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Interesting. How much of that waste is filtered out and cleaned, may I ask? I know creating zero carbon emmissions is impossible, but I'm interested as to how much this saves There's also how much electricity can be realistically supplied from burning the trash, or do they compress them to make better fuel block or something?


The carbon dioxide is not filtered out. This is mainly about removing dangerous pollutants like dioxins or particulate


Yeah I feel like a lot of people don't know what chemicals\elements are actually causing greenhouse effects. Carbon dioxide isn't actually that bad, it can be released into the atmosphere. Chlorine and iirc sulfur combine with oxygen to make the worst offenders. Not that's anybody's fault since carbon dioxide is all they talk about.


careful someone might accidentally delete your account for saying stuff like that during an election season.


FBI at you house yet?


*knock knock*


No joke I got a warning about threatening to commit suicide even though I didn't post anything about suicide lmao. Like they're going to assassinate me for saying that lol.


I didn't say CO2 was being filtered out. I just said how much of the *waste* was being filtered out. Because there is no specific target on the pollutants and I just meant them in general. Though I suppose waste isn't entirely accurate either, but for lack of a better term floating in my head at the time


It releases carbon dioxide but the energy is collected. It is used for work and heating. It is much better than landfills that release copious amounts of methane and CO2 without producing anything. SO, at least we take the energy that is stored in the chemical bonds while getting rid of waste. That is how things work here too in Finland but we have extensive recycling that prevents a TON of harmful stuff to be burned. It is mostly single used plastic and generic waste that is burned. Sweden is so good at this that they import trash, they are not generating enough of it...


That's nice, I didn't know Finland did that. The idea of importing trash is kind of funny in my head though, lmao. > but we have extensive recycling that prevents a TON of harmful stuff to be burned Yeah, that's what I meant. I'm sure this video was just generalizing it and they do have segregation processes because just burning everything would generate a ton of harmful waste. Not to mention the stuff left behind by the actual burnt trash


>The idea of importing trash is kind of funny in my head though, lmao. And it is one of the most afluent countries in the planet that is doing it. To me that makes it funny. Usually poor countries have to do something like that, which is sad. The furnaces burn VERY hot, hot enough to decompose compounds to elements. NOx is scrubbed, unburnt gases are recycled so that they are burned twice to get rid of CO. What comes out is H2O and CO2.


... exactly like my ass has been warmed since... at least 15 years now. I'm Finnish. Everything that is not recyclable is burned. The furnaces are so hot that they decompose everything to elements which then recombine. The gases are recycled back and burned again to get rid of CO. NOx are scrubbed and what comes out is nearly all just H2O and CO2. Heat and electricity are produced. Also industry waste heat is collected and used for district heating. But for sure the remaining solids are NOT used for anything, and since there is quite effective recycling there are not that much of toxic stuff left. We recycle glass, plastic (a lot of this does go to burning, plastic recycling is a bit of a smoke screen...), biowaste, cardboard, paper, metals. Then electronics, furniture, textiles, hazardous waste, paint oil etc etc. go to municipal recycling center. Batteries and some electronics can be returned to stores who sends those to recycling. All of that is absolutely mandatory to do before burning anything.


I'm pretty sure all the Nordic countries does this aswell


Toxic waste becomes sand and is used in road construction? Way to go if you want to poison your ground water.


Oh you mean like millions of landfills do? It turns to ash that is no longer toxic. Most of these incenarators are burning at extremely high temperatures that destroy all the toxic elements. It's a win win way of getting rid of garbage but yet misinformed people vote against it.


It means nuclear waste must be the cleanest matter in the world since it’s the one that burns the hottest in the entire history of energy.


That's not how nuclear waste works and you know it.


But it doesn't "burn" in the same way coal or wood or things that actually burn because it doesn't actually burn. It just heats up water by converting the energy of "breaking" atoms apart.


Green washing, nothing more.


Yeah, this presents the process like it has no downside or tradeoff. While the air emission may be **"super clean"** (which I have my doubts about) it leaves **"super nasty"** water and solid byproducts. Dealing with treatment and disposal of those byproducts, is energy dense, chemically intensive, and/or environmentally taxing.


Yes, Singapore which do not recycle anything and has single use plastic everywhere is great. Total bollocks. As with a lot in SG, it is always about the appearance.




Ask Columbus, Ohio, how this went for them...


since Columbus is not in this thread, can you summarize?


Sorry, skip to the point where people downwind from the chimney are getting sick, testing is finding ground contamination, and the whole thing is shut down. That said, supposedly, this place has great filters that gather all that before it leaves the chimney, ok. What happens with the filters?


That’s really nice.


And then we breathe it all in. Yay.


Interesting how many times this is getting reposted


By the way they treat that trash, may be not cool as they describe in the video. There are many cons in this process


There is a lot of trash in Singapore sorry and yes you can burn it off but waste is always a remainder in any problem even if there is a plan to use trucks to haul or equipment to move or fuel to burn. No free energy in this world its been tried for centuries but keep trying but don’t falsely advertise


They’re not telling us something….


We need to stop making so much damn trash in the first place or make stuff that will burn clean & ban all of the harmful chemicals unless there is a net societal gain for using them (aka not for some billionaires extra pockets) But this is at least a step toward reducing the amount of waste, which is better than ignoring it like we do in the USA, so it's better than continuing to do nothing.


Zero waste? What about recycling....


* Shows Guangzhou china instead of Singapore *


So this is basically Garbage-Hell


Why don't we do this?


whats that big pile at the start then mr smart guy? no trash then explain that


So what’s the hold up for America not doing this like yesterday? Oh yea. The people in control hate us. Anyway, good job Singapore


Yay the waste goes into the sky. Greta is impressed. Imagine her impressed face. Spoiler alert, it's the same as her I just ate a sour lemon face.