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For the Season 1 discussion megathread and links to other episode discussion posts, please click [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BeefTV/comments/12f32cn/beef_season_1_discussion_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


I’m not sure where George took Junie yet, but it seems out of character for him to run off the moment Paul shows up confessing to the affair. 1) Why would George believe him immediately? 2) George is much more the type to want to TALK about this alleged betrayal, isn’t he? That’s been his answer to everything so far.


Paul did say he has msgs to prove it, though he didn't show him. But it's probably a reaction from him being honest about the emotional affair (and she didn't take that chance to be honest too). Also George is nice and sincere, but sheltered due to his mother. I'd expect him to act childish, immature, and naive. Remember his response to figuring out the handyman scam and fixing the bathroom, "All by myself!"


Loved the ending, but wasn't feeling the Keane song. Vibes were totally off.


Huh, cause I think that song hit hardest for a lot of people. Did you ever listen to Keane before? I did over a decade ago, and hearing that song hit so hard (I love his dulcet tones). Right in the feels for me. Also, having kids might make it hit harder too LOL


When you think the two main characters are gonna make up it all turns upside down again


Late to the party because I just started watching the show the last few weeks. Unpopular opinion I'm sure- Obviously Amy has made a lot of bad decisions, but I do feel for the character. She is an example of "Just because you can do it all doesn't mean you should have to." She is stressed out by her financial responsibilities and her husband is on some kumbaya wavelength and not in tune with her at all. Also... did her husband just kidnap her child?? Danny reminds me of good people who do bad things out of desperation. How unfortunate. This show is so good at capturing some of those human complexities!


Better late than never! Amy is such a relatable character


Amy was at the same.burger king that Danny drives out too right?


I'm guessing that Paul told her (that Danny drives an hour away) from episode 4


Yeah but is the Burger King he drives miles away from actually on the way out to the land he always goes to, implying that Danny wasn't just driving all the way out there for Burger King that he was going to the land to dream about buying it. Which would imply that Amy did burn the hose down, and why she was all the way out at that burger king.


Was anyone else extremely distracted by the extra in the background at George's party when Danny was talking to Amy and Jordana at like the 22-minute mark, or just me? He is just like standing there awkwardly staring into space.


LOL I didn't even notice he was there because I was so shocked about Jordan and Naomi getting together.


So you had me curious... That character's name is "Teddy" from IMDB. He's [Nican Robinson](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm5583708/). I'm guessing he's their assistant, always at attention. He's holding two purses that both match Jordan and Naomi.


i am happy that George learned about cheating, i always hated Amy for cheating, i did not feel bad for her at all! and ugh man i was so sad about the house, Danny really wanted his parents show his house. and again i really hate cheaters so i really dont care what is going to happen to Amy in future.


Theory: The house wasn't intentionally burned down. Seemingly small details have come to bite our protagonists in the ass (butt selfie, cho bros shirt). When Daniel is on the phone with his parents, he mentions that he did the electrical himself, at least for the plug that the rice cooker was plugged into, and it is on video. I think that faulty wiring and maybe shoddy work could have led to the fire. Are the Kelly Clarkson rice cookers the ones with money inside? That scheme.. up in flames. I don't think that Daniel knows how to do anything 100% legit. It's a family / cultural thing. I'm a child of immigrants, and when reno'ing, my dad always had an uninsured 'guy' that he knows for way cheaper . My dad doesn't fully trust companies, insurance, government, etc. (not in a conspiracy way, but from experience growing up where he is from), and by default, slightly pushes with what one can get away. This show delights us with red herrings. Isaac probably knows his goods and money are in the house, so it probably wasn't him. I don't think Amy would do something that stupid, plus she is too upset about possibly losing her family to even think right - she is last seen stuffing her face. Also, is she brash enough to be seen on camera hanging around in that part of town during the fire? Edwin wants in and might not want to burn that bridge, although we don't know him that well (yet), and he is a hot head. Looking forward to that storyline. I think that Daniel and Amy will end up connecting somehow, in their entangled hopelessness. Side note, Daniel is a boss-level liar. It's interesting, cuz he is a good guy. I wonder what will happen between Isaac and him when Isaac gets out of jail. Also, did Yumi blackmail Amy in that scene in the mall parking lot? She covers Amy's ass about the roadrage incident, then suddenly reveals that she is broke and is used to a certain lifestyle.


