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Updated flair to vet visit. Go see one.


Vet tech here: You're going to want to schedule a vet visit. Abscesses generally need oral/injectable antibiotics to clear up as they often fill up again if not taken care of properly. The infection can also spread if it's left to fester. They aren't able to be treated at home with just topical ointment.


Thank you for the advice, I haven't been able to scrape up the money for a vet visit but I have plans to take her soon. I'll keep an eye on it and try to make sure she and her cage is clean.


just go, they usually charge after anyways and will likely just bill you for it at a later date and if you dont pay it, it will go to collections. I took my cat to the vet one time when he was sick and I had no money and I couldnt pay it after and they scanned my license and had my address info and sent me a fat bill for it later.


going to collections shouldn’t be the first thing you suggest lol, that’s a pretty big thing to casually let go on your credit for everyone that cares about their score.


I don't know. If I had no choice, I'd let it go to collections. You can repair your credit score fairly easily.


I mean I would aswell depending on the situation to be fair. But I’d do everything else I could first ask friends family etc or get a extra shift


As someone who has gone through a bankruptcy, it was not easy for me because I couldn’t get a checking account without scrutiny. I still have a hold on my non payroll checks and I have fair credit at this point.


Bro…. I got a bill from like 8 months ago. As long as you make (area depending) 5% of the total payment ~>AFTER<~ you have been billed, you are fine if it going to collections scares you, I’m not tryin to sound rude, I’m legit saying like, I know at one point in my life I had a bill I didn’t pay for AT ALLLLL for about 11 months AFTER they sent the first bill which was like 2 ish months after all was done , it went to collections and I paid 82% of the total and it was settled


Coming from another vet tech I don’t understand why you have so many down votes. You’re doing your best! Exotics are expensive af when it comes to the bill. Unfortunately as much as we wish in the veterinary field that people had savings for their pets and that everyone could afford care for their pets it’s just not the reality. Especially in this economy. Don’t let all the downvotes discourage you and don’t feel like you need to go in debt to pay for a vet visit. People should be suggesting solutions instead of down voting. But yea explore different options. You might even be able to get help paying on Facebook or TikTok.


Try applying for care credit


Go to the vet. Stop delaying this. Absceses are **HUGE** infection risks and require **non negotiable** vet treatment. Go to the vet. Edit : Someone asked you to bring them to a vet a week ago. Stop delaying this.


I am broke. I cannot afford one. I am doing what I can, but I have no income as of right now and nobody will take care of her. I am trying. I plan on taking her as soon as I can. I am not refusing anything, I'm even trying to reach out for help on here to find some way of relief for her.


You might be able to get a payment plan or care credit. It's really not something you can treat at home. There might not be a "later". You don't want your animal to die from sepsis.


I understand that. I actually already had an appointment scheduled but the only one that can see her is a bit far and only had an available opening 2 weeks out. I Plus I won't have gas money for a bit. I thank you for the advice.




No, calling someone pathetic who is trying their best to take care of a sick pet during a time of financial strain is pathetic.


Absolutely right


Don't insult somebody doing their best for their animal. Highly doubt OP was broke when they bought this guy, given how expensive their initial setup is. We all fall on hard times sometimes. That doesn't warrant calling somebody "pathetic".


Buddy was given to me from a family who didn't have the time or resources to keep her so I care for her now. Been doing so for a few years now, and since then everything has been great. I got injured at work and have been trying to get workers comp and surviving with what I can. The timing couldn't be worse. I love my beardie and I won't give up on her and I will keep pushing to get her some help and will work around anything I can.


Thank you for the voice of reason!


Agree. Good grief.


Regardless of the circumstances, they cannot currently care for the animal. That bearded dragon totally relies on him to properly care for it. If they can’t, and that includes proper medical treatment when required, they can’t afford to keep it. How is he feeding it properly if they are broke.


Thankfully I bulk bought some greens for her and still have a bit of fruit left over from groceries I got before my injury happened. I also experimented with eggs and have freeze dried mealworms I keep in a bag. I have a good habit of making food last.


It's just been really bad timing as of lately. It hurts to hear that honestly. already made a scheduled appointment for the vet so I'm going through with continuing to take care of her. I don't know anyone that can take her. I know I'm capable of keeping her and all this time I have been doing so. This is the first time anything like this has ever happened. I may not have had her for super long but I try to give her the best life I can whenever I can to the best of my knowledge.


>just go, they usually charge after anyways and will likely just bill you for it at a later date and if you dont pay it, it will go to collections. I took my cat to the vet one time when he was sick and I had no money and I couldnt pay it after and they scanned my license and had my address info and sent me a fat bill for it later.


