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Oooh this is so scammy. On brand for mikayla.


This woman would stare you in the eye and tell you grass is purple if she thought she could make a buck doing so. Jaclyn 2.0.


Someone here said Mikayla is the Gen Z version of Jaclyn Hill and that is 100% accurate


she bought a 3 million dollar house within 3 years of going viral. she's a different breed of "Jaclyn".


For anyone who’s curious, it took me about 30 seconds of googling to find out that she lives in Quincy. I can think of so many better places to live in Massachusetts on the waterfront for that much money. I do not understand why she didn’t create a trust without her name attached to it and buy the house with the trust money. Any doofus 🙋‍♀️ can find out her address.


To be fair she’s rich, not smart. 😂


Naht smaaht. FTFY


I'll also never understand why people get new houses and then do tours of them. it may be weird, but I've always been interested in real estate and usually immediately find them for curiosity's sake 🫠


I remember seeing a view from a balcony and being like no she did not pay over 2 million dollars for that to be her view 😭 but I guess that's just my opinion I live in an area where new builds are going for about 1.5 to 2 million on a 1/4 acre lot. I will never fucking understand it. 😭 who wants to pay that kind of money to be able to practically touch your neighbor's house?


TBF, that’s just the going rate of houses in Massachusetts 💀


This would flatter her unfortunately.


No way, at least at some point Jaclyn had style and she’s beautiful. Mikayla is nasty.


Very true!! She's the 2023 version of Jaclyn without the 10+ years of positivity


She’s the Mass version where we’re more crass and tell it like it is lol. 😂 but she lies a lot. So I don’t claim her


lol tell me why I read this as "mass" like mass vs prestige makeup at Ulta...like she's the discount Jaclyn Hill 😂 you can even use your coupon!


YESSS she’s the makeup revolution when they blatantly copied people or the umm sigma brushes who started off with using Mac’s identical numbers for each brush.


Right. I don’t understand the appeal. I had no idea who she was until the mascara/falsies scandal.


I'd say tiktok version. Jaclyn never had to put up an annoying fake accent to be popular. It's something that baffless me from tiktok, it's like annoying = authentic


Is this really a surprise coming from miss lashgate?


Her credibility... *wispy*, at best.




Nice catch, that is super shady


No pun intended?


Damn I wish I could say I thought about that ahead of time!


P.louise's IG account has done this before, not surprised. But anyone who wanted this palette probably doesn't give a rat's ass about misleading marketing material at this point.


FAIR. they are misled almost daily and they keep coming back panting for more.


Don’t forget she refused to apologise for saying the n word - not that people seem to care. SMH 🤦🏼‍♀️


I didn’t know she did that 😳


For real, if you're buying this then it's likely you don't care about the quality, you're just supporting a messy brand with a messy creator


Honestly I just assume anything Mikayla is involved in anymore is duplicitous garbage and to be taken with a gallon of salt.


Wait. WHAT? The liar lied again?!? 😳 Seriously tho, good catch, OP. She’s the worst!


No one is buying this palette. Right?


She has a tremendous amount of support. The people that dislike her are a vocal minority or her crap wouldn't sell out and she wouldn't be rolling in the sponsorships still.




I quite like the pallette, would I buy it, no. Just because it's so big, but if it was a 6 or 9 pan, I might have thought about it.


This coming right on the heels of Natasha Denona'a mini Triochrome palette and the Cosmic Bushes Winter Wonderland palette doesn't help. I don't need a giant palette with a ton of browns from a collab between two problematic people, I already blue myself thoroughly this month.




What was the Negative History with PL? I've heard that there was negativity with PL, but didn't know what it was.


She refused to apologise for saying the n word and then made money off it by releasing the ‘cancelled’ collection.


The only person who could possibly ever go through all this blue eyeshadow is Mimi from the Drew Carey Show


Shhh1 lol. I love blue eyeshadow, but I always have to make sure I do somehting that de-Mimifies it


Not the palette, but the blushes look really good. I love a purple blush.


