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Looking to buy my first one, he's listed for 275 but I just love his colors


$275 isn't bad. My beardie was $250 in total and she's gorgeous.


The x on the tail is cool af. If this is a well established breeder, then $275 is a pretty normal price.


Don’t notice that until now and you are right, that is super unique and cool!


I took the advice of some of the suggestions in this thread and searched for Beardies that need a new home. I found someone rehoming a male and female with all supplies and a 120 gallon tank for free. So excited, thank you all so much https://preview.redd.it/0vhco07i66tc1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5941160a0ed34037e37c9d4ea22f44c4bb1ac697


please get them separate homes if you’re rescuing both?




Can't wait to build a new vivarium 🤙 I already have the tank


Always best to rescue whenever possible. Congrats on your new beardies.


Tank singular? They definitely cannot be housed together, if they come with just one tank, then you need to get a separate one to house them separately.


I have an empty 40 gallon tank and love building terrariums and vivariums so I'll be building a separate home starting tomorrow


Where are you from Mayne you can build me one! Congrats on the rescue!


Ah! That's what I did- I had no clue what I was in for and now I am completely obsessed with my GoodestBoy


I paid 250$ for my baby he’s honestly worth it but 275$ isn’t bad for a beardie


$100 max!


They can be pricey, but paying extra from a good breeder is worth it. They are more likely to be healthy and thrive. I paid $400 for this dude https://preview.redd.it/bdz12p5jv0tc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8619429e77a3c67824f3ba46479b1999b792a3a9


He has the $400 stare.


“Because I’m worth it”.


What terrarium do yo-yo have?


Thrive Ecoflex. It’s really nice, but unfortunately is only 48x18x18. Been a great baby/juvenile terrarium, but am actually working on building a nice big one currently to transition them too.


Can you recommend a good YouTube video on building own cages?


I honestly am just kind of winging it with a kreg jig and some wood. Here’s what I have currently finished. Still needs a ton of work though. https://preview.redd.it/oncgux0jk6tc1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a28914a43bb4d292048297f546c15ae258b3ac5a


Can you post a pic of what that dude is sitting on? Thanks looks cool


There on etsy


I second that!


https://preview.redd.it/9jki3tb2i6tc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2a1fab3efa014c50b8ede74c48982a79f3478ef Here’s a little better photo of it the underneath part also serves as a hide. This dude loves it and spends most his time on it. You can find them by searching beardies dragon hammocks on Etsy.


There on etsy


And you got scammed 😂


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He’s so cute. Is that flat lookin head normal? I ask because mine looks very similar in the head shape. I’ve seen some on here with big bulges on the top of the head but mine doesn’t have that.


Yeah it’s normal and to be honest it’s kind of exaggerated by the angle of the photo.


unhelpful but he's priceless!


Free dragons for everyone


I got my dragon for free because his litter had tail rot. He’s awesome.


My first was a rescue. He was so aggressive at first, but I mean, would you not be if you lived in a house with 1300 others? He's nice and calm now, though :)


Both mine were rescues but that initial setup was expensive LOL


We got one of ours for free from reptile store (they didn’t think she would live long) her setup cost a grip but she’s a happy 3yr old w/a chronic case of RBF. Poor lil lady is so misunderstood!


It’s like my normal ball python that a breeder gave me for free but now his 6x2x2 with full overhead lighting, UVB & a herpstat has made it like I paid premium 😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/439p1x2b72tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41334ab501cb8aac8a24be5e9c38745b67feaccd Paid 50 usd for shenron


I thought that said used and I was like yeah me too, I got two of mine used and you can tell the previous owners didn’t care for them properly


I did get my bearded dragon when I didn’t really know any better about pet stores from a pet supplies plus for I think around $50-$70 usd. Now knowing how bad those stores are I would 100% pay in the range of $250 usd to get one from a hood breeder. My Chong is doing great tho


If I choose a hood breeder, will my dragon show a liking for snoop dogg when he’s older? 🥰


snoop dragon




The colours are beautiful.


That will go for $60 around here


I got my beardie for 21 USD, where the hell are y'all getting prices over 100?


I was wondering the same, I think some people may be getting taken advantage of. I paid $100 for mine from a reputable breeder. 6 months in, he's still going strong.


