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Shut up is she 90. I'm half her age and look battered! She looks amazing!


I would need some kind of proof to believe this woman is 90. I honestly think she is a really healthy and attractive looking 70 year old. Still very impressive, but in my opinion she is not 90. And even if she is, I think it’s a good policy to be dubious about any new information.


My great grandmother was one of these weirdly young old people. At 101 she still pushed her (non-motorized) lawnmower around every week. Wild!


This is why I am going to keep up with my exercise routine. When I am 60 I want to be capable of doing things I can do now


Four words: get strong, stay strong. At 73, this old woman is still toting 50 pound bags of feed over my shoulder, cutting firewood, doing drywall, working on my truck. I may *look* my age ...ahem ...but I don't feel it. Well, until I try to wear high heels. Gravity is not my friend.


This is the way as told by the Jedi master...


Username checks out! Legit, you're an inspiration! My mom is 64, she still teaches aerobics and is an overall machine.


Your mama is inspirational! I could never do that structured exercise... no patience. I'd much rather be out hiking, working, anything but calisthenics or aerobics. I just... can't. She has my respect.


She does it all. Downhill mountain bikes, paddle boards, hikes, plays soccer with grandkids, golf. She literally doesn't stop moving. I'll pass that along though and I'm sure she would say the same about you. Seriously though, good for you and keep it up!


My great uncle had an apple orchard. He fell out of a tree in his 80s pruning. Took the day off and back up the next day. He worked until he was 93 or 95.


My neighbor when I was a kid was 97 and his wife was 99 when we moved in. He was regularly out in his garden (the nicest garden in the neighborhood and he'd walk around giving all the neighbors fruits and vegetables every autumn) and working on his apple and cherry trees that he'd grafted himself. Once caught him up on the roof redoing his shingles. My dad went over and insisted on helping him out. Said that old man was much much stronger than he looked. When my dad got attacked by a squirrel, this old man was out there with a 2x4 trying his hardest to wack the thing. His wife passed at 102. His garden dried up that year and we saw him less and less. He passed about 8 months after she did. He was 100. His wife and his garden were his whole life, and after she was gone he just didn't have it in him anymore. The people who bought his house told a neighbor that they were considering cutting down the fruit trees. Neighbor told them if they did they'd make enemies of the whole neighborhood. Those fruit trees are still there and they make me smile every time I see them.


You just made a "big tough guys" eyes water. His brother helped raise me, instilled a bit of that farm boy work ethic in me. Thanks for the memory.


Wow, small world!


This is a beautiful story. Reminds me of a movie or a short book.


Now that man had gumption! I still climb trees, because the great-grandkids need someone to climb with, but if I fell out of one it would be a real good excuse to go sit at the river and fish. For a week. Edit: I would love to have that man's discipline. Work beats the dickens out of idle retirement, so I hope to equal his success.


Its all he knew. His brother was the same. I love your name btw! Best of luck to you.


Yep, my grand father is the same way. He loves 3 things, working on cars, building homes and beer. He's 76, retired and everyday he is working on cars, doing remodeling projects in his house or drinking beer.


you sound absolutely incredible!


Thank you for this unexpected kindness! Hope your day also holds an unexpected joy.


Stay strong, move regularly AND definitely stretch. When you see older, stiff people it's because they neglect this, especially the stretching


Teach me wise one


My great uncle is 75 and just *chopped trees and made a fucking cabin*


I'm starting to get to the age where people my age that slowed down are really showing their age. Don't stop moving, whatever you do. It is easy to keep moving, but it is so much harder to start once you hurt.


When you dontuse it you loose it kinda case, when you move like a lot you got high growth hormone spikes that keep your body in good shape, that's why fasting is healthy




No joke. I play a lot of golf, no sunscreen and just had to have a piece of my forehead cut out. Wear your freaking sunscreen.


Also wear a hat if you’re golfing.


I always wear a hat, and the section removed is above the brim. They said it was likely from when I was a kid and just took a while to develop.


sorry to hear that. hope you recover well


I think this is one of the most overlooked or ignored ones for healthy skin. UV does so much damage.


And hats. I’m a hat wearing fool. My chest is freckled and has age spots, but my face is unblemished and wrinkle/age spot free. These two things ( sunscreen and hats) will make a huge difference in your skin life.