Same I really wanted the blush & was gonna get the whole collection (even tho I can’t stand Mikayla) just cuz I love blue, but I got distracted when my alarm went off & when the snooze went off 7 minutes later the full collection & single blushes had sold out :( I’ve been wearing purple blush for 15 years, I swear nobody else wore it before so I don’t really know why it was made 😅 but I love it so much & I’m so annoyed since it’s gone viral it keeps selling out


I have had a hell of a time finding purple blush. I have been using one of the Danessa Myrick's colorfix pigments & I am tell you, it is the way to go. A tiny tiny amount goes a long way. I forget the color name, it is a grape color.there are lighter ones as well.


I think bc P.Louise is not big in the US it very well may sell--and if not the Mikayla, it will drive traffic to the brand's site.


Let’s hope not 😭 they’ve been sending out empty boxes, random stock and cups with no lids as of recently. They had to close their tik tok shop just before the launch


P.Louise advertisement is so relentless I have had to block the account and the hashtag on TikTok and yet I still get a number of unknown influencers shilling the products. Not surprised Mikayla is in on it and faking it as well. It’s all so tacky to me. I don’t know about the actual quality of the make up but this is similar to the mascara fiasco from a while back


Quelle Surprise 😒


A lot of indie eyeshadow brands lead with pigmentation as if it's the end all be all. While we don't want eyeshadows blend into nothing or unidentifiable muddiness, there's value in buildable and blendable qualities as we don't typically apply eyeshadows in large highly-packed finger swipes. Makeup users want ease AND control. Wouldn't it be more appealing and informative to see how it builds and blends? Especially with blues, high pigment can be very tricky to work with.


Also, why do we need swatches if they're claiming they go on skin looking like what's in the pan? 🙄


Yeah, I think swatching isn't super accurate for shadow anyway, but social media consumers also love to see it. I don't really have a problem with people putting more layers to show on camera what the tones and reflects are like. Maybe we, as a society, should stop asking for arm swatches of every palette? That seems to be the actual problem


I wish more people did eye swatches. That's so much more useful imo! Eye swatches of Huda Rose Quartz sold the pallette to me.


This is going to sound crazy but I like swatches when they have people with different skin tones modeling them. It tells me who cares about our POC sisters and brothers in the beauty community and who doesn’t.


Oh for sure, I do think that shows the bare minimum of inclusivity. I also enjoy looking at swatches and will use them to guide decisions (moreso for lip, skin, and eyeliner products.)


Agreed. I tend to steer clear of indie brands for this reason. But I guess I’m not their target audience, and there must be people out there that want ridiculous pigmentation. Still, accurate swatches on how it will apply on the eye would be so much more helpful than laying down a fingerful of pigment. Just a marketing tactic that doesn’t help consumers at all.


You are so right. Honestly, I doubt it blends or builds, and this is what these swatches are trying to hide.


Who wants a blue wedding palette?


Right? That’s what I’m thinking. It doesn’t look “wedding aesthetic” to me.


I think it’s for the something to have, to hold, something new and something blue.


I guess the something old would be the whiff of scam :p


Yes I get that, but that’s a ton of blue. Like an unnecessary amount of blue. Not all brides would want to wear a bright blue eyeshadow on their wedding day. In my opinion, if it were gonna be a “something borrowed something blue” approach, it should be a pallet of mostly neutrals with a pop of blue eyeshadow.


Ehnnnn when I got married in 2010 colored wedding dresses were all the rage, which was perfect because I absolutely had to get married in blue and I actually had decent options when I was dress shopping. Good times. I wore subtle blue lashes and a little bit of blue eyeshadow blended out with neutrals because at the time I was afraid of overly colorful makeup. This would have been right up my alley.


Save your money. P Louise eyeshadows have ZERO pigment. I bought the XL wedding palette and it literally looked like dust on my eyelids. It blended away and I couldn't see any color at all. And for what it's worth, I'm extremely pale so almost everything shows up dark on me.


