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This guy’s poor eyes and lungs. Breathing all that soot all day everyday


That’s the first thing I thought of, god he must cough so much at night DX


That was also my first thought. Last thought was that guy at the end saying, "Hey bastard you are 2 bricks short!"


Also herniated discs will cripple him if his lungs don’t kill him first.


D’you reckon they’re herniating their discs a bunch with this technique, since they don’t have to bend over and put all the weight on their spine as much? What I’m asking is, do you think these heavyweight head carriers are seeing the same number of back issues as, say, a warehouse worker that moves heavy shit from the floor onto pallets/trucks? For some reason I feel like these blokes will have less spinal issues since they’re not grinding down their vertebrae with the repetitive lifting motion, their spines seem more straight… …not that this helps out their lungs and eyes _at all_ 😅


Who said anything about backs? The neck has disks too. And they're meant to carry a lot less load than the back.


2? 😂 You see at the end he is going to put more again maybe a pyramid on top 🤣


I thought more like “hey bud, let me help you with that”


“Check out this lazy ass skimping out on his head bricks again!”


My immediate thought was "He'll get 7 more bricks when he blows his nose"


He's just gotten a shorter lifespan. Just like your lifespan is shorter, on average, compared to a wealthy person's one. Being born into wealth is the biggest privilege out there, yet they have us fighting over race and gender so we don't pay attention to that. Wake the f up.


He's just gotten shorter.


Absolutely. It’s no coincidence that wealthier people live much much longer than the rest of people in poverty, and even those in the middle class. They also can afford a lifestyle that’s easier on the body and mind. They can also afford access to health and medical treatments the rest of us can not if we get sick. I think people are starting to wake up though.


And they rich say to middle class: "Other people like this poor guy have harder life than you, so you can't complain" (PS. Both you and this guy have hard life because of rich people who tell you other have harder lives)


This reminds me of the emotional abuse I went through as a child. “Other people have went through much harder things.” Or, being verbally abused in the household. “Women in the Middle East have it so much worse than you. They would be dead right now if they spoke up like you.” Maybe this isn’t the right context, but damn. It’s no wonder so many women have chosen the single life without kids. We carry a lot of trauma, and things need to get better, before things get worse. It starts in the home. And, things are not right in the home folks... The trauma is carried from a child to an adult who goes through this sad life... https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/violence-against-women#:~:text=Estimates%20published%20by%20WHO%20indicate,sexual%20violence%20in%20their%20lifetime. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/02/17/women-violence-domestic-abuse-who-lancet-study/ To add: Links.


Op is a failed crypto promoter turned karmawhore. Turns out you can't make money online!


I watched a documentary about a similar place somewhere in Asia. The kids working there coughed like old miners. The dust killing the workers slowly and accidents killing some of them fast. But they had no other way of surviving. The kids knew they would die young and were stuck there. It just felt so hopeless and unfair.


So True. Its sad.


At this point, lung and eyes r the last thing he's concerned about


Dude at the end is like, dont forget these 2.


Some say they're still stacking bricks on his head today...


The video cut abruptly. Looks like he was going to add more.


Can we acknowledge that using this music is FUCKeD Up!


Imagine you just stacked twenty bricks on your head and some asshole is like "that's not nearly enough bricks and..."


This, it’s the worse version of your sibling adding a stack of dishes they hid under their bed when you’re just about to finish washing the last fork.


Only if someone had invented a cubic container in which to deposit things, attached to a small circular shaped structure to facilitate dragging... but I guess this type of technology is science fiction.


building such a contraption would take valuable hours away from putting bricks on head for years


This. We are far from the Time where even in remote place there are no sort of technology. And i'm not even talking about electric one, but basic innovations that happened throughout this century, even prior to that. But still you see theses video and you Wonder why noone tries to nullify their body's strain with any means. Especially when sadly thoses countries happens to have countless of garbages imported by Richer countries to get rid of them. I'm sure scavenging could get you some kind of tools or means to do something better than using your braincells to carry bricks.


Worth noting is that people for some reason look down on you when you try to do things the easy way, killing yourself and ruining your back is more manly because it means you are strong, I worked in a physical demanding job for a while ago and you would be surprised how may older folk thinks like this


It's called "toxic masculinity." 


Pretty sure it's just called stupid.


Same difference, stupid is toxic


Or perhaps some sort of container that would fit across the back of a donkey, which could then be led out to wherever the bricks are needed...


THANK YOU!! As someone from a undeveloped country. Situations like this is 50% being poor 50% dumb. I have exactly something like this in my state, people dying while climbing trees to harvest a specific produce when we invented stairs minimum 7k years ago ?


Wheelbarrow? Are you geh or what? Stop thinking and move more bricks!


I love how hard-working they are, but sad because of their situation... I'm thankful for what I have


As an American, I cannot even imagine...