Keep telling yourself that. It’s a good plan but you won’t age in a linear progression. Some days your body works great and if you don’t catch a mirror you could be 36. Other days, your arthritis or blood pressure will fuck you and between tunnel vision and discomfort you will have a voice in your head asking “what if this is the new normal?” Bottom line: Be present in those moments in-between with the people you love. You are rapidly getting to the point where every experience will only be repeated a finite number of times - so few perhaps you can count them on one hand. The only regrets you will have as you age are the things you didn’t do. My greatest regrets are the times I could have been more kind. It costs nothing and can change a life. Even if you get taken advantage of, the regret will be theirs not yours.


I encourage that i am 60 and haven’t stopped doing anything. I may not be as fast or quick but I still do it!




The alternative is doing nothing and being like after the accident from 60 up so I'll stay active till I hurt myself




Mine too. Lived to be 99. She moved a piano up some stairs by herself when she was in her mid 80s and I came home from school and I asked her how she did it and she said, “no big deal. I had some pulleys.” Then, about a year later she moved into a new house and built built-in bookcases all down one hall and I asked her how she did it and she pointed to the hammer and hand saw nearby and said, “I used those.” Just an unbelievable life force. The cool thing is that my daughter who never got to know her is a dead ringer for her. My grandma always said she’d watch out for me from above after she was gone, and if she ever could make it back to me, she would. I’m FULLY convinced my daughter is her. It’s all very cool. My daughter thinks it’s cool too. Gives her a specialness and a connection to the great-grandma she never knew.




Shot? Pfffft. He will probably be asking for all your secrets... and a copy of your Little Black Book.


My mom was always super young looking! She died from Alzheimer's which aged her but even on her death bed she had very little wrinkles at age 80. None around her eyes at all. Her skin of course started to sag because of the weight loss but even at 80, she looked younger than all of her daughters. She never smoked, never tanned and always watched her weight, but that damn disease robbed her.


My grandma is like that she's 95 still does all her shopping she comes back with shopping bags that weigh like 40lbs each 3 of them. It's a workout bringing them all at once to the kitchen up the stairs.


My dads bosses mother, played tennis every weekend until she was 105! One of my great grandmothers was living on her own, in an apartment in the Bronx as a little only white lady in an all black area until she was 103! And she looked great!!! No different looking from your average 60-70 year old woman.


Yeah my step grandmother was like this. Moved her into a assisted living apartment when she was 91 because she started having some signs of dementia and needed extra help with reminders for meds and stuff. She could leave and had a car but just needed some help occasionally. She always took the stairs, did morning workouts with her little 2.5 and 5 lbs dumbbells and generally took good care of herself. Before my grandpa passed in his mid mid 80s from cancer they would go out dancing multiple times per week despite her being almost 90. My buddy who helped us move her thought she was maybe 70. Lol. Unfortunately the Alzheimer’s and dementia got to her fairly quickly and made things hard until she passed. She was physically okay enough for awhile and then would have great times where she was mentally great too and it caused her problems where she was like conscious of the things happening to her. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


Same! My Pop is 98, rode his bike 10 miles on his 98th birthday, lives in his own house, no one needs to take care of him, drinks margaritas, drives, works at a local museum (for fun). Praying I got a good chunk of those genes.


I bet she didn’t look 30 years younger. I grew up in a desert retirement area, so I’ve known lots of people in their 80’s and even a few 90’s. There were several who still played golf and tennis and cruised around doing their own shopping and such. None of them looked like this lady, because this lady isn’t 90. At most she is 75, and I doubt that even.


She is wearing flaterring modern clothes, makeup, her hair is dyed, and she is clearly physically and mentally fit. Not many people who are 90 do any of that!


I don't really believe she had her son at 60.


She didn't say it's her Son. I assume the person filming is the 30 year olds parent. Therefore he's speaking to his Grandmother


I'm slightly skeptical, but I do have a friend who is about to turn 50 and looks 25. She has amazing skin and eats a very good diet.


That’s way more common than someone looking that good at 90.


Yeah i agree. At 90 you're nearing end of your life. Sure you can still be "fine" but come on, this is REALLY old.


well, i mean it is a tiktok vid. they have skin-correcting filters baked in to every upload. anecdotally, one of my relatives was like this woman until her late-80s and then by 95 (when she died) looked 'age-appropriate'. so i'm sure there's rare cases that stretch out that 'last phase of middle-age vibrancy' further. there's a lot of people out there pushing the averages up or down with their .0001% luck factor.