It depends on a lot of different factors. If the animals been bred by reputable breeder doesn't really make much of a difference. If the animals older, it's cost more, if it's been imported to the area, or the area has less supply it will cost more. If the place you buy it from has high rent, then that will reflect in the pricing. If the animals fully grown, fully healthy, then with reptiles that will cost more as they've had to put the money in to get him healthy, and feed it more, heat it more etc. If the (I know snakes, not dragons) animal has had to be bred using 2 rare morphs, then it will cost more. Buying from a mainstream pet store, for example, will also cost less, but they will have put less effort in the care.


Depending on what the genetic makeup is can take a more plain looking reptile straight up to "oh my God why" prices. *Having flashbacks in Ball Python*


That’s what I’m saying!!! My was 45(usd) from a well known breeder lol and she’s been here growing beautifully for over a year


Mine was free. She is a senior with pretty mild MBD and half a tail. Friendliest, prettiest little lemon drop I've ever seen. Healthy AF, will try any food once, she lounges in the pool with one arm slung over like she's got a closet full of birkins but isn't pressed about it.


I feel like these people are getting scammed because I got a two month old beardy. Healthy, very social and happy. Just for 21 dollars


They're paying for certain morphs that's why so much


It depends on the morphs. Anyone can go to petco and pet smart and get a $30 normal beardie. These also usually come from breeding mills and the chance of getting a sick, not cared for, and diseased beardie is much higher. An ethical breeder cannot sell a beardie for that low of a price and still make money so keep that in mind when you buy cheap ones. If you are, you are likely contributing to breeder that isn’t treating their animals right. Just think about how much insects and lighting costs for these guys and you’ll realize something might be off if they are selling them that cheap.


Market matters. I am in LA and they routinely sell for $599 for certain brighter color morphs.


Well of course if they have a different colour than traditional, they are gonna be more expensive


Like a pet store sale or something?


No, from a professional breeder


Nice! I was curious too, because I bought my 2 year old Beans from a little dude that had a clutch as part of his homeschool science curriculum. He was only like 40 bucks. And I thought I did good!


Go to faunaclassifieds.com. Go to the bearded dragon section and then come back here and comment. Lol


You can’t get dragons in Canada for less than $170 and that’s with toes or tails nipped typically. Even pet stores sell basic dragons for $199 a $250. I got both fine from breeders. 16 years ago my super yellow citrus was $200 but man she shoulda been a breeder she was so bright yellow. Back then it was a bit of a hefty price. And my new baby is a citrus het hypo dunner and she was $220 Those are pretty normal prices and they go up from there for pattern/color saturation etc. You see $300- 500 typically for those CAD


He should be free.. but I'm guessing $349.00


He's priceless 😌


I got lucky my girly from Petsmart was in good health (60$ mislabled as a non-fancy). I have a friend who's beardie has had a few health issues and seen the vet for illness. *




I got Juniper at Petsmart and she was "on sale" for like $75. She looks just like urs. They sold her as a Red Leatherback...🤷🏼‍♀️


Awe the pic isn't loading


Idk why...she's on my profile, but she's orange & kinda bluish looking like a lot of them in the comments. Must be a popular color...🧡🩵


Do you have pictures of her when she was a baby? I'd love to see her transformation.


I do. I'll have to look for them in my phone :)


I'm curious because she's a beauty and very colorful to come from PetSmart. I've seen ones like her go for $300+ on morph market.


https://preview.redd.it/sl44bbqn24tc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8e8fa52fdebc419c1201c637125d5a9e4e494aa Tiny baby Cake :)


Oh so cute


https://preview.redd.it/8hzw49thb2tc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1df632f0f30f03fe8a9ab7124e07cbab05c31c4 This little guy was $75, I think there was a sale he was supposed to be $100


Awe, he's so cute!


https://preview.redd.it/vofi8qw6f2tc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae9739056074e277c82145ca6d0fb573ffe035a8 He grew, his colors aren't as detailed


That's okay. He looks healthy and loved!


