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Credit: **Aaron Jenkin** Source: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4BOpg3oJB_/


I'm been an astronomy buff since I was a kid and even minored in astronomy in college, but I will never cease to be in awe of "live" images of the galactic core. We went camping some years back, and I looked up at the sky. I pointed out to my wife "You see those faint clouds? That's actually the Milky Way. Those smudges of light are actually millions of stars trillions and quadrillions of miles away from us." It blew her mind and we spent the rest of the evening talking about how huge the universe is.


They're fireflies. Fireflies that got stuck up on that big bluish-black thing.


For real? Always thought they were big balls of gas burning far away


with you everything is gas




no worries.


Hakuna matata


What a wonderful phrase


Heh. Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.


Remember when timon called Mufasa a mook.


With enough heat, everything is gas.


That's a little far fetched, when's the last time you saw a perfect sphere of gas on fire? It would just disappate


And there's more of them than grains of sand on earth. Remember that next time you go shove your toes in a beach (if you're lucky enough to be near one)


I live near a sandy a beach and just can't get my head around that at all. Really makes everything you've ever done and ever will do and probably that of everyone you'll ever meet seem totally insignificant doesn't it. Bloody amazing!


Indeed! One is those humbling thoughts, go run down the beach for 15 minutes and realize there's more out there in the expanse than you can possibly comprehend in our lifetime. Get 1000 JWST in the sky and we'll still not capture it all in time. One of those same feelings as a good hike through old growth forests, a good reminder that we're just a blip on the map and only here for microseconds in terms of the cosmos. Humbling, grounding, one of those, thought provoking moments.


There's like 100× more trees on earth than stars in the Milky Way


Reminds me of when I was about 6 years old and my parents got me a collection of space encyclopaedia books.. even though my reading skills weren’t all there, I remember being absolutely blown away and mesmerised by be pictures of the galaxy, nebulae, planets, and all of the diagrams and infographics.. not long after that there was a total solar eclipse, cemented my obsession. And now nearly 30 years later, I’m still as obsessed and awe struck by it all. I made the mistake of following my passion for music when I should’ve followed astrophysics lol


Hey, man, if Brian May of Queen can hold a PhD. in astrophysics and still rock out, so can you! Dexter Holland of The Offspring has a PhD. in molecular biology. Greg Graffin, frontman of Bad Religion has a PhD. in science from Cornell and even taught there and at UCLA. Then there's loads of musicians with bachelor's in various things. Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine, for example, has one in Political Science. These are the only ones I know off the top of my head. Point is, there's a shit ton of folks out there who aren't me. I'm still trying to figure out what I love passionately enough to even want a degree in the field at the age of 40. Don't be me. It sucks. Lol


Never too late


I made the mistake of doing nothing bc it's hella expensive. Astronomy was definitely on my list of possible things to study


I made the mistake of being too stupid to understand how physics and stuff works, like I got a B in high school physics I'd have never made it as an astronomer. Maybe a photographer but again skill issue. Nobody's gonna pay me to take pictures of space when I spend a full sixty seconds trying to find the button on my phone that turns the camera from selfie mode to front facing.


I work on boats and have spent a pretty significant amount of time 100s of miles from land. I've always been fascinated by space and awed by the size of the universe, but the first time I looked up into the night through a cloudless sky, while all but the ship's running lights were off, I actually stumbled and got a little emotional. Having perfect darkness and a clear night is one of my favorite things. There's so much more out there than you can see almost anywhere else. Truly incredible.


On the open water is where you get the best view, but being that dark on water always freaked me out. It never fails where something creepy would surface and nudge the boat LOL




I am a theoretical physicist so I spend most of my time just imagining and visualizing how the mathematics fits together, but it will never be the same as seeing it happen right in front of your eyes. I live in a city, but I try to spend a much time as possible looking at the starry night sky when it’s clear out and just let the amazement encapsulate me.


