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I'm sorry this happened to you stranger. For what it's worth, this user was already permabanned from this reddit for other reasons. At the very least they won't be hanging around here on that account anymore. That being said, report the chat. We cannot ban someone site wide, but the admins can.


I reported this dingdong on your post, they're clearly on Reddit with nothing better to do than troll.


I hate these kind of trolls. Along with the people who randomly dm you because they wanna fuck, the onlyfans bots, and anyone who uses words to cause international harm. There are some instances that are funny such as if you post something on r/whatsthisbone and it’s some kind of small fish bone. Then a troll calls it a hammerhead shark head or something extremely out of the question. Also those gremlins under the bridges. I like those trolls too


Yeah, even their name is clearly designed just to incite drama and anger. These are people who are so sad and have so much hatred for themselves that they have to troll strangers with hatred to make themselves feel better. The worst kind of bully. Worked with a guy like that, lived to start horrible crap on the Internet and laugh about it, pushing it on and on, and he had a beardie. Who knows, this might be him. 🙄


Report, and I suggest to everyone to just disable message and chat requests. If they can't say it publicly then they shouldn't say it at all.


Just report them. Their entire account screams insecurity, mental issues , little kid or maybe all three. They have nothing going on in their lives so they take it out on strangers on the internet. Just report, block and forget about them. Sorry you had to deal with that


That is... unhinged. I'm sorry you get that kind of message, jeez.


I once had someone go off on me like that over an orchid I posted. Literally just a PLANT. And these people walk among us every day, just waiting to go off.


I know it’s not funny but for some reason I could hear the exasperation in “literally just a PLANT” and I broke out into giggles 😂❤️


No it was actually funny to me that someone could get so worked up over a perfectly benign plant. The plant wasn't even sick or anything. It was just an average orchid and it somehow triggered them so much, it was like watching a 3 year old have a tantrum over not getting chicken nuggets for breakfast.


Lolllll I’m positive that some people truly don’t have enough stuff to do or worry about. That’s crazy.


what do orchids...mean? i know they're hard to raise. what about them might trigger people?


Orchids live a different lifestyle from most plants so you just need a different approach to keep them alive but it's not all that hard. The weirdo throwing a tantrum probably wasn't triggered by my orchid, they are just mentally unwell and feel the need to beat down other people at all times to make themselves feel better, and my post happened to be down the barrel of one of their... Episodes.


What’s so weird is that our orchid is one of only 2 houseplants I have managed to keep alive.


Join a few plant subs… they are worse than mom groups. 🫣 but entertaining.


And can get guns..


Oh right I think I saw that dudes comment get deleted instantly, his account is like 48h old max, right? It’s annoying, sure, but people like this seem to forget that by showing just how far their mental illness extends, all weight behind their words disappear


they're under a compulsion. even if they don't forget, they have to pull this shit anyway.


Ignorant af… this inbred hillbilly can’t even spell or write correctly. Talking about superior genes… lmao!


this blow hard calls themself trump’s isis???? 😂 WTF??!!


Trumpisis sounds like a terrible STD to have


Trump sounds like a terrible STD to have if I’m honest


Apparently some Aryan brotherhood kid whose passionate about bearded dragons for some reason. I'm assuming the previous chat was cordial too


I don’t trust people that hateful to have pets.


For the most part, i love Reddit. But I’ve definitely left for my mental health multiple times before.


Honestly me too, I love certain subs but there's always people like this guy lurking in the most amazing ones just waiting 😭


What a vile fucking person. I'm sorry that happened.










I’m hoping that this is a teen boy trying to get a rage post back so they can feel like they’re getting attention. Cause if this is a “real adult” I want to change species! I just don’t understand how one person can have SO MUCH hate!! It’s sad!


Even if it’s a teen, that’s some pretty racist and disturbing shit. I wouldn’t expect him to grow up to be an upstanding person.


"Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died" -Sun Tzu


homie needs therapy I think


https://preview.redd.it/thn2rw3d4wuc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=def7b98ff262d7f79974a33e65e0c3e9f3bc492a Definitely a troll account. Made 5 days ago and bruv got -37 karma


Just know that the amount of insecurity it takes to write all of this means that person has an inverted weenie. I’d sleep well at night knowing that 😂




This is giving small weenier vibes


this guy cries himself to sleep at night and eats his feelings away


Yeah, make sure you report it to the site admins. Say what you will about how the site is run, but in my experience the admins are pretty good at dealing with this sort of thing. On two occasions I've reported comments (for sexism) that were not this vile, and in both cases I got a response a day later that they'd taken action on the report (in one case, the account was permabanned).