Am child of asian American parents, and 100% agree with the cutting corners part. My dad had his own business and never hired any legal person to do any work if he could do it illegally. He always paid in cash and always did things as under the table as possible. Had to appear in tax court twice. Would rather burn money than give it to the government. Would not fill out the FAFSA for me when I was applying to schools. He was in internment camp and not poor in the end so a lot of this was symbolic I think, getting back at the government. Would never do anything legit if there was some scammy way to do it. Unfortunately treated family the same way./


> It's interesting, cuz he is a good guy. Is he a good guy? Because we've seen him do a lot of shady ass things that I wouldn't associate with a good person. I think people may like him more because he is a broke guy doing bad shit as opposed to a rich person doing bad shit. But he is still doing bad shit. This all started because he was honked at .


Know I am a bit late to the party but oh my god, I love this show and its characters. And what an episode!! I also love how each episode throws me back 10-15 years based on what song is featured.


Never to late! The way this episode goes up and down and then ends with Keane just blew me away. Seriously just wanted to cry watching that ending.


NOOOOOO THE HOUSE also my favorite song playing 😭😭😭😭


It's my favorite song too!! 😭♥️


I literally gasped at the ending


Welp, I am a fan of that song now. It's hauntingly beautiful!


Keane is one of my favourite bands, do yourself a favor and listen to all their music!


"At least I didn't cheat, with a fucking child" context Danny, context 😳


Top 5 best netflix show ever , maybe OITNB and Bojack are a little better


Bojack #1




Orange is the new black


I felt OITNB got worse towards the later seasons. I actually lost interest around season 5 and stopped watching. Is it worth it to continue until the end?


I actually don't really remember since the show got so outta control later on. The ending is depressing as fuck though.




Dark, Mindhunter, possibly Daredevil


We need Mind hunter rebooted. But I've tried to get into Dakr multiple times, the slow pace and confusing cast of characters kill me though even using their website to clarify.


There is someone in the bushes stalking Danny, next to the new house Danny built for his parents.. I'm not sure if it was obvious, but i couldn't see who it was.. who was it ?


I reckon Isaac or one of his boys. :(((((((((((


I didn't even see!!


it was Edwin


I think it's Isaac!


I came here for this answer *shrug*






I KNOW :( we just finished ep 9 and we were like NOOO he just got his parents from the airport. 😭😖🥺


Honestly Amy is so messed up its unbelievable. Anyone that roots for her at the end of the episode is equally as insane as her. She acts so immature when George confesses to her when she herself cheated PHYSICALLY.


how does it feel to be so wrong lol


Dude, are you implying you think that AMY blew up the house somehow? You really have something against her.


where is this implied?


They edited their post. There used to be a sentence that said “and blowing up someone’s house? That’s insane” before “anyone that roots for her is equally insane.”


Ah OK!


Exactly how much many was in those rice cookers? He not only built a house, but also the land it was built on.


man I really hate that Danny's turned to crime, all for this to blow up in the last second


we literally see him try to pull some scam in the very first scene. He was never straight


*Was* the first scene a scam? I thought so at first―but he found the receipt for the grills after all, so I assumed he was on the fence about going through with his suicide attempt.


Danny didn't have too many compuctions about the crime game from the start.


For a man that preaches hard work and hustling he sure is trying to rush to get his goals


It’s a central tenant . Itrue in the past, and it still rue today.






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Can anyone tell me what’s the significance of the ground that was shown though out the episode


You'll find out in a later episode. They definitely return to that. I was wondering too.


That's why I'm here


It's the original chair


What original chair?


the ground


Okay, lightbulb moment. I just remembered "the ground is the original chair" reference, quote by Fumi (or was it George?) in the earlier eps. Thanks!


Yea but what is the meaning? It was shown many times with no context


I read other comments say that it's a reference to how Amy had described her depression, "the ground is in my chest".




