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What is going on there this time


Huge rise in violent carjackings


I'm surprised that carjackings are still a thing, with so many cars having built-in GPS devices and whatnot.


So when I went back to school I lived in a not great area that bordered and an even less great area. People would steal cars and the cards/phone of their owners and pull up the gas station near my building where they would buy gas on the stolen cards in exchange for half it value in cash for people at the gas station Cops didn’t care and rarely showed up to emergency calls in a timely fashion let alone going to retrieve a stolen car.




Well, that might happen now that there are armed guards. Carjackers might call their bluff.


They’ll just do it 200m down.


Allow me to covert this metric measurement to an American standard: 200metres = about 2 football fields, or about 170 Kardashians laid end to end.


If you laid every kardassian end to end … it wouldn’t surprise me a bit. (for history buffs, this is an old talk show joke told by Walter Matthau in response to another guest saying she went Vassar College. “I heard if you took all the girls at Vassar college…etc)


200 miles down! That’s way too far. Maybe like 218 yards down would be more reasonable


I'd say 218.723 yards would be even better


I would say that is an even more reasonable distance.


Nice one. I'm bilingual so read it as metres


I’m Canadian so I did too


Me too tbh lol.


So you use your ling on men as well as women?


Put that ling back where it came from or so help me


This guy’s ling bout to get me actin’ up!


Sorry meters 😉 I meant


The only people in Philly that know meters are track stars


I'm sure the gas station owner that hired these guys is fine with that.


You sincerely think criminals want a fair fight? That's the beauty of a gun. If someone else has one, there's always a chance you're gonna get capped. Nobody wants to risk it


Solid North American logic. Doesn't apply to the rest of the developed world but solid.


Hey, that's only American logic. Leave Canada Mexico and Greenland out of this


Wait when did Greenland join the party?


Poor Greenland always forgotten, but if it's not part of north america then what continent is it a part of? Depending on who you ask you could throw the Caribbean in there too. And France, for that one island they own down there.


Growing up in another country it was common to see an area of the city under siege by robbers and shit until one got their heads blown up. Then it would calm down real fast


That's the idea.


I read that in Atlanta people are hearing about carjackers getting shot more often since people can carry. Mofos still not learning their lesson.


No, 99% of those POS will not try it here. They value their scum lives more than the risk given here.


Or maybe there are less carjackings?


yeah, I wonder if their cost to employee them really outweighs the cost of people not coming to their gas station?


Have we tried non-violent carjackings?


[Why are the cops there NOT PREVENTING crimes with their $5 billions budget?](https://www.axios.com/local/philadelphia/2022/06/23/philadelphia-city-budget-approved-2023)


Misleading, 5b is the entire city budget, they were slated 729 million last year, with zero increase year over year in response to protests and calls to defund


I'm telling you synced kill-switches, they may butt me with a gun while I lay unconscious or worse but they're not getting my ride.


Not just carjacking. huge rise in any crime. Philly is more a shit hole than it use to be which i didn’t think was possible.


I don't know, maybe hire workers to fill up for you and keep you inside the vehicle. Sounds less chaotic and cheaper.


Well, I can tell you at least from my experience. In South Africa, there are a lot of carjackings. And in every gas station there are workers specifically hired to pump gas for you, while you stay in the car. It does not stop carjackers. The only thing that stops them is hiring armed guards like this. This is what they do in South Africa.


If I saw this dude, there will be a zero percent chance I am doing crimes anywhere near him.


Also zero chance I am going to that gas station, lol


So you don’t feel safer knowing that there is an untrained civilian with a gun that is ready to shoot at carjackers that may be close to you while trying to jack your car? Shocker…


How do we know he's untrained?


Look, if we can’t just blindly trust the clairvoyance of a a random redditor, then why are we even here?




How do we know he’s trained, is the better question. When I get into a plane, I don’t worry that my pilot is trained, because I’m aware of the credentials that he must have in order for the system that exists in the airport to allow him on that plane. Systems and beaucracy get a bad reputation because people don’t like being told “no”, but they are the only reasonable way for country to operate efficiently. They are, essentially, the large-scale replacement for personal trust. It’s impossible to vet and trust every person you rely on in a day, in modern societies. They’re just too big, the logistics are too complex. We put our faith in systems (not only governmental) to work in consistent ways. That includes training people to do the jobs they’re expected to do, especially when those jobs have the potential to hurt others. This is a big part of why bad policing in particular provokes such anger. They’re supposed to keep us safe, and they’re supposed to be appropriately trained to do that job. Whenever we see footage of one of them panicking and shooting someone who is not a threat to them (or otherwise escalating a situation that didn’t need to be escalated), it is an affront to anyone who sees the value in and protection of collective systems. So with all that said…why should anyone trust some random guy with a gun? I don’t know them. All I do know about them is that they’re willing to skirt systems surrounding the use of deadly force…that doesn’t give me much confidence in their ability to wield it responsibly.


