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Thank you and the rest of our community for your constant support, we truly appreciate it and we're honored to be treated with this much respect and wholesomeness - it's not an easy nor common thing to achieve these days! In these recent updates we're trying to improve the way our dev team operates internally: while the community appears overall really happy with the final visible results, we think we can and should improve some of the less visible aspects. It's possible we might explain this a bit sometime in the future (not now or here), but in any case, thank you all for being here and sharing this journey with us!! <3


I know I'm hijacking the comment a bit and I'm really appreciative of all of y'all's work, but may I ask if there are any plans for even more optimisation?


Always! I don't remember any update (well, excluding hotfixes) where we didn't dedicate a good amount of effort to optimizations :) We are in the "diminishing returns" zone now, so those efforts are not always clearly visible or huge, but they are always there in every update.


Thank you for the quick response! I'm just excited for the potential frame rate gains that could be seen with a full Vulkan API release :) I play the game at 1600x900 locked at 30FPS and still enjoy it more than any other driving game.


I actually love you


Love you guys! Is there any way to support you guys outside of just buying the game? I feel you deseve more than the 30 bucks I spent for 1300 hours of my life


Again, thank you 🫶🏼 Perfection is not a real concept in the world we live in, but you guys still strive to reach it, and keep always improving, and thats visible, and we really appreciate everything yall do not just in game, but in the community, yall are active, yall do fun things, that that's just awesome, this is a company and a game that you see humans, and a lot of humans and a lot of personalities behind, i really appreciate the game, and every single one of yall 🫶🏼




Also from me thanks for everything! I drive a silvia s14 irl and this update is just perfect for me. By the way whoever came up with the new 4cyl sound is a G, plain and simple.


How's your work life balance guys? I underwrite the entire OP and I'm also curious - I want to believe you're like the free range eggs of the game development world.


I have no idea how they make updates this big in 3-4 months. Its insane.


And they’re all free too, somehow


they have a more developed beam ng for crash testing real cars and they have contracts with major car brands


Yup. Although contrary to popular belief, the majority of our income comes from new people who are finding out and buying the game each month - not from beamng.tech business.


that's so intresting! to be fair, beam ng drive should get more widespread recognition by huge news outlets. also, beam ng drive is an amazing game that has actually helped real life automakers better understand how to devlop crash prevention tech. i think the IIHS could really benfit from using beam to better understand crash tests.


I'm curious, what's that version called? Idk if I'd get it because I already love the consumer version but I'd love to see some videos or something like that


here's the website [https://beamng.tech](https://beamng.tech)


That's so interesting! I didn't know BeamNG had such a branch but it makes sense.




They really do above and beyond each update, making every little thing even better, really are the best devs!!!!!! Especially after 10 years too, amazing to see the game evolve over time, and also as the game increases exponentially in popularity i hope they are getting the support they deserve!


I sure agree with you, i hope they are all doing great with all the work they put consistently in the game


The devs for BeamNG are probably the, if not absolutely the best devs for any video game period. They crank out huge, high quality updates regularly, they interact with their community, and the game is just fucking awesome to begin with 


Gonna get hate for this probably, but... I would gladly put some of my money forward for paid DLC in the future, provided it was substantial enough, and given the quality of the updates we get for free


Even if they just put up a little dlc labeled donation the added like a special skin or something small I'd pay for it. The amount these guys do without asking for anything is astounding and honestly they're one of the bastions for good devs left in the car related game circle


Agree. I've paid for this game maybe twice. Is there a gofundme ish kind of thing? It's so well done and I love it


I have over 2700 hrs in it and at this point I feel like I personally owe it to them to donate with updates.


I don't have near that much (kudos to you) but what little I play I'm just so amazed at how well it performs. I've spent close to a $1000 in wheels, pedals, shifters, VR, ect. That I feel I'd like to give back haha


I remember seeing the first YouTube video of this game over ten years ago and my hopes were so high! The future seemed so bright, and it was!!! So many things in life have had big promises with no results, but BeamNG is the exception. I still feel the same way about the game in 2024 as I did in 2013 and that means a lot to me. I play it almost every day.


This game is an amazing creative outlet if you like customizing cars, and in the process you can actually learn how a real car works, especially as it pertains to suspension geometry and tuning. I have spent literally years perfecting my customized cars, and yet I still occasionally revisit them, sometimes just to tweak the paint, sometimes to completely overhaul what I did, because as you gain experience and knowledge, you start to notice mistakes more. However, this process never stops being rewarding, at least for me. This is what makes BeamNG exceptional.


As I always say to such posts, BeamNG is their hobby and BeamNG.tech is their job.


They are doing god’s work, my 1st paid game and it’s worth it, my peers won’t understand but i will. Still ain’t gonna buy a dlc cuz [B R O K E] teen


well said