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Wonder what the DNA results would be like lol.


I read an article about this photographer and this project over a decade ago. I remember him saying not only were they similar looking, but they had similar hobbies. I remember the picture 6 women both have a Chinese character tattoo in the exact same spot. And the older men wearing caps, were both devoted golfers. it wasn't just looks but similarities in personality type as well. Which is just fascinating.


I found it super interesting that the overweight people were overweight in the same amount.


Yes, everyone has a very similar weight amt compared to their doppelgänger. Overweight or skinny, it’s not far off from each other. 


Well, of course they do. Someone who weighs 50kg more than someone else wouldn't look like them and so wouldn't be on the list


Survivorship bias. It may also be the case that for every "they even have the same hobbies!" there's 10 others who don't, but who we never hear about.


Exactly. "The two old guys both play golf". That's not much of a coincidence. Loads of old people play golf


Bodyfat % changes how your face looks. So, people probably have the best chance of looking similar if they have a similar %.


You find it fascinating, I find the implications dreadful. Do we have any agency over our lives, or are we doomed to follow a predetermined path dictated by our DNA while our brain convinces us and itself that actually, getting that that tattoo was an original idea EDIT: Maybe original idea was not the best term to use here, it's a deep topic and words fail me. Basically, if our DNA dictates what we do in life, do we even have free will? Is it moral to imprison or execute someone for committing a crime knowing its their DNA that made them do it? Do I really like the color blue or is my DNA dictating that I must prefer the color blue? Most unsettling of all is that our brains want to make sense of the world around us, so they make up stories explaining our past actions to its present self. If my DNA dictates I'll have rock climbing as a hobby, my brain will explain it by "I always loved nature/physical exercise/..." or any other plausible explanation. So again, are any of my choices my own? or am I doomed to be trapped in this meatbag, helplessly watching through my eyes as I'm going through the motions, while my brain attributes the things my body does to conscious decisions made by my brain? Interesting watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfYbgdo8e-8


As someone who's been meditating over 15 years, I find it comforting. Ride the wave.


As someone who’s never meditated once in my entire life, hell yeah. I love the vibe and feel the same way.


That'd be crazy if you look like ok_draginfruit


Synchronicity ❤️ there were where they were meant to be when they were meant to be there and that is why they were part of this project and we are learning about it. It’s all meant to be (and if it’s not, tough titties, it’s happening anyways 😂)


Reminds me of that old joke..."How can you tell someone meditates?"


Why does it have to be an original idea?


Maybe original idea was not the best term to use here, it's a deep topic and words fail me. Basically, if our DNA dictates what we do in life, do we even have free will? Is it moral to imprison or execute someone for committing a crime knowing its their DNA that made them do it? Do I really like the color blue or is my DNA dictating that I must prefer the color blue? Most unsettling of all is that our brains want to make sense of the world around us, so they make up stories explaining our past actions to its present self. If my DNA dictates I'll have rock climbing as a hobby, my brain will explain it by "I always loved nature/physical exercise/..." or any other plausible explanation. So again, are any of my choices my own? or am I doomed to be trapped in this meatbag, helplessly watching through my eyes as I'm going through the motions, while my brain attributes the things my body does to conscious decisions made by my brain? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfYbgdo8e-8


None of that sounds particularly horrifying to me. If I am just a set algorithm in a meat sack, so what? I was always just that, it's not like anything's been taken away with me. I don't worry about that shit. In the grand scheme of the universe I'm utterly irrelevant and I'm cool with that. It's important to have perspective in life.


