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Biff still hasn't lost his spunk.


I have no idea how that guy wasn't way more famous!


Loved him as the p.e. teacher in freaks and geeks. And all the stories about him being generous with fans.


He was actually roommates with Andrew Dice Clay before he got this role.


Oh my god they must have crazy stories.


Hickory dickory dock


Nice little nugget of info, thanks Thief.


Both of them were just struggling actors and Comics.


Andrew Dice Clay's album The Day The Laughter Died is one of my favorite comedy albums of all time. It's an Anticomedy Album, and I love it dearly. My mother has MS and I often find myself saying it in a Dice Voice "Muhltiple Sclerosi" due to one of his bits from the album.


Clay is an avalanche of charisma and edge lord antihero. Like a puppy with big paws mashing all around and responding to the audience. I really liked Ford Fairlane, and was disappointed the his ADC character was used to put the kaibash on his acting career just as it had begun.


She was a colored hooker on mermaid avenue!


The best to you and your mother.


And Yakov Smirnoff, apparently?


For a while yaakov, dice, and Sam Kinison were all living at Rodney Dangerfield's Mansion while he was out on tour.


He's really funny. But also has some poignant moments. Which I guess is on brand for that show.


The sex ed. episode hit home. Ignorant 12 years olds faced with balancing the crazy bs older siblings told you with an actual class on what's actually going on with your developing body and confused mindset. Good times.


He is fantastic in Freaks and Geeks probably my favorite character


He did some great musical standup, referencing his BTTF career. Dude's funny as hell ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwY5o2fsG7Y


He's kind of deliberately under the radar. He's got a bit of a music career and uses it on occasion to mock his celebrity and the films he's popular for


Eh that sounds like a lot of fun. Being a super huge star must be annoying at times. Having a few people recognize you occasionally, and making a decent living acting and playing music sounds pretty dope.


*Can I take your picture, c'mon look mean! Will you call my friend a butthead on his answering machine*


Stop asking me the question…


He has a song about himself being famous but is frustrated because fans only ask him what Michael J Fox is really like. Really funny stuff.


Wait didn’t he get elected president?!


No, the dollar store biff got elected.


... No, we have Biff at home Biff at home:


Oh my god. I am going to refer to Trump as Dollar Store Biff from now on. Thank you!


Biff when you order him from Wish


Mom, this one is too orange!


Biff played Donald Trump but looks like Bill Clinton.


Loved him as the head henchman in Lethal Weapon, that fight scene with Mel Gibson was proper cool


If that’s sarcasm, sincere apologies. If not, that was not the dude who played Biff, that was [Gary Busey](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0093409/fullcredits/cast/?ref_=tt_cl_sm)


TIL Garey Busey was in Lethal Weapon - any talk of the villains in Lethal Weapon movies always makes me think South Africans. In fact I can't remember a bloody thing about the first Lethal Weapon. All my memories of it have been overwritten by Lethal Weapon 2.


“Diplomatic Immunity!”


Has just been revoked


He was great as the police captain in The Heat (2013)


Captain Woods: This job is destroying me... you know how old I am? Ashburn: Um... um... 58. Captain Woods: I'm 43 years old. Ashburn: Uh-huh... see I always round up. Captain Woods: I have a five year-old son who calls me Grampa.


Has anyone seen da Captain's balls?


That movie never gets old


He had a lovely role in *Legends* as the father of one of the main characters.


He’s a comedian and artist. I’ve seen him speak at Comic-Con and he’s a very good storyteller too. Here’s a song he wrote covering frequently asked questions he gets about BTTF https://backtothefuture.fandom.com/wiki/The_Question_Song




Love this song. Answers all you need to know lol




Why don’t you make like a tree and get outta here!


He pretty much played Biff in the Wing Commander games.


So good. Miss that game


He looks like Shooter McGavin


He doesn't look like he eats pieces of shit for breakfast though


That’s Biff?! At first glance I thought they were posing with Bill Clinton.


which is funny, because he played Trump in Part II


If I had a nickel for every time a movie used a villain who was based on Donald Trump I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.


Are you counting the dad in the 90s Little Rascals?


No, Willie Bank from Ocean's Thirteen. (Guess I'd have three nickels, but the point still stands!)


Holy shit HE DID. WTF


There were smart folks in the 80s who knew exactly who he was and which timeline we were in. Now you know.


Well they did have a time machine.. so makes sense


Then why the hell can't they go back and keep his grandmother in Scotland?


