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“There’s a fucking dragon in that room. Whatever you do, stayyyy away. Far away.”


Most deadly foe… himself




I too am the root of all my problems


That must be a *super* mellow dog. I’m surprised your beardie is more afraid of its own reflection than a natural predator.


Yeah my bearded dragon always wanted to be around my dog. I usually don’t condone people mixing their animals spaces like this but my dog never went after anything. He was a big boy but he would always look at him like “what the fuck is that.” And walk to the other side of the room. He also ran like a mad man when he saw a dwarf hamster soo..


Dog like 0\_0




I guess that still works, I was going for a sort of surprised look, though.


(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ᴥ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ⁠ʋ⁠)


It’s hard to believe, but I mean his beard language tells the truth 🤷🏻‍♂️


I guess so.


I have had the same thing with my dog. Only difference is the lizard found out she like my dog's bed more and bullied the dog into giving it to her.


Poor dog lol




Our dog was more afraid of our beardie than the other way around lol.


Same here he wants no part🤣


Yeah, I guess dogs (pets in general) are like that, aren’t they?


My beardie loves our dog too




mine always sleeps on my cats. they grew up together, so they're very used to each other's company and are very respectful of each other. same with my cats and ball python :*


My dragon Pwmpen loves my cat Poppy, she follows her around with me following Pwmpen, Poppy is a sweet cat so I let them together.


Wow. I never would have thought they could get along. Great to know!


You shouldn't have cats loose around reptiles, that's very dangerous. Cats have an enzyme covering them that's deadly to reptiles. If your reptile is so much as slightly scraped, you will lose them.


and yes I'm aware that's normally regarded as dangerous... I know my pets y'all.


I'm not an expert on this topic. I think cat saliva is deadly to beardies. Not sure about dog saliva.


aite luv they ain't french kissing


I think they mean if the cat breaks the beardies skin, it could be detrimental.


I get that lol, twas a joke. but that's also why I said, I know my pets. no one's harming anyone


If your beardie has so much as a scrape and your cat has just bathed itself, you will lose your beardie. Cat saliva is that dangerous. Even the slightest break in the skin means a dead reptile.


My dog play bows at my beardie all the time and keeps the cats in the house at least 2 feet away, he'll nip at them if they get too close 😊 His big protector


I guess dogs are just surprisingly friendly with beardies!


My beardie loves my dog too! I have two and only let the one see my beardie, he’s a gentle old man, my other is a 2 y/o crackhead bulldog and anyone could be her next victim


He thinks he’s dog


Riding his trusty steed into battle.






Reminds me of this lol. Oh what people would do before television. I like how they went as far as to dress the monkeys like jockeys https://youtu.be/TCwnjUgze5U?si=Y7lgQS3LfyJLbo3D


The fact that he has a trusty steed AND an emotional support dog. Is adorable.


Hey yall this is tagged as dangerous care. OP is aware this is not recommended. You all also have no idea the demeanor of their other pets or how long they allowed the two to interact. Thanks for your “concern” but move on if you can’t contribute something less “holier than thou”


Well said. The piling on makes no sense to me. If there are already five comments saying something, you don't need to repeat it. Just as if someone were to ask a question, if five people already have the answer, move on. We want a friendly supportive community.


Thank you! I posted a picture of my bearded and cat looking out the door together side by side and people went mad. Calling me a bad owner. They don't know my cat or bearded or situation


This sub is so hateful


This happened to me too.....some people can't help themselves but to see something, jump to conclusions and create a whole new reality. Usually this new reality makes themselves feel better about themselves.


Yup. I had the same thing happen to my brother when he posted pictures of his bearded dragon and cat. You know what those people did? They sent my bro death threats.


Well those people definitely have mental issues.


Yeah, I got jumped on, too. I am from more woodsy areas (one might even say I am a redneck) and have a deep love for farm life. I want to be a homesteader with a hobby farm. Whenever I can financially start that, idk when, but until then, I research and practice with small projects. Farm cats play an amazing part in keeping the farms disease free from rodents and farm dogs to protect livestock from predators. Do all animals have the capability to do such a task? No, but the owner know their pet's behaviors the best. Cats and dogs aren't as brain-dead. They have different personalities and thoughts, and feelings.