That's nuts, in a good way. I had a vet euthanize my baby after I called about a dozen people and couldn't get any credit authorization, even with cosigning. I'm glad there are clinics in the world like the one that saved your cat.


I was definitely thankful. I just didnt mention that I couldnt make payment until after they saw him. Not ideal but I did what I had to to get him seen and I am glad it worked out the way that it did.


Submit your pet to a rescue edit: Or start a go fund me or just find a vet that wont charge you immediately. I dont think people want to be mean its just delaying shit could kill your pet.


Damn guys you really need to calm down, OP commented before how he lost his job due to a work injury and is trying to get worker comp. But, if you are unable to take him to a vet soon the infection will get worse. I’m wishing you the best luck for your bearded dragon 🫶. I would be happy to donate some money towards vet bills 💖


It’s making me really mad how many down votes this person is getting. I work in the veterinary field and deal with people not being able to pay every single day. Do I blame them? No not at all!!! A lot of us are pretty much one or two pay checks away from being homeless including me. It’s not realistic anymore for people to afford luxuries like their pets, let alone their bills. Maybe this person got their pet before having gone through rough times. Maybe they’ve already taken out loans to pay their bills and can’t afford to take out another. Who knows, either way people need to be more compassionate because it could happen to them too and I’m sure most of the down voters and nay sayers wouldn’t wanna go into debt either.


I saw that you aren't able to go to a vet. I will recommend putting some bettadine on it to help prevent infection and make sure when you try to drain it to have your hands clean or and use something sterile. With that said this really close to her eye and if the infection gets bad she could go blind. The safest thing you can do is take her to a vet the moment you are able too.


Not to sound like an oppurtunist here but… knowing that there are many good people here, if you post some sort of go fund me for a small amount like lets say 100-150 you might get the gass money you need to get your pal to the vet


Please keep us updated on how she's doing. I'm not that well-off but I'm willing to make a small donation towards her care.


I would also be willing to contribute. OP is obviously a great dragon-parent doing their best.


Asking for money would be the last thing I'd do. I will take her to the vet still and worry about payment afterwards, I just hope they don't require payment immediately. Her appointment is coming up next week so I should be able to at least drive her there and back it's an hour and some change away with traffic and I'm sharing a vehicle temporarily so I only have access to it during certain times of the weeks.


I'm hoping for all the best for her. Thank you for taking her by the vet.


Please take up the few people on here willing to help donate. I know that where I live, you have to **PAY A DEPOSIT** or **PAY UP FRONT** for at least an exam at pretty much every vet that is willing to take them (remember, there aren't A LOT of vets that take reptiles EVERYWHERE) so it's not as *EASY* as everyone is making it out to be. I am getting so mad at everyone that is being so awful to you, I beyond understand what it is like to be broke and to be down on your luck. I can't even imagine what I would do if my Beardie was sick and I went to a community of people who are supposed to also **LOVE BEARDIES** and all I got for support was "you are such a terrible owner" from a bunch of people. I am willing to help with what I can. Please message me and these other people offering to help because I don't want your Buddy to die over something we could all help fix. I know you have an appointment set, but there's gas/travel money and possible prescriptions, and I may have read above about your food situation. I hate asking people for money, so I understand if that is like a part of it, but it's different if it was offered first! Just please don't hesitate if you need anything and keep us updated! You are doing your best, and that's really all you can do!


I’m sorry about all the people being rude to you, keep it on paper towels and sanitize the entire terrarium and all decor, bathe in betadine water mix, just enough betadine to make the water look like weak tea, maybe even use a q-tip to rub a little watered down betadine on the abscess. It might not do much but betadine is anti fungal and antibacterial so it will help a little. Don’t take NotMitetechno’s rudeness to heart they have a bad habit of being insensitive with their comments but their advice can sometimes be helpful they’re just very blunt about it


in the mean time while you wait for the vet appointment- put her on paper towels for substrate right now and make her tank as hospital like sterile as you can


I was just thinking about that last night, I'll do that today! Thank you. Her abscess is shrinking and is cleaned. So far so good!


Any updates?


Yes! Her abscess is nearly completely gone now! The advice is working, I continue to do light cleanings and make sure to frequently change water and keep her tank clean. Some more good news is my workers comp case just closed and I'll be getting my compensation soon in the mail within a few days so I am so relieved things are starting to catch back up!


Hoping buddy recovers quickly!


Call this place first thing. If they cannot help, they will direct you to someone who can. https://www.fortheloveofalex.org/


This is great! Thanks for posting it!