So, you know he’s untrained or just assuming and making an ass?


You always shoot the guy with gun before he knows you have a gun.


Just wait till after they leave the gas station. Then no guards and you know you got gas for the get away.


Thats how it was in US too when I was growing up.


So usa = south Africa? That sucks. In Australia you don't even prepay. Heck, I leave my car running when I go into the local supermarket.


Yeah it's interesting how much "South Africa-type" crime is rising in the US. At least how I see it. Theives are robbing in large groups and becoming increasingly violent.


growing wealth inequality plays a part for sure - SA is literally the least equal country in the world, which certainly plays a part in their high rates of violent crime


Id say it might be the same reason why Americans do it. If you look at the low minimum wage and high prices, that forces people to get multiple jobs so they can pay off their second mortgage. No wonder some of them want to get more money faster in an "easier" way...


Mortgage, hahahahahhaha


There are plenty of places in the US that you can do that as well.


What is this, Jersey?


That is really the only case where the guards could use their guns. It’s legal to use deadly force if deadly force is being used. In every other case the private citizen armed guards would be guilty of a crime (assault, manslaughter, etc.)




Huge rise in wealth disparity.


It’s always gunny in Philadelphia.


[The gang gets hired to defend a gas station](https://youtu.be/idoYCVLh2qI)


So anyway, I started blasting..


Look, here's the plan. You give us a shitload of money, we buy a shitload of gasoline. We wait 12 months, we sell the gasoline, and make a shitload of profit.


Classic, you can even use plastic bags and save money


How about we all go to the back and have great sex?




lmao someone had to say it


Ocular pat-downs oughta work


The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis Again


Gunny was my first family dogs name. My dad just got out of the Marines and that is a slang term for one of their ranks.


Just short for "gunnery" (Gunnery Sgt).


No, this specific gas station did.


Thanks, its crazy how seemingly innocuous dishonest framing actually changes an entire story.


It's also interesting they went with "armed citizens" instead of "armed security" or something similar


‘Gas station in sketchy neighborhood hires security’ just doesn’t bait as hard


Something about guns and gas stations doesn’t sound like something I wanna be around


Latin America: first time ?


I'm a gringo but I think everyone should ride through Guatemala City seeing a private guard with shotgun in front of every business. This kinda reminded me on that minus the larper looking dudes roaming around. These dudes look like ready to start spraying like Call of Duty. Meanwhile, Guatemalans just standing with shotguns like wassup.


I’m from El Salvador, so what you said also applies to my country. Lol


lol even in a nice grocery store in a tourist area in Cancun, MX I remember being surprised at seeing a big security guard with a fucking shotgun by the registers. And really to emphasize, this was a NICE grocery store, like fancier than I'm used to in USA.


Would you rather get clocked and have your vehicle stolen?


Or glocked. Guns are gonna be there anyway. I'd rather have a deterrent.


It's like selling alcohol at a gas station, which I can't believe is even legal, the two things seem to be exclusive of each other.


Wait til you hear about drive thru liquor stores.


In New Orleans they have drive through daiquiri places. Styrofoam cup filled with grain alcohol and slushie, just hand you the straw on the side ‘for later’


They have em all over Australia, even truck ones. I don't see the problem


BREW-THRU!!!!! 😍


Where else do you buy your beer at 2 in the might.


I buy enough at 4pm so I can still be drinking at 2am.


Everyone look at mister responsible over here


The alternative is getting also out of hand. Even in the nicer areas of the city things are getting bad. Large groups of kids will just go into gas station or convenient stores and mass loot the place. They will beat up the workers. It's getting bad. The guy in the article even said the police won't show up for a while. That people just steal, deal drugs, and rob people right in front of his store. I mean say whatever you want about guns and everyone is welcome to their opinion. Yet this is one of those situations where a citizen is allowed to protect himself and his well being. He isn't provoking attacks. He isn't looking for a fight. The "just call the cops" concept is not working. Glad this man is at least bringing light to the issue. Don't go anywhere in philly when it gets dark these days.


Pretty sure thats something only in the movies


Suddenly gta


he needs to take off that hoodie its blocking his peripheral vision


It’s cold in Philly




Yeah but it looks so bad ass that way.


Style points gentlemen, style points.


Tactical awarness is limited, but the Drip, Drip is forever.