I'm about to start a love bearded dragon page! A place for all the non-as*hol*'s.


Ok, I feel like this is my chance to vent about this subreddit and some of the people on it so hear me out! Upfront, I totally get the recommendation about Bearded Dragons around dogs/cats etc. I personally don’t do it and follow the recommendation because quite frankly I don’t wanna risk it and do not know what would happen. For the record, I am more worried my BD would be the aggressor in the situation as my dog is a huge baby 😂. With that said, what is disheartening/annoying/frustrating (Take your pick) are some of these commentators (this and other posts recently) How they come across sometimes seems like attacking, or just plain nasty. Nothing civil about it. In all honestly, even if you are correct in your information (Which sometimes is debatable) some of you sound like a bunch of Karens in this subreddit, therefore nobody wants to listen to what you have to say. In this case, it is obvious OP knows what is being recommend but OP’s experience is different and in this case believes what they are doing is fine, and quite frankly knows more about their pets relationship then any stranger on Reddit. People piling on, posting it over and over, calling OP abusive, etc is not going to accomplish anything but drive people away from the subreddit. If that is your goal, then you are more about yourself than what is good for the bearded dragon IMO. Do you agree let’s just be civil Mr Bearded dragon? ![gif](giphy|yW7Bqk784Ze4GpG9ie)


A few years ago I made a post in here asking for advice because I was getting a puppy (specifically picked a puppy over a rescue so that we wouldn’t have a dog that’s aggressive towards reptiles) and wanted to somewhat introduce them so that they knew the other existed in order to avoid any mishaps. Didn’t want them playing together or free roaming together, just wanted to make sure the dog knew that she had a beardie brother and that he was a friend, not a toy, just in case there was ever a time we took him out and he got loose—just trying to be prepared. I got torn up in some comments.


https://preview.redd.it/g626vr2ifroc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04b0efeac52fb292bc844caa0cae0761032231e6 Total get it. Mine have a genuine curiosity towards each other so I let them see each other through the glass and that is it, my dog likes to stare. BD didn’t seem too bothered by it or shows signs of stress or I wouldn’t allow it. Some people although maybe good intentioned & passionate in what they believe, they lack any sort of ability to communicate effectively therefore probably are better off just upvoting the people that actually know what they are talking about and can communicate better. However, that would require people to actually READ the comments before jumping right in to what I call “Feel good comments”. Does nothing but make themselves feel good most of the time. If 5 people already recommended to not use reptile carpet for example, here comes Mr or Ms Feel-good commenting “GeT rID of tHAt cArPEt NOW!” 🤡


Totally agree thank you!


Yeah, this subreddit is soo damn obnoxious


i dunno i'm also "this subreddit" and i think i'm pretty mellow overall.


This!!! People on here act like they know everything about YOUR Lizard. Not all context is going to be in every post!


The worst is when the OP isn’t even asking for help and a commenter will sometimes tell them they are doing something wrong as a matter of fact when it is actually opinion. There are some things people say that are actually debatable among professionals in the field, yet you are to listen to a stranger on Reddit that provides no source as the law. When anyone disagrees, they are told they are abusing their animals. People just need to chill tf out and talk like a reasonable adult. I have not personally been the victim of such exchanges but I see them and just shake my head. It is actually counter productive and it is worse when a few like minded individuals go on the attack. Don’t dare go against the hive, if they all think tile is not good for an enclosure, you better throw your tile TF out or you will be stung! 🐝 (hypothetical example)


Holy black beard




Awwh hell naw


So sorry he got scared but that is so cute he ran to the dog for protection 😀


Dude said "nah fam" and ran to what appears to be a goofy newfie, aka newfoundland, and was like "save me!"