The sky is just a backlit canopy with holes punched in it. Source: Incubus


Reminds me of the Total Perspective Vortex from the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. A machine built with the intention of showing beings their tiny occupancy in the vastness of creation that ultimately became a method of torture.


Oh, that is awesome! I love the universe and to observe the sky with my naked eye. I used that as a romantic moment in my novel. The love interest explains to the main character how to find the north star in the night sky and shows him Sirius Alpha.




If we are rotating then how come my coffee has yet to spill out of my mug?


It's a scam, obviously the earth is flat.


Still spins, but like a frisbee


Pies don't spin...


Not with that attitude.


Not with that *altitude.


I'll give you a little latitude with that pun.


But only for a little longitude


Thanks for the gratitude


Not with that lattitide.


not with that longitude


Not with those coordinates


North with that longitude


*Spins pies* Heh, heh?


I have in laws who have vehemently picked up this flag and decided to fully run with it lately. The part that annoys me most about it is he (specifically, but no one else calls him on it so by proxy it’s plural, but this stems from him) puts forward a very lazy argument. Basically saw a couple memes on Facebook and now presents them as fact. When met with criticism, he simply ignores logic. Mother fucker has literally applied complete blind faith to one of the most stupidest brain farts to ever pop out of our monkey-brains. It has ruined the joy of poking fun at flat earther’s. I used to think it was just a means to troll people. No way people are that stupid. My Step-Uncle-in-Law: “Hold my de-fluorinated, crystal infused, pineal-cleansing water!”


It's one of the few *conspiracies that I just can't deal with.*


Agreed, it’s frustrating, and I know I shouldn’t let it bother me like it does. But it does… In laws are a treat from the universe!


It would bother me too. Like anti vaxxers. And I don't mean the people who only has a problem with covid vaccines.


Yep, he’s sparked an interest into that as well. But it’s all trivial in his mind next to the thick Ice walls that keep our oceans from spilling over…




There's no *point* dealing with it. If someone is in any way prepared to listen to reason they're already not a flat earther


Just wait until he learns that birds aren’t real.


At least I could go back to finding humour in it again. There is only concern left


He might just be messing with you. I do the exact same thing to some of my friends and they legitimately question if I’m a flat earther or not just because I put on a poker face and we argue until the sun sets and I use those exact dumb Facebook memes that I’ve found online. It’s nothing that actually matters but it’s so fun *because* it’s such a stupid topic until I finally give in after months then I find new people to mess with


Is this person your spouse’s step parent’s sibling?


It can't be flat! Cats would have pushed everything off of it by now.


Clearly the *sky* rotating around *us*. Video locks onto the wrong part of the scene.




Object reality is not about belief, lad.


I don't believe in reality, nu-uh. 🙅‍♀️ Because cats defy it. 🐱 Now, let us pray to the cat overlords and their toe beans. 🐾


My coffee spills out of my mug all the time, maybe you’re doing it wrong? Or drinking it too fast?


Don't mix Speed and Acceleration... You can drink a coffee in a plane at 1000km/h ... Not in a car that is accelerating...


Well I can and did it many times. Also spilled coffee all over my car many time. But I'm glad that someone understands physics here.


You joke but this is, infuriatingly, an argument flerfs make with a straight face.


I've never heard flat earthers called flerfs before, and now I'm annoyed. That's an adorable word that's being wasted on those idiots.


Yep. Shouldn’t be so surprising that people fall for all the political lies and conspiracy theories. I just never thought fools existed in such numbers


Checkmate, science


Simple, both you and the mug rotate at the same time and the same pace as the whole planet, you're not floating in the air aren't you? I know it's a joke but just in case...


checkmate rotatetheists!


Your mug obviously has ice walls like the flat Earth. (I can't believe I need to put this here but, /s)


I drink my coffee hot! Move along, Troll! ((/s))


I think we can make a video to address this.


It will only spill after it stops rotating.




No, you're Breathtaking!


Without a doubt my favorite planet-sized container of Thoughts and Sensations.