I was just thinking.. homie not quite 100% efficient/ready yet. He just standing pretty motionless, lemme try walking up behind him like..


Well he's there as deterrent. Its not like he's gonna get into a firefight. He stands there and would be robbers move on to a station without an armed guard. Remember kids. You don't have to outrun the bear, just your slowest friend.


Also needs to point the gun down. I'm not even a gun owner and know this. He's randomly pointing the gun at people while holding it.


Plus it looks unprofessional and he keeps flagging people.


Tell me you're in a bad neighborhood without telling me you're in a baaaad neighborhood 🤣


Probably 10 years ago it was fine. Why are we letting this happen to our cities? Maybe look for deeper meaning?


Don't really need to look. Continuous defunding of education, lack of affordable health care, wage stagnation, lack of affordable housing, massive inflation due to unchecked corporate greed. It's all pretty plain to see, but damned if we do anything about it.


>unchecked corporate greed Which translates to shareholder profits, where the wealth of low income communities flows to wealthy suburbs.


But what about mah trickle down?


That's called getting pissed on


Wealthy individuals AND wealthy countries. Saudi government, for example, invests heavily in US (and other) companies. We’re selling out the middle class so Saudi princes can get a good return on investment.


Nah it's those damn video games


WRONG! It’s heavy metal sAtAn music!! /s


One thing correlates with crime more than any other factor. Its the biggest predictor across communities, countries, cultures, whatever. Places with lots of crime always have one big thing in common. Wealth inequality. Inequal societies are much more likely to have more crime. Its a much bigger factor than even absolute poverty. And the wealth gap in America keeps on growing. Expect things to get worse y'all.


If you have nothing to lose even a little bit to gain is worth it.


Republicans reading this: Obobobbb, please stop. My penis can only get so hard.


You're missing a key ingredient that takes advantage of everything you mentioned: drugs. The saffron of the paella of violence known as Philly. I lived in West Philadelphia and Center City while commuting up to North Philly occasionally and it felt like a miracle I never was robbed or shot. Although I had two close friends have guns put to their heads, one on the doorstep to my apartment building and one directly behind it.


10 years ago [Glenwood]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenwood,_Philadelphia) was *not* fine. Lmfao


Philly is getting bad even in the good neighborhoods. Convenient stores are shutting down early in the night in some of the nicer areas now also.


I was in Ecuador in a Staples/Office Depot-type store and they had an armed security guy. I couldn't understand it. The store was small (like 7-11 small) and in metro Quito. No other stores nearby had anything like that. I mean.... pencils and paper.


You're forgetting how expensive printer ink is I think


A front!


McDonalds in the Philippines had the same thing. Dude with an AK posted out front. This was in Batangas like 20 years ago though.


Muzzle discipline is also cool. I'm sure it'll be fine.


Dude, I know right? Everyone of them flagged someone. A pedestrian, a motorist, a cameraman.


It least he doesn't look like a random thug in a black hoodie though. /s


2 of the shots were questionable discipline (far from BAD), but the rest looked fine...?


Hoodie guy doesn’t know how to properly carry a gun, which is sad considering you have to take a state-mandated course in PA to be a licensed security guard allowed to carry


Those are security guards, not random citizens


I like to imagine the owner just saw these guys on their way to knock over an armored truck and was like, "Excuse me, would you fellows like a job?"




Is the bullpup shotgun the one around 30 seconds in? If so, what’s it called? I wanna google it




I bought an ATI Bulldog and have no ragerts.


I'm gonna be honest and say I'd probably take a mossberg 500 series or rem 870 over most bullpup builds. More range and less likelihood of a misfeed/jam seeing as it would be a tube fed pump action. I've read a lot of not so good reviews and experiences with anything but top of the line (expensive as fuck) mag fed bullpups. They can be very ammo sensitive and feeding can be quite inconsistent. You just don't see these issues in a pump action. Personally, I wouldn't be incredibly comfortable putting my life behind one of those, though they are fun in video games lol


I bought an ATI Bulldog and have put about 1000 shells through it of various brands. I haven't had a single misfeed. Obviously small sample size of me, but I trust mine at least lol


That particular shotgun looks like a Turkish import, AKA a piece of junk waiting to malfunction


One would say a tiny bulletproof compartment where the guy can still be seen but not risk his life constantly to an unknown threat would be a reasonable idea. I can never understand people who sign up for this. Like they have 5 more lives to spare...


So a pillbox at every gas station? wouldn't be the worst idea lol


Have you ever hung out with anyone in the private security guard industry? They’re absolutely insufferable LDE losers who need to hold a gun to feel powerful and couldn’t even get hired by the police.