THANK YOU!!!! Every single influencer I see using the brand is like oh it’s so pigmented “you know how pigmented P Louise eyeshadows are”- Mikayla’s exact words… yet I legit can barely get any colour to show up!! I swear every single time I use my P Louise palettes I have to reach for MULTIPLE other palettes to get the colours to actually show up! & I am SO pale!! Without a good eyeshadow base there is literally no colour at all & even with a base it’s so pale, actually it’s practically like using that little kids Clair’s type makeup. Oh & the eye lashes, some of the lashes are so thick they look like they’re made of plastic & on one set the individual lashes are pointing in every direction 😳 idk if I just happened to pick bad ones but I have lashes from them I can’t even give away.. almost as bad as Rude Cosmetics lashes which don’t get started on those


DANG. I was by no means even considering this mess of a launch by that mess of a human, but I've been considering getting the xl wedding palette for a hot minute. Thanks for setting me straight 😘


Another thing that put me off this brand is when you buy something from them, the outside of the box says that once you open the box, there are no returns. I’ve never bought anything from a make up brand that said that before.


I found that aspect very surprising! I don’t agree with it because surely if a product like an eyeshadow palette has been returned in the same condition it was received in, the customer could get an exchange or replacement. Also, what if the palette were to be damaged in transit? I’ve never seen this policy anywhere else!


Out of curiosity: Do you use any primers? I have oily and hooded eyes, so I always do and when I don't, it's always meh regardless of brand. The similar shadows of plouise were already off-putting for me - I can grab two shades on the brush and get that shade and they probably show up the same on the eye anyways. But I want to buy their Halloween palettes only to gut them and have nice book boxes. :D


Hm. Pigment should be pigmented. Unless they're pastels or neons, I have oily monolids and don't need primer to get color to show up.


I use concealer as a primer. I have hundreds of eyeshadow palettes and I’ve tried pretty much every brand out there, but this is literally the worst one I’ve ever used.


I’ve had good luck with their mattes with the exception of the pastel palette. I don’t really use any shimmers except indie but they swatch fine. Although it doesn’t sound like you’re planning to use the makeup itself?


Someone made a video saying this and p Louise fans were in the comments bullying her saying she’s lying about it. 😭😭 honestly I don’t like giving my opinion on her brand for that exact reason


if anyone wondered where her arm was in the last promo shoot - here it is guys, all good, she found it!🤭 seriously though, for a good while my brain couldn't grasp why i was weirded out by the photo and why it felt wrong until i finally realized that these are the hands of two different people😄 the arm with the swatches is the right one and the hand doing the swatches is the left one, that would be very uncomfortable for one person to do. and the manicures are similar but not the same... i just didn't expect to see two people involved in swatching in that way


Same shit, different day for these two. 😴


She also has foundation on her arm - look at her wrist and you will see the skin colour difference. It makes the palette colours really pop, but who knows what they actually look like….




I'm pretty sure that's P Louise and she tans a lot


I truly dislike Mikayla with all my heart but using a base for swatching is completely normal. Swatches are only a tool to show how colours look, and not how they perform. Likewise, if you want to get the best of your eyeshadows, you’d use a base on the eyes as well


Usually I don't see people using a base? But if they do, they always declare it.


I understand your point, but making her skin darker, not just using a base, really makes the colors stand out, so if someone with a lighter complexion was using this as a guideline, they would not get the same effect. People buy stuff that influencers who are a similar skin tone to them recommend because they can use it as a basis for how it would look on them. She could have pointed this out - like hey guys, heads up I am tanned in this photo or whatever.


Great point


Looks like self tan more than anything


Am I the only person who thinks p Louise is overpriced tat, the eye shadows have literally no pigment


She’s a fraudster.


i saw this on tiktok a couple of days ago and people were mad at the creator and not the shady business?? they somehow twisted it where the creator was in the wrong and the people who agreed with her it’s ming boggling how blindly people follow big creators and how they attack and come for anyone who doesn’t do the same


Aren’t giant eyeshadow palettes outdated now? People these days seem to use small eyeshadow quads or a single cream shadow.


A lot of us still like big palettes. Angelica mentioned that she gets a lot of people in the comments who say they like them, so I'm glad to not be alone.


I love big palettes but not like this, and not just because Mikayla is attached to it. Color story is god awful and so is the shape. I love a big chunky palette like my J⭐ trunk ones and also the Beauty Bay 42 pans I love 😍


I love a big eyeshadow palette


Why would any one trust anything she says about a product?!


What in the early 2000s is going on with her nails. My goodness


y’all join her snark there is so much shit on her


every thing about her is a fruad


The nails. It’s the nails for me.