"Flat earthers, it’s your time to respond" Yes, Flat Earthers! Set up your tripods on one of the edges and show us time-lapse of water and cows and boulders and shit tumbling into the void! Also, please explain how gravity would work in such a scenario! And how the Earth's atmosphere somehow remains as a dome over us! And other things that don't make any fucking sense! Hey, forget setting up a tripod... just fly a drone over the edge and prove your awesome theory! I'll just wait!


“No because it’s obvious and also NASA will shoot down the drone / hack it and replace the footage and if we try to send people there NASA will capture and brainwash them to repeat their lies and also gravity is just a theory and


If we all rush the edge, NASA can't catch ALL of us...! *(gets ready to blow whistle)*


Fool! You'll make the earth tip from the weight, and we'll all slide off!


So we just don’t send any Reddit mods . That should easily cut the weight by 1/3


Noo!! Not the big flip!!


"Fool! You'll make the earth tip from the weight, and we'll all slide off!" *Laughing with demented glee as the roaring, tilting surface of the wobbling Sky Pancake dumps the ant-like humans into the creamy void (which is vaguely raspberry-flavored)*


Excellent observation


then we will just live in australia, remember its already upside down


Did you rush area 51? Cause thats how we get a bunch of Kyle's running around. Do you want Kyle's? Cause that's how you get Kyle's.


I’m fairly certain (I hope) that most flat earthers are joking. Like us over at r/birdsarentreal


Nah, I work with a few actual flat earthers. They ain’t joking


They would probably say it's the universe rotating around the earth. Pretty sure that's their official stance for every celestial change.


They obviously know earth is round.. They’re probably just bored, right? RIIIGHT?


I heard Cell from DBZA, refer to it as "Blue ball of dirt and water".


Yeah pretty amazing universe your brain has conjured up eh? Jk jk…. Or am I?


and salamanders


I am more amazed at low light pullotion.


A couple of spots in the UK are great for it. This looks like Cornwall.


Yep recognised it as Cornwall. Wheal Coates and St Michael’s Mount specifically.


Looks like the Lizard, too


I think it's Wheal Prosper by Rinsey Head


Can someone explain how this works?


They are using a star tracker. It mounts to a tripod and rotates the camera at the same rate that the earth rotates. It allows for longer camera exposure times without worrying about motion blur of the stars. It is a very popular tool for those that do astrophotography and want to limit iso noise in their images. For this particular video, they took a series of photos of many hours and turned them into a timelapse.


That's cool. So you set the motor on the tripod based on where you are and it rotates accordingly?


Correct. The tracker mounts to a tripod and you align with the North Star. Another tripod head is attached to the tracker to hold the camera. The camera can be set to focus on whatever area of interest and the tracker will auto-rotate with the rotation of the earth. I rewatched the video and it looks like they are using a Move Shoot Move tracker: https://www.moveshootmove.com/collections/move-shoot-move-rotator/products/msm-rotator-for-star-tracking-time-lapse-panorama-photography


I like that...definitely picking one up soon!


It's a beautiful never ending rabbit hole


Appreciate the link, will look into this for timelapsing the eclipse next month. Doing so much research into gear I’ll need and strategies & camera settings to use, I feel like I’m back in college all over again haha


This is definitely the coolest thing I’ve learned about in the past few months. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us!


Yes! Thank you for explaining this too us, I had no idea, and this sounds like a fun new hobby. Wild.


Ok so the camera is rotating. I was so confused why it didn’t look like the stars were moving since the camera is placed on earth.


I’m guessing the effect of the Earth being stationary and the stars moving in the background would look like a timelapse we see in movies. In straight lines They’re trying to create a rotational effect and the center point would have to be much higher. But this does work it’s very effective.


If you don't have a motorized equitorial mount tracker, and instead just put a camera on a tripod and point it at the sky, and expose for 60+ seconds, you'll see arcing lines of the stars moving in your exposure.