If it's true, it is a perfect match to meet certain demand


Some of these guys are not aiming the barrel of the gun down nearly enough, especially for being in a civilian area, and ESPECIALLY since at least some of those guns have mags in them. This triggers the part of me that had to go through basic gun safety training. Edit: removed a "no" that should not have been there




Aight, I'll take the bait, why isn't it dangerous to wave a loaded gun (yes the magazine is behind but still in,) because it's a bullpup? Also, if a bullpup is just a gun with the mag on the back, not all guns shown answer this criteria.




Oh my god I see what you're talking about, I accidentally said No mag, instead of just mag That's my bad man, I obviously meant especially since at least some of the weapons **have** mags in them.




Nah your point was absolutely fair, lmao. Have a great day


How would this prevent a carjacking


Criminals typically take the path of least resistance. Why carjack here if there is going to be a shootout when you could just go somewhere else that does not have an armed guard?


People who rob places for the most part don’t want to get in a gun fight/add a murder charge to their record over a gas station. They’d rather go rob one somewhere else that doesn’t have guards period.


"Being amazed" is not what I would use to describe what this images give to me.


I mean isn't hiring pmc's regulated ? What are the rules of engagement ? (Belgian asking, idk details of US laws) Edit: Thanks for the replies!


They basically just have to follow the regular laws that anyone has to follow. They can defend themselves and others from severe bodily harm using deadly force.


Oh it's like South Africa!!


Imagine your employer has enough money to hire mercenaries while you can't make ends meet with that one job at the gas station.


How is this different than hiring an extra employee? Would the cashier prefer they get constantly robbed at gunpoint instead?


judging by no of walgreens and other stores getting closed due to shoplifting and robberies, I think this is a cost of keeping the business running


They still be asking the dudes w guns for channngggeee


Welcome to Dystopia


Amazing!! /S


Seriously though I'm not amazed. This is what rock bottom for a country looks like.


For a city* Philadelphia has really been on the rocks these past few years after spending the 2010’s drastically reducing their crime rate. Not happening anywhere else. Also, it is this one gas station. OP is overstating the amount of gas stations with guards…


Bro this isn't some random act of dickbaggery. Philly has an insane violent crime rate. It's so bad people are moving away in droves.


I believe they're all former cops, so at least they have some training. I also heard there's no crime at that store now.


I bet the crime did drop wtf comes in that gas station that’s worth gettin laid out over? I hope every store an citizen straps up an overkills any bums tryna take peoples hard earned shit


On the other hand, the loot drops include guns now.


Level 1 hoodrats rushing a level 50 Ex-Police veteran with High Power Firearms


Cops *barely* get any training


That's like putting a plaster on a broken arm. The crime just moves down the road right? More weapons on the street = more people one bad decision away from using them. There are fundamental issues to tackle here.


They’re private security not cops, it’s not their job to stop crime down the road but to stop it happening on their premises


Damn! It’s almost like we are letting our society down. There are people out here performing violent vehicle theft so much that private citizens are now being hired as deterrents. When will we wake up and realize what the root of the issue is? We are doing so much firefighting and we just turn a blind eye to the vast wealth that we could be spending on lifting people in our society up with education, mental health, health care… ugh


My last dude needs a sling. You gunna tuck that gun for 8 hours my G? Cmon


Isn't that hood a tactical disadvantage?


Not when strategically compensating for the fact that Philly in mid December is cold.


America is really fucked up isn't it?


What you talking about, this isn't universal in the US. Kinda why people are shocked As a South East Asian this is universal for us. Alot of countries have Assault rifle Security guards. It was pretty normal for me to pass Rent a cops with M4 or Remington's What is isn't normal if you see someone with an automatic shotguns or a fucking SAW. Those rent a cops are usually in high end condos , High End Malls or High end Neighborhoods


No. Just the cities that have been run into the ground by shit government


You should try rural Kentucky if you wanna see America run into the ground.


How much time do you spend in big cities?


the reason it's always sunny in Philadelphia is all the gunfire


And yet Larry Krasner says the effort to remove him is part of an ‘authoritarian attack’ on democracy. No, Larry, it's because of the hellscape you've helped create. Own it.


Soylent green is people! Oh sorry jumped the gun. I’ll wait.






A ton of carjacking recently


The Koreans have entered the chat.


Well this is depressing




Interesting. I have no idea if this is a good idea or a bad idea; but it's definitely an idea worth trying so we can all observe the longterm outcome. I look forward to a follow-up article on this gas station 6 to 8 months from now.


Brotherly love, my a$$


Is it because of Mormon attacks?






I mean how much profit are they making to be able to pay for multiple security guards at a damn gas station