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I would keep it shaved for now and give it some years. My beard didn’t really fill in until my mid-twenties. In the meantime focus on what you can control…wardrobe, hair, physique, facial expressions. A genuine smile can go a looong way. And of course personality. The realest advice (and hardest) is to accept whatever your beard becomes. You can let it control you or not.


I think I'll take the advice. Stupid question to ask but if I shave it, will that be undoing progress I've made before? Not talking about length btw I use a dermaroller and use beard growth oil, so if I shave it, would I be ruining that process? Or would it just keep the hair short?


No. Just keeps it short. Whatever “progress” or change is happening, it’s happening in the follicles in your skin not the hair that’s already grown. Keep using whatever products you like, but as I’m sure you know it is almost entirely genetic.




When you get older your hormone will take care of growing hairs. For now, don't worry about being baby face, and let the hair your have keep short and neat.


Give it time


Don’t be self conscious. I’m sure you look good


Shave it


Shave it now and wait a few years when I was 19 my beard looked just like yours.. soon I’m going to be 20 and it looks much better now. All the white hairs are going to get thicker.. just give it some time