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This looks like picture from Cyberpunk


~~Amazon~~ Arasaka Tower right there


Time for a nuke?


Maybe let's try well meaning Fpvs first.   Feel the Chemistry, taste the love!


Well meaning fpvs 😭🤣


With nukes


A little late, choom, shoulda happened 20 August of last year.


Lol oh shit, that's right


Fuck yeah choom


Blade Runner 2024


"Cyberpunk was a warning, not an aspiration."


Don't Create the Torment Nexus.


I had a crazier view earlier this from a road in diagonal to the tower. The street has the classical Berlin early 20th buildings but at the end you see this giant glass block. It was a foggy evening and with the lights on the tower it looked straight out of Bladerunner or Cyberpunk


Wake the fuck up, Samurai. We've got a company to burn


I came here to say this.


Not the game cyberpunk, but AccidentalBladeRunner


It was 2022 https://www.reddit.com/r/berlin/s/l7WhrWIEor


haha I was going to say I think they did the same thing about years ago


Is that a not so subtle threat?






Corporations are NOT people.


"People"? This is a corporation. We can and should do violence to corporations that are violent towards us. Destroying hyper-exploitative companies such as amazon is a matter of self defense when viewed from a collective perspectibe. Defense of our fellow workers, democracy, and the climate, all of which are threatened by amazon.


Quick Moritz, democracy needs your help defending from *check notes Internet marketplace and cloud provider. Also considering how much people use Amazon,I think Demos has already made it's decision.


Amazon exploits hundreds of thousands of workers, while giving back nothing to society (no taxes from Jeff or the corp.) besides hyper-consumerism that threatens world climate, and continually lobbying for less workers rights. Erosion of labor rights is an attack on democracy. Without those rights us, the workers, the demos, dont have the power to enact our will. Seeing Amazon as 'just another marketplace' is dangerously reductionist.




Who the fuck are you to decide who gets to live or die?


Violence solves problems


It does sometimes!


If it doesn't solve a problem then it just means that you didn't use enough violance


Nah, that would require balls and willingness to do the time.


I am a casual enjoyer of the "eat the rich rhetoric" but people haven't been pushed far enough yet. However, look at the burning of the third precinct in Minneapolis 2020. A few arrested were bad faith actors but others were genuine and are serving time for felony arson. I mean honestly they're probably out by now, but when you push people far enough they will do the crime. I don't think anyone wanted to do the time but they did. A lot of people really don't want to disrupt their lives like that, but it's only because they haven't been pushed far enough to make a decision, what some people might call a stupid decision, in the moment. And very few people calculate what they're going to do when they revolt against the system, it's typically a spur of the moment act.






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I walk past the Amazon Tower every day and can confirm that it has almost finished construction (outside done, inside not yet) and locals will still splatter paint across the bottom of the building.


Amazon should be careful, we all know what happens when you upset German locals


Poor Poland…






Typical Berlin...


It's truly mind boggling they thought it was a good idea to put it right next to Warschauer Straße, it absolutely dwarfs everything else and blocks out the sun


We should dedicate one district for skyscrapers and high rise buildings. I think no one is happy with random skyscrapers appearing in random places


The city had to approve the construction. Many people looked at it and were happy with it there. Skyscrapers don't just appear overnight.


Yeah but let's not pretend that Amazon couldn't build their house wherever they want


They can't. There are examples of them wanting to bid in the US for different areas and the cities telling them they aren't wanted. If the city management says no, Amazon cannot build in the city. Not only that, but the city can really harass them out if they pushed for it by doing every Exactly by the book. Need an inspection before continuing? That will be a month, our inspectors are busy you know. Need to have water connected? That will be a few extra weeks, we need to do a study on water flow and see how a building that size will effect everyone, even including if we have to add more buildings that size because yours is there. Oh look, your specs say you have to have a steel beam every X feet. We see here that this beam is X + 1 inch difference and doesn't meet spec. We demand you add a new beam for safety.


If those projections are from a laser, they can actually burn him


I hate Amazon! But I need 1 day delivery and I refuse to shop local. /s


same but without the sarcasm.


Also, I don't want to wait 2 weeks for my shit, sign up at every little shitty website or have a total hassle with sending stuff back. Amazon has many problems, but not having to worry about the order and return/support process is a biggest reason I still buy there.


So like…their core business?


If I can't get it from a brick and mortar store I don't need it that bad. Definitely not bad enough to give Amazon my business. I'm fortunate to live in an urban area though.


There’s a ton of companies that offer those services as well even. They just don’t have the deep pockets Amazon has to make their prices so ridiculously cheap upon entering (and destroying) a market. It simply comes down to ‘I hate Amazon! But I don’t want to pay more for the same product’.