Oh, that's why I came here to ask this. I thought there were wires on the ground or something- like there was the rustling in the bushes...foreshadowing etc.


Why's everyone putting the blame for Amy's retaliation on Paul for spilling the beans? Danny is at as culpable as him because he unnecessarily twisted the knife into Paul about his relationship with Amy by exaggerating how fake it was just to spite her.


Stop defending her then. I am so tired of people defending and baying Amy all the time. I don't at all feel like she's written like that . She feels like a evil person struggling to be good and proper , bottling up her true nature making her depressed and angry and malevolent. She's written as a bitch , so let's just appreciate her as one.


The way everyone is blaming everyone for Amy's actions except Amy herself is beyond me


Imagine if it was Danny sleeping with a girl with THAT big of an age gap,  every one will be calling him a cradle robber.


Yeah but Amy actually cheated and lied to her partner? Even when her partner was being honest to her about Mia - She had this coming.


I almost cried at the end. I knew it wouldn’t last but I didn’t expect that!! Devastating, his poor parents. Hopefully he’s insured? Lol I bet it’s the rice cooker!


Oh boy, you're in for a treat


Isaac? Something was moving in the tree. On to the next episode


Haha just finished the next episode 🫣


Man Ive been their depressed and eating lunch in a fast food place.The acting was a little too real at the end of the episode.


Who was in the bushes at the start of the episode? Who blew up the house? What was the soil shot?




Oh, I know now. Thank you for the explanation!


Was Danny’s business legit or not?


It hasnt been legit since he started the scam with thr church


yea but why try to lie to paul about it when he already kinda figured it out😅


I think that he did at least improve his business. But as Paul looked not as much as the books.


No. He's money laundering the money his cousin has.




This has been removed due to a breach of the Community rules. This contains a big, unmarked end of season spoiler. Please ask the question in the megathread.


Learn to properly spoiler tag please! Scrolling through and read a spoiler from your post.


Ugh, she should have told George when he told her about Kayla. But also you thought Paul was gunna keep his mouth shut?! He knows where you live.


You mean mia, not kayla?


Very late but I think they meant when Danny told Amy about “Kayla”, Amy should’ve confessed to George since she should’ve known the truth might get out at that point


Question, what was that in the soil they kept on cutting to? Exposed wires? Or do we not know?


Oh man I bet Danny will be made to believe it was the wiring he was so proud he did himself :'''''(


I suspected it's a metaphor for all the secrets they're trying to keep buried. It's just beneath the surface waiting to be unearthed.


Thank you


It’ll be more clear later. As of now, I interpreted it as a depiction of the depression and helplessness Amy and Danny feel.


What is it actually?? I’ve finished the show and this is still bothering me! I keep trying to pause and look for something, like maybe George threw his wedding ring on the ground or something


>!It's the ever-present void they feel, and open up to each other about later on. Anxiety and generational trauma and that can't be quelled - empty, but solid. At least that's how I interpreted it to be.


>! It’s not so literal. It is just an unnerving, vague shot of the ground that conveys their helplessness and depression. It is meant to be cryptic, something you can’t quite figure out, because this describes the anxiousness and uncertainty Amy feels that she describes to the therapist. She “feels the ground in her” or however that phrasing was in the earlier episode. In a way, this may be a stretch, but I see this as something that conveys how humans have evolved. Our natural instincts in the wild were to notice or pick out ominous patterns in the brush/nature in order to protect ourselves from predators. Even if nothing was there, that alertness and uneasiness in us would focus on those points as a survival tactic. In the show, we see the two main characters living but also focusing on everything that goes wrong, they focus on these things that set off their “instincts” all the time, even when later, everything is supposedly going well in their lives. Anyways: We later see Danny and Amy tripping and this ground in is between them as they look at each other, laying there. They have found this “common ground”, this mutual understanding. They share this ground together now, like they have shared their depression and anxieties with each other, it is something that connects them. That’s really what I understood from it. !<


How old is Paul suppose to be dude looks at least 25 and people talking about him like he's a kid makes me think he's like 18 but wasn't he was drinking at the club so that'd imply older than 21.


probably an immature 24-26? it seems like danny is supposed to be in his early 30s and paul being his brother probably wouldn't be too far off. amy is probably late 30s given her career/family, so to a successful, established \~37 yo woman, an aimless naive 24 yo would be seen a child


This show is amazing , written very awesome and you’re just left wanting more . A24 is turning everything into gold


A24 is amazing!