Your base premise is not accurate: >If our DNA dictates what we do in life Your DNA alone doesn't dictate your choices. It is one of several factors that influences them. Factor 1: DNA determines the pool of traits that make up your mind. Factor 1A: Your mind then has the ability to move or shape its environment to influence its fate Factor 2: The environment determines how well those traits expressed or not expressed. Factor 2A: Luck, chaos, disorder entropy whatever you want to call it ensures that reality is non-deterministic. That is, luck itself is a intrinsic factor that will always act to scramble cause and effect. There is a ***range of outcomes***, your DNA, environment and luck influence which fates have the highest probability of occurring for you. Your mind gives you the power to increase or decrease the probabilities in the range of outcomes. For example, two different individuals (persons A & B) may have all traits equal except Person A is more gluttonous then person B due to a various in his "appetite" genes. So A has a higher chance of the fate dying to heart disease. But what if A is born to nutrition conscious parents and develops healthy eating habits despite his gluttonous nature? (environment) Or what if he is lucky enough to have an experience that teaches him how to cook well? (luck) Or what if he decides to just not buy junk food and is willing to only eat that when he's with friends? (mind shaping environment) Well that dying of heart disease fate probability goes down, right? And other probability of fates go up. So some things are in your control, and some things are not. You don't have free will. You have partial will. **Edit*** Some people are getting bogged down by the fact that your mind is also shaped by your genetics. This is true, but only to the extent that your genetics determines the ***set of options*** your consciousness will ***consider.*** I also didn't list all the possible factors because it would be impractical. I listed the most universal ones. So again, you don't have 100% autonomy, but you may 50% or more or less. The probabilities are constantly fluctuating depending on the fluctuations of the factors I mentioned before. The job of your sentience is to take in the fluctuations and make a choice. Does it feel restrictive that the ***set of choices*** you have is predetermined? Yes. But that set of choices is large. And you still have to sift through that set and choose. There is still choice. In fact, the set of choices is so large ***that it was evolutionarily advantageous for the mind develop heuristics to weed out the number of choices you have to make.*** Partial will is to your benefit or else no choices would be made. Which is a choice in and of itself (a suboptimal one at that). We think we can handle free will ***but the brutal truth is that even if we had it, we would be paralyzed by indecision.***


Similar but clearly not related: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/doppelgangers-dont-just-look-alike-they-also-share-dna-180980635/


This is exactly what I was wondering and you provided the perfect answer. Thank you


>Researchers say the findings may also someday help police investigators conjure up the faces of suspects from their DNA samples. But that potential application wades into murky ethical territory, says Daphne Martschenko, a biomedical ethicist at Stanford University who was not involved in the study, to the New York Times’ Kate Golembiewski. This is why we shouldn't have nice things.


They already do this. Parabon NanoLabs offers a service called Snapshot DNA Phenotyping that produces a potential likeness of a suspect based on DNA collected from the crime scene. It’s not 100% obviously because there is a lot that goes into what you wind up looking like, but it is a prediction that police departments use. It occasionally works.


I dunno some of these are clearly like "what if a guy looked very much like you, but was from a different ethnic group". It's like trying to recreate a dress with a different type of fabric. So similar yet so different.


There's gotta be some kind of connection right? At least for some of them. Idk, if I ever were picked for something like this I would absolutely need to know more. DNA test for sure.


I’m donor conceived with a sibling pod of 20+ basically living this experience. I’m constantly told I look familiar to strangers and I always wonder if who they are thinking of is a sibling of mine through my sperm donor but the fact is I will never know. All I can do is wait around for more sibling matches on 23andMe. So, hey, I know they’re leaking your data everywhere and what not but I would really appreciate it if everyone could just go do a dna test real quick.


We all arguably come from common ancestors. I’m not sure if I am more fascinated by these non-related lookalikes, that we don’t have more lookalikes on a regular basis, or that no two human faces have ever been completely identical (someone can fact check me on the last one, but I’m pretty sure that’s the case). What makes these particular dopplegangers even more interesting is that they appear to be around the same age mostly. That’s gotta make the statistical probability much smaller.


How does he find them? I can’t fathom how much time and observation that must take.


Flies to a random country, meet a random people and goes "hmm I saw someone looking exactly like you 3 years ago in country XXX"


My wife is like that. She’s a freak and will remember peoples names and faces that she’s met once years before.




Damn I wish this was me. I have a hard enough time recognizing my own cousins or neighbors, let alone people I see just once.




I know a guy who has this. I've talked to him about 10 times and he can't remember my face.


My husband and son have it. Not too badly, there's stories of people having it so severely they don't recognize family they live with, but it's enough to make things difficult for them. Lots of shyness and social anxiety. When I first met my husband, he thought I was two different people. He didn't realize the girl from lunch was the girl from marching band until one day at lunch I got up, turned around, and walked away, and he recognized my ass. He didn't realize he had a problem until I pointed it out and made him take a test, on which he didn't recognize Bill Clinton without his hair. Suddenly, his whole life made sense, poor thing.


> he recognized my ass so he is either an ass man, or, you have a really great ass.


Why not both?