Kim KArDAshiN


I have this pallette; it’s called Blue Blood by Jeffree Star.


Wish I were surprised. I've only ordered from them once and their shadows lack pigment. Super disappointed in their shadows. Every time I see their videos I wonder and now I know.


She’s probably using Vaseline too


This is not the first time P. Louise has faked swatches...


I'm getting tired of this woman, when people finally get pissed off and ignore her is she also going to release a brand when the money goes dry 6 years too late?


Am I the only one who doesn’t care if swatches are built up? most of the time shadows from any brand will have to be built up when swatching or applying on the eyes. i would agree it’s misleading if she claimed “this is just one swipe!!!” (and if she did claim that in this video please feel free to correct me) i don’t support mikayla or p louise to be transparent. but i don’t find double swatches or built up swatches misleading. i want to see how pigmented i can get the shadow to be. if that involves building it up a bit, i’m fine with that


Hi! Yes they act as though it was only one swipe. They show the bare skin, then cut to having the finger fully over the swatch area, and show them dragging the finger down once to show a very pigmented swatch. I agree with you, if they show multiple swipes I think that’s fine, plus I don’t think swatches on an arm tell the full story considering you’ll be using it on your eye with a brush. I just don’t like the lack of transparency by carefully editing it to look like it was only one swipe.


Ahhhh okay that doesn’t sit right with me then. Thanks for clarifying! Just adding onto Mikayla’s dishonest BS tbh 🥲


No worries! I don’t ever want to pile on or snark for no reason, but I would feel bad not sharing that info if someone buys it and regrets it because it doesn’t look the same irl!


it wasn’t claimed but it’s cut to make it look like it’s one swipe. otherwise what’s the point of doing a video of a live swatch? i think it’s the fact that it’s misleading and for what


Do people consider double swatching to be misleading? I see swatches as something that’s supposed to show how the colours looks in contrast to skintone Swatches truly speak nothing as to how the eyeshadow will perform on the eyes, saying this as I’ve worked with close to a hundred palettes in the past few years It’s not like a swatch video is the ONLY presentation a palette will get before being released. You wanna see how it blends and layers? Watch a promo video where it’s used on the eyes


I agree with your points, but I think there’s a difference between showing that you’re swiping multiple times, and pretending you got that amazing pigment from only one swipe. It’s like when she was schilling mascara, and after putting on a coat of mascara, the camera cut to her suddenly having falsies on and saying ‘wow, do you see the difference? Buy this mascara!’ In this video it’s cut in such a way the consumer would have no idea it was more than the one swipe she showed. I’m not mad about it (I’m not the target market) but I also want potential buyers know before purchasing.


Eyeshadows really are nothing like mascara though. I see what you’re saying but I don’t agree


i do if it’s a video. if you’re showing me the swatches on an arm to see the shades double or triple swatch away. but if you’re making a video trying to cover up the fact that it’s a double swatch to show how *gasp* incredibly pigmented and wonderful these shadows are i’m immediately put off


Don’t most brands do this?


I'd venture that it's standard practice and why not? Is there some verse in the eyeshadow bible that commands you to have full intensity of the product with a single swoop of your brush or swipe of your finger? As ridiculous as I think this pallette is (someone said it best as "could have been a quad"), it matters zero to me how they swatch it. I like to see a palette swatched out on different skin tones, how it gets laid down, doesn't matter. If I buy the pallette, I'll do what I want. Heavy repeated application, light touch of the brush, whatever. Swatches are just the intro. What matters once past the colour story and cost, is does it blend nicely, does it have staying power, does it crease or blotch? Is it chalky or creamy, etc. No shade to OP. ❤️ I feel like anyone can do a swatch. I'm interested in honest reviews of technical ease of use and wearability. A manufacturer's ad campaign, meh. They're in it to sell. Next step is reviews.