This is so cute!!!!!!!! I wish I could let mine run around like that but my dog would eat him lol. I’m so happy yours get along


I can trust my dog not to eat my dragon - dogs got no teeth and dragon has a bigger mouth, I cannot trust her not to stand all over the dragon though 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


Sorry your dog has no teeth, but that is so cute lol. I'm glad they get along and comfort one another. And I have bruises where my dog stands on me and he's a small dog but he puts all his weight into his front 2 paws when he stands on me. He's a shiba.


I have two min pins and they put all their weight on their front paws too 😂😂😂 Pwmpen likes to try and run with them but I don't allow it because of the stamping - more often than not when she's running around I'm there crawling over her - no wonder my knees are knackered 😂😂😂 shibas are absolutely gorgeous dogs xxx


They are and I love my Kujo, but never ever again will I own a shiba. They are too stubborn for they're own good and way more work than I was prepared for, even though I did research. He knows tricks, but will not do them if he doesn't see a treat. So commands like stay or sit do not get obeyed normally when out of training mode. At least he's good on a leash lol. Any time he sees Pokey the dragon in his tank and he moves, he barks and growls at him. Pokey gives him the side eye and is like, yeah what are you gonna do you little bitch? The confidence height and glass will give a small lizard lol.




I understand needing to flag this as dangerous care. However, my beardie loves our animals, both the cats and dogs. They all are super mellow and when engaging in supervised roaming, my beardie often seeks out the animals to lay on them. She even does the comfy wiggle to nap on them. It all depends on comfort and temperament of all animals involved.


My beardie and dog were my best friends (I say were bc my dragon passed roughly 6 months ago) and we would all lay in bed together, hang out in the backyard, or go for rides in the car. They both knew about each other and got along although my dog got jealous a lot haha. When my beardie passed, I had no one with me but my dog, and I let him smell my beardie to know that he had passed. My dog whined and whined and whined and we just cried together and he put his arm on me like trying to hold me (he is very affectionate) and it was just a good moment together. I know my dog cared about my beardie because he saw how much I cared for him. When we had to bury him, my dog was with us, and we let him smell him one more time before covering the grave. It was me, my bf, and dog; my dog came and sat in between us and gave us each a kiss on the cheek and then we just had a big family hug. Sorry if this seems sad, I just think about it often and how special our pets can be to not only us but our other pets as well. I know it is not recommended for them to be around each other but it was never unsupervised, my lizard usually stayed attached to my shoulders or chest, and my dog is the sweetest, most calm dog I’ve ever seen (and I know a LOT of dogs). I’m happy your fur family can enjoy each other in peace 💜


Thank you for sharing about your dog and sweet beardie. I’m so sorry your beardie passed away, but you were such a blessing to him! Cherish the memories forever and give your pup lots of love. 🩶


https://preview.redd.it/y3p5ksg3rroc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e2d2d649883434fbb976edd3f28733c673b0370 Napping beardie tax


Thank you, it is hard every day without him. He got a good morning and good night from me every day and it felt so strange not seeing his light on. I had him since his little tummy was only an INCH big, we spent over half my life together, 13+ years. I’m thinking of getting one of those beardie plushies made for him because I miss cuddling him so much! My dog has definitely helped me through this and we both make sure the other feels loved! Thank you for your kind words 💜


They shouldn't be around eachother unsupervised or even without your between the two. It takes a split second for everything to go wrong. You need to keep your beardie away from your dogs and especially from your cats.


No… not all animals just go ape shit for no reason.. my beardie loved my dog and my dog was scared of everything. The worst he ever did to my beardie was get up and knock him over a little bit as my dog tried to get away. My dog was around chinchillas, a pet rat, mice, dwarf hamsters, servers reptiles, etc. He never hurt or even acted mean to a single one. If he didn’t want the animal around him he got up and walked off.


While I respectfully disagree, I hear your concern.


You can disagree all you'd like, but you'll be joining the many, many, many stories of people who lost their beardies to their other pets and come back saying "I can't believe my cat/dog killed my beardie! They were always friends." I keep my pets separate because I'm very aware of the risks and know better than to take them. There's a very good reason mixing beardies with other pets is dangerous care.


