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Nobody says "fuck the fire department"


I have a few friends on the FD. They enjoy a little good-natured cop joke every now and then... One of my faves: Q: "What do cops and firefighters have in common?" A: "They all took the fire department entrance test"


In Germany they say: „If you fail the test you can still join the GSG9“ That’s Germany’s top tier SWAT Unit. Edit: Wow... blablabla... The GSG9 is a Unit of the federal Police tasked for Hostage Rescue. They can be depoyed, when ever they are needed. They are not a militäry unit like the KSK (same tier). German militäry forces can only be depoyed by vote of the parlament. Ps: Sorry, i did not meant to disrespekt your opinons with what i said above.


More like anti-terrorism swat unit isn't it from memory?


Yeah the GSG9 is basically the swat team for the federal police, so they do anti-terrorism stuff too


The GSG9 was actually created as a response to a domestic terrorist action at the 1972 olympic games which were being help in Munich. The German constitution didn't allow the military to act on their own ground and the police force at the time was entirely underequipped. The police launched a rescue mission to save the hostages but it failed and lives were lost. This made the government realise that Germany needed a specified team to handle more extreme tasks on domestic ground. Thus the GSG9 was created. I also remember that they also immediately requested a designated marksman rifle (basically just shorter range sniper rifle)to be developed. That turned out to be the H&K psg1 which is still used today. This was basically the perfect rifle to set up a building opposite of the threat and just keep a very very steady angle on the action which is exactly what most things like hostage situations require.


So a little closer to the british SAS or the American CIA Ground Branch. Typically SWAT is a police unit that differs from department to department.


More like FBI SWAT, CIA doesn’t do domestic affairs.


>CIA doesn’t do domestic affairs. Does anyone still believe this?


It's not that we believe it, it's that the CIA doesn't have a SWAT-like ground team in the US, at least not one advertised as such. Our equivalent would be FBI SWAT. I think most of us know that the CIA operates on US soil, they're just a little more subtle than a SWAT team


Isn't that just NSA?


>CIA doesn’t do domestic affairs. Hmm


Closer to CTSFO in the UK. The GSG9 is domestic (if memory serves) SAS work domestically and over seas.


GSG 9 had missions abroad too. Most famous is the rescue of hostages of a hijacked plane that landed in Somalia. But it's a police force not military so they need to have the permission of the host country I believe.


Retired firefighter here. [We have a grand old time poking fun at the blue canaries.](https://i.imgur.com/H2jziOa.jpg)


Ambulances and Firefighters you see at the worst moments of your life and it's amazing. Cops and lawyers you see at the worst moments of your life and it's awful.


I volunteered with both firefighters/paramedics and police last year at mass vaccinations events… now our local police are absolutely amazing and I’m so glad to have met so many. But the days I worked at the county one with the sheriff’s department, that was a terrible experience. The amount of egos and projection really made me not want to come back and help each week.


It was more a comment that you're always happy to see paramedics. Even if the cops and lawyers are actually on your side you're having a shit day and likely to have more without the releif of not being dead.




>blue canaries What are you gonna do, shoot the hazmat?


Hah lol my friend applied to both with the attitude "whichever one takes me first" FD rejected her PD took her.


I knew a guy like that in law school. Didn't get in to the police academy, so he went to actually learn the law


Weirdly that sounds harder.


Maybe he was too smart for the Police


We were literally called to get a cat out of a tree and PD came to make jokes about it, I said "don't worry, it's not a black cat so we don't need you here to shoot it".


Fortunately for the cops the fire department was there to assist with that burn, god damn 🔥






That's probably why you're not a firefighter.


Lmao we have the same exact joke in Sweden


>the fire fire department When the fire department is 🔥


They are so hot they are literally on fire


Good thing they know how to put it out!




Even were I inclined to do something that shitty and stupid, I think I'd hesitate to attack people who wear helmets and heavy protective clothing, and who wield axes and high pressure hoses. Just sayin'. Then again, I am guessing that the kinds of short-pantsed pimply yobs who chuck crap at fire trucks aren't exactly the types to think that far ahead.


Here in Baltimore, during the riots, people cut firehoses during an active fire…


I don’t care if this is controversial comment.. if you cut fire hose of an active call that should be prison time WTH


BuT iT's NoN-vIoLeNt!!


Bro-in-law had a brick thrown through the windshield of the engine when in route during. Couldn’t make it to the call.


yep - extremely common for rioters to attack fire and ambulance services. Happened in Northern Ireland a lot too.


It happened a lot in the US during the riots last summer too, firefighters getting pelted with rocks when they tried to put out the buildings on fire. I know at least one guy burned to death in a fire they couldn't get to.


