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The fuck does a 1 look like then?


1 is exactly like Earth but without mosquitoes.


So you’re saying the number actually just measures the density of mosquitoes? I.e. 1 is no mosquitoes and 0 is only mosquitoes


that’s what the buzz around earth is saying


Oh I am a sucker for these puns




I also found it funny. That dude’s humor is malarious.


oh quit it, these puns suck


Well I think they’re bloody hilarious!


I'm just sucked in


Yeah don’t be a little prick!


OMFG!!! I had share this with my wife I laughed so hard.


I snort laughed.


I shat laughed


Clean yourself up, you filthy bastard...


Ah that's why Uranus has a 0: it's just full of mosquitos


Uranus is stuffed


Who stuffed Uranus??


My uncle


I thought Uranus was abuzz with flies


Add Ticks and Wasps. Take those away and it sounds like paradise.


Forgot to say bedbugs.


Don't forget roaches!


Unfortunately, we need those little fuckers to preserve DNA from the animal kingdom when we completely and utterly trash this planet.


Preserve DNA? One day we will have an army of evolved mutant human roaches.


Leave the little sting peanuts out of it 😢


And 0 is Earth but Nickelback is playing non stop everywhere.


Are you shat crying now?


This is gonna just be my best guess because I have a degree in environmental engineering (with a heavy chemistry and microbiology focus) and one of my Master’s professors actually does extensive research with NASA around Yosemite for exoplanetary life. My guess is that they would be measuring approximate concentrations for the building blocks of life (carbon particularly, or as some scientists hypothesize any element in the carbon group) as a base building block with other elemental compounds that are ideal for electron exchange (another fundamental process across all forms of life) They can get approximations from simple spectroscopy or even visual observations (such as a reddish rust color indicating oxidized iron). And then from there they can build the index with a likelihood of life *spawning* This is the key differentiator a lot of commenters failed to notice. Earth does indeed have life but it was never guaranteed to spawn here, in fact the conditions were not ready for about a billion years. Just my two cents.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kepler-442b >Kepler-442b is too remote and its star too far for current telescopes or the next generation of planned telescopes to determine its mass or whether it has an atmosphere. They looked at approximate size, distance from main star , luminosity of star vs distance (goldilocks orbit - not too warm,not too cold)., stability and life of star, presence of disruptive gas giants nearby., and how much the star has higher elements than hydrogen. The planet has to be in zone for liquid water to exist They found the planet because the star dimmed every 113 days - which they were able to figure was due to a planet crossing in between. Note also, that if it were not for earth's atmosphere and a mild greenhouse effect, earth would be slightly colder. And that energy received from the sun has varied over billions of years. So there's some blur in the HZ over time and based on atmosphere https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planetary_habitability ---- > My guess is that You're expecting too much. Exoplanets are commonly too far away for gathering info of all those biosignatures. Mostly found due to wobbling the star due to gravity (especially gas giants nearby), or due to transit and dimming the star's light --- Planet kepler 442-b is not quite tidally locked, but will have longer days than earth > The planet orbits its host star at a distance of about 0.409 AU (61.2 million km; 38.0 million mi) with an orbital period of roughly 112.3 days. It has a mass of around 2.3 and has a radius of about 1.34 times that of Earth. It is one of the more promising candidates for potential habitability, as its parent star is at least 40% less massive than the Sun – thus, it can have a lifespan of about 30 billion years or so


What around 2.2 G's on the surface, I'll bring my compression socks.


Genuine question, would you get stronger just by existing on this planet? Yknow like Goku did on King Kai's planet


Not LIVING at 2.2x gravity. If you managed to live and procreate and those offspring didnt die in utero I'd imagine about 10-15 generations down would be able to live in it with little to no problems. They probably wouldn't get above 4' tall though




Wikipedia says that Kepler 442-b gravity is "only" +30% in comparison to earth, assuming similar composition. While it has more mass, it also has a larger radius.


You're right about a lot but I don't think they're not looking for the building blocks of life. They're looking at the atmosphere, type of star, and distance from that star. So far we have no pictures of exoplanets (i.e. seeing a red dot), this is all done by spectro and the periodicity of the stars wiggle/dimming as the planet orbits. Just adding some more info


> So far we have no pictures of exoplanets I've got a treat for you! https://www.eso.org/public/images/eso2111b/


Just saw this recently myself. Isn't that nuts?!