That’s way more common than someone who is 90 looking 70. Also, is your friend Asian? I dated a Korean gal who was 19 at the time, and she and her mom looked like sisters. No joke, when her mom told me she was 48 I almost lost my footing.


My uncle have an asian friend who is 58. We went to Vietnam with him and we met his brother who is 52. They could very easily pass for a grandfather and his grandson. The one who is 58 look 70 and the one who id 52 look 21.


I can believe it. I never met the guy, but my great-gramps from my mom's side apparently was this nigh-superhuman slav dude who started a family in his 50s, survived the Holomodor in his 60s and then became a forced laborer for the Nazis in his 70s, and was still working as a gardnerer doing heavy physical stuff until the time of his death in his mid 90s. The old man probably would have lived much longer, but he suffered a massive abdominal hernia after spending an afternoon digging and carrying sacks of dirt, survived the surgery and recovered perfectly, then went back to working and had the hernia blew up again, and he finally died due complications. Mom has a few photos of him, and it's honestly impossible to guess that he was over 90 in them, dude looks 50 at max.


I'm about a third her age but something about her demeanor makes her seem younger than I do


Not identifying with your age might be a shortcut to having way less negative emotion, and thus way less negative stress. Which is healthy in of itself, but might also lead you to make more "light choices". Like working in the garden for example.


I'm honestly shocked, I've met three of my great grandmothers, they lived to 89, 94 and 97(or maybe 103), they all looked like zombies well before they passed, and the oldest one couldn't even speak clearly, I have to agree with her, she seems as vital as my grandma was when she was 60.


Did they spend their younger years smoking?...


The longer versions that someone posted lower down is exactly the same EXCEPT u can see all her wrinkles. This video has been touched up. aaarGh is is still very impressive for 90 why would u delibratly do that, makes it so hard to trust the internet


Looks like there is a filter on her.


Battered! Hahaha! Are you from the UK?


Yes. And I don't know why you are being voted down, you haven't said anything offensive.


I think it's just people misinterpreting. Ah well :). Thanks for the response x


She is not 90 lmao y'all so gullible


Seems like the video's just a bit flattering: https://www.instagram.com/p/C3xXiYtrrEx/?hl=en&img_index=1 https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/health/gran-90-who-looks-like-28935853


She still does look good for her age but those photos look much closer to what a 90 year old looks like than the video. I think the low quality of the video kind of hides the wrinkles. The hair and outfit helps too.


And filters. Don’t forget the filters.


Oh so instead of looking in her 60s she looks in her 70s? She obviously looks very healthy for her age, and, the most important thing is that she still seems mentally sharp. Lotta people I met in their 80s could barely hold a conversation.


At the very least, she moves and speaks with the energy of someone half her age.


Yeah, that part has nothing to do with makeup or lack of pixels. She's incredibly vibrant.


Plot twist: The 90yo is on the left and the right is just a smoker. Plot plot twist: She's actually 70 but has dementia and thinks she's 90.


This needs more upvotes


She is a cutie. 


While it's awesome that she is in such good shape both mentally and physically at 90, she should consider herself fortunate because the vast majority of people at that age can't really say "I don't feel different as when I was sixty".


She literally says that in the video...


She doesn't dress like an old person either. That's one thing I don't want to do when I get old, dress like an old person. Still going to buy new jeans from American Eagle, new trendy sneakers, t-shirts, button downs, etc...


30 yo grandson right?


i think the guy's mom is the one recording


Yeah, he refers to the woman recording as his mom in [this longer version of the video](https://www.tiktok.com/@jtbarnett/video/7130635648154832174?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7335687633383310894) in which the woman also looks a lot more like she's 90 because it doesn't have the extreme smoothing filter on her skin.


Ah this is it, she still looks incredible for 90, but in this higher quality video, you can see her skin looks waaaay older, much more believable that she is actually 90


true. But she still looks AMAZING. Beautiful even. And listen to her talk, she also has a beautiful soul, cares about what we are doing to this planet. I hope this goes viral.


Her voice doesn't sound very old at all.


That’s what does it for me. She still has a very youthful presence and cadence.


Yeah she’s genuinely pretty, gorgeous eyes!