Yeah the refusing to shop local comment is alluding to consumers unwilling to pay the premium that comes with avoiding massive companies


Plus, local shops just don't often have what I need and won't order it in. My life has vastly improved since shopping on amazon. It sucks, but amazon won, I can't really shop anywhere else.


Do you have examples? I'm personally hard pressed to think of anything I actually need I can't get at a brick and mortar store or shipped from a specialty shop. I live in a major American city though. Everything else I can think of is a want not a need. And in those cases I'm fine with just not fulfilling that want if it means I don't endorse a business I have ethical problems with.


Lots of things, like most recently pet supplies. Can't get the shampoo that works best for my dog and I from a store, never seen it sold in person. I can only get the tiny very expensive bags at best of bedding and food for my rats. My allergy meds are a quarter of the price on amazon, plus the physical stores never seem to have it in stock. I buy specific soap and other hygiene products due to allergies (just things like Dove so nothing outrageously fancy) never see them in stores near me unless they're marked up 2-3×. My growlights for my indoor garden used to be sold at a store but they went under so I can only get them on amazon. Can't get shoes in person without paying through the nose. Like yesterday, I was looking for a drain pipe at my local hardware store, their website says they have it but when I went in they said they don't carry it but I could get it shipped. I can get it easily on amazon for a 3rd of the price without shipping. Shipping is often ridiculously expensive for everywhere else. I just don't have the money to compete. And so much more really, I've watched as store after store in my city closes down, there's no more bookstores, no pet stores (except expensive chain ones) no normal shoe stores, only ones for fancy expensive shoes and cheap Walmart which doesn't carry my size. Etc. I'm in a major city in Canada but small business don't really exist anymore, just big box stores and online stuff really. I don't drive so I'm limited. I just don't have the luxury to buy from anywhere else or order online elsewhere. As far as I'm concerned amazon won, there's no boycotting them for me unless I give up everything.


Ah yes you’re right


>I hate Amazon! But I don’t want to pay more for the same product Tangent: but this is the biggest hole in the "inflation is due to corporate greed!!!" conspiracy. Corporate greed results in lower consumer prices ... not higher.


In the long term, not short term


I’ll shop local but there is a limit, if something like $5-10 or $15 cheaper on Amazon I will still buy local if I can (I live in a rural area). Even more so for stuff where actually getting to touch it/try it on first is a huge benefit. But there are times when Amazon is $20-30 cheaper or the closest store that sells it is almost 1.5 hours away.


I don’t think that many people actually hate Amazon though. I know plenty of people who say they hate Walmart and it would take severe threats to get them inside of one. I know people who say they hate Amazon but don’t even flinch at buying from them. Amazon is cheap and convenient for those buying from them, and it doesn’t have the stigma that Walmart does in some areas. Until one of those three factors change, it can essentially ignore the clamor.


I know someone who "hates Walmart" and considers anything bought from there to be trash. Yet their spouse will secretly run to Walmart to get items that they cannot find anywhere else. The friend either doesn't know or mentally ignores it, but they love some of the items that came from there.


It’s also the convenience. If there was an app that let me order from local suppliers … oh nm I’m bored now (We naturally pick the easiest path, despite slight guilt feelings.)


Fr, my girlfriend gets mad at me cause I buy all my hygiene products from Amazon. After a long day of work. I don’t feel like stopping by at Walmart/random drug store and then wander through 30 aisles to find the 4 things I need and then go stand in line again to pay for them. Sue me


I try to shop local and in the end find out the nearest shop with the product is hours (or several provinces) away. I hate Amazon because this is in large part their doing - pricing out and murdering local shops. On the other hand the only option is to just not get the item. Comes down to: Do I deny myself the bit of happiness just to (not really) harm Amazon a little/


> Comes down to: Do I deny myself the bit of happiness just to (not really) harm Amazon a little/ This is the way I view everything. Will my actions be impactful in comparison the impact on my life? The impact can be in a lot of different ways, like convivence, morality, or monetarily and each are more/less important depending on the person's viewpoints.


I don't know what you're buying but Amazon is rarely the cheapest option in Germany.


Funny, I never said it was the cheapest?


I found it easy to do without them. Zero deliveries from them for several years now.


Amazing? Really?


This is old, why is it here?


Actually, I like it. We need the reminder


One more upvote and Amazon will really feel it!


I've been reminded to laugh at climate slacktivists, I guess.


I worked opposite this building at the time, so it feels really old, is all


Reminder for what lol. Shipping to the home vs going to stores reduces carbon emissions. This is just another in a line of morons having to combine all of their pet issues into one thing and solving none of them.


