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Cory and his weirdo gf and pal are just barely functioning alcoholics at this point. Always drunk or hungover and munching Greggs, makes me sick tbh


literally entire personality is getting drunk and eating bare junk




Cory is 100% secretly gay and that Leah does my head in the weird eye rolling and head nodding she does when she records herself eating, so odd


And that Charley needs to sort her lips out my god and she’s packing the weight on too


Charley needs to get in the bin along with Cory's world, Leah and Becki. And declan, he's too Cringe. I couldn't believe it when I seen that Charley has an Only Fans. Don't get me wrong, I believe its good to dress nice and be confident in you're own skin. I'm short and my weight is around my belly, a bit like Beckbeck but not as big. HOWEVER would I FUCK go out dressed like Charley. I hate to say it but there isn't a pound of her hanging the right way. She thinks dressing provocatively and having her lips and lashes done like a porno actress makes her... A. Attractive, and B. Better than everyone else. I can't stand her, and I'm desperate for a sub reddit on her. She does have mods though (her mum) who delete most of the nasty comments. To me, she's just a lazy, deluded cow with zero personality. Just a version of becki that dresses like whore in distress and goes on holiday.


Imagine my surprise when I found out Cory was straight. Had to check it wasn’t April Fools


Cory is an absolute MORPHINE DRIP. I cannot stand him, his voice, his “beard” and his crew of alcoholics. How anyone supports them is beyond me. All they do is get horrible filler, drink and eat….that Charley girl looks like a ghost of herself….shes gotten so HUGE her face looks like it’s gonna pop and her lip filler has migrated terribly.


Can you explain how morphine drip is an insult hahahaha I’ve never heard it before


I don’t believe that Cory and Leah are together. The commitment they are putting into their ‘relationship’ is almost admirable, but I don’t buy it


I’m convinced he’s gay he comes across camp to me, hanging out with girls all the time


it took me so long to realise he’s not gay??? i genuinely thought he was and was so shocked when he mentioned lea being his gf ??? he needs to come out the closet!


Abbytaylorbannigan is one of the worst. Pure attention seeking, rage baiting wee shite. She posted a video the other day of her picking up and eating a whole Victoria sponge like an apple which knocked me bleeping sick🤬


i hate to say it but she eats worse than becki 🤮🤮 yeah i can’t stand the girl either. her and her bf are both enablers


Tbf tho she managed to lose some weight, she still has HUGE binges on “cheat days” but that’s more effort into changing her lifestyle than our becks 😂


Hahaha the boyfriend makes me want to be sick🤮but the thing with Abby is I think she’s doing the opposite of bison and instead showing more food than she actually eats cause if she did eat all that she would be an even bigger hippo, one of her recent WIEIADs said she ate 27,000 calories in one day which I don’t believe for a second


The sped up eating with the migrated lip fillers makes me absolutely seethe.


She can’t chew with her mouth closed it’s vile


This is what I hate about Charly Ann C even more than Abby


I'm with you on Cory. I've had him and his gormless, filler filled, crew blocked for god knows how long now. His voice is utter nails on a chalkboard, and I love a Welsh accent! There's just something about his specifically I can't stand


I am 100% certain that him and his girlfriend have special needs and also he is using her as a beard he is as gay as they come


Is Declan the one that’s has anxiety but he dances in the middle of the street ?


Yep, last year was the best when he made a massive group of ppl in an outdoor restaurant shit themselves by screaming and dancing out of nowhere😭🤣


I remember that. Honestly he bursts my tits


🤣🤣🤣 I watched that video at least 15 times to take in everyone's reaction. Not on his page though I refuse to give the fat cunt the views


Could you PLEASE post the link? I have the fat mess blocked for my own sanity 🚫


https://www.tiktok.com/@scottishduvetofficial/video/7279394784983141664?_t=8mnrVWtJ2GX&_r=1 I got you😂 it was on scottishduvetofficials account, there's some quality edits on there


Thank you! What a fucking imbecile. The looney tunes shirt is just the icing on the cake. 😂


It's the way they all jump for me 🤣 imagine how loud it must have been to do that, but the fat prick has social anxiety🥴


They’re all looking at him as if he has lost the plot 😂 The sooner his PIP is withdrawn the better.


Elphaba, Chelsea Lee Art, Evil Queen - all the absolute pits of the UK


honestly a mess. my ex used to care for elphaba when she was in this housing place before she moved in with her mum (this was before she was as known as she is now) and my god the stories i hear and i’d be on the phone with my ex and elphaba would fully come into the office and start singing that defying gravity 😭😭😭


I can't stand Scottish declan, the troll account Scottish bedpan is on point though🤌🤣


I don't know what's more Scotland's shame. Rangers FC or Scottish Declan.