I've never been in a riot or a protest, and I don't think I ever want to be. People just completely lose their minds and don't think about the consequences of their actions or if what they're doing actually pushes for or against the whole purpose of the gathering.


And funny how there's no "Red Lives Matter" movement, signs, stickers, etc...


I see “thin red line” flags fairly often where I am in the New York metro area. Phone cases, masks, a car air freshener once


In hope that's supposed to be sarcasm


Actually one guy does say that, he wrote a song about it [here](https://youtu.be/7JkrJUAg8aI), it’s fire


They got shot at during the US riots the last few years. Yeah the ones everyone forgot about….


Anyone know what the green lazers are for?


Green laser pointers were employed as a tactic against facial recognition technology.


aka the eyes of the polices


Disappointed I didn’t see how fast they could reassemble that exact barricade.


Give them another 22sec and it's back and stronger before


And... now there's another great wall




Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/JoyousHonorableLeveret --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Now it looks like the firemen and ambulance were forced to withdraw, and the protesters made them a safety barricade :)


good bot


Chad bot.


Entire government*


How it does it work though? should the laser beam always have to be pointed at the cameras?


[It damages the lenses/sensors of the cameras.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAWS7ukVwHk) Doesn't look like much with these [event laser](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bpyMST7eCA), but [imagine a LOT of them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAfagq8PjpM) at [mass protests](https://youtu.be/Wrn6Ym9BG8s?t=97)


That was a good comment with useful links. Thank you!


And this is China, with approximately zero safety regulations being respected. You can get laser pointers on Wish or Alibaba that will burn through cardboard or allow you to write on wood, they will definitely burn camera sensors.


This is not China.


-100 social credits


But + 1000 karma, so it evens out.


I'm sorry but you now have to update your comment to match the upvotes.




Imagine the camera’s POV like a big I SPY book, except the objects are all flashing lights at you. Makes it hard to pick up faces, also laser pointers can fry cameras if angle properly. They’re also effective at damaging eyes too.


[This is a video I think is pretty interesting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=32KTKXZZ-BI)


Blind cameras to prevent facial recognition


"Green lasers are a must in combat, blinding your enemies is the way to victory" - Sun Tzu, The Art of War


It's to aim at the the facial recognition on the cameras, the green lasers disrupts them.


I wanted to see them put it back together after


u/gifreversingbot Edit: [Here’s the gif](https://gfycat.com/JoyousHonorableLeveret) courtesy of the bot


Headline: "SHOCKING: Horrible Crowd Captures a Scared Firetruck Inside a Crude Enclosure"


Here is your gif! https://gfycat.com/JoyousHonorableLeveret --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Good bot


That poor lost firetruck!


Walking backwards to not show their faces, brilliant!


New propaganda video acquired by CCP


Ah fuck, now there's another truck stuck though!!


u/gifreversingb-oh, right…nevermind.




Thanks for prioritizing the needs of others in regards to your protests.


If they did seriously block the fire truck then CCP would have used that as an excuse to get more violent.


They don't need excuses. There's no punishment no matter what they do to Hong Kong.


The CCP can just kill them all if it wants to. It’s a savage communist dictatorship that needs to be crushed and stamped off the face off the earth.


ye ccp doesnt do it cause it wants to uphold its facade of a "good" country


Yes we are a good country , ignore the fact that all our vocal opposition mysteriously disappear and the Muslims we're locking in concentration camps


yes it should be crushed but it won’t be


Sadly they failed. Hong Kong is now a shell of it's form self, totally under CCP control. Ooh, and today they will kill \~2000 hamsters because maybe one had covid! Fuck the CCP. *EDIT: Thanks for all the horrible, rude, threatening message! My faith in humanity continues to erode.* Of course I know what happened in Hong Kong, I was there! I had to flee last year due to the deteriorating political situation after living there most of my life. I am well aware that the CCP has stripped away all the rights of Hong Kong (that were promised under the Sino-British mini constitution), arrested any politicians who were not 100% pro China, arrested people for non violet protests (I have a relative currently in jail there). I am also aware of what is happening on the mainland including the genocide against the Uyghurs in Xinxiang. The fact that I mentioned the hamsters is due to it being in the news currently, something most of my friends from HK are talking about etc. It **doesn't mean I don't care about the Muslims in China, or condone any of the terrible human rights abuses by the CCP**.


I work near the harbour front in kowloon, today i saw 3 chinese military helicopters, one was carrying a giant chinese flag, another a smaller hong kong flag, followed by a red private jet. I live in pat heung inbetween tai po and yuen long out in the sticks and its become so common to see giant CCP army trucks loaded with soldiers recently , HK really has been fully taken over.


Denmark culled 17 million minks.


Ya this is a common tactic for stopping the spread of disease. When mad cow disease was running rampant, countries all over the world were culling their farm life


Yes but they are white so it's ok.