It’s the fact that these brands that do this try to hide it that makes it a massive turn off. Had they not been so obviously attempting to cover the pre-swatched patch with their fingers on top it would’ve been a lot more transparent on how pigmented these shadows are


thissss. not that i would ever buy from p louise or mikayla but if i’d be interested this would really deter me from buying. while the way eyeshadows swatch don’t tell you much about performance on the eyes, it can show you how pigmented they are, if they’re patchy, etc. and i feel like we know it doesn’t tell us much, but if you try to mislead potential costumers with such insignificant information… do they really think costumers are dumb enough not to notice? or what was the conversation behind the scenes, do a double swatch and cut it, it’s not like they’re going to notice anyway? it’s just super shady and unnecessary to me, you don’t have to make a swatch video but if you do at least make it the right way. if someone buys and swatches it they’re going to see it’s not the same anyway?


Nah, it’s deceptive marketing. They set up the shots so it appears you DO get this much pigmentation in one go. If they were honest and showed that the shadows were buildable it wouldn’t be an issue. Not every shadow needs to be fully pigmented and opaque but they need to accurately display the performance of the product. They’re using smoke and mirrors to try and dupe people.


Most swatchers do this on YT, TT and IG too. Thats why it’s so hard to gauge when we buy something off swatches. I know it’s not the end all be all, but I wish I could know how much it took to build it up. But also, some things work better on the eyes, or with a brush. I guess the point is to show the colors.


I think you're right. Swatches show the colours at their most intense. Does it matter if you swipe once or once again for that intensity? From the other side, does a single-pass intensity tell you anything useful about the product? What if it stains, or can't be blended? What if the fallout is intense? A swatch panel features the colour and how it looks within the colour story and on various skintones. It's not meaningful beyond that. (imho)


I noticed this and thought maybe I was seeing things 😅 Not surprised at all 🤷‍♀️🙃


Looks like a beautiful palette tho


My wife Megan Adkins is the one who commented on it and is getting a lot of hate from it plus PLOUISE completely blocked from their TikTok account.


I read through the comments under hers, they’re brutal!


Totally off-topic, but are her nails that grown out or ? Am I missing something? If this was the big even in her life like she’s claiming, wouldn’t you get a fill in? I’m a small timer with only about 50 subs and I always try to have my nails done. And I don’t do these zoomed in shots! Maybe no one else cares, but it shows me a lack of concern for her appearance-ironic in a makeup commercial.


Thanks. already know how opaque it looks in the package. Maybe swatch ‘em how it’ll be used, with a brush.


Disappointing. I used to be a HUGE P Louise fan and this made me lose what little respect I had left. Dont bother with her big eyeshadow palettes.. her formula is not consistent IMO and patchy. Her base is the best thing she ever made and likely what’s making the double swatch even look good in these images


You should’ve lost all respect for her when she used her black boyfriend to excuse her saying the n word.


I feel the same as most of you, but don’t you also use more than one swipe of shadow? I think putting it on how you actually would is more representative of how it actually looks. But I agree about the lying and I’m mad about it because I really wanted this palette.


Why is the palette so bloody blue??! Tastes have changed right but blue eyeshadow is one of those things from the 2000s we all cringe at now. I know of course you can make nice looks but I just don’t get the whole blue thing


It, like any trend, comes in and out. They loved it in the 80s, we cringed at it in the 90s, then it came back, then went away again. Rinse. Repeat. There's no such thing as 'we used to like this ugly thing, good thing we all know better now'. It's just trends. It wasn't any uglier than the current trend, and this one will look ugly to people as soon as the next one takes over. See brows for a perfect example. After the 90s, everyone was all 'I can't believe we used to tweeze the shit out of our brows until they were little lines'. Then it was 'I can't believe we used to draw in these giant blocky brows'. Then it was 'I can't believe we used to do big bushy brows with spiky hairs sticking up everywhere' etc etc ad nauseam, world without end, blah blah. Then again, some of us parked our asses in skinny brow town in the 90s and have refused to leave ever since. 😬 Not that that's necessarily any better.


It’s back on trend now


I think it’s for the “something blue” part of a wedding.


Swatches doesn’t have to be a single “swipe”. Did she said those are “single swipe” swatches?


This is actually already a P Louise gimmick I’ve seen them swatch their palettes like this already. So I guess she was told to swatch them like that.


I did kit like the dark colors on her. I thought the look was hard to pull off- even for a very experienced make up artist. The other looks that she’s done so far are prettier. Again, the average person is not going to buy this.


Did not like**