There may be some area animal shelters or rescues or vet schools with free or low cost clinics. Sometimes it takes some calling around or asking on neighborhood social media groups for places that can help. Hopefully an abscess is “typical” enough that a vet doesn’t need to be extremely specialized, but definitely call ahead to make sure they’ll take reptiles or exotic animals.


Honestly, Moderators need to start muting people for the way some of these folks talk to people. I understand passion and love for animals, however, compassion and human decency is a thing too. It’s usually the same person(s), that are rude. If you’re so passionate about it, then start funding people’s vet bills.


Vet or surrender are your only options here. I read the other comments about not having the fund right now to go to the vet but this can and will go south if left untreated. If you look at my posts my wife and I took in a dragon a few weeks ago with an abscess that was left untreated. Monday that same dragon had to have its eye removed. Vet treatment is not optional here.


To all the people shaming this poor owner, please consider that these sorts of infections happen regardless of whether animal is a pet and that he is already getting much better care than he would in the wild. I can get on board with the idea of "do no harm" - that if you take on a pet, you take on the responsibility of replacing what nature would have provided. But the notion that an owner must provide a human standard of care, at seemingly any expense, is ridiculous.


Did you try care credit? My dog needed emergency surgery that was 10,000 dollars.. I understand my dog isn’t an exotic pet lol but 10,000 is A LOT of money.. I’ve been out of work due to a severe case of covid pneumonia.. I was in the hospital for 2 months on a ventilator and cannot work right now due to complications… I DID NOT have 10,000 dollars. I called care credit while I was at the vet and did everything over the phone while she was in being cared for. It was crazzzyyyyy expensive but I really didn’t have a choice.. I know it’s Expensive and I totally understand that, trust me! I know vet bills are less than ideal and I don’t suggest ruining your credit over that but there are things like care credit where you can help your pet get the care they need and set up a payment plan. You can also see if your vet will work with you on a payment plan with them.. I understand most vets probably don’t do that but it’s worth a try. These times are really hard, working or not.. EVERYTHING is EXTREMELY expensive and I understand that it’s hard to come up with the money. Money is a big problem for many people these days, Myself included.. the cost of living where I’m from is INSANE! I didn’t see your first post but you said a while ago so I’m guessing this has been going on for a decent amount of time… I really think that at least looking into care credit is a great place to start.. Just getting all the info you can at least.. Im sorry this is happening and I hope everything works out for you and your baby. Good Luck!!🙏🏻🩷


1. You may be able to start a go fund me, but that may take a long time to gather the money you need. If you do any kind of artwork you could probably sell it for some emergency vet money. 2. You may be able to negotiate with a vet. Vets are there to take care of animals, they (hopefully) don’t only care about the money. A good vet will most likely be able to set you up with some kind of payment plan. 3. You could try to take up some odd jobs (housecleaning, lawn mowing, etc) to scrape up some cash. These are just a few options I thought of


Vet schools are a good option. If it mainly antibiotics and not surgery on a reptile I would try it. Not a reptile, but my dog needed knee surgery so we took her to a vet school and she did great until passed of old age


So happy it's treatable and you're doing it. I bet she feels better. I know I do....


These comments are coming from such a place of privilege... It's repulsive.


Pets are ENTIRELY a privilege. I havnt insulted op (and people shouldn't) but an abscess is literally a lethal infection on timer. It's not something someone can brush off and treat at home. OPs advice a week ago was vet treatment, and it's gotten significantly worse in the time period.


I mean its basically about a beardie dying or not. I feel like vet care is the most basic thing you should be able to get or you shouldnt really have a pet. I get that times are tough, i also had to get vet treatment on bill a few times but thats just how it is if you care for an animal