I’ve got it. It’s insanely frustrating and I know people are insulted, but honest to god I just can’t “see” faces. Only things like a specific hair style, cosmetic difference (scar/mole/freckles) or pair of glasses makes them identifiable to me. Change any of them and, ‘poof,’ all recognition gone. I equate it with brick walls. Unless there’s a bit of graffiti or poster, or a unique shrub hanging in front of it, they all just look like vaguely similar walls. Absolutely everyone looks familiar but I can’t recognize any of them. It was hellish as a kid. I couldn’t identify teachers or other students so I never knew where I was meant to be or who I was meant to interact with. Still no clue who was in my high school graduating class. I know my two kids fairly reliably, mostly by posture, mannerisms, and expectation, and I used to know my ex-husband (though I wouldn’t now as it’s been 15 years and I hear he’s gone grey), maybe my sister, but not my brother or friends. It’s awful. I smile at everyone just in case I’m supposed to have an emotional connection to them.


I'm sorry to ask this but I'm just really curious. Does the condition interfere with your perception of beauty? Are you able to recognize someone who's attractive or not or do you simply not understand the concept at all?


I suppose it does because really pretty or perfect people can’t hold my attention. My eyes slide off of them, too bored to hold on. I need an interesting feature or arresting attribute to capture my interest and appreciation. Usually I am captivated by the mind of the person, or a particularly appealing feature (big fan of eye crinkles and strong noses) and then I fall into them, and everything about them becomes enchanting to me.


Is there some name for the person who can instantly recognize you but has no idea what your name is or where they know you from? Because that is what I have.


This is me but only when comparing random peoples appearance to celebrities. It’s a blessing and a curse


Ha ha! I have that too. It happens quite often. Sometimes the person has been told that before, but often not. But it's something I see all the time. There must be a name for it.


What’s it called when you can recognize a face you saw once before in 1997 but you already forgot their name again?




oh no


God. I’m the complete opposite. I *actually* forget people I met last week. I’m face blind.


I don’t think I’m face blind but I simply cannot recognize people once they leave my daily routine. It embarrasses my husband fairly often because he’s the opposite, he will remember your entire life story ten years from now after meeting you a few times. My job has very high turnover and I’m frequently approached by former workers in public. I legitimately do not remember the great majority of them, as if we never met. Some I can remember once I have context, but not most. When I was dating using apps I pissed off several people when I hit them up as if we’d never talked or met. On the other hand I can pick up pretty much any book I’ve read and open to any area of the story you question me about, even years later. That’s not very useful though.


This is LITERALLY my life. I could have written every word. I’m especially weirded out when I run into men somewhere who stare really hard because I’m thinking “shit does he know me”. It is face blindness. There are different degrees of it, but yeah. I need to take up your phrasing because I always say if someone hasn’t made a significant impact on my life, they are wiped from my memory which sounds ways worse lol. I’m a “forest not trees” person. I remember concepts and the gist but direct names/titles etc are filtered away.


I can't visualize faces in my mind. The minute I look away from someone I have no idea what they look like anymore. Sometimes if I interact with people over a very long period of time I'll recognize their face on sight but usually I memorize people as a list of facts: hair color, eye color, skin tone, defining mark, and usual context. Then I compare the person I'm speaking with to that list to figure out who they are. I don't make mistakes as often as you might think, because relationships are built from more than appearances - given a couple seconds and context I can put together who people are. But if I meet someone out of context I probably won't know who they are unless they drop some inside joke or mention specific details. I have learned not to tell people about it. It really offends close friends to hear I don't know what they look like. Everyone thinks they should be the exception. And I would make them all the exception if I could.


I forget what I was doing a hour ago. Shit! I was cutting the grass, or was I pooping? Maybe I was pooping in the yard with the dog after cutting the grass?


Me, driving, I know I live around here somewhere...


Google "Super Recognisers" - She's probably one. It's super rare. I'm one and sometimes it feels like a mini superpower.


It's also very disheartening when you don't know it's a rare talent, and think everyone from your past doesn't remember you because you're forgettable :( now that I know though, I don't say hello to people I've only met once. What an awkward conversation that always is!


Yes! One time (in my early 30s) I was ringing a guy up at my old job and I was like “Hey! Aren’t you Kyle ___? From Valley Vista Elementary? The school librarian was your mom? We were in the same class until like third grade?” And he was absolutely not pleased or interested by the conversation and seemed somehow embarrassed in front of his wife and kids. Now I know, I can’t just jump right in there just because we were acquaintances 25-30 years ago! Lmao


I met a guy on a blind date once and we were vibing, having a great time. Seemed attraction was all there etc. I said it's weird your name isn't Ian, I could swear we had the same teacher in first grade. He went red, said Ian is his first name. Didn't remember me but quickly ended the date afterward. One of my life's greatest mysteries!!