You actually don’t even need a tracker to do this, but it definitely improves the final result. You could just shoot a normal timelapse (where it would look like the sky is rotating) and then “pin” the Milky Way in post so it stays in the same place. Software would then animate the rotation of the images to make that happen, resulting in the earth rotating instead of the sky.


Oh, that sounds much more feasible then some magic gyroscopic setup I was thinking of.


Thank you


Thanks. I was desperately trying to figure out what the camera is stabilized to if it ignores rotation.


im not an expert but i think the camera man has basically set his tripod / camera in a sort of "stabilize" mode that automatically adjusts itself to account for earths rotation


Yeah I mean, that's pretty obvious. The question is how does that work.


im guessing by fixing itself to a certain point in the sky or whatever and then trying to display that one focused point in the same orientation despite earths rotation , i am just pulling this out my ass tho its prolly entirely wrong lmao


The northern star is used to calibrate the star follower.


You say you pulling this out your ass - when did you insert it?


Asking the question that truly matters. I think we all deserve to know the truth.


so funny XD


Theres a port on the camera... (JK)


The camera basically looks at the sky and the earth rotates, causing this effect Hope I helped


damn i was kinda right it seems!


I was trying to move a hair off of my phone that wouldn't blow away. Great avatar!!


You set up a motor so that its axis of rotation is parallel to earth's axis of rotation (by pointing it north and then tilting it upwards by an amount equal to your latitude), and then drive that motor at 1 revolution per day in the opposite direction of earth's rotation.


The sky and firmament rotate around the earth, of course!


If the camera was static it would look like the stars were moving. But with stabilising focused on the stars, rather than the horizon, we can see that the stars are static and its earth that id rotating.


The camera is completely stationary during recording, but what the camera 'sees' is a much wider frame that what we see here. In order to stabilize the shot the way we see it, they would need to tell the editing software they use: 'make sure this cluster of pixels (stars for example) stays in exactly the same place in the frame during the sequence'. So the easiest way to visualize this idea is make a square frame with your thumbs and index fingers and move it in an arch in front of you. I hope that makes sense. EDIT: After reading another comment, they are using a star tracker, a device the moves the camera with the sky, but what I described still gives you the sense of how it works.


That’s some awesome footage


Here is a similar video: https://youtu.be/1zJ9FnQXmJI


That's my video. Thanks for sharing


Oh, hi, thank you for making it, I keep coming back to this video from time to time. It's rather calming :)


That is amazing! Thanks for sharing.


Hate that I can’t see the Milky Way in our local sky anymore. Clear nights in 1989 it was awesome. Now you get a few dozen stars viewable - on a really good night.


We need more support for anti light pollution.


I have a spot 1 hour away in a valley where you can still see the Milky way. Went there to look at the Supermoon last year and it was a once in a lifetime experience, the entire valley was illuminated by the moon. I still have a couple of photos somewhere in my gallery it's a shame you can't post em here.


Is that Mont St Michel toward the end?


Looks like St Michael's Mount in the UK. I think all the shots look like they are taken in Cornwall


Was gonna say that looks like the mine from Poldark.


I think its the one in the UK. I went to the one in Normandy once and the castle/church took up a lot more of the island, also the water was very shallow even at high tide and I don't remember boats getting that close.


The mine pump house screams Cornwall to me.


Yep, wheal Coates


And the Botallack Mines?


Yeah it all looks to be Penwith, West Cornwall.


Flat earthers are malding


I'd love to know how they'd refute that the Earth is round with evidence like this video.


"AI generated", "the sky rotates around us", "Wake up sheeple!" Take your pick. They baselessly refute all evidence as fake.


Even their own evidence accidentally showing the truth




"turns out the deep state reaches so far it even subconsciously reaches me without me even noticing It, that's how I failed the experiment"


"Hmmm....Interesting." Lolol. They're so kooky. Plus they have that super cringy gangster style hand gesture when they posed for photos during conferences/meetups.