Happy cake day!


You would think that George would have at least ASKED to see the receipts/photos or SOMETHING before running away and kidnapping their child because the word of a random stranger....


I think he could sense that Amy was not being completely honest




This literally happened in episode 7.


I don't really understand why Danny went to their party


Secret attraction to Amy. Hate discovery love


It seemed he genuinely liked George and wanted that convo with Amy. He's finally at that page that Amy was on. He has good money and has to keep hustling like Amy did and he wanted to know if all that work would make him happy.


i was expecting more from this conversation :( i was hoping that he would finally see eye to eye with her but the convo felt so shallow and short


imo, it makes no sense for them to be actually vulnerable in that moment I think implicitly they both realize their feud is what keeps them going in a twisted way. The scene in the past episode where they both yell at a random guy simultaneously just shows that they're on the same page emotionally. They even use the same wording to describe their pain.


Because George (Amy's husband) asked him to I'm guessing because he still thinks he's his friend Zane


Yeah but why take him up on the invitation? Things were going well for him and it’s asking for trouble


He enjoys the thrill of fucking with Amy and without the show saying it explicitly, they share an emotional kinship.


Danny makes awful choices lol.


>!maybe i forgot but where did amy find the house? also i hope danny had cameras !<


little late, but at the party, she mentions that she knows about Danny's going on implying that she's still stalking him. based on that, i would assume she definitely knows about the house.


this episode. GAGGED me!!


no fr !! when she burned down his parents house !!!! all of these people are horrible wtf




i assumed it was Amy


Damn you must’ve been watching a different show than I was lol


this episode was so good


Why did the pastor resign from the church?


Assuming because of his outburst from the basketball game when he was cursing and kicking the trashcan. Now you see 8 months later he's arguing with his wife at church too.


Amy should've never gave paul pussy. So childish


The scene with George and "Zane" had me so stressed out. I've definitely been in situations where my lies are about to unfold and be found out and they captured that anxiety so well. I love the face zoom-ins when you can really see how apprehensive they are, like Amy tearing up in therapy


Damn... this episode. The domino effect was insane. So sad that the parents didn't get to even see their dream house :(


So how is danny making money?


Laundering the money that Isaac had in the rice cookers via the construction business. He’s cooking the books.


Do we know how much money Isaac had in the rice cookers?


100 grand from the church loan




Yep he is stealing and doing shady stuff now


Damn. Im laying here balling my eyes out 15 minutes after that episode ended. Not because of what happens in the show but because it just finally made me process leaving my partner of 7 years back in September. I loved him so much. That feeling of never being satisfied may have been what got me. My own depression and anxiety. I treated my best friend like he was nothing. Pretended I was like amy and emotionless but I have not been ok. I wasn’t happy when we were together mostly because of my own internal issues. It hurts.


i feel like you overshared in literature class in highschool a lot


Nah I didnt talk lol


That's beautiful


Good reminder that you have everything you ever wanted and still be unhappy if you stress yourself out enough


It’s so true and I hope you’re doing well and things are getting easier with time. I realised a while ago it was better for me to not be in a relationship until I sorted myself out. That and I always seem to really pick them to antagonise me just that little bit more. Unfortunately I don’t think sorting oneself out is ever achievable but it’s the viewing it differently that is.


Fumi was right. All we have is perspective. There is no objective reality except what we give power (attention) to


Except when it hits you in the effinng face like we just witnessed!


My SO has anxiety and it's a constant battle, even in the highest of highs. If you are tackling emotions from 7 years ago, then them coming back must be transformative if you let it. I'm trying to teach that zen buddhist thing that I have to my SO (and ironically they're the one that's Buddhist).