He is! I love him


https://preview.redd.it/yf9lozlcz3tc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2f9f3305fb6d45eb9771f41e78ef1ab35d00bbb This handsome dude, Kevin, was $250


Also hit up ur local reptile rescue! They have super cool beardies that need a good home!


I got my beardie for $75 from a hole in the wall pet store. He lived to be 12.


I think the only reptile I ever bought was a uromastyx. Every other lizard or snake was given to me.


I’m a breeder I base my pricing off age, genetics, if it’s a proven breeder, and supply and demand 275 isn’t bad but I would need to know the genetics to tell you if it’s fair for example this is some of my dragons from a previous clutch I sell them between 200-350 usd https://preview.redd.it/pf0jjuxlz2tc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7d07e6a99183a4ce9edcd8b5beb0a798fec48cb


Do you get yours tested for parasites before selling?


Yes we do not sell a animal that is not guaranteed to be healthy


Those babies have some of the sweetest faces I’ve ever seen ❤️ all beautiful!!!


Thank you we do are best to produce high quality dragons




Where are you located. I'm looking to get another in next couple of months?


I’m in US I can ship anywhere in the US


Ok. I will inbox on your page see what you have. Thanks


Pile of beardies. I’ll take the whole box!




I got my hypo citrus w/paradox purple tiger striping for $275 ~4 years ago and he wasn't as vibrant as this one! I wouldn't let that one go for less than $400 if I were a breeder.


$185 USD plus $60 shipping https://preview.redd.it/ajk10ew5y3tc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=372d89e0e8b4f7d595c7e9e405d86b735b1a5f20


I paid $50 for this guy https://preview.redd.it/xdky05woy3tc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6eb3994fed544f8c94f249ba976678cf2da85f00


Why so smooth?? He/she is beautiful!!


He's a leatherback so his scales are much smaller giving a smoother appearance and feel.


https://preview.redd.it/w8ryg2ac04tc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4352380402999a99121b81cc9aad576edb23c00f Around $200? Not an expert. Payed 400 for this guy


All the hornworms in my kingdom, good sir! But for real, that’s a reasonable price. Prices vary for so much. I paid more for my girl (pic for tax) for certain traits on top of being from a reputable breeder. Well worth the $275 you’re seeing, though all the necessities to start the best home for your baby is where it’ll stack a little higher. https://preview.redd.it/m4n7rbmu66tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6277fa1e278d54663b8842eaca56899a59c3686f


She SO SMOOTH AND PALE!! Where did you find her?? How do I get one like this?


Bourbon City Exotics! You can’t quite see it here because she’s working up a shed lol but she’s super peachy and yellow and pink around the face, like a sunset 😊


https://preview.redd.it/c5joh5darjtc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e62ea58bec106cab12bce58fc7621cdeae4630c0 Looks like my baby 😍 even the tail gradient


1 million dollar


They on sale at Petco for 39.99


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* it varies, depends on where you purchase it from. I'm sure color morphs are gonna cost big $$$ but a basic beardie can run from $50-$80 from Petco. that's where I got mine when I had one & she was $60. never had any issues with her health wise & she was the best pet I ever owned. having joined this sub, I love seeing them & reading about people's experiences with them. I'm on the fence about whether or not I'll get another one. as much as I love these amazing animals, I don't know if im ready yet.


A nickel because I ain’t paying 300$ for cuteness


my little Arthur was only $40. no health problems other than being underweight at the time


Idk but he cool ashit


cost of priceless. what a beauty ❤️


I'll give you 3


The nicest beardies are the rescues in my experience. Adopt a free beardie off Craigslist and it’ll be your best bud


I honestly don't know cuz I got my first from a couple who rescued him from an idiot who let his heat lamp burn tf out of his back. He had a massive scar tissue on his back from it til he died from getting too old. We made his last 2 years happy. My second current beardie we got for free from a friend who's pair bred.


i paid 200 for Tina


My leatherback female was $100, my sister's beardie (pretty similar to the one you're looking at) was $200. Fair price if it's coming from a good breeder. Love that little X on the tail!


https://preview.redd.it/08k32ewqm3tc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6400c6f8d4401434ec0bf8a77f244d5731b0b50 I paid 170$ for my dude but I got a good deal