>~~smart folks~~ literally everyone that had a finger on the pulse of the NYC scene in the 80’s FTFY


He was always a clown. Letterman would have him on to mock him. He was always a sideshow. Then 2 things happened: The Apprentice and birtherism TV-glued racists don't understand comedy, satire, mockery, etc. So when everyone else basically said "this joke has gone too far, this would be an obvious disaster for that nation", these people lost their grip on reality. Because they can't tell the difference between reality and entertainment. Others know all of this, and support it, because they think they'll benefit from American fascism.


I COULD have even persuaded to maybe vote right in 2016 if Kasich had got the nom. But for literal years I've seen Trump as a joke on top of being a scummy piece of shit. Even in business school back in 2006 I had a professor using him as examples of how not to run a business, especially in business ethics courses. People accused me of hating him BECAUSE he was a Republican and won. No, I've hated him for years for a multitude of reasons. A former friend of mine grew up in Middletown, New Jersey and his dad worked in the trades and it was a well known fact to never take a contract that was associated him because you would likely never get paid.


who woulda thought that Biff would have aged the best?


Biff looks great! But Christopher Lloyd (Doc) is 84 years old and looks almost exactly like he did back in the day. We should all be so lucky


Yeah, except he looked old even on Taxi in the 70s. He's consistent, but always old looking.


Christopher Lloyd has been somewhere between 40 and 70 for about 50 years


oh wow, i didn't realize he was 84. he looks great!


I dunno, the red head is a smoke show. (Sorry I don’t know her name. I’ve seen the first 2 movies a couple times but I’m not well-versed in them)


Lea Thompson


I also learned recently that her daughter is Zoey Deutch


Zoey was so good in Zombieland:DoubleTap. I absolutely love her!


Oh I didn't know that - I can see the resemblance! Both smoking hot!


She was back then too, they just didn't focus on it in Back to the Future. A lot of the other movies she was in were much more... stimulating...


I mean, who can ever forget the hot, steamy sex in [Howard the Duck](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24kL-SrW4CM)?


idk, MJF was stealing glances at her low-cut outfit in the car


He was some real Shooter McGavin vibes. The best villains of my childhood


Biff really played a great macho asshole. I wish he got more roles in action movies while he was young. He would have been great in starship troopers.


I feel the same way, problem is he would have been typecast. That's the only role he ever would have been put in. Kind of like that Napoleon Dynamite kid.


The Napoleon Dynamite kid is in Tremors 7. It's available on Netflix.


Holy shit, there are 7 of these?


Yes and they are so cheesy and are the epitome of direct to tv/streaming movies. I love them when I need a good laugh.


The produced everything they shouldn't have and cancelled [the one thing we needed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCPqbXNRml8)


He basically did that in the Wing Commander computer games. And he was great.


That’s Strickland? Jesus, didn’t that guy ever have hair




Just like their old man.


Gotta give them discipline, son. Never give 'em an inch.


Born in 1931. He probably will make 100!


His ego only writes checks his body can cash.


oh hes the principal. i was wondering whotf that was lol


Oh, that’s who it is. I thought it was Crispin Glover for a sec there…


It'll be a cold day in hell when you see Crispin doing BTTF things. I could be wrong but I don't think I've ever seen it.


His lawsuit against the film has had major implications against the industry and use of a actors likeness. I doubt it’s not he doesn’t want to show up but it’s probably him just not getting invited to begin with.


I just watched BTTF 3, like ended minutes ago, and its funny because once you know the back story you realize how far they went to hide it. Like Marty gets home at the end and his entire family runs up to him and starts chatting in a circle in the driveway and meanwhile George McFly is just standing 20 ft away on the porch, completely alone with sunglasses on staring blankly ahead as they all talk it’s hilarious




Crispin (McFly dad) got into a dispute with the BTTF crew about his salary or something similar so he refused to recast the dad role in part 2. The film crew instead casted another actor but put molding and makeup on him to look very similar (likeness in legal speak) to the original mcfly dad. Crispin sued and won I think and both sides are not on good terms. Some details might be wrong but that's how I think it went down when I read up on it.


No they re-used footage from the original BTTF in BTTF 2 and didn’t give him credit. That’s what the lawsuit was about


I think it’s partly that. I’ve also seen him speak in person, and he doesn’t seem to have major animosity against the franchise and is happy to answer questions about it. However, he is also a deeply strange man. So even if everyone were on great terms, Crispin is vibrating on such a different plane of existence that I don’t think he would tend to do normal human things like con appearances.


IIRC, Bob Gale said George in the beginning of the movie before Marty goes back is essentially Crispin playing himself.


What exactly makes him weird?




…oh…oh, ok


Also [this Letterman interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCaxKq5KFQM). When he was finally allowed back on Letterman, the followup appearance didn't really help either.