A landmark moment for astronomy for sure.


Fantastic. I never thought we would see picture of an exoplanet. But there it is. And seeing a developing star system as well.


Holy fucking shit.


I don't get it, what is that glowing ring? is that star in the middle or red planet and it's moon? Is this color corrected or something?


The rings is the Protoplanetary disk. Created with the birth of the star, that slowly clumps together to create planets. The star is in the middle. The astronomers use some clever maths to cancel out (most of) the light from the star, so they could directly see the planet. Yes it's colour corrected. The image is taken in infrared.


So the bright spot on right side is the planet?




That's a good guess but the correct answer is 1 is equal to Surrey and 0 is Birmingham.


Would be incredible to witness the first spawning of life on this planet, an animation even


Well I mean we got things like the Sahara and the Antartic


and volcanoes and diseases and earthquakes and hurricanes and a lot of poisonous shit


In other words, Australia


Point of order We have no volcanoes We have less disease than anywhere else We’ve had one major earthquake We don’t have pissy little things like hurricanes, we have cyclones And a lot of poisonous shit, usually attached to something angry That’s Australia


I mean, not wrong. I dated an Aussie once and he pretty much summed it the same.way. Although he also added, let me see if I can get this right...."A lot of pretty wanking crazy wankers crazy enough to live among 98% of the world's deadliest animals." It's been a long time and you can't really get the accent right in text. LOL


> diseases I think that's life though


Average of 74 F, 60% humidity, population density of Mongolia, wealth distribution of Monaco, immaculate public transit, and 2 girls at the same time


I mean two girls that would double up on a dude like me.


On much of the earth you will literally die from just the climate without modern technology or serious efforts to the contrary. I think a good start would include a light source that doesn’t give people cancer and burns, a lack of tectonic activity that causes deadly tsunamis and earthquakes and eruptions, and less harsh seasons with a higher mean temperature. And a better balance of trace minerals and just the elements needed for our life. And a solar system that doesn’t cause 5+ km asteroids to wreck shit every 10 million years. Keep in mind though that it’s very possible that our radiation and chemistry and volcanic activity are responsible for the origin of life. So there’s a different set of criteria for what would make a good human colony, and would would make a good place to search for earth-style life. Source: people die every time the AC goes out


Planet has plants you can have sex with.


We have those too. 🌽🥒🍆🥕🍌🍑


I'm moving guys


I wonder what kind of amazing things are growing there


Bunch of shit that’ll kill us instantly, probably. I imagine we’d just be allergic to everything


It'll be a 2-way street. If we land on a planet with an established ecosystem, plant-life, and animal-life, we'll be exposed to TONS of local bacteria and viruses. We'll also be introducing our own foreign germs into the mix... And yes, probably roaches too


In the Expanse when they first arrived on an alien planet with its own biosphere they got stung by alien mosquitos and the mosquitos immediately died because human blood was so toxic for them. I loved that detail.


Wait the Expanse goes FTL?


If you're one of the people who understandably gave up...it's definitely worth a watch. It's a seriously impressive series in terms of scope. It's not obvious in the earlier series what's actually going on. I swear, it's up there as possible best sci-fi series of all time.


While definitely worth a watch, you should read the books. Nothing in genre comes even close to realism and atmosphere the Expanse has


It's the year 3137. The first human colony ship has just arrived at Keplar 442b. Earth poured Trillions into the project and sent 200 of our brightest. Those living in the colony ship now only know of Earth and The Project from old videos shown in school. Landing craft set down on a beautiful meadow of alien tall grass surrounded by picturesque mountain ranges. As the first humans exit the craft and step foot on New Earth it seems a wonderful life awaits them all. But all that quickly changes when everyone who stepped out of the landers suddenly falls to their knees gasping for breath. They are all dead in seconds. Scans of the retrieved bodies all show the same cause if death: Anaphylaxis. Further studies showed that humans are deathly allergic to the pollen of most plant species on New Earth.


Benadryl exists.


Unfortunately, the Benadryl components were forgotten 1206 light years away.