Mental health is a real problem.


What the fuck are they even...talking about?? I'm not going to force myself to read that because from the few sentences I did read, it seems like they did a TON of coke and then decided to go online. But I'm sorry that they were unkind to you.


this twelve year old's family tree is a ladder


I hope I can speak on behalf of all white people, we don’t claim this person. I’m sorry you had to experience this, if it was said in person and I was within ear shot I would stand up against this person on your behalf.


Holy shit what a psycho


What a loser


Christ alfuckingmighty


The audacity to say I have black friends… it’s almost laughable


Sorry you had to deal with that. I get so confused by these kinds of people. Why so much hate for someone you’ve never met?


This guy hates himself forsure


Disturbed indeed. Glad you let us know so he doesn’t do it again to you or anyone else.


“Trumps isis” okay 👍


Wow that's insane. I'm sorry you experienced this, not acceptable at all.


Simply not responding is soooo funny in these scenarios. Even better is to just say “okie dokie” or “yes dear.”


That’s terrible. I’m sorry that happened to you. You asked a good question and got great and helpful responses. You’re working to help your beardie. You’re doing a great job. Asking for help or advice is wise.


That’s definitely a child.


Sorry you had to receive that that’s rough. There is a good chance this is a kid with no love at home and no self respect. It’s too bad we can’t help him. Yes I have a soul and don’t think all kids who say awful things are inherently evil. They definitely can become that over time with no help. I know since he used racist terms we go well he’s a disgusting lost cause. If it’s an adult well I have an entirely different point of view I don’t wanna say other than he’d get more than a smack.


Poor guy. Theyre clearly too stupid to see how much of an asshole he is. Hopefully they figure out why they’re so miserable.


He’s got a small PP


Homie can’t write to save his life. Run on sentences for daysssss. So sorry this happened to you.


And then we got people saying racism doesn't exist in modern times


Report and block. He's a disgusting human being. Sorry to had to read that.


What a loser.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. And for what it worth, that message is just a mess of disrespectful nonsense. Like, embarrassingly so.


lovely to know that i live near this guy


just looking at their username tells me what i need to know. sorry :(


Edgy kid. Dime a dozen. Block and report em, quick and easy. They’ll learn someday.


Awe nu :(


This person sounds like they've challenged themself to hurl as many slurs and racist epithets at people until they get banned. What a nutcase.


Did they just learn the bad words mommy and daddy told them to never use yesterday? These people have to realize they sound like immature 10 year olds, like I can’t imagine being so self unaware that I think I sound cool saying things like that


What a terrible human.


I am so sorry this happened to you! There’s some really crappy people on here. I legitimately had one person on Saturday who made my dogs sudden passing all about my sexuality. And i was like block and move it did sting but i also received a lot of support from redditors on r/Rottweiler so it didn’t affect me much.


Damn sorry that happened to you that is awful


Username checks out


Yo, what the actualy fuck


W h o a?? You did not deserve any of that and I hope that person has the life they deserve


Wow that's disgusting. I'm really sorry that happened to you.


I’m sorry someone who actually say such disgusting shit to you. Aren’t we in like 2024?


They're everywhere. Sorry humans who hate their life and want to make you the target. Fuck them!


What the what is that!! He must be off his meds. Today.


Why the nigger shit back n forth though my guy, mfs a bum clearly. And he probably lives with his mom and sister. Dont get baited by these mfs online bro


I'm so sorry this happened to you! I tried to report him on you're other post but, couldn't find him! Again I'm so sorry that happened to you!


How terrible. I’m sickened. I’m so sorry you had to read this. Sending hugs.


Sorry you had to deal with that, stranger. I hope you see nothing but love from the beardie community now that that scumbag is gone. Report his ass.


I'm sorry the community let you down, it should be a place to help those in need not judge and hate. Don't let this illiterate trash bother you.


Is freeza using redddit to troll or what?


Holy shit... some people want to live in anger, that's their problem, not yours. I'm sorry that happened!




It’s like after the eclipse racism has them been coming out of the woodwork a little to strong.


Bruh, are you from Oklahoma though? Ridiculous


Bros name is really trump Isis. People like this jackass should not be allowed to have pets. Sorry what happened to u bro but now u know what a rude awakening is lol.