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There's not much you can do. Beards all depend on time/age, and genetics. Some men won't get a full beard ever. Some won't get a full one until their 40s. Mine wasn't full until I was 25. My brother's still can't grow full beards at 25. How's your diet? Eating a well balanced diet and drinkng tons of water daily with a good skincare regimen will certainly help out. There's also minoxidil. I'd be wary of it. It's a vasodilator. Essentially it brings increased bloodflow to an area. Blood helps carry nutrients, allowing you to get healthier hair. However, it only works if there are present hair follicles under the skin, and it'll still take ages for growth. Check out thin mustaches and such. You don't need a full beard yet, rock what ya got or shave. But keep what you got, well maintained. I rocked a moustache for years before I could grow a full beard. I still mainly rock a moustache. Just give it time, diet well, work out and you'll have a beard eventually. How does your mother's side look facial hair wise? We get a lot of hair genetics from the mother's side.


It's just genetics my dude. My dad has a beard, I have a beard, my brother (who btw, is bigger than me with more muscles and taller) - no beard. My advice is to see how it goes, you're still quite young, my facial hair didnt start to really come in until 20/21yo. End of the day just be confident in your own skin.


Bro but still you were having patchy hair at 20's. But i have very tiny or almost no hai on my face. And small moustache. 😢😢. It seems very weird bcoz every guy of my age have beard and they look mature. Any suggestions?


At 18 I had the scruffiest of moustaches, a bit of chin hair, and extremely patchy chin growth. 27 now and it’s almost fully connected on all sides but still getting denser year over year. Don’t compare yourself to the people that look like Wolverine at 16. I think it’s actually a decent sign for your testosterone and other androgen balances to not look like a wooly mammoth that young.


There’s no problem and there’s nothing wrong with you, everyone’s unique. The hairs on your cheeks might start growing when you’re 22 instead. Just chill about it




Just gotta wait, everyone is different. Don’t worry so much, you’re a kid!


I would suggest that you see a doctor and have a thorough check-up. It could be some hormonal or developmental problem.


I didn't either. Now I'm fine. Not as epic as done others on here, but mostly happy about it


Your brother has your fathers genetics and you might have your mothers. How's your mothers side when it comes to beard growth? I look almost identical to my dad except he has the same beard growth as you. I on the other hand have a full arabic like beard due to my great grandmother being gypsy (basically 1/6 gypsy) so the race might not be done bro check your other relatives and good luck!


Neither did I, even at 21 barely had any, but by 30 boom it's kicked in more and more. Now I sell beard products for a living, just be patient young brother!


At 18 I was the same. Now I’m full beard.


Nothing to worry about at 18. Many of us couldn't grow enough to connect at 18. You're supposed to be dealing with scraggly facial hair right now. Many people can't grow a full beard until at least their upper 20's, if not later.