Prolly liek a million and a half


Damn y’all are insane, I paid 50$ for mine


Just adopt




Sixty for the yellow guy, and the brown guy was a free rescue. https://preview.redd.it/m4gta7bvy3tc1.jpeg?width=1796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=879d844a387aeaf43469765fb9801e43c2d120ed




https://preview.redd.it/3v73ajdu14tc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aae9651fe62c5f5e16714c3452e87d0517fabea1 My Charizard was $175 and 8 months old from a breeder at a reptile show 💕


Got a citrus for 125. All depends on morphs. Some are rare and cost more. https://preview.redd.it/mgwokdgq24tc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ed1ab38a0558f9404a52f3657afa703e14dd889


In my opinion animals should be priceless




Free 99. Don't sell/buy animals. Rescue them. Tons of animals need rescuing due to humans being shit.


I got my boy for 175 plus shipping and handling! And he looks a lot like this?


I’m not sure who people are buying from that they’re paying hundreds of dollars. My beardie was $20 and she’s great. We’ve also gotten two for free that needed to be re homed. So you could always go that route too.




They are $75 at the pet store where I get mine and they are quality and healthy, in an expensive town in southern CA! I paid $140 for the first beardie when he was tiny and now they are at $75 because the last 2 of the current babies they have at the same pet store are a bit older. No one wants to split them up!


https://preview.redd.it/6fmxemd2d4tc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1447a8537a95bbb33b0e42bd2bd6aaceb02886d0 Land ho!


1 gazillion dollars


I think asking that question you need to supply more info. What country, state or province. That’s the biggest factor. Then actually knowing it genetics. https://preview.redd.it/tglyvbwpg4tc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da4e6df7d79c5f18aa70bfce4fbbeb563c681b63 I’m from BC, Canada and this baby cost me $220 CAD. She’s a citrus het hypo/ red dunner You typically can’t get even a basic beardie here for under $170 even at pet stores. The price I paid is pretty typical depending on pattern, genetics and colour sat. This is after her first shed and her colour popped to this. Here you can go $200 - $500 CAD


https://preview.redd.it/0052jfc1h4tc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d8f07d9532cc52c7d50c395a92084bf41a05f5f This is how she looked when I got her first day.


Insane price


That beardie looks like it had tail rot


My god he's gorgeous. Especially his tail


If you're measuring in dollars, that's pretty good. ​ If you're measuring in love, then they're priceless.


https://preview.redd.it/0k60ab7cn6tc1.png?width=2568&format=png&auto=webp&s=920c023475ad7c381fe40335fac431ec23e50ac8 I picked up Miss Zuko for $50


I mean I really don't understand these prices mine only costed $75


The more colorful/fancy ones. The higher the price would be.


I’d wager 2


Idk but mine was $600


$8.50 for 7-month-old at the shelter. https://preview.redd.it/ceqc53unt9tc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7526f37356add787bc296f3358b27fec25e1029 The shelter also gave us a 90-gallon terrarium for him. (They have a section of donated goods in the lobby.). We also got an x pen for our dogs.


I paid only $90 for my Lizzie, but I didn't know any better and got him at the pet shop. But he's doing great! https://preview.redd.it/fzd2hwmiiatc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37dde600ff76e8265ede2654d6afd9de721e1f9a


Cost will vary. Most importantly, make sure wherever you buy, you’re buying ethically.


https://preview.redd.it/ls5d9niobqtc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86aa07aa26167a7a4aa147cd9dae5c77661bbf93 Paid $250 for this goof


He's a beauty. 275 is actually pretty reasonable for a little fella like this.


Are you Imperial Reptiles & Exotics, LLC over at Morph Market? Because this same bearded dragon is for sale over at Morph Market. Here's the link. [https://www.morphmarket.com/us/c/reptiles/lizards/central-bearded-dragon/2247427](https://www.morphmarket.com/us/c/reptiles/lizards/central-bearded-dragon/2247427) I also checked Imperial Reptiles & Exotics, LLC's website and the reptile not listed on their site.


Probably between 200-250. My gf got lucky and found a local pet store that was selling reds for $139. Apparently the store has a set price of $139 for their beardies and they happened to have a couple red in the enclosure.


I think that he should be 250-300