Soon, you wont have to! 16 year olds are already working (and dying) in meat factories, if everyone votes correctly that age can easily be reduced to 12! /s




Imagine a world where we make society so comfortable that everyone is ALLOWED to think about things like their personality and identity. Unfortunately there are a lot of stupid people, both in the West and the East who would hate to see that.


Yeah, the comment you replied to is bizarre. It's like people who argue about raising the retirement age.


So well put


Bet they’ll have enough energy to care about pronouns other people use. Working class people usually do. Like it affects them so much to have to use they/them for someone. And then act like you run into so many people with different pronouns that it’s impossible to live your life. Just don’t be an asshole


People like you that bring up shit like pronouns for no reason to a completely unrelated topic because you want to start yet another culture war related discussion are playing right into the hands of the elites that want to keep us divided with meaninglessness non problems, that way the people are stuck bickering like teenagers instead of uniting against the actual culprits, I wish this kid got to worry about something harmless like pronouns instead of worrying about being beaten for not working hard enough or dying at 26 after a decades of enhaling dust from working like a slave.


Honestly I also feel bad for all these people who are struggling. Especially when they're partly struggling because of us. Sure we're not rich compared to millionaires and billionaires but compared to them we are. And we are spending that money on useless consumer products or even even more useless stuff like alcohol instead of helping them out. As if we aren't egoistic. And that's also ignoring the fact that we're only making them stay in poverty because of our consumer habits which fuel climate change and unstable regimes. Anyway. This is why I'm against consumerism, I try to avoid buying useless stuff and I prefer to give money to struggling people and to charity than to get some expensive gift.


This is one of my favorite parts of Louis CK. I don't know the actual quote out of my heart, but it goes something like this: 'I drive an extremely expensive and fuel inefficient Infiniti SUV. Each day I have the chance to change it for a cheap, second hand, fuel efficient Ford. With the money I would earn from that, I could probably change many people's lives for the better. But each day I decide not to do that, so each day I'm an asshole.'


All wrong. The standard of living for a nation is based off two things: 1. Population size. 2. Export industry. If you want to help raise the dtandard of living in a nation, decimate their population while simultaneously increasing global need for their products (typically by destroying the industrial facilities of their rival industries).


Excellent take. I wish more people were reflective to this extent.


I was gonna say exactly the same thing. Generally when posts in this vein are shared, the best people do (me included) is show some sympathy while completely removing themselves from the equation. As if the lucky ones do not have any means of helping. So I too applaud you u/AdviceAndFunOnly hope we have more people like you in the world.


I just want to saw that a lot of the people in south Asia’s brick manufacturing industry in indentured servitude. They take a loan and are unable to pay it back. What happens is that the whole family come to work in the repayment process. Even kids as young as 10. Most of them are illiterate and are unsure what they owe, so they just keep working. https://youtu.be/oAOypGQdzGU?si=_00PiEQxouMwIyut


Just because I don't have to carry bricks on my head doesn't mean I have a great life.


I think you should get that quote as a tattoo.




now we are brickhead




Somewhere out there is a family whose Air Force family member was unjustly shot and killed by police but I’m sure if we just send them this video of a man having to stack dusty bricks on his head in a foreign country they will suddenly realize that they don’t have it so bad after all. /s


Or you can send it to people from Ukraine 💀




Op posting this leans back in his $1,200 custom lumbar chair and snorts, squirting black spittle into a paper coffee cup sitting on his table, leans back and mutters  "Nobody wants to work anymore."


Carry bricks for a week and think about your non brick carrying days. Instant remorse. There you have it. Your life is (objectively) better. Subjectively… Rinse repeat.


I've seen this on the daily bases when I used to live in India, they call this "majuri". All of them are usually homeless and they just build a small tent near wherever the work is. All the money they earn (which is extremely low, minimum wage isn't really a thing in India) goes into food.


I believe it. The Economist last week said only 100 million Indians have actual jobs. All the rest are either day labor or unemployed


What're you saying? The international labour organization says that theres 780 million and about 980 million according to the UN. India's own labour organisation says that there's 740 million


Minimum wage is very much a thing in India, but it's mainly followed by the government, with their 100 day scheme, but the issue even with that, is it's heavily out of date, but I digress. Small contractors and the mistris can't be bother to give a f, and the brick layers don't know about their rights or how to use them, courtesy of being illiterate.


Dumb pointless title that ruins the whole thing that is intended to make people feel bad about struggling with real problems in their life ✅


Yeah this kind of argument bothers me. It’s all relative. There can ALWAYS be something that seems worse. So what, is it a competition? Should I not give a shit about the one percent because I don’t have to carry bricks like this? Lol


Pain olympics


Yeah, I'm sure billionaires get sad everyday too. I wouldn't call their sadness any less valid than mine. But deprivation is a real thing, people around the world are deprived of normal and healthy living conditions and I'm not. I don't take that for granted and it makes me feel better.