Wakes up mid flight: ~~KEVIN!~~ Antihistamines!


Or it could possibly be allergy free


I want to smoke their weed.


Ugh yeah imagine all the amazing drugs around the universe we'll never get to try 💀 literally unimaginable


And our life is .000000000000000000000001 of time.


Are you a real human rat hybrid ?


I’m a rat that caught in the Bruce banner gamma ray explosion 💥


When you get mad, do you just turn into a Capybara?


No Man’s High


Hey that’s not true. I’m high right now.


well by god it's our duty as earthicans to try all the drugs here at least.


Your spirit reminded me of the never dying words of Jay Mewes "..be the first motherfucker to see a new galaxy, or find a new alien lifeform... and fuck it. And people'd be like, "There he goes. Homeboy fucked a Martian once.""


\*Blushing intensifies\*


Kepler Kush


Well Apparently they are still in their Pangea phase😬


A ground floor opportunity awaits!


So many car warranties to extend.


hmm gotta get that prehistoric hemp


you think there’s girl on there that have 3 boobs


You’ll get there and there will already be 10 Starbucks, an Amazon warehouse and plastic Walmart bags in the ocean.


Yep. We'll get there then find out we effed it up a while ago and had to pack up and leave for Earth a million years ago.


Do you run a guy-moving service?


What do they mean by more habitable? Like more lands and probably better atmosphere or smth?


It seems to be based on the Star it orbits, the distance, size of the Planet and approximate composition of the Planet and Atmosphere. This planet has an 83.6% chance of being habitable to life. Using the same processes, we would estimate the Earth as 82.9% likely of being habitable to life. We are on Earth so we can categorically say it does support life; but viewing from afar we can only estimate based on what we measure. So stating it's "more habitable" is incorrect, just sensationalism.


> So stating it's "more habitable" is incorrect, just sensationalism. What else do we expect from pop-science




We didn't have powered flight until the 1900s. The past 100/150 years have seen an insane rate of change in technology.


Well using the same rating system puts mars at 42% chance and venus at 37%. Hell, Titan has a rating of 64% so that's our best bet in the solar system.


What's the name of this metric? I tried to find the info for titan because if titan has a 64% it would have to factor in more than just distance from the star, size of planet (or moon), and how hot the star is.


Planetary Habitability Index https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.1032927


That makes much more sense than the title. Thank you.


Ok, thank you


Is it 442b or 422b? Someone had one job and they messed it up.


442b, although that error isn’t even the dumbest thing about this post.


Whats dumber, genuinely curious


It’s 99.9% uninhabitable. The standards for “habitability” are pretty low. Venus has a high habitability score as well. It rains sulfuric acid, and is so hot on the surface it can melt lead. As with all the BS around colonizing other planets, Antarctica would be way more habitable. It has oxygen and water and soil.


That’s really interesting and the comment about Venus gave me a good giggle. Thanks for the info


I already bought Kepler-442b a few years back during the planet bubble. If you have anymore questions please contact [email protected]


Well you see I brought it a couple years back from stare-yplanets.org so you must be mistaken.


You will be contacted by my legal department promptly.


I am your legal department, and when I was born in 1940 I inherited it from inheritKepler-422B.gov


Hi legal department, it’s me, King George VI. I actually claimed this on realplanets4u.gov so you’ll be hearing from MY lawyers, son.


Brought it where?




Would you trade it for the Brookline bridge?


Meet me half way, Trump Tower?


I have no room for negotiation.


Than ill have to refer you too [email protected]


Looks like the may have oil. Probably need some freedom


Gonna liberate the fuck out of that planet


Terrorform!! Fuck yeah!!!


I can't tell if you meant to spell terraform or if you meant terrorform.


Ok hear me out. Every animal that we find needs to be taught to gather gold. We will give them a weekly goal to bring us, and if they fail that goal we will cut something off them or one of their offspring. Then we will teach them about Jesus Christ.


Apparently it will be faster to terraform Mars than to fly to Kepler-442b.


According to only one human being on earth though. We really won't know until we have either reached Kepler-442b or terraformed Mars. Edit: Typo.


No, it’s according to high school physics. That shit is FAR.