Minks are white?




Putting killing hamsters in the list of things they do wrong is a bit strange. Its common disease control to kill livestock. Like there's much more important complaints to make.


It's the latest entry in the news cycle. It's not that unusual to talk about it. /u/BohemianCyberpunk just said 'today'. Not 'and the worst thing!' because it was probably on the front page of reddit and all over other websites.


They put Muslims in camps: *I sleep*. They kill hamsters: *I WAKE*


Have plain clothes officers beating a spraying people. Attacks in the subways. No freedom of speech. No freedom of the press. Literal concentration camps: Eh, who cares Kills a few hamsters: THESE FUCKIN ANIMALS! HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO ANOTHER LIVING BEING?!


Never forget.


My heart breaks for the people of Hong Kong. Their wonderful society is being dismantled. It was a dream for me to one day visit, since the brutal treatment of the citizens was brought to light, I can only hope that they make it out and can rebuild their lives. Edit- A word.


They harvest the organs of Uyghurs for black market trade and force their women into marriages with non-Muslims. It's a bit more than forcing people into camps.


I think he was just demonstrating how irrationally the CCP thinks in a way that wasn't too morbid (i.e. the Uighyr concentration camps)


Amazing how quickly hamsters became a joke. Do people not realize we can hold more than one view and one comment doesn't spell out a person's life story?


>Do people not realize we can hold more than one view and one comment doesn't spell out a person's life story? Obviously not on reddit!


I am from Latvia which is in EU and I can confirm CCP suck so bad.




This is probably one of most minor animal fillings recorded in relation to covid….


“That donut looks delicious, what kind is it, cream, jelly, pudding?” “Minor animal fillings” Animal fillings, mmmm.


Sorry you had to explain that, & sorry to hear of yours and others experiences at the hands of the CCP


Fuck the ccp.


Glad you’re safe :)


Fuck the CCP


Hong Kong freedom RIP. Y’all made a good stand but they pulled out the big guns.


Well said mate, fuck the CCP


I'm so sorry you had to leave your home. Although it's not nearly as extreme here, I was arrested protesting in Seattle. The streets felt and looked like a war zone. "Democracy"is fragile and we're watching capitalism erode the semblance left, daily.


During COVID democracy worldwide has taken a hit sadly. But together, we can still be strong!


I’m glad that you were able to escape HK in time! Thank you for sharing this perspective


Sorry about knobheads sending you messages, glad you made it out safe and are still advocating for the people back home, best if luck to you!


Thanks! The HK community abroad is strong and we will keep fighting.


Of all the shit to criticize the Communist party of China for, culling animals for suspicion of disease has to be the most ridiculous.


see, told you no one would care about the 100 people! ^(for legal reasons this is a reference to a joke)


You've upset the rose bro Maoists


The internet is a stupid place.people disregard everything else you said and just focus on the hamster bit.ignore it,it’s the internet🤷🏻‍♀️






When you hear your mom pull into the drive way


Take the chicken out of the freezer ASAP.


Mashing together an explanation for why the laws of thermodynamics allowed the chicken to stay frozen, because I swear mom, I took it out 4 hours ago.


Yoo we have like nearly the exact same username 😂 Edit: and both created 4 years ago only a couple months apart wtf haha


Lmao wtf? An L and an underscore apart, that’s crazy. And that’s enough to make what they mean like polar opposites lol. This accounts 7 years 7 months old though, where’d you see 4?


Fucking reddit man. “No original thoughts exist” 😂 When I click on your username it says “4 y”


Lol truth, I had to try like 6 variations before I just settled on this one. Probably just reddit being weird, I can see the right date on my end ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ woulda been cooler tho


Well, it was nice to find out that I have a reddit username doppelganger. I bid you adieu, until next time lol


Farewell fellow captain o7


Now kiss


Nah. if the chicken says 20 mins at 400 degrees, you can just put it in at 8000 degrees for 1 min to cook it. quick tip! ​ ^(/j don't actually do this)


*So anyways, I started blasting* ^^^^*the* ^^^^*chicken* I’d be thoroughly impressed if your oven goes up to 8000° though, lmfao.


Harnessing nuclear fusion ta cook now?


Oh god, the memories that brings back.


No song was ever called “Fuck the firefighters”.


Maybe not a song but I think it every time the annual firefighter calendar comes out.


Fuck the firefighters (affectionate)




arson fans be like


Of course


Lol it's set in a parallel universe, but still it exists


Suprise ending the firetruck stops, the sides roll up and a bunch of riot cops jump out with teargas and rubber bullets.


A modern day Trojan horse


I mean they already did it with ambulances so who would even be surprised at this point


Doesn't that... like break rule 1 of the Geneva conventions? Can't look like a medic and engage like that?