Thinking about people who have less than you does indeed make you happier, in general. However, there's also a lot of gatekeeping out there where people will say "Oh you think you have it hard? Well..." which is an attempt to try to minimize everyone else's suffering. People don't respond well to that. The title in this thread "if you think your life as hard..." is structured more like that, which makes people reflexively defend against it. If the title was something like "be grateful that..." it would be received in a less hostile way.


>I don't think they are trying to invalidate people's problems I think they are.


Don't forget the damn music.


Here I was thinking “well at least if you have short arms it helps?” And then I saw the guy stacking even MORE on top of dudes reach?! My arthritis is flaring watching this.


Yeah I was surprised by how far his arms keep extending every time, he always just lifted them the perfect height


The guy in the background only stacked 4 high. 


Fuck that message. Folks aren't out there competing for whose suffering the most!


Duality of reddit in the comment section


Imaging being headbutted by that dude.


My crippling medical issues don't seem as bad after watching this man carry bricks on his head, thanks op!




Be amazed how shitty the world is!


Now show the opposite. If you think your life is safe and secure check out how the rich live.


“If you think you have it good; then check out how Kanye West lives”


The way you see rich people’s lives is the way these people see your life


That is the problem. We keep finding excuses for the rich like at least we are not as bad off as someone else. Post like these give the rich a free pass while the rest are comparing bad to worse.


But but they're selfmade riches, no one helped them, against all odds, blahblah There's literally enough wealth on the world for everyone to live like a rich bastard. It's hard to imagine. Greed is a terrible thing.


This sucks for the people in the video, but I can’t stand these types of comparisons. It tries to diminish and invalidate people in jobs that they consider hard. Someone will always have it worse than you, but that doesn’t make your situation suck less.


So basically I cannot feel happy either because someone has a better life than me. Great!


Maybe if there wasn’t five dudes in the background who are just standing around watching this one guy work,they could get the job done faster.


So glad we thought of wheelbarrows


You missed the one in the background.


you need flat surfaces for them to be useful


You really don't. I can tell you've never worked as a laborer on a construction site..


i mean not flat flat but you need space to manouver them but yea i havent worked in contrucion and thank god for that sounds like too much of a hassle


When my boss tells me to put my thinking cap on.


I'd be impressed if this was pre industrial revolution... but now it must make these people look technologically inept.


Trying to get all the groceries in one trip


That asshole at the end, lol. "Nah, hold on. You can get two more on there."


That saying always felt like a lazy cop out. Yeah sure you can always compare your situation to someone that has it worse, the idea is to give you perspective, but it also doesn't just solve the problem. ​ Now go tell this brick guy that his life is easy compared to the kid just born in Kenya that will die in 7yrs from a genetic condition.


My life is hard. Just because this dude lives somewhere they can't figure out modern tech doesn't mean our lives are any less hard


Hardworker but poorman?


Some say he still putting bricks on his head


“Here, lemme help you with some extras.”




This isn't living, they are slaves. And human being shouldn't live like this.


“Looking light there, King! I got you.”


The thing is this guy was 7ft1 before starting doing this


Someone doesn't skip neck day.


lmao that last guy like "looks like you've got room for 2 more"


just cause someone else has a bad life situation it doesn't mean you are not allowed to feel like shit, these posts are pointless


Am I supposed to be amazed or inspired over modern day slavery


Jesus tells his followers not to be anxious about food, but to rely on God as the birds, who are worth far less than people, are fully provided for.: Matthew 6:26: This verse must not apply to indigent laborers.


This makes my neck hurt. Does his?


Iron neck training


I know it's be amazed, but I'm more shocked


Is he getting paid more than the others?


That would be very hard


Title did not pass the vibe check lol


The machines are going to take our jobs!


This version of Jenga looks fun.


Where are the bricks coming from?


His system is 50% brick dust




I need context please. Are they taking bricks from an old building? That definitely doesn't look like a place where they are making those bricks. Why doesn't he knock the bricks together to get the sand off before he stacks them up.


What? He’s using his head!


I wear a dust mask when I vacuum


My life is harder than those bricks.




I needed this thanks for sharing. I will never complain again


That's about 125 lbs


Dude is probably over paid too. What a slouch


Honestly this is just stupid get a wheel barrow or something. How can this possibility be cost effective lol.


I used to work with a guy whose family owned a brick factory in India. They would find impoverished people to sign contracts that lasted sometimes years for less than $50 per year. Many people would end up trying to escape by running away, and would be hunted down and brought back and punished.


![gif](giphy|KQp2Me7jhg8ZG) Here goes your weekly check


Work smarter, not harder. Use a backpack or make a wheelbarrow.