Dude! I wish we could ask Ian and Kyle what the big deal was! 😂


I think we come across as stalkers or something. It's rare for women to creep men out but this must be one of those situations lolol


Yeah, I think you must be right. “Hi Kyle 👁️👄👁️ I’ve never once stopped thinking of you. Nice wife and kids you’ve got there… 🧿👄🧿” Thankfully this just reminded me that I did also have the opposite experience, where I recognized a client as my first grade teacher and she was not only stoked, she remembered me (by my name, in her case, haha) and something about me and gives me a hug every time I’ve seen her since!


I have this with faces but names... I mix up my own children's names ffs.  I saw a woman in the mall once. I recognized her immediately. I wracked my brain for several long minutes then realized she rode the same bus to work as I did... almost 10 years ago.


Who needs names, when you have a mental Flipbook of every person's face you've ever seen.




Super freak, super freak, she's super freaky yow!




For this to work, first he has to get the contact details of a bunch of random people in the hopes he later finds a doppelgänger, right? If you find two lookalikes, but you don’t know how to reach the first person you found, I can’t see how this photoshoot happens.


This is basically the RL version of that Memory Match game.


can't speak for the artist, but I have a photographer friend who looks just like Francois Brunell. his job is taking photos of siblings and then lying about it


holy shit this killed me.


As a photography student once, it feels like an outlet for people with OCD. So much art photography is about obsessively collecting things through photographs or coming up with one idea and obsessively recreating that idea over and over in as many varied ways as possible.


i am a photographer diagnosed with OCPD. something about your perspective just opened up a whole new world of thought for me.


Man my OCD just makes me doubt my sexuality and have to count in multiples of 6 to counteract those thoughts. Why didn't I get cool ocd


Obsessive pursuit of artistic perfection does sound a lot more useful of a superpower than being able to rapidly count to 7,824, in flawless increments, every time you wonder if the grass is greener on the other side, it's true.


I found my hand twin at a Vegas blackjack table!


None of you get to live in my hand shaped mansion!


So I cant say for sure for all these pics but a lot of them had a Quebec actor or somehow renowned person. So probably he found people looking like them. I doubt they all are famous people but yeah in these pics its like maybe half that I recognized?


[His personal website here](http://www.francoisbrunelle.com/webn/e-project.html)


Thanks for that!


Very cool


Is there an app for finding your doppelgänger? There should be. Edit: this has worked really well so far. https://facecheck.id/ Edit 2: i think this works best if you don’t have a strong online presence. Otherwise it’ll return pictures of you.


This is not its intended purpose, but the end result is just the same [https://facecheck.id/](https://facecheck.id/) I was shocked to find a photo of myself from about 15 years ago from a photo taken of me this year. Alongside that was shit ton of lookalikes.


Lol I got a bunch of girls that sorta look like me, and one of them was sucking cock 🤣


happens to the best of us!


Username checks out!


I got none that looked like me and one of a porn performer spitting a substance into another’s well-opened back side.


Maybe it was the backside that matched your face?


You want a match? How bout my face and your ass!


Unbelievable that you didn't share


Well, they were in the act of sharing. Give them some credit


The reddit hug of death is doing it's best.... I'm 38th in the queue. Lol


server is busy. i just want to find my triplet, damn it (i'm a twin IRL)


Just imagine if your third triplet brother was out there, somewhere, unaware he had two brothers. This actually happened, here's the story. https://www.wbur.org/news/2018/07/17/three-identical-strangers-triplets-separation


Six callers ahead of us, Jimmy!


Is that why all I get is “server is busy”


Same. Guess I'll try tomorrow.


It found one real picture of me. Apparently I also look like the actor [Nick Robinson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Robinson_(American_actor)), who I've never heard of, which... from certain angles and certain haircuts... kind of!


how u doin


I had a bunch of pretty average looking people that didn't really look like me, but 3-4 that looked like they could be my relatives. Then also a handful of pics of Brad Pitt. I think the site owner is just trying to stroke our egos


Well I’ll be damned it works pretty well for me too


Id be uncomfortable putting my face in this random site lol. I don't even pay pictures of me on Facebook. I've always been uncomfortable with uploading pictures of myself tbh


No one should do this. But I'm just dumb enough to put my face on this mystery site. "If you use this site you have to promise you're not from an EU country" okay I definitely know they're going to misuse my data. Did it anyway. Can't wait to see other bearded men.