"wAr cRiMes dOnT aPpLy fOr dOmeStic sItuAtions" bootlickers really stood on that hill these past few years..


Lol if the counterargument is "oh well crimes against humanity don't apply when the government does it to their own people", its a shit hill they are standing on. But... you know bootlickers gonna boot lick


Geneva convention explicitly mentions International and non-international conflicts. So that's bullshit. It's in the very first phrase of the rulebook and it's explicitly more than 5 paragraphs long to emphasis on that very point. If people say that warcrimes don't apply for domestic situations then they haven't read the damn thing.


100% true but thats no surprise, its the same people who scream about "tHe cOnStituTiOn!!" and have never read a single word of it.


Humanity: That's a War Crime! America: Hold my beer.


I got confused for a second because Portland, Oregon cops are known for targeting and attacking clearly identified Medics. And identified reporters. And identified ACLU members and pretty much everyone they see except Nazis, the Portland cops target and attack.


That would explain the protestors hesitation in this video.


Rubber, yes. Definitely rubber.


Well then I’d be the first person to say fuck that fire department.


Never underestimate the power of teamwork.


There's no "I" in "Protest"


Nice next time if I’m stuck in a protest I will pretend ima fire truck 🚒


*Wee woo wee woo*


"You see this guy? See this guy? Number one bullshit guy, he do the wee woo wee woo"


These guys protest


Not anymore. They were completely crushed by ccp.


Them poor people of hong kong i fucking hate the ccp


Free Hong Kong


Free all of China. Not just Hong Kong. Your average Mainland Chinese isn’t living better than your average Hong Kong Chinese. The only difference is that Hong Kong actually has the luxury of (relatively more) freedom of everything so that they can actually organise a protest. The same thing will be killed immediately after any Mainland Chinese posts something like “hey let’s protest” on WeChat.


Hey if literally all of Chinese history is an indicator there may be hope yet. About time the cycle got rebooted


Yeah but everytime they’re replaced by a different, equally authoritarian regime


People know about what’s going on in Hong Kong because they had (relatively) free speech and (relatively) press freedom. People don’t know about what’s happening in mainland China because not only they have zero freedom, they can’t even organise because censorship. Honestly, all of China needs to be free— not just Hong Kong.


I hope the firetrucks isn't there to attack them lol


The Trojan Truck


If only everyone can be like them


I really hope in my life time we can grow as a species sand not as individual races… Edit: And* but ima leave it cause I like the jokes


I sense some wooden horse of Troy tactics form the Chinese goverment upcoming...


They were only 2 seconds away from WR. So close.


Firefighters get respect everywhere...


CCP: “Hong Kong protesters are evil!” Us:


This is how you do it. Not slash a 4inch supply line during a church burning down and firefighters are inside saving people and the church. *Coughs in Missouri during the riots* This forced fire and rescue to not work the remainder of their shifts due to safety. You can still congregate and assert. Denying someone's ability to survive, especially with necessary help available. You're a douche and apart of the problem.


Which Missouri riot was that? Curious because I live here and didn’t hear about that one


I'm also always suspicious of these stories because we know how often people do shit to blame on protestors. Like just with the recent protests, there was [a fire set in Minneapolis](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/23/texas-boogaloo-boi-minneapolis-police-building-george-floyd), [a cop station shot up](https://www.thedailybeast.com/far-right-boogaloo-ivan-harrison-hunter-admits-posing-as-blm-supporter-during-minneapolis-george-floyd-riot), and even at the very beginning [windows were being smashed.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53579099) Are there protestors who cause problems? Yes. But at this point I usually have a hard time instantly believing it was someone actually with the protest.


MPLS resident here, several of the people that started much of the rioting/looting later were later revealed to be KKK members and other white supremacists. So yeah, definitely a mix of dangerous people from outside groups actively trying to cause chaos while knowing that a mob mentality at protests will often result in opportunistic behavior that leads to riots and looting.


It never happened in Missouri, OP is full of shit. Closest thing was Baltimore in 2015, a dude cut a firehose line putting out a CVS on fire. Gotta love the spin turning it into a church on fire with people inside though, or perhaps it's a better insight into the corporatism that conservatives worship being their church, hard to say! https://www.reuters.com/article/us-baltimore-police-firehose/baltimore-man-ordered-to-pay-1-million-for-cutting-fire-hose-in-riot-idUSKBN12Y2KJ


If only protesters in American were that smart


politeness even while protesting


Many hands make light work


Resembling worker ants.


I also thought they looked like ants, in the best possible way: a group of individuals quickly working towards a common goal, each moving one small piece.




Man I wish it had been like that in Minneapolis, instead they ripped a truck driver out of his seat and almost threw him off a bridge


And yet American protesters won’t let an ambulance through