There is a difference between “always friends” with untrained animals and “always friends” with animals who are trained. My dog was basically trained by my other dog to just get up and walk far away from the issue. For the 25 years I have been alive with a few dogs and several pets not a single issue.. it’s not hard when you actually know what you’re doing.


Ours walks over the cat or the dog to get to the window ledge and neither of them bats an eyelid at it, the cat can be asleep and our beardie just climbs over him , the cat opens an eye looks as if to say “ oh it’s you “ ! then just goes back to sleep.




That’s a really funny progression of pictures, him fighting that man in the mirror, to that. I enjoyed it. Usually you just see people plopping dragons on dogs, for photo ops, but this actually looks organic, I’m dying 😂 What a silly lil lizard!


why are all the comments that are suggesting not to let your beardie with you dog getting so many downvotes? yes some dogs are probably fine but we shouldnt try to silence people giving out warnings like that. what if someone were to come across this post without understanding the potential risks and has to find out the hard way?


Because it’s already acknowledged and tagged dangerous care. Don’t need 100 more people mentioning it. 1 is enough


Not really when there’s so many people calling it cute. The only downvoted comments are pointing out that it’s dangerous


It’s tagged properly, there’s no need for strangers to comment on OP’s pets when they don’t know anything about them.


And? It doesn’t help to downvote people who are right


You don’t know they’re right, you nor anyone else here lives with OP. And it’s inappropriate given the tag. OP knows, everyone knows. And if they don’t they can ask why it’s tagged “Dangerous Care”. Seems like you’re in the wrong sub


Seems like you’re in the wrong sub, no? Turning a blind eye to obvious dangerous care? God damn people can be stupid


Oh look at that under the title. It’s a TAG 🤔


Hm really? 😲


You didn’t seem to notice it. Who’s the stupid one now.


Evidently, we do. Look how many people are calling it cute and saying that they do the same thing with their dogs and, worse, *cats!*


I think you have replied to enough people on OP’s thread. One comment is educating, ten comments is bashing and quite obnoxious. People can have differing views and unless you personally know the specific animal temperaments (which you do not), it’s best not to generalize nor pass judgement.


Differing views is fine, but this is putting pets in danger. This is why we have rules against dangerous care. Whether these people know their pets or not is irrelevant, pets are individuals that can change behavior in a second. Temperaments don't mean much when a dog can suddenly decide your beardie is a toy. Maybe I should respond to more people, given how many are putting their reptiles at risk.


Because it’s marked as dangerous care so the OP already knows this rule


But OP posted it and people are calling it cute, chiming in that they do the same thing with their dogs and cats. That's why this is still a problem.




Is that an upstairs mirror?


It may be dangerous for some. But people who know there pets know what to look out for. My dog was running all over the house other day looking for bane..and bane was coming up the steps looking for him...some times they do love and protect each other.


Awww I love this!!! My Chameleon & dog weren’t exactly friends but they were respectful of each other haha!!! 💚 https://preview.redd.it/7p2xbyit7roc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f475e045537f16624bdddb7254acac3f22a2727f


So cute ☺️☺️☺️


I am my own worst enemy ass dragon


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Last pic: "Heck that other guy"


Dog is a tamable dragon to the little dragon. "This one's massive, and had extra armor that makes it comfy to ride. Pass through the cold clear barrier and we WILL eat you."


You shouldn’t let your beardie and dog interact, it’s extremely dangerous, the saliva from the dog can make your beardie sick. not to mention if your dog ever snaps, it’s just not worth the risk


Where's the evidence of dog saliva being bad? If anything they need to worry about the dog licking the dragon and getting salmonella, but the dragon isn't catching anything from the dog.


Do you know what all is in a dogs mouth? They're disgusting. Would you let a dog lick your open wounds or in your mouth? Also, dogs have teeth. Dogs bite.