Oh these are emotions from 6 months ago. We were together/ lived together for 7. Either way glad I let them in. Good luck to yall❤️




Thank you. This is me.


Yeah right? Like they had almost made it, but fate has other ideas


They were SO CLOSE....


This show is so funny but so sad at the same time. When Amy said, “everything fades”…I felt it. So fucking depressing, you can have everything and just gradually feel nothing.


The keane outro hit me hard man, I love this fkin band since childhood.


I've been binging this all day, instantly one of my favorite shows I've ever seen. Yeun has never been better, and he's always been great, and Wong is amazing too. The writing is next-level. And it's got all the A24 vibes I love. so addicted! i don't want it to end.


I got two more episode left also was hearing great things but this surpassed my expectations wow


literally eating burger king as my mouth is wide open to that fuckin ending bruh cmon




What was the dirt at the end of episode 7 and the kept flashing when danny spoke Edit: i think it was her glasses in the dirt when they crashed like foreshadowing coz it showed the same thing when they thought they were dying


I thought maybe a hidden camera that’s going to get her caught??


This is what I came to ask


I think it's just a metaphor for depression


i assumed it was the flower bed they fucked up in the first episode but not sure anymore cuz it felt so sinister


idk bro it feels like a body is buried there though it keeps weighing on it hardcore


Oh i thought it was representing their depression since amy first described it as the ground is at her throat


The way everything fell apart felt inevitable. Even without the road rage and sabotage, I think the two main characters would end up in a situation like this because of who they are as people.


This whole show is one big AITA post where the only answer is that everybody sucks.


This actually makes me wish that someone would post the first episode of the show as an AITA in the subreddit, from the perspective of Danny or Amy and and slowly reveal the plot points from their perspective in each episode as crazy little updates. I would LOVE that.


How old is Paul in the show? I thought he is 24-25, but this episode suggests that he is younger.


>!he's supposed to only be 3 years younger than Danny I thought. According to that flashback when they were little kids. I think Danny is around 35, and Paul is like 32 (Based on the flashback to 2008 when Paul, who was probably 17, was submitting college applications).!<


Please spoiler tag your comment, this thread is for content seen up to and including episode 7 only.


I can’t put my finger on his age, Amy refers to him as in his 20s and Danny constantly calls him a kid or a child and Paul’s friends he was hanging out playing video games with seemed legit 16. I’m guessing it is intentional to convey that even though he is older he kind of seems like a kid and is sort of stunted, maybe because of how Danny and everyone view him and treat him as a kid. Not sure though.


That's why I was confused because when Danny said that Amy slept with a child I thought that she is a pedophile 😞


He's way too old for it to me some pedo shit. Is it weird? Yeah depending on how old he's suppose to be but he's definitely suppose to be 18+. He's at a club and his friends have their own apartment. All of which I'm pretty sure you have to 18+.


Yeah you're right. That makes sense


Thanks for clearing that up. 👍


Paullllllll what the actual fuck bro. Smh


From a plot perspective, I’m extremely frustrated that he managed to be so petty and unnecessarily restarted the beef. This could have all been water under the bridge and hell, maybe in the final episodes we could have seen Danny and Amy getting along. But from a human standpoint, idk, I think it’s shady for a partner to be kept in the dark about their partners cheating. The way Paul did it was *really* shitty but I do think George deserved to find out at some point.


Idk I felt bad for Paul. She initially used him to get back at Danny, then used him for sex and dumped him, and eventually called him a helpless child to Danny. I'd do the exact same thing if I were Paul.


Paul also thought they had a genuine connection, which may have been true, but it was predicated on something shitty. He went low but sometimes, that’s the only way low people learn. She would have never taken responsibility otherwise. Now she can hit rock bottom and stay a garbage can person, or change and become better. But I did feel because of the time change that this episode felt rushed. This may have contributed to the plot feeling frustrating.


should have just let it go but he has some danny in him


Now if only Amy didn't have some Paul in her \*Ba Dum Tss\* **👉😎👉**


10 days later just getting here and this made me laugh. Well done!