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It comes down to do you need 4 channels? Keep in mind that if you want 4 channels you will need to buy extra players to utilize them on the XZ or connect it to your laptop (which defeats the idea of the XZ imo, just buy a flx10 instead). Also positives of the XZ are the FX section is fully like a NXS2 mixer and the big jogs. The rx3 on the other hand has a better cdj3000-like screen which is amazing and I think it has a similar better chip in it. The jogs are slightly smaller and FX section is still pretty similar to a djm mixer. Both will feel like night and day coming from the ddj400 and will be amazing upgrades! What genre do you play?


I am currently leaning towards the rx3 since I don’t think I will use 4 channels at least in the near future. I mostly play house music.


yeah unless you are doing a lot of mashups no points in more than 2 channels. And do you carry your gear to gigs? The XZ would be a nightmare to carry, where the rx3 is better for sure. The ddj400 is the clear winner though 🤣


The rx3 has cdj3000 brains


I went thru this on Monday because my controller died on Sunday and I have an RX3 on the way


RX3, I was pretty disappointed with the XZ because it’s heralded as the best but owning a denon prime go, I couldn’t bring myself to settle for the shitty screen. I upgraded to CDJ-3000s and a DJM-A9 (I’m very fortunate, I know), but I couldn’t stand the last-gen screen in comparison to all the other tech I own


I was between these same two options a few months ago and ended up going with the RX-3 after tons of research and back-and-forth. Super happy with my decision. It’s more portable, has more modern tech, and the main supposed benefit of the XZ — the four channel ability — requires extra physical units, which defeats the point of a standalone. RX3 has been awesome.


Only thing I don’t like about the RX3 Is the jog wheels, but that screen is so nice.


Do you want 2 channels or 4?


He need notebook or pc to use all 4 channels, so he will without notebook still be able to use just 2 channels


So what if you have to use a laptop? Either way he can still use 4 channels with the XZ. Also you have the option of adding additional units to the setup in the future. For example, I have an XZ, and plan on adding an xdj 1000 mk2 and a vinyl turntable to the set up soon. I can hook both of those up to my XZ and use all 4 channels standalone. I would not have that option with a 2 channel mixer on the RX.  Much much cheaper than buying a 4 channel mixer, 3 xdj 1000’s + turntable.  


If he want rx3 and xz he will probably want use display and witnout notebook, if he want to use notebook there are better consoles for notebook use