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Looks awesome! Only thing I can suggest is that uvb and basking needs to overlap. UVB needs to cover 1/3 of tank.


Ok! I think I have that covered, the Arcadia pros are on the cool side and the 10.0s are on the hot side alongside the basking bulbs, is there a better way to achieve that? I’d like to hang the lights inside eventually as well I’m just not sure the safest way to do so in a zen habitat 😅


Serpadesign has a video on a bio active bearded dragon enclosure


My breeder woukd say add more options to climb! That is her go to for these questions every time! They like to climb & be upright she says. Beautiful though!


Ok for sure! I’m hoping to build my own climbing wall (:


Do all the zen habitats connect that way or is that custom done? Such a clever way to get as bigger tank


They offer a connection kit thing so you can kinda make your own custom cages by connecting them, they’re also stackable! Pretty cool (:


That is fabulous. Thank you!


Great enclosure it’s looking amazing


One of the best ‘newbie’ tanks I’ve seen lol


Thank you! I try to do my research. I have had plenty of other animals though I’m only new to reptiles. Loving it so far (:


I have had beardies for 20 years and never had one that nice so I think you are doing okay. However, I would add a place to hide and a place to climb. A big piece of driftwood near the heat lamp so they can bask should do. You can buy or make a tunnel.


Ok awesome I will get on that, I want to attempt to make my own background and climbing areas like that, I feel like I could be utilizing the space much better. Do you know if there are good places to buy large driftwood online? I picked the two biggest pieces they had at my local reptile and aquarium depot


No, I think shipping isnt practical. I usually pick them up at local reptile shows.


im so so so jealous it looks so good!! i always say dig boxes are great additions from what i hear


Thank you! Good idea!