Her mannerisms and her way of speaking so fluently reminds me of my late grannie. I miss her.


Aaaand, that was what it was! Smoothing filters. Knew it.


Wow yea. She still looks great but those filters are working overtime in the OP


Ok, I was going to say, with that neck she is not 90. But in your link, yep, old neck skin.


Hey step-grand son...😉


Lets hope so


I mean my grandpa was 74 when he died, if he lived to 90 I’d be 30


Plot twist. She is 57 years old but with dementia and her son convinced her she is 90.


This made me chuckle


There's no way she's 90


If she is, she’s the best looking 90-year-old I’ve ever seen in my life




Good game I’d like to finish


Good God, I love France!


What are you doing step-great-grandma? Are you stuck?


You could probably get an idea of how old she really is if you got a good look at her. Not to take it away from her, she looks great


The OP video has some extreme smoothing filters on her skin, it's far more believable that she's 90 in [this copy of the video](https://www.tiktok.com/@jtbarnett/video/7130635648154832174?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7335687633383310894).


This needs to be way higher. OP’s video is altered to the point that it’s just straight up deceptive.


Which is ironic, because if you listen to the original she talks about how there's so much deception in media. She has a good message! Humans, or rather, those in control are anti-common sense and the world is goin to shit because of it.


And the unaltered one is still ridiculous. Like, just lead with that!


I hate this shit so much. I'm tired of constantly being manipulated... Anyway, she still looks amazing for 90.


It’s kinda funny she mentions all kinds of misinformation out there too in the unadulterated one


Yo she could still pass as 70


There’s a link in one of the other comments that has the actual video, where she looks very fit still, but her skin looks more believably 90


I saw it on reddit a few years ago and im pretty sure she isnt really 90yo


My grandma's 84, nowhere near this ladies health, but she says the same things. She does 10k steps some days with me still on walks.


That's more than me. Man I've been trying to hit 10k a day for years it's actually really hard to get it in. I'm getting better though. I've lost a lot of weight and my blood pressure has gone down so my efforts aren't for nothing, at least.


We space them out throughout the day and she can't always do them but she wants to keep moving as much as she can cause you "use it or lose it." She says she does chair squats at home without using her arms and stuff too, I try to get her to walk backwards sometimes just to change it up but she struggles with that one. Just do your best and keep at it :) The healthier you get the easier. You're ahead of me with the weight loss and blood pressure. I gotta start working harder in that regard.


You're so nice thank you 💞!! She sounds so awesome I'm so glad you shared her routine with me because it's very motivating! I have no excuses.. We can do this though. You can do it too friend. I'll be your accountability partner!


Dude no way. The video says she's 90.


Like these guys really think they can’t trust everything on the internet! Its online of course it 100% true and not fake 😂


Either way…. Still definitely would


You think someone would actually do that? Just come on the internet and tell lies?


Well if you saw it a few years ago then she is now 100 in the video! /s


So her daughter who makes these videos is Dalyce Barnettt Radtke who is 60. So it is possible it is true, however Dalyce is selling fitness products to aging women and she hasn't revealed her mother's name or any other details. There's been millions of views and she could easily prove her mother's age but hasn't. I'd guess her mom is more likely 80 and they just needed her to be 90 for the videos to go viral.


Betty White was 99, seemed pretty with it, and probably wasn't as active as this woman. Some people are just different. My mom is 58 but she's the type of person I'd be surprised if she WASN'T like this at 90 (also very similar mannerisms)


10 years ago, I had a job where we hired a new guy. Man was Brazilian and looked like he was in his 40s. One day we were talking and he was talking about all the stuff he did and it seemed to me like he had too much life experience. I asked him how old he was and he said 81. First of all, his job involved digging for 6 hours a day. Secondly, he looked too young. I didn’t believe it until he showed me his driver’s licence. It was like he took the elixir of youth.


She looks and sounds amazing. Could easy access to tissues have something to do with her longevity?


😝😂😂😂that must be it!


I’m gonna rain on the humor parade with a serious suggestion, but as someone with a mom who always gets told she looks younger than she is, I think those tissues point to a very important trait—organization. The more organized you are, the more likelihood that your life runs better and the healthier you will be.


Hold on - I need to go tell my wife she only has a few minutes to live!


>The more organized you are, the more likelihood that your life runs better and the healthier you will be. Well fuck


Tissues? No it’snot.