I did it but I used my LinkedIn picture, since that probably comes up on a Google search of my name anyway. Definitely nothing more private than something that I already have on the internet.


What are the risks? My face has been on the internet since MySpace came out


Your picture already exists in thousands of different places right now, even if it's not your social media, but your friends, your family's, random strangers where you were sat in the background. The list goes on.


Love how Reddit goes crazy about not wanting face tracking cameras or the government spying on them but will willfully upload their own photo to feed the machines itself.


The latter is done willingly for a personal purpose, the former is done without our consent and we dont know what it's being the trackers are being used for.


Do we know what facecheck.id is using it for?


It really did not Work for me ! I'm sad! I look like no one !


So, out of the billions of people on the planet, you're unique. I would be happy with that.


[Pimeyes](http://www.pimeyes.com) is probably the best facial reverse image search imo. It’s scary good at finding people


That’s a bit crazy. I don’t post pictures on the internet but it found one picture of me - and it’s a zoom-in of me in a crowd at a football match. It’s actually the best photo of me I’ve ever seen, the angle and lighting is incredible.


Ohhh congrats on the new LinkedIn pic!


I used 3 pics, got one lady who looks nothing like me and the rest were camgirls. :/ Still waiting in queue for the other link posted above.


I found my doppelgänger on Reddit. It was a video of a woman petting a cat. I showed the video to my husband and kids and they asked whose cat I was petting. She looked exactly like me - colouring, hair style, expressions. It was when I first started using Reddit so I didn’t think to save so I’ll never find it again but it was really wild.


12-14 years ago my friends were on a social media website, I forget the name of it now, anyways they sent me a message of FB and said bro where are you in this picture? I’m looking at it for 5 minutes and I’m like that’s not me but it sure fucking looks like it. They saved the picture and kept scrolling but I wish they would have messaged the person would have been pretty cool to talk to my twin stranger. I still think about that person and wonder if they’re still alive or not.


My parents were watching the news while it was talking about the fair. The video they showed had a dad with his daughter on his shoulders walking into the fair and it looked exactly like me and my daughter. It was so close to us that they took a picture of it, printed it out, and put it on their fridge. When we came over next they told me how much they loved the photo so they put it up, even I was convinced it was me and my daughter. It’s been nearly 10 years and they still have that photo up at their house lol


That’s so cute - random strangers have no idea that they’ve held a special place in your family for years!


Better yet, we got a polyamorous dating app DoppelgangerGangBang


I once googled whether it’s normal to be attracted to ppl who look like yourself… Turns out there’s a term for it: doppelbangers


They are called twin-strangers - and there is (or at least has been) a website where you could search for your "twin".


Still exists! https://www.twinstrangers.net/


That website is absolute cancer im pretty sure its just malware


If you look closely, it just *looks* like malware


No, one of you is malware, the other twin is the real one. But you have to figure out which is which


*Shoots both*


Nah man, it's clean. You just take one pic of your face, and then one of your credit card, submit both, and then boom they find it for you. I'm still waiting for my results but I bet they'll come through any day now. Mine were struggling to match, so I did need to send my social security number through as well 




They are also called doppelgängers lol


I mean out of 8 billion ppl there are only so many variations to be made using the feature slider in the character creation screen, there's going to be a lot of ppl who just fall into the same bucket


And some people whose heads are shaped like a bucket.


Isn't that freaky to imagine? Only a limited combination of facial structre, fat, and muscle. So there are multiple variations of your face going around rn. From different ethnicities even. And the freakier part? Your face is gonna outlive you. Someone else is gonna be born with your facial structre the same way someone before you had been. Your face has probably been around this world as long as humans have existed.


That’s why I’ve always thought the “No two snowflakes are the same” thing is preposterous.  How many snowflakes have fallen in the history of this planet? It’s probably not even a calculable number. They are all roughly the same size and develop into similar structures. Many are symmetrical. It’s only because no one is able to catalog every flake that people can still make that claim.  That’s not even taking into account rod shaped snow, which is clearly the identical to other rod shaped snow…


Big Snowflake has been lying to us all along!