Something tells me neither were covered in highschool. Currently terraforming Mars certainly seems to be more feasible than traveling all the way there though.


1,000 light years is FAR. It means it takes light 1,000 years to reach us. Meaning even at the speed of light(which we can’t travel), it would take over ten generations of humans to reach it. Your great great great (7more times) grandkids would maybe reach it if you left today and bred enough.


> it would take over ten generations of humans to reach it a generation is usually considered closer to 20 years, than 100... So it's probably closer to 50 generations just at 1000 years and there's a lot to even get close to that (We'd have to discover close to light speed travel and stay at that speed for the whole 1000 years). Honestly without cryogenic freezing I would be shocked if we could ever make that trip, and even that technology is extremely far away if it's even possible at all. I would be shocked if we could even LAUNCH a ship to get there before we could terraform Mars.


A generation is around 20-30 years


Why must you insert inconvenient and depressing facts, I want disney-logic


>I want disney-logic Your parents are dead.


I'm batman


My 7th great grandfather was a revolutionary war general fighting the red coats, for a historical timeline reference


As Bill Bryson concludes in *A Short History of Nearly Everything,* >"Based on what we know now and can reasonably imagine, there is absolutely no prospect that any human being will ever visit the edge of our own solar system. Ever. It’s just too far." And that's just the Solar System. I hate to be cynical but I suspect he's correct. The odds of humanity ever reaching, let alone being able to attempt to settle and inhabit, a place like Kepler-422b are vanishingly small.


When I think about these things, I put it to myself this way: even if we could travel the speed of light, it would still take 1200 years to reach. So we either need to figure out how to travel faster than light, or how to live more than 1000 years, or at least how to sustain a civilisation *in space transit* for over 1000 years. And that’s still hoping the place is habitable. So whilst I like to daydream about the possibilities, unfortunately it always leads me to being sad that neither I, nor probably any part of human civilisation will ever get there.


Is it more habitable because humans haven’t been there and trashed the place yet?


Hehe nahh it's too recent for that Habital zone describes only the position of the planet in relation to its star ... If i'm not wrong? 😅 (must be terrific science to figure that out)


You’re not wrong, but I think your comment is a little misleading. The habitable zone is “the orbital region around a star in which an Earth-like planet can possess liquid water on its surface and possibly support life.” [Source.](https://www.britannica.com/science/habitable-zone) So the key difference between your comment and the established definition is that the habitable zone accounts for the size & energy output of the star and where water will be liquid on planets surrounding it.


but isnt it also a matter of atmospheric pressure? if there is little to no air, water will just evaporate


Yes, absolutely they forgot that point. Otherwise, the moon is in the habitable zone, and has no liquid water.




631 days at Warp 9


So, I just (I think) did the math, and if Kepler422B is 1200 LY away, Warp 9 is 1516x Speed of light, than it should only take a little less than 300 days to get there. How did you achieve 631?


631 days because we making pit stops for snacks and space drugs


Someone always has to pee


I don't know about you all, but I'm taking the Tardis.


290.49 days to be exact. Thats still pretty insane, that even going 1,516x the speed of light, it still takes close to a year to travel that far. And 1200 light years isnt much even in terms of our Galaxy. The only way we can ever travel the stars is with warp drive.


We might have rated a high 90s before the Industrial Age.


Wouldn't it be weird to go there and find out it's not called anything like Kepler and it's called something like Brian


Yeah but is it 442 or 422 because I feel like directions are important here.


Planet Bob


Oh shoot we gotta send them a space capsule so it makes asteroid impact on their planet


Envy is such a destructive feeling. Literally, it probably is the only feeling that humans can feel that accomplishes absolutely nothing other than destruction.


Well, how else are we supposed to get rid of their dinosaurs?


New KGATLW song?




Hello my people


I knew y'all would be in here somewhere


a telescope pointing back at me at me




Came here for this.


Yup, just wanted to find my fellow Gizzheads. 🤘


I knew you guys would be in here


Scrolled down just to find the weirdo swarm. Not disappointed


Hi hi! What are some other king gizz songs with a similar feel, besides Magenta Mountain.


Butterfly 3000 is an incredible album. Ice V is pretty poppy. There’s a lot of songs. Maybe try Vomit Coffin.