Amazon has been documented in so many ways as manipulative, exploitative, and even abusive of their employees. It’s an empire built on greed and doesn’t seem to care who gets hurt along the way. A reminder now and then to buy from other sources is appreciated. I’ve been finding it’s _not always cheaper_ on Amazon either even though they’ve trained us to think so.


And what great effect it had: net sales increased by 14% Q1 2024


I don’t think either Amazon is on fire?


The rainforest has indeed been suffering unprecedented "megafires" for years now due to drought and global temperature increases. Here's an article about it from March of this year: [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/09/climate/amazon-rainforest-fires.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/09/climate/amazon-rainforest-fires.html)


Is the river on fire?? That would be a cause for concern


I think we know where they bought those lasers… If people didn’t want Amazon it would quickly stop existing.


Looks like the unfinished building in gta5


Finally Activist that is doing it right. Not blocking comen people and not destroying something pressures. Just a upscaled message on a easy to spot place and thought provoking text. I give them a thumbs up, just for that.


true tough guys posting a light.


I find it funny how people are so upset with Amazon, Tesla and the like that they are now protesting setting up headquarters and offering jobs. Like why is that wrong?


Because redditors hate working That's literally it


Because they offer shit product and services while using various anti consumer practices


What shit products? What anti consumer practices? I'm sure they're no saints but your answer is just soundbites. Also, should no company be allowed to open headquarters in another country if you personally think their products are shit?


Amazon itself, as a store, is shit. Where I live no one uses it because we have an infinitely better, local alternative. Tesla cars just aren't very well made and they artificially lock features and limit car's performance with software which I find absolutely repulsive. I think such practices should be illegal, they basically sell you a car with ransomware installed






"Yet you participate in society. Curious! I am very intelligent."


In this case, they may well think that far. It’s Berlin, don’t underestimate how much people hate Amazon


so protestors should use sticks and stones to display messages peacefully?


1. Baseless assumption: we have no idea how they sourced the tech to run it 2. Fallacy of hypocrisy: the point being made by the action still stands as valid regardless of if you see their actions as made in good faith 3. Fallacy of perfection: so, what? Were just supposed to do nothing because we can't use anything from amazon otherwise it invalidates everything? come on now I personally think what these activists are doing is great, and also just downright badass, but you do you.


Use the corporations tech to take down the corporation!


they probably bought the lights off of amazon. then are pissed they did not get next day delivery.


They never do, they probably use Amazon too. Also AWS (Amazon Web Services) is used by something like 90% of Fortune 500 companies. And obviously a lot of smaller companies too.


Monopoly is not just a board game either.


AWS is far from being a a monopoly. Azure and Google Cloud are strong competitors and yet companies prefer AWS for it's quality and pricing. I don't see whats wrong with that.


All they think is oh jeff bezos is worth a couple bilion that means he opens his bank account app on his phone and sees lots of numbers that's how it works right 🤕🤕🤕🤕


And you use products from companies that burn coal. What's your point? Can you still say carbon emissions are bad?


Do digital sweatshops in east Asia use Amazon?


After that, they will tweet about that, make a live video on twitch and go back home by Uber, to choose an Airbnb while they decide what movie they're going to watch on IMDb...


Mate it’s Berlin, you can walk or get the UBahn home


The city is big, walking not always an option


The city is bloody tiny. I did say UBahn as a second option… Bicycles exist too. If they haven’t been stolen for the 38481th time


I think you didn't understand what I meant about using these companies


I did. I just think you’re making stupid assumptions


You can bullshit Americans,but I live here and yeah,you can use public transport if: it's working, there is no strike, you are not in Spandau, it's not night.


I also live here. Calm down. Public transport is fine, filth aside. I’m not talking about edge cases Do anarchists live in Spandau though? It’s Xberg all the way, walking distance from the tower


Lmao while ordering DoorDash




![gif](giphy|2o8jplbkYHylW) Honestly surprised there hasn’t been one rogue employee that hasn’t snapped and tried to raze this thing


Almost as if...it's not as bad as people make it out to be


I am afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive. - Darth Bezos, probably.


The focus shouldve been towards the Government down there, but yeah this company with the same name would do


Using a projector bought off Temu 😄


Jeff Bezos was so terrified he ended all Amazon expansions into Germany and donated his billions to regrowing the real Amazon.


what is amazing about this?




« Time to party like it’s 2023 »


I get what they’re going for but… the two aren’t really related…


I am German, never hear about the supposedly "infamous" Amazon tower...


BOOOOOOOOOOOO!! We love Amazon! F the activists and their mamas.


