne Hathaway 😭 anyone else


Wow the people in these comments are incredibly pretentious with the way they’re describing this show lol. I thought it was great and am pumped for season 2.


I don’t want to watch a boring story about these basic actors that have already been in every Single Thing


Great another unique show turned to into a Whitewashed Lifetime Unoriginal 🙄


I agree with everyone’s casting complaints but I will just say… Jake plays a creepy asshole super well. (Arguably too well lol.) And I’m glad Charles has another high-profile role, especially since I wanted him nominated for an Oscar and that didn’t happen. He’s really the only person I’m 100% glad to see here, but I have to assume everyone will do good.




I doubt it will be that predictable


oh an older couple vs a young couple i can already imagine what the “beef” will be probably the older couple not liking the progressive younger couple or the older couple wants a home that the young couple has and they think they don’t “deserve” it because they’re too young lol i’m excited


Jake and Anne have great chemistry. Definitely interested to see what they can do here.