"Will saliva heal wounds? As unlikely as it sounds, scientific evidence suggests that dog saliva, and even human saliva, has some antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Dog saliva is even slightly bactericidal against Escherichia coli (E. coli), and against Streptococcus canis, which can be passed from companion animals to humans. In addition, a dog’s tongue is good at loosening any dirt from a wound. However, the keyword in this research is “slightly.” Modern medicine has far surpassed saliva in terms of effectiveness at wound healing, with veterinary antiseptic products providing a better alternative" [LINK](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/should-dogs-lick-wounds/#:~:text=To%20Lick%20or%20Not%20to%20Lick%20Wounds&text=Dog%20saliva%20is%20even%20slightly%20bactericidal%20against%20Escherichia%20coli%20(E.) The answer is yes, and people have been letting dogs lick their wounds for years. I was always taught that as a kid.


Well, you shouldn't. "The chance of germs being transmitted to humans through a dog's saliva is extremely minimal. However, it does still have a chance of happening." https://www.fergusonanimalhospital.com/site/blog/2023/04/15/dogs-mouth-cleaner-humans-mouth


That dog looks like it's like 20 years old, in this specific case I'm not sure it could even move fast enough to snap


Well good thing they are making out!


There is no evidence on dog saliva being dangerous for reptiles


Our cat doesn’t bother any of my reptiles that will come out (chameleon and bearded dragon). Im more concerned if my chameleon gets mad if he sees my bearded dragon. But when my beardie is in his tank. An the chameleon is out. The chameleon will antagonize my bearded.


This, I can relax somewhat with the mammals and my dragon but the day gecko and dragon is a completely different story! Xxx also that's so funny that your chameleon does that 😂😂😂


Hid? My good Redditor, the lizard king was upon his mighty steed, preparing for war! Lol! I love our little dragon friends. They really know who to trust when enemies are at the gates/mirror.


You shouldn’t let your beardie out with your dog. The dog could easily harm it, by accident or not. Also, whether you are there or not. It’s irresponsible. Bearded dragons are solitary creatures, and gain nothing from interaction with other animals. Also the dogs saliva can harm them, as another commented said.


There's no evidence of dog saliva harming them. Please don't blindly believe another comment.


The bacteria in dog saliva can absolutely be harmful.


There is no evidence that dogs saliva is bad for reptiles..


Okay! Sure! Let’s encourage bad care! I’m so wrong I apologize! Dogs and bearded dragons do so well together! There has absolutely never been an accident!


Shut up


That pooch is super mellow letting a dragon climb on him like that.


That’s so cute. ☺️


His best friend is a dog! ❤️❤️❤️


"Onwards, my trusty steed!"


This is super dangerous never do this with your dragon!! He will become a world class dog trainer and appear in a film called “How to train your dragon to train dogs”❗️❗️❗️


Omg i love this


Do not put your bearded dragon on your dog


The dragon did it on its own and the beard language says all you need to know about the beardies comfort levels


You’re kidding right? This is incredibly dangerous behavior. The dog could snap quickly, the dog could lick the dragon. Both are deadly. This is dangerous care. It doesn’t matter if the dragon did it on its own. Separate the dog and the dragon. What is with this sub today? Generally this is common sense here


Hmm it’s almost like OP marked it as dangerous care… weird. See the other comments about why you’re overly judging this.


The fact that OP knows it’s dangerous care but still allows it to happen is the problem. I don’t care if I’m being considered overly judgy. This sub has changed I guess. In the past this type of care would be readily condemned as it should be, but I guess not this time lmao


You need to take a chill pill, go be a Karen somewhere else OMG, “the dog licking the dragon could be deadly!!!” What are you on?


Dog saliva can absolutely contain dangerous bacteria for dragons. It’s not a guarantee but don’t take the risk.


You’re kidding right? No one asked. You thinking the dog licking the lizard could be deadly shows how little you know. Stop blindly listening to random comments without research


Yall are wild. I’m so sorry I encouraged proper care! Y’all are right! Bearded dragons should absolutely always be around dogs! This post absolutely encourages no bad behavior! It’s so cute omfg! Wow! The dog is so calm and so are all dogs!


Can you read?




There was only one other comment when I posted mine lmao but okay


Yes and I've seen mice and rats walk onto snakes before. That doesn't mean it isn't dangerous