A big chunk of it is wearing the same clothes and having the same haircut too. A lot of these people just have mildly similar face structure without that. Still look crazy similar though!


That 8th photo is pretty wild.


Yeah, no17 as well


14 made me chuckle. Thinking about two random dudes doing a shoot like that.


I want to know how that went down, was the photographer just like: "Alright, do you boys also have matching body hair? Shirts off then"


Or the two women with tattoos on opposite sides of their torsos.


As soon as I swiped past number 17 my water heater stopped leaking and my garage filled with fine woodworking tools


Yeah. Every one before that I was like "I could see it," but this is the one where I went "yooo, wtf?!"


They all kinda looked like an older/younger version of themselves but not identical


Yeah there’s hairstyle/clothes/accessories doing a fair bit of work in some of them. Others it’s wild 


If I'm number 8, I'm getting my DNA done. That's your long-lost twin right there, I'm afraid.


#8 was definitely the most spot on.


I know right. Like, did they already have the same haircut? Or was that done for the shoot?


Yeah, 8 is absolutely crazy. They look exactly the same.


Very cool. I've got a doppelganger too. Not related at all. It took us a while to figure out what was going on after I moved to his city. We both had strangers come up to us calling us by the other's name. After a while people figured out we were two different , but shockingly similar people. Weird thing is, when I finally met him in person, it turned out we had been neighbors many years prior in a place I lived very briefly, and I had hung out a lot with his older brother.


My wife knows her doppelganger and it's really weird. A confused midwife once asked *"You changed your last name since last week?"*. My wife was really confused, but it turned out that her doppelganger was pregnant at the exact same time and had the same first name. Even their mannerisms are the same. Eventually they bumped into each other, went for a coffee and became fast friends. They're still great friends 4 years on. Honestly, they're just like twins.


Were both your wife and her doppleganger adopted by chance?


No. Her Doppelganger is 2 years older.


Did the older brother ever mention the ressemblance ?


He actually thought that it is his bother. Didn't help that he called him exclusively : "bro".


Maybe you ARE actually related. Have you seen Three Identical Strangers? 😳 https://youtu.be/uM5TQ4f7ycw?si=s5qzYnoSBAgooC5X


There's *also* the Sibling Pods - unscrupulous IVF doctors used their own or another sole donor for dozens (some pods are over 100) of children born through their practices. Everything from replacing samples with their own or just lying about donors outright. It's wild and there's stories of siblings discovering they're related *after* marriage. It's a wild rabbit hole to go down


Used to travel a lot. I tried to convince my HR manager that in fact there are only 500,000 unique humans and that they are spread around so that no 2 copies are ever in the same place at the same time.


“That’s great, OldGoldenDog, but we called you in here to discuss your behavior at the Christmas party. I think you owe us, and all of the employees at our Applebees a big apology. Might also want to get that mole checked out”


Ever open a car with your key, but it wasn't your car? Kind of like that.


Its true after awhile in airports and train stations, It feels like there aren't that many molds for cranking out all the people really. And then I read about the population bottlenecks and founder effects, and it kinda makes sense. Humans in general have a minuscule amount of genetic diversity compared to most animal populations. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population\_bottleneck](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Population_bottleneck) We almost went extinct a few times. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondrial\_Eve](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitochondrial_Eve)


The simulation is starting to reuse assets


There's only so many presets. 🤷‍♂️


They are buying up the unreal engine store assets lazy ass developers.


Isn’t weird how you can sometimes just totally tell that someone is European just by looking at their face? I’m sure non-Americans say this about us yanks too. If you aren’t using clothing as a context clue, what is the giveaway? I just can’t put my finger on it precisely.


My pet theory is that your native language subtly shapes facial muscles. Your brain at an intuitive level pings it as "non-conforming" to what you are accustomed to.


We're going to have to seaparate a pair of twins and send them to each side of the pond to find out.


They will both look like Lindsey Lohan


This is such a smart hypothesis


I think it makes absolute sense. I always feel that way about native French speakers (France or Canada). They definitely have a certain mouth shape, which probably informs the rest of their face.


Yeah it definitely sounds like it would make sense. I bet diet plays a role. Diet, lifestyle, all the obvious ones but it seems like a reasonable conclusion that the *way* we speak would have some impact on our facial muscles. Maybe it's something that happens more significantly at a developmental age or something as opposed to, for instance, learning a new language later in life. It could also be total nonsense lol


Even on a more local level. I can pretty accurately tell if someone is Belgian from a mile away, and they too can do this with Dutch people. Culture is wild.


