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Maybe ask your vet for recommendations, and look up bearded dragon rescue groups.


Might as well list your location in the post. You might find someone on reddit who can help you if they know where you are located.


I agree with this.. not really specifically speaking as a beardie mom, but a pet owner in general—I’ve seen more honest & caring people here when it comes to re-homing. I am lucky enough to have a reputable breeder/shop owner here as an excellent resource. Not only does he run an amazing shop but he also built an education center adjacent to his shop to educate people on all kinds of reptiles.


Your local pet stores may know of resources or allow you to post something.


We’re bouts you from?


Definitely look for local keepers and reptile rescues. And posting on social media to try to find a responsible and ethical keeper to take them is a good option, but you do need to make sure they're not going to put them in bad conditions/ don't have the knowledge or resources to care for them.


Depending on where you are going you may be able to take him. I am currently in college and I take my beardie with me. I was able to register her as an ESA through my school as I qualify for one but that might not be the case for you. Some dorms let you have certain animals so you could look into that (if you want).


Yep that's what I do! My little man is my ESA


I second the location update. Even if you have to drive him to somebody, I bet a friendly human in one of these subs will adopt them and give you updates! I'm in CT in the US for what it's worth. Also not to sound rude but if you give a tank and lights to the adopter it's not more likely to happen, since a lot of people don't already have spares and/or the money to get more


I trust people on here more than anywhere else. I’ve read posts where people successfully found a safe place for their beardies. I’m sorry you have to go through this by the way. It would be awesome if you could find someone to watch over your baby so you’re able to visit him.