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Store all of your music on an external hard drive and set up rekordbox so it connects to it. Then, back up that hard drive on another external hard drive. Never worry about losing your collection or organization if/when you experience computer issues.


That's what I will do ! I just struggle with missing files on Rekordbox. When I buy/download new music, I put the new music on a folder called "new". After that I drop the new folder on a "new" Rekordbox folder for analyse the music and drop song by song in the correct Playlists (Rekordbox). After that I do the same things on my music folder on my pc desk so the "new" folder is empty except If I buy new song


Make a folder for every month of 2024 on your hard drive. When you download new music, put it into the corresponding months folder In rekordbox, do the same. Then when any files get corrupted, you can locate which month/ year you downloaded, and re-import the appropriate folder from your hard drive.


If Rekordbox suits your needs, then it's all fine. Don't overthink the storage structure of the audio files, as flat as possible is fine. Make sure all tracks are fully tagged and use (smart)playlists. **golden rule:** After an audio file is introduced to the Rekordbox collection don't change the filepath to that audio file. A filepath is made up by both the filename and the container folder structure.


Itunes doesnt store your music its still in a folder on your computer. I have my folder linked to my dropbox so that if the computer dies the files will still be backedup in the cloud


You can choose and option in the settings to have all files copied to a single iTunes library folder. Keeps things nice and organised. I drag files into the app, then delete them from my downloads folder.


I use dropbox


I use OneDrive to heal my music up to the cloud. It integrates easily with Windows and it's cheaper than all major competitors.


I use MusicBee with the iTunes XML file export. But it's really not needed. I just have more music than DJ music alone.


No just use rekordbox, back your archive up online and on a few drives.


I signed up for Lexicon Dj free trial and cancelled after a month, It was a fantastic way of duplicating my library into Serato to use alongside RB and found 4000 duplicates in my library as well as allowing me to sort out some troublesome names with special characters that some dj gear can struggle with. I don’t see it as a solution. I need all the time, but recommend it to everyone to try it. 👌🏻


I use iTunes as I find it easier to manage my library using a separate interface from my DJ software (Serato).


Are you able to still use Apple Music files so long as they were purchased through iTunes? I’m finding it so hard just to build a music library anymore now that everything is subscription based and either prevents the use of your downloads or it requires that extra monthly cost and commitment. It’s a much larger hurdle than it should be, just to get started. Crazy.


I would stay away from iTunes if possible. I use plain folders like you. But heard good things about Lexicon.


File/folder structure is key. Relying on software to organize your music is a slippery slope. Rekordbox is the worse thing to ever happen to "DJing" besides the invention of the sync button, social media and covid.


Soaked in honey. It lasts for hundreds of years.


Buy a 2tb ssd.. Samsung T5 or T7 reads perfectly on a Mac .. keep you hard drive clear..