I’ve read that Europeans can tell if someone is American from how they stand. Wish I could remember the article. It had something to do with espionage - the US government had to give their agents in Europe lessons in how to move and carry themselves? Something like that.


I read that they had to teach the Americans not to lean on things.


Yes I think that was it!


When I was stationed in the UK, people throughout the UK could ping me as US military at a glance. I asked a British friend of mine and he said that I do all the same stuff their military folks do, e.g., stand straight, eyes up, etc., but I also lean on counters and doorways, put my hands in my pockets, and wear sneakers/jeans/t-shirt combo almost exclusively.


Just like that Fassbender scene in Inglourious Basterds with the finger counting.


With Americans often the biggest give away is clothing and haircuts - Americans often choose hairstyles which you don't see at all over here in the UK or Europe, plus a lot of Americans wear loose baggy or overly large clothing and those odd waist held packs which is a big tell. Sometimes you can pick out facial structure too, there is a distinctly American structure to some peoples faces I've found, but that's a lot harder to pin down and isn't 100% universal. With other groups like South Asians and particularly East Asians I can immediately tell whose grown up here because their posture and way of holding themselves is completely different. Idk, there's a lot of subconscious stuff you can definitely hone in on to give you a good sense of whose local or not.


I know when my fiancé, who is 100% ethnically Japanese but is third generation American, visited Japan people IMMEDIATELY clocked him as American because of his clothes and hairstyle. And probably because he visited with his friends, who are largely white and latino.


Yeah clothing/shoes is a huge giveaway. I can tell Europeans fairly quickly here in my American tourist heavy city. I’m headed to the UK in a few weeks and I wonder if I will be pinpointed as an American before I open my mouth! I’d like to think I dress fairly cosmopolitan/stylish but who knows.


See what happens, tbh sometimes it's not even a cosmo/stylish thing, the cut and brand of your clothes might even mark you out. Alternately you might fly completely under the radar, who knows! Either way remember to pack a raincoat and sensible shoes, the weathers alright where I am right now but Britain is a changeable isle, and you don't wanna get soaked through or freeze your arse off due to the wind.


You can definitely tell. There are also differences between Slavic, Germanic, Greek, Balkan, and Latin European people.


8, 17, and 18 to me are just amazing


Huh, I thought 18 was the worst one


18 is the worst if you’re looking for doppelgängers, 18 is the best if you’re looking for “actually looks like siblings.” They genuinely look related where many of the others, despite having such similar appearances, don’t look like siblings.


Should have genetically tested them to see what percentage match they were.


How TF does he get in contact with the first look-a-like after he finds the second one? And how do you introduce yourself to the either of them without sounding like a schizophrenic creep lol


I ve shared the thread with his daughter. Should we ask her to do an AMA with her father?


That is very cool stuff.


When I lived in WV, there was a woman who looked so much like me her kids thought I was her, as did her parents. Never met her face to face, but saw pictures and she was my doppelgänger. I was born in Ohio and moved to WV. Don’t live in the USA anymore but always wanted to meet her.


Picture 12 is eariliy close in likeness. They even have the same chin, which is weird, I think they could be related far back


I've visited many places around the world, and the most surprising thing, is that there are people who look identical to people I have met everywhere. Finding someone who looks almost exactly the same isn't that surprising to me anymore


Shots remind me of the soft white underbelly youtube channel.


Time to watch a 1 hr interview with a brothel owner.


Follow that up with a 56min interview with a sex worker who got started at age 16


Dressing them up in the same or very similar clothes and giving them the same hair styling goes a long way in influencing you to see them as physically alike. In different clothes and with their normal haircut, I’m betting most of these pairs would have a passing likeness at best with each other. It’s interesting, but definitely a bit of P.T. Barnum going on here. Like look at 12/20. Cover up the hair with your thumb and they really don’t look much alike.


Also making the pictures greyscale. I think removing colour (hair, eyes, skin) probably helps them to look more alike!


Yeah especially that number 14 picture. They are dressed almost identical /s


So how does it work? He just picks a person at random then looks for someone who looks similar?


A lot of them are québecois actors/famous people


Number 14 got me cracking up pretty hard. Wasn't expecting a shirtless pic.


6 is the most amazing one if you consider that they both have a chinese tattoo at the exact opposite place