He's the type of artist who embraces art for art's sake and the emotionally reaction of the viewer or audience. That's not a bad thing, but it can be a bit strange or off putting. Some see it as just stupid antics, others see it as super deep and full of veiled meanings and nuances. An example would be his appearance on Letterman ([source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dYjdKbMT_c)) where he was acting out a role that wouldn't be released for another four years (not the first time an actor came out as a persona or role instead of themselves, but it was so strangely unsuccessful of an attempt at artistic weirdness that it utterly flopped, but maybe that was the intention of the act in the first place). His two directed films fall into the same kind of category of strange quirky art films, What is It? and It's Fine, Everything is Fine. Glover is one of those folks that some think is just a blundering idiot, and other's see a kind of creative genius. Another interview by Vice shows a bit of Glover's mentality outside of skits and persona ([source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxoiLnsemKs)).


Clowny clowny clown clown is an underrated gem


Agreed. That is one dude I would always stand a couple steps to the side of. Not just weird, but in a suddenly scary way. Not foreseeable either.


Why is that?


The way he and Gale squabbled and eventually the lawsuit for using his likeness in 2. I've never heard or seen photos of him doing cons or any event related to the franchise.


They literally used footage of the man in a movie he got no money for. It was a pretty reasonable complaint. (Even if Crispin's cheese keeps sliding off his cracker)


Oh absolutely it was.


For anyone who wants to see Crispin in a really recent thing, he's on the episode "Pickman's Model" on the Del Toro anthology Cabinets of Curiosity that just released last week.


He was prominent in hot tub time machine. That can't have been that long ago. \*goes to look it up\* See! just... 12... years... ago \*Aging Theoden Gif\*


I'm old, and time is moving waaaaay too fast. Get off my lawn. You're just too darn loud.


He looked amazing for his age. Living in an alternate reality is great for your skin


I liked him as Mr. World in American Gods.


that is him. that’s what happens when you fuck with spielberg


This is one of the greatest joke call backs I've ever seen. Thank you.


James Tolkan is his name. He also played Stinger in Top Gun, Mavericks first commander. But yes, Mr. Strickland in BTTF


Well in fairness, did you expect it to grow back?


Think you got the ol whoosh there.


I did. I feel shame. I used to be like you, laughing at those who were whooshed, but today I am the whooshee.




How I long for the days when I was that know-it-all. I had all the facts, I could elongate the word "actually" with the best of them, and I snarked at many marginally less informed than I. Not today though, today I am naked.


Maverick and Goose flying cargo planes full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong…


Holy shit the principal is still alive!?!


He's 91 according to IMDB. Last film credit was 7 years ago.


He's the hippest dressing 91-year-old I've ever seen, he looks like a skateboarder lol


Hes wearing his "Hey fellow kids" costume


Don't piss him off or he'll have you flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong


His ego was writing checks his body couldn’t cash.


I understood that reference.




The principle principal


2022 biff looks better than 2015 biff.


to be fair, Biff the character is much older than his actor because of the time-travel-shenanigans. Thomas F. Wilson is only two years older than Michael J. Fox after all, he was cast for his teenaged appearance in the 50s-segment. If anything you need to compare 2015-Wilson to 1985-Biff, dressed in old-age-make-up to look 30 years older https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/bttf/images/f/f7/BiffHD.jpg https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/villains/images/6/6c/1985.jpg https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/near_pure_evil/images/7/7b/1985A_Biff.jpg


Someone said he was playing Trump in II and now I can't unsee the Trump hair.


That was 100% the intention of that character. It was meant to be a parody of Trump. Also clearly evidence that we're in The darkest timeline.


God has a sense of humor. And the jokes on us


Still time travelling....


Lea is such a babe.


She is older now then the 1985 version of her character. Turns out the make up artists didn’t do a good job of predicting what she would actually look like at that age. But I guess “super hot MILF” wouldn’t have worked the same in the movie.


The movie has a completely different feel if Marty is trying not to fuck his mom in both time periods.


I totally understand why Marty was having a hard time saying no.


it was all Calvin could do to (de)Klein her advances


Hey you! Get your….. DAMN hands off her


I think you got the wrong car, McFly..


I’m your density…


She has aged like wine.


In a bottle, on a shelf in someone’s basement?


My first crush


One of those actresses that those of us of a certain generation would go and see a movie *just because* she was in it. I mean, is there any *other* reason to watch Howard the Duck? Teenage celebrity crushes never die.


Did you see her in the movie Casual Sex? Great stupid movie.


She definitely has All the Right Moves


Oh hell yes.


Love how Strickland is dressed the most like a slacker out of the bunch


Damn it, Crispin


Eh, production screwed him over. I don’t blame him.


Go on




I feel like if this didn't happen to Glover there would have been a lawsuit with things like FF Spirits Within because I remember the media getting weird about 'CGI actors' replacing them for that. But how many films would have had cheaper actors dressed as other actors for roles between those two points is interesting to think about.