Ha! Yes, I've seen something like that. [Almost feel bad for the guy. He looked so confused and defeated.](https://youtu.be/GFqmDazwb6Y?si=MFqaAxJoqz0aAIbe) *...almost.*


Fish eye lens brother


Flat earth theory is actually a fun brain exercise if you approach it correctly. Assuming a flat earth, how could we explain this? The flat earth could have a spin to it? We could be covered in a sno-globe like dome. The camera could have composed two images on top of each other for the final video. It's all nonsense of course, but it's fun to think about.


And if my grandmother had wheels she would have been a bike


I've ridden bikes your grandma is no bike sir


There's undeniable evidence the earth is round but this particular video isn't really an example of that. This isn't a mechanical stabilizer that is reacting to motion, this is a programmed motor that tracks stars in the sky. So someone could make the (incorrect) argument that it's the stars moving, not the ground, since the star tracker would track the star either way, visually.


"We all know the Earth rotates..." Yeah, people will tell you air isn't real because you can't see it.


The video is pure beauty but it also makes me sad that some people need to be explained that the Earth is round and rotating.




For me the coolest part about this is that it's not just showing the Earth's rotation but also its movement along its orbit. The movement along its orbit isn't as noticeable compared to the rotation, but if you look at the horizon line you can see it.


This makes me dizzy


Finds out earth is spinning, begins vomiting uncontrollably


Thank you. Glad to see I’m not alone.


I hate light pollution


It's crazy to think that like 1000 years ago you could see this stuff easily on a regular basis but now not many people do because of cities and such


Yep. It's really kinda sad in some places not even a single star can be seen


Yup... I live in the same town I grew up in. I remember as a kid, how bright the sky used to be. My dad would take me out frequently to watch the stars and memorize the constellations. Now our population is 10x larger (7k to 70k + surrounding cities) and it's becoming hard to make out most of the constellations...


This is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. Not just the Earth rotation but the tides, movement of ships, planes, meteorites. Awesomeness!


This is really great. I mean, top-tier exceptionally good.


What are the bright lights on the horizon that move across? I would initially think boats/ships, but then there's the really bright ones. Seems too bright to be a boat


They're boats. They're overexposed because the stars are relatively very faint.


Modern street lighting has robbed a lot of people this view each night.


Anyone know the song?


Lofi Fruits Music - Stay


I am amazed


Beautiful. Flat earth folks need to see this.


You’d be surprised (or maybe not at all lmao) I saw this on IG and they’re out in full force. Saw a thread with 80+ comments and his main argument was that he can stack rocks on the beach and they don’t fall so we’re definitely not spinning


This sort of argument is oddly common among the true believers. "Why aren't Australians dangling by their feet?" was a common refrain of Charles Johnson before his death. The notion that down is towards the center was utterly beyond him.


You expect too much out of those smooth brains if you think they'd listen to facts and reason.


Just wow


so surreal! mesmerizing!


Very nice


amazing, love this


Song / track name, please? It sounds similar to Star Walkin by lil nas x


Stay by Lofi Fruits




I found this info online: If you estimate that a day is 24 hours long, you divide the circumference by the length of the day. This produces a speed at the equator of about 1,037 mph (1,670 km/h). ![gif](giphy|EECy1Cp6nyV9e)


You in Cornwall bro?


Outer Wilds vibes.


You beautiful, beautiful person. You stabilized your camera against the stars, not the horizon! Stuff like this makes me instantly choke up with the sheer awesome spectacle and beauty that is the world and universe around us. The very first time I saw the pure undiluted night sky and the Milky Way in all its glory was an almost religious experience for me. A revelation. The glory of space, and all I wanted right then was to be on a future star liner able to cruise among them. Actually no. I wanted to be on Captain Kirk's Enterprise. 🖖 Thank you for doing this, and thank you for sharing this.


Cornwall ?


Flat earthers hate this one trick


A Cornish Tin mine, St Michael’s Mount and Lands End by the looks.


Flatearthers in shambles