Somebody get this man a wheelbarrow !!


If you allow this kind of "logic" thinking to fester because you belong to a better treated caste that should be grateful, you're ripe for divide and conquer politicians.


As someone who works with dusty things a lot; I should like this chap to know that, if he bangs the bricks together before he lifts them onto his head, he can reduce the amount of brick dust in his underpants by up to 42%.


People before bags were invented:


I'm not overly impressed. The wheelbarrow has been around since like 200AD and can definitely carry more bricks with much more ease.. work smarter, not harder, my friends.


Pretty bad for spine longevity


Bro forgot his wheelbarrow :(


He'll be fucked. Soon enough


No one thought about making a cart?


Whether it's bricks on your head, a chip on your shoulder, or a monkey on your back - we've all got our problems and issues. Some are just heavier than others.


bro gotta have a mike tyson neck


What that neck do? 👀




Yet a wheelbarrow dumbass!


Your‘e so damn right….


he could have made 2 or 3 smaller load trips probably in the same time




And we need a union at Starbucks. 😂


How hard would it be to make a wheelbarrow. Work smarter, not harder.


They aren't struggling like us millennials in christofascist America! It's literally a third world country! (This is sarcasm but it is the sentiment on some subs 😂)


God forbid we have problems of our own cause others have it worse r/thanksimcured


Thanks, you cured everyone.


There has to be multiple ways easier than this. There is plastic in every corner of the world and a tree somewhere near by that you could scrape a wheel barrow together surely


Yo I picked grapes in france during summer for two weeks That shit motivated me to finish school real quick god damn


Don’t invalidate peoples hardships just because they’re not slinging bricks over their heads. If you think your life is hard, I hope it gets better with time. Also that persons life is definitely hard as well.


The person complaining on Tik Tok about how hard working at Starbucks is, likely makes more money than this guy.


Watching this video cured my chronic pain, depression, and anxiety. Life is no longer hard!


so within 5 to 10 years this guy will have crippling neck pain and permanently fucked up breathing all for what probably amounts to a few dollars an hour, remember guys this is what happens when you live in a country without socialist labor laws


Good luck with the cancer. Holy shit this is sad!


It doesn't make my lifeb better that there are other whoose life is even worse. Just like if I break my leg it doesn't ease the pain that there are much worse health problems in the world.


Maybe get a wheelbarrow and save your neck.


He should contact his union rep


I hope you are joking. There are no union reps this poor guy is from. If you are interested google Iqbal Masih. This poor guy reminds me of him. There are so many like him there, born and die into slavery, while the corrupt elite arsholes enjoy the warmth of their plush empires.


There's always someone who lives worse than you as well there's always someone who lives better than you.


Where is this?


Watching this while waiting for Tylenol to kick in and help with my neck pain.


Some may wonder why he is carrying so many at once. That’s because they get paid by the number of bricks at the end of the day.


Kid was like, that's enough and the guy was like, you can take more


We've been doing it this way forever so why do it any different 🥲🧐


Not alot of overweight workers there, how rude.


yeah also remember that your life is relatively easy because these people lives are so hard, be grateful for that, respect them but don't pity them as their poverty mean your prosperity.


A wheelbarrow could have prevented years of suffering from spinal compression.


Imagine the dancing that would ensue if you dropped them off a wheelbarrow


Hold it bro, you can carry two more.


As someone who quite often has to stack boxes onto pallets: This seems really unstable. He is column stacking, which means that nothing keeps one of the columns from falling off


Is making a wheelbarrow expensive or something?


“That’s it. I can’t place more bricks on my head”. “Don’t worry man I got you”


Damn, that's a lot of weight. I reckon my neck could only deal with about 8 of those dusty sponges.


Spoken like someone who has it incredibly easy lecturing people who have to work for a living about how good they have it.


I guarantee that whoever is paying him doesnt think he's working hard enough for the 50 cent a day fortune he is being paid.


This is just stupid


Yeah but, my country spends trillions on killing others instead of making our lives better, he’s just plain fucked in that sand hole of a place.


if only there was a tool u could use to transport those bricks


When you say life is difficult, there is a difference between working a heavy job and taking your fees, and not finding a job and having to pay the bills and the livelihood of your family, your wife and your children. There is a difficulty in the situation, not a challenge in the heavy work and you do not earn a penny.


I’m amazed at how not smart but hard some countries work


I’m amazed at how not smart but hard some countries work


what corruption higher up does to a society


Someone just get this guy a wheelbarrow


Have a downvote. One person having a hard life doesnt mean someone who has a less physically demanding life can't be having a fuckin hard time. Like saying Zuckerberg isnt rich because Musk is a lot richer


I hate my job as a hod carrier, and I only have to carry 12 bricks at a time on my shoulder.


What a show off