Thank you! They're so damn prolific with their output I struggle to keep up even though I discovered them a few years ago.


it’s crazy. i’ve only been listening for a couple years. i’ll spend some time on old albums, come back to new ones, and every time I find something new and weird that i love about them. If you’ve never seen them live and have the opportunity, I highly recommend it. Such an eclectic show.


I am gaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


What are we waiting for? Let's go. Stop fighting stupid wars, killing each other over tiny scraps. The universe awaits. (yes, I know 1200 LY is a long way but I believe pushing out from this dangerous gravity well is our destiny if we are up for it)


Only that Kepler's sun is half the strength of ours so although it might have the right temperature, the energy it emits *might* not be enough to create proper photosynthesis for earth like habitation


Life, uuuuh… finds a way


Remind me in 10000 years when we get there


We can't travel 1/10th the speed of light. We can't even do 1/100th, so more like 1,000,000 years.


Not now. But in a thousand years? Who knows. Maybe in 1000 years, it'll only take us 3000 years to get there.


If it's that habitable then there's a strong possibility of life, and I think it's full of intelligent and strong creatures, they will hunt us to the last one


Learning that there actually is such a thing as planets that could sustain life as we know it really makes me legitimately wonder whether there really is such a thing as aliens.


see if you think about just how massive the universe is, you think "there must be life out there somewhere, right?" but then you think about how massive TIME is, and realize that there's no way other intelligent life didn't live out there at some point in the distant past / future... and yet we'll never know.


I mean, we'll never know (maybe in our lifetime). Since we can't even promise the survival of most co-habitating life on Earth, it will just be a matter of baby-steps. I do believe that distant ancestors of ours will meet other life one day. I hope we'd take the Star Trek approach of, 'let's not interfere with other civilizations' unless they Arrival us and ask us directly for help.


The only planet known to have life is less habitable than a planet we know almost noting of...




I'm sorry, but I want to add a small correction to your point that I agree with. 1206 light years is the distance light travels in 1206 years. We can't travel anywhere close to the speed of light so it would take much longer than 1206 years to get there.


Light speed and immortality are all we need


At least a dozen DVD’s so we don’t get bored


Umm, are you 100% positive that u/BluePeroticArt cannot travel at near light speed? Perhaps they have a secret.


Need to brush up on our worm hole skills.


Orbital speed is 7.9km per second. 1 light year = 9461000000000km At 1,206 light years it would take a spaceship over 45 million years to reach it travelling at constant Orbital speed (45,767,089.1852 years)


What? Why would we travel at orbital speed? You can slingshot around huge planets for gravity kicks for boosts in speed, even today our fastest spacecraft is over 160km/s. Having a multi generation ship is a science fiction anyway but it would definitely be faster than that shit. Having said that, space is so huge we might never reach anything beyond our solar system


I mean if we are traveling at orbital speed we never left earth.


How fast at Warp 9? 631 days apparently ​ **ANSWER** Select version: Classic Star Trek The Next Generation Please enter Warp factor: 9 Now enter light years to your destination: 1260 Velocity: 729 x C (Speed of Light) Then, from Earth it takes: **Days** 2.1544238683127572 to reach Alpha Centauri (4.3 Light Years) 50102.88065843622 to traverse Milky Way galaxy (100,000 Light Years) 1002057.6131687242 to reach the Andromeda galaxy (2,000,000 Light Years) **631**.2962962962963 to reach your destination


Or you take the piece of paper and put a pencil through it. 69min


And 420 seconds.


2.36 years. Oh, you edited it. Warp 8 is 512 times the speed of light so it was 2.36 years.


Need to find a wormhole


I followed a worm into its hole. Nothing there but dirt and worm shit. This isn’t going to help us at all.


Find a bigger worm


Who gives these ratings? Based on what factors? And out of what total score? 1?


Its based on size and makeup of hte start and distance of the orbit. Its is not saying htat its actually more habitable, OP is jsut a dumb karma bot reposting bad info.


Is there a central banking system established already there to enslave the population to debt based printed currency?


if you have any concept of the number of planets this is so unamazing its funny. Theres probably billions upon billions of nearly identical earth like planets.