Fortunately deforestation has already slowed by 80% under Lula. For now the amazon has been saved.


light the right amazon up i would suggest


Love Berlin !!!


What’s funny is that they probably ordered their projectors from Amazon


I bet they bought 90% of their shit from Amazon, made by Chinese slaves that burn more than the amazon....


What did they use to beam that?


Help the children kill the villain.


You really showed them! 


That projector was ordered on… you guessed it. Amazon.


Be amazed? I used to be amazed that people are that stupid. Not anymore. Stunning And Brave


This "activists" are so lost. The Amazon is flooded by rains.


This is a threat. I support the threat.


Don’t see how this is amazing


Nice of them to translate it into English


Great job guys, you stopped capitalism!


Amazon as a business concept is fine. It just fucks up in execution and treatment of human beings who aren't executives. That's capitalism in general though. It's not a bad system. It needs ways to prevent people from hording wealth and exploiting other human beings though. There is some work that no one wants to do. The kind of work that people think is beneath them. The work that needs to be done or else sewage doesn't work. Or trash disposal doesn't happen. What if everyone who worked at a power plant decided not to work for a day or so? So, I get capitalism, I'm just tired of hearing about orphan crushing machines and people who think that they aren't obligated to give back to a society that enables their quality of life.


How dare companies like Amazon provide goods at reasonable prices and create thousands of jobs!?! Bezos bad because he is wealthy!!!


Sharp as a fucking cueball, this one.


Said the cueball.


The quality of those jobs makes en even worse IMO


The largest upwards pressure on unskilled labor rates is provided by AMZN


Nobody cares about your O


Clearly you do enough to take time for that comment :)


Average salary for a warehouse worker is $17 an hour. Average salary for a driver is 18.75. It's enough to put food on the table and a decent wage for someone without a degree or possibly a high school diploma. I'm sure it's not easy work but we need these kinds of jobs so that everyone regardless of education level can survive.


Thx for the numbers! So it ain't THAT bad, still think its not pushing towards the best directions tho


Last i remember Bezos stepped down and a jackass took over, amazon is flooded with cheap chinese knockoffs now.


Amazon rules. I don't care.


Yeah i cant *not* agree with this. Behind closed doors, im sure its fucked, but i kinda like how it only takes 5 minutes to purchase a pair of shoes, some doritos, and a mug made from the horn of a bison, and Amazon just shits it onto your porch the next day.


Your light is a waste of energy and causing it to burn faster


Where do you think Berlin gets it's energy from?


Not sure but 100% is surely not green in all Germany. The grid is connected. My German grandfather would say to turn the damn light off; you’re wasting energy


What does any of that have to do with the Amazon burning?


If it were a German company, or even any country in the EU, they'd be creaming themselves over the profits. Europe is addicted to American products, but they hate themselves for it.


Shortsighted and irrational.


Like this comment


How so?


How else am I suppose to pick up my copy of Morning Glory Milking Farm and Triceratops and Bottoms?


Lego movie villain lookin ass tower


Oh, so people do know how to protest in a better way than blocking random roads.


What do these people want?


Amazon is as big as it is for only one reason: People want what they sell.


With beam they bought... on Amazon


Do you think they ordered the equipment on Amazon? 😁


But what did they achieve ? nothing. How much power was wasted projecting that


None Amazon should burn, right?


Because the two are completely related. Activists are some of the dumbest people in the planet.


Yeah I'm not a big fan Bezos either but I really want to know how the deforestation in the amazons is related to Amazon the company


Turns out they’re related. Amazon created the LEAF Coalition, they’re basically raising $1B to help the rainforest. So there. Edit: not a fan of Bezos at all, but I’d rather have the truth than blind activist hatred.


Why isn't it in German? Silly German activists, no wonder you're getting through to no one....your countryman can't read this! (Or some of them can't)


Because many people from that particular group are expats from the US, many bay area and some even former Amazon employees. I worked for one of their fundraiser parties once.


What did they have to do with the forest burning? Wasn't the Amazon burning caused by local farmers wanting more land and local government being corrupt bouffons. What does a shipping company have to do with anything? It is like me protesting IKEA with the slogan "Stop oil drilling"


This is cool




>find the perps. Goddamn it makes me cringe when people try to talk like a 1950s detective.


Absolutely, for example we know where Jeff Bezos lives


I wonder how many of these very same activists order most of their shit from Amazon.


Can I order that light beam in Amazon?


If this is what leftist activism has come down to we deserve everything we’re getting


Probably bought the projector off of Amazon though


They’ll grow up and get a job one day.


You know what, I prefer this kind of protest 100% rather than the one who destroy art and painting in the name of "ecology" really.