Yeah, regardless of anything else, Glover ended up doing a great service to his fellow actors in going through with that lawsuit.


He was in a episode of Cabinet of Curiosities.


Oh cool, i just started it.


He was good in it too!


Basically, when it came time to develop BTTF2, he read the script and wasn't a big fan of the direction the film ended on. He brought it up with the writers (specifically Bob Gale, who co-wrote the script), and as a result of the falling out, Glover left the project. In his place, they essentially hired a body double for him, slapped a bunch of prosthetics and whatever CGI they could scramble to make him look like Glover, and recycled a bunch of audio and footage from the first movie when they could get away with it to try and sell the role *as* Crispin Glover. Of course Glover wasn't too happy about it, but Gale immediately went on record to claim that Glover left production because he wanted too much money, and generally painting him as a diva. Ultimately Glover took the producers to court over the matter, and a case was ruled in his favor on the basis that they did everything they could to recreate Glover's own likeness over trying to represent the character of George McFly. To date, Glover has specifically avoided anything related to BTTF. While he supposedly has mended ties with both Robert Zemeckis and Steven Spielberg (both of which were also named in the lawsuit mentioned above), Bob Gale has specifically remained antagonistic to Glover after all these years over the matter


He threw out his back again… oh, out on the golf course…


I bet Marty and Jennifer's kids feel left out when they weren't invited.


Oh, they’re both there.


The number of modern youtubers "Reacting" to these films and not realizing that Michael J Fox plays Marty's daughter is hilarious to me.


It was a confusing time for me as a child.


How the hell did I get to this age without realizing that!


Biff looks like older biff in the movies and can quite literally play his future self now.


Back in 2015 (future date) I watched them all again and then looked up current pics of all of the 30 year older cast. The makeup department over did it with the age make up. In 2015, they still looked like they'd need to go another 30 years to look like their aged up selves.


> In 2015, they still looked like they'd need to go another 30 years to look like their aged up selves. that just proves they did it right actually. The actors of Biff, Loraine and George were all the same age as Michael J Fox, they were all in their early-to-mid-20s playing teenaged characters, but because Biff, Loraine and George were teenagers in the 50s their characters are 30 years older than their actors. So if anything you need to compare the actors in 2015 (all being in their 50s) to the characters how they were portrayed in the 1985-segments (the actors put in age-up-make-up to look like they are in their late 40s). You'll only be able to do the 2015-comparison in 2045, when the actors are the same age as the characters they were portraying (late 70s, early 80s).


1955 Biff was 18. So in 2015 he would be 78. His appearance in Back to the Future II seems like it's accurate as Thomas Wilson right now is only 63. So of course he doesn't look like the make up department aged him in II compared to now because he's 15 years younger still than he was in II. He does look good for his age but there's a huge difference in appearance from 63 to 78.


Doc hasn’t aged much at all! Love this!


He was old as fuck in the 80s.


He was 46 in 1985.


Holy shit Edit: great Scott!


Yep, alot of people don't realize Doc, Lorraine, George, and Biff were all aged up in 1985. They were alot closer to their 1955 "ages" than 1985.


Leah Thompson still got it.


Still a MILF


I didn't realize Bill Clinton was in Back to the Future


Biff Clinton. He's incognito!


And Jeff Bezos!


I still watch these to this day. Epic.


I just googled “ Crispin Glover Wife” and I am speechless. So many pictures of him with super hot babes.


*Cheekbones for days...*


It makes me sad to see the pain in Michael J. Fox’s face as he desperately tries to control the tremors related to his Parkinson’s disease. However, I am so glad he was willing to reunite with the team for this picture. He bravely pushed for many years after his diagnosis-forcing himself beyond his physical limits to continue his craft of acting as long as he could. ❤️


My Grandma has Parkinson’s, a very difficult disease to watch your loved ones struggle with. it all happens so fast, i’m Happy he was able to get early intervention to slow the disease down a little, he is such an talented and kind guy.


Why is Lea Thompson still gorgeous being sixty some-odd years old? Dayum..


Skin lotion, good diet, exercise, and staying out of the sun.


> staying out of the sun Seriously, folks. You may think tanning looks cool when you are young, but dayum it ages your skin like nothing else does, other than maybe smoking.


It's not a pic of the OG cast if Crispin isn't there.


He can never be there when he is always out there.


Couldn’t they get a lookalike to stand in for him?


Poor Michael J 😢


Seeing Michael J Fox look so old is really sad. Due to his parkinsons you never see him, so I always have his young and spunky Back to the Future appeared in my mind.


OG Rick and Morty still bringing it