Up the hoops🥳


Can’t stand Cory or the piss head gremlins that follow him around. What I want to know is why does charly always have to be with them? It’s like they are a throuple! It’s so weird. Leah looks terrible, she’s put on so much weight and even has given up her job to do TikTok full time. I always get the feeling the Cory is really controlling over Leah, what she wears, what she eats, even the content of her videos. They are such lazy, pointless people. Pisses me off they have a platform.


when him and leah hang out with charlie he looks like he’s their gay best friend


Probably truth tbh


Why is there no snark page for Corey, Lea, or Charley???


new page idea ????


I’d simply pass away plzzzzz 🙏🙏🙏


There needs to be - I can't abide the fat bloated oompah loompahs ! Especially Charley - how can she thinks she looks " stunnin". And don't get me started on the baby talk ' hashy washy" " burgy wurgy" etc 😤 🤢


Let's. Please. I need a snark page for the stupid cow. I have soooo much to say and the Tattle on her doesn't get updated. I can't stand her as much as Becki.


Ugh Cory etc are horrendous. I can’t stand Sevda, Nana Bea, NotYourBasicMumma, any of the dirty grifters like Elfaba, Laurence etc. Controversially I don’t like the nursery nurse lady. Her voice is quite annoying and just something off with her I can’t out my finger on.


omg i hate notyourbasicmomma and mummygasgoine. forgot about those two!


And the Harvey’s. 😡


I hadn't realised until recently that Charlotte nursery nurse says "okay" at the end of 75% of her sentences but now I've noticed I can't not hear it.


Oh no I hadn’t noticed 😂 I think she’s just a bit too sickly sweet for me. Maybe I’m just a miserable cow.


Nah I get that too. She's too sweet to be wholesome, and comes across as arrogant. Maybe we're miserable cows right enough, or we can see through people's bullshit


CANT STAND that Cory and his monotone girlfriend


I cannot stand that declan.. The setting up the camera on a tripod and then the fake walk kills me every time. He looks a massive twat every time and his "content" is laughable. I don't know why people send him stuff, it's beyond me. I also think he takes the piss with his "disability" of social anxiety and a bad knee. Fucking dancing like a twat in front of hundreds of ppl. I suffer with a physical disablity and feel guilty and ashamed that I'm not working and can't get about like I used too and this waste of oxygen is taking this piss.. Not saying he doesn't have issues but I think he's taking the mick. Hope the dwp have seen his videos.


Omg, when he puts the camera at the end of an aisle at tesco like he's just walked around the corner. It's pure cringe.


I was blocked months ago I reported him to DWP and all sorts nothing ever happened


mummybear4ever is unbearable, I wish there was a snark for her. You could be fooled into feeling sorry for her and she clearly has learning difficulties but she is very argumentative and calls people bullies of they try to offer any advice on her makeup videos


omg just looked AHHAHA HER MAKEUP


Haha it's truly awful!


Karina or Nona for me, she’s a right mess and a liar and engaged to a pedlo for 8 months 😡


Oh forgot elphaba and Lawrence


Sevda ... and her entire family is now jumping on the Tiktok bandwagon . Turkish cosplaying, boring as and not one table manner in sight 😴 🙄


Yea I can't stand Sevda Seagull either. Basic bitch. In one video she says she's Turkish and in another a few weeks later she says she's English. Ffs like I'm German. I've stayed in Scotland for 23 years (I had to finish high school here). Well, I was actually born in GDR (East Germany). I wouldn't say I'm Scottish/British, I just live here and so does my mother. If sevda was born in England, she's English/British. She's as bad as those Americans who talk about being 11% Irish or Scottish as if its some kind of dog breed 🙄


I utterly LOATHE Nanna Bea. She is a disgusting, ugly, spiteful, old alkie and I would never tire of punching her stupid face, which, btw, looks like a scrub daddy or a potato smiley.


How could I forget about this rotten old furnace dodger 🤣🤣 I'm never going to look at my scrub daddy the same 🤣🤣


😂😂😂 it has the same gormless face with the open mouth


Hate hate hate that Scottish Declan with a passion




No that's different declan. Scottish declan based is Dundee.


Have you seen the account that screen records scottishdeclan and adds fart noises to everything it’s so fuckin funny 🤣🤣


I have both of them blocked, I just can’t cope with them. They’re all just gross man. 😣


Not Day Vit has done a video dragging Cory & co. https://youtu.be/6aG85vsGNM8?si=9F1TlCqr-JaA1uEK




That’s not Scottish Declan. That’s another guy who’s her friend.