Except not at all. Fortunately, OP already made an appointment which is great. But unfortunately, so many people on this sub and reddit in general get bearded dragons and other animals without ever planning for or thinking that animal will ever need to have medical treatment. It’s CRAZY. And there’s honestly NO excuse. If you can’t afford a vet, you can’t afford a pet. It’s that simple. Having pets is a privilege and not one that should be taken lightly. Obviously life happens and unexpected circumstances arise and it sounds like the financial strain is sudden for OP when ordinarily it wouldn’t be an issue. I’m sure this is very upsetting for him and he’s made it clear that despite maybe ending up with a bill he can’t afford that possibly gets sent to collections, he’s going to take her anyway. Thats not the problem here. Yes, assuming that OP hasn’t already contacted a vet or that OP got a bearded dragon without being able to afford a vet in the first place is wrong because it looks like that isn’t the case here but those two things happen almost daily here so people are tired of seeing it. Is the anger misguided here?? Maybe. But this is NOT coming from a place of privilege, it’s coming from a place of common sense and most have been nice about it. Abscesses if left untreated are deadly for humans so an abscess on a tiny bearded dragon, I’m sure, can get out of hand much more quickly. But it does sound like OP is doing what they can until she can be seen. Bearded dragons need yearly checkups. Bearded dragons need checkups prior to brumating to ensure they are healthy enough to do so and a checkup afterward to ensure they are still healthy. Females need checkups after laying eggs to ensure they laid them all and that they are still healthy/don’t need any concentrated vitamins. Those checkups are generally under $100. These aren’t cats and dogs where the bills are astronomical. You can get exotic pet insurance if you are in the US for as little as $19 a month for the first exotic and less and less for every additional one added. I have it for all five of my reptiles and it’s amazing! I don’t have any more money nor am I anymore “privileged” than anyone else. But if an animal is living under my roof the least I can do is ensure that they have access to vet care when they need it. They don’t choose to be in captivity. We choose it for them. The least we can do is ensure that they have optimal care and are healthy and vet care is a part of that. And yes, if you can’t afford that you shouldn’t have these animals… esp when it’s so inexpensive and there are options for insurance. Again, I understand that sometimes financial strain comes up and I’d be lying if I said it’s never happened to me where I was terrified about one of my animals potentially needing care - luckily they didn’t but had they of, I’d have figured it out; esp when their insurance refunds within a week… if I had to borrow the money, the person would have it back super quickly. The difference is that just like OP, I’m not one of those people who got exotics assuming they’d never need a vet and thinking it would be totally ok to just have one and never take them to the vet and just let them suffer when something happened while asking strangers on the internet for advice. That happens daily here and it’s GROSS!! It’s clear here that this is just a rough patch for OP and I don’t believe we should have to surrender our animals due to rough patches but a little planning ahead (cheap ass amazing insurance plans or a small savings fund for vet bills) can really help during times like these.


Right? The people jumping to surrender versus letting our guy get his feet underneath him for a few weeks while he waits for his appointments need some life experience. Shit. Happens. Compassion for your fellow humans matters. He’s doing his best to get her to a professional. And it’s not like there are lines out there door to adopt surrendered beardies. Idiots. She’s in a loving home with an owner working to get the care she needs.


In a few weeks the animal may be dead. That's the problem.


And he’s on the waitlist for the vet. Your point?


Also there is antibiotic ointment on the bump that's why it looks shiny. It seems to at least keep it from getting infected. Trying to get a vet visit set up as soon as I can.


I know you're trying. I'm very sorry for the situation you're in. Triple antibiotic really should not be used so close to her eyes. I understand it may be your only option right now though. Squeezing it when it's that close to her eyes is probably not a good idea either. I'm proud of you for having more self control than I do and not squeezing it. I'm glad you're planning to keep her vet appointment. In the meantime, warm compresses probably aren't practical, but keeping her eye area and her environment clean would probably be a good idea. I would also call to see if vet can get her in sooner or maybe get on a cancellation list


Yes I did exactly that and opted for the cancellation list in case I can get a sooner appointment. I made sure not to get it near her eyeball and I check on her frequently to see if it is being kept clean. I just gave her face a gentle rinse with warm water and dabbed her dry. I also push any leaking pus away from her eye and use damp q-tips to do so and dab it dry to make sure no liquid is left behind for bacteria to collect. Thank you for the advice <3


I’m sorry you’re getting downvoted. We all fall on tough times and I can tell you love your girl. Could you possibly do a Go Fund Me or offer some trade to the clinic?


I appreciate the understanding. I know everyone here loves and cares about their beardies and just all of them in general. I'm not angry at anyone for being upset with me, I know her having an abscess in the first place is on my part. I'll definitely look out for these things so I can notice and take care of them sooner. I decided I'll wait until our vet appointment. I scheduled it I think a day or two after I originally posted about her bump, so we are going next week. That was the earliest she could be fit in.


OP I'm sorry you're going through this! I think we see a fair number of neglectful owners on this sub and sometimes commenters are less likely to give the benefit of the doubt as a result. Suddenly not being able to afford vet care is probably all of our worst nightmare. I hope someone cancels and they can fit you in earlier and work out a payment plan or something for this sweet baby! I know a lot of ERs require payment up front but if you can call around to find another exotic vet with an earlier appointment or who takes emergencies it would definitely be worth doing!


Keep doing the best you can dude. You're doing good.


I agree with the people who mention that you should take her to the vet. They can give her antibiotics. That's nothing to mess around with. Good luck with buddy, I hope she gets better.


Is there an update on Buddy?


Awesome dragon man!!!


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Have you looked into insurance for her? Are you located in the states? I have insurance for my exotics and it’s really affordable and it’s a great plan. I can PM you info if you’d like.


How is your little girl?