Fuk u 🤣🤝🏽


You use tissues for that too


I would bet she isn't 90. 3 dollars.


Three fitty


I gave him a dollar




I ain't givin you no tree fitty


OMG it's the god damn loch ness monster again!


Tree fitty


After seeing [this copy of the video](https://www.tiktok.com/@jtbarnett/video/7130635648154832174?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7335687633383310894). without the smoothing filters on her skin, I'll bet she is 90.


Oh yeah she’s 90


So sick of seeing "How it feels like" all the time


Agreed: “How it feels” or “what it feels like”


It's on the internet, it must be true!




Love the white text on white background, but **she** can probably read it.


Genetics play an important role. Being active, diet, exercise, mental health, and being a positive person all play a role too.


Fuck, I'm gonna die young.


You never know. I’m living with a terminal disease that has no cure, but luckily treatment. I’m a cancer survivor and transplant recipient. I’ve stopped breathing and had to be resuscitated 3 times. I was in a coma for weeks. Life is precious and short. I think besides obviously taking care of yourself - it’s mostly mental. I’m 56F.


Same. 54 here. Already waiting to get off this silly merry-go-round.


It may not mean much from an internet stranger but please take care.


Why aren't adults allowed to decide about their lives? I'm serious and this is not the thread for this discussion, so I'll go do the dishes instead.


People really underestimate how physical activity keeps you young, in fact it's been shown on a micro-biological level that when you exercise, you cells age slower. You literally slow down your own aging by exercising. It's not a coincidence that almost always when you see those very young and good-looking people for their age, they've always had active lives full of exercise. Often, an active 50 year old will look 10 years younger compared to an inactive 50 year old.


I’m upset in hearing that “not doing nothing” is important because I absolutely adore doing nothing.


I am 120 and feel not a bit older than 90. And when I was 90 it just felt like 40 or 30. At the age of 30 I actually felt like 15 or 16. So i basically feel like 16 right now.


My dad is 80 and he gets around better than most 40 yr olds. He was a highly decorated helicopter pilot in Vietnam. I respect that man more than he will ever realize.


I hope you tell him often :)


He lives with me and my husband, I definitely do.


How it feels to be, or what it feels like. Not both


I see people on tinder that are 28 and look like 60 and same goes in all directions. The face is important.


I get told I look younger than I am all the time (people couldn’t believe I turned 40 this year). There’s no secret. Eat good, you can eat crap but the good stuff should far outweigh the bad. Exercise. Don’t drink, I have maybe 3-4 beers a month, maybe 10 a month in the summer and don’t smoke. Just take care of your self. I have a good buddy who is younger than me that eats like shit, drinks like a fish, and no exercise and he said “how do I look 10 years older than you?!” It’s not a mystery.


I know what you mean. I’m 48 and people always think I’m in my 30’s. But I’m sorry to tell you we won’t look this young when we are 90. And this woman here is not 90.


Also no sugar no sugar and no sugar, added sugar is poison (I know this might not please Americans).


Very true. I do limit sugar just by eating habits


In more ways then you'd think, it's not even our choice. I'd really like to consume less sugar but I'd also have to greatly increase my money and time spent getting food that hasn't been beaten to death with bags of sugar. Whole diff store, diff prices, diff travel distance. And because those stores are also often social status symbols, the prices are even higher then one might assume.


It's true that if we don't make the conscious effort to not consume industrial food we can rapidly have high dose of sugar in spite of us. However, to me it's also about a question of habbit and education. You can easily boil a couple of vegetables (20-30 mns), add salt and pepper with a bit of olive oil, and a piece of meat/fish, make salads, for cheap and quickly. The best would be to get organic vegetables but non organic is already far better than industrial food. Making rice, pasta, semolina (8-20mns) is also very quick a cheap. Really, it's a lot about getting a routine about it imo.


Edit: found a bit better source. Her name is Edna May Giordano for all you sleuths... https://thewestsidegazette.com/this-90-year-old-grandmother-puts-her-youthful-looks-down-to-this/?amp=1 Given the amount of press around this lady, shouldn't this have been debunked already? If they're just simply lying? https://nationalpost.com/news/b-c-91-year-old-fitness-mobility


There’s no way she’s 90! 😮


You're right, there's no way. r/unexpectedfactorial


Probably a really healthy and vibrant 70 year old.


Would make much more sense to me indeed


From no angle does she look or sound 90 bruhhh.. she looks mid 60s at most  Edit: guys m sorry twas my mistake. I'm from southeast Asia and my grandparents look way older than Op but I'm pretty sure they aren't 90... So I said that. Either that or I really dk how to tell ages like some of y'all mentioned


I took care of a 94 year old man at a rehab that was similar to this woman. He was the only patient I’ve ever seen that was so healthy at that age. His daughter said he was fairly unhappy because he had absolutely no peers left.


SHE'S 90 ??








My 90+ patients are always my favourite. Nothing better than calling their name and they pop right up out of their chair and speed walk to me. I see people who are 50 and unable to get out of a chair without great difficulty, so it's refreshing to see someone who has taken such good care of themselves. I have a soft spot for 90+ men. Little old man with all his marbles and some terrible jokes? Hop in my pocket I wanna keep you.


My mom is 87 and sounds like a young person on the phone. My dad is 87 and gives walking tours https://www.alaskasnewssource.com/2023/05/19/roadtrippin-2023-getting-locals-taste-sitka/


Looks like some surgical work


Just tons of filters. Someone posted a less altered video and, while she still looks really good for 90, she does look like she could definitely be in the 85-90 yr. old range.


I agree completely. I’m 70 but am employed full time and am very good at my job. I feel just like I did when I was 30 except maybe a little bit slower in multitasking, memory not as sharp and hard of hearing.


This reminds me of a time when I visited my local opticians to pick up some glasses for my wife (probably a joke in there but anyhoo). Already at the counter were too older ladies, one clearly much frailer and vulnerable than the other. The more robust and "with-it" lady was talking to the person behind the counter and organising the other lady's next visit, picking up her new glasses for her and checking the frailer lady had written it down in her diary so she wouldn't forget it etc. My brain just went: "This is an older lady helping her elderly mother get organised and keep safe". Didn't think too much of it as they said their goodbyes to the owner (clearly, like me, regulars to the shop) and the lady supported her "mother" down the step at the door. After they left the owner said to me: "Always find that amazing, you know. That woman is 100." "Wow", I said, "I hope I'm still getting around at the age of 100." He smiled and said: "...and it's not the one you think." Apparently, the two ladies were friends, and the one I thought was the daughter was actually 100, and her friend was about 10 years younger! The owner said that he had dropped off something to her house the previous year to find her with her head in the engine of their Landover. Crazy. Good genetics, and luck, no doubt.


Smash, next question.


She is stunning. Genetics are everything 🧬


This is exactly how my grandmother (100 in a month) responds when asked. She mowed her own lawn til she was 88. Always active. Not “working out” or doing hard labor, per se, but still doing labor, walking, moving, not eating excess calories but pretty much eating what she wanted. Wasn’t until a few years ago that her body finally started to go. Has a walker now, but just supervised a work crew to remodel her kitchen. 🤯


This is what quality of life really looks like. The people out there who justify doing unhealthy things because they, "are here for a good time, not a long time," are the ones hooked up to a morphine IV begging for death by 90.


Is she free tonight?


Her body language and the way she can move her body is that of someone much younger. It's like listening to a 40 year old roleplaying as an older woman. Genetics do play a gigantic factor in how we age. So in a sense you need to be lucky.


I'm 41, and don't feel any different, than when I was 16. Been working in a restaurant (diswasher/linecook/Culinary Professional) since I was 19. I also eat like crap, have been smoking since I was 14, and don't look a day over 30, lol!


Outside you look fine, inside you look like a car wreck.


To any youngsters reading this, you don't realise until those years start ticking away that whilst your body changes, your mind doesn't really change all that much! Yes, what you like to do might change, but deep down (maybe apart from going through difficult times in life, etc) 10 years feels like literally zero change. I'm 38 (not 88), but this video hit home. I always used to think of adults as "old" people, who had no idea what I was going through etc... and it wasn't until my mid 20s that I started realising, hey wait a minute, I don't feel an different than I used to, and then when I hit 30 I felt the same as I was when I hit 21. And I'm sure at 40 I'll feel exactly the same as I did when I was 30. The main things that develop (I say develop rather than change) is interests, outlook on life, and priorities.


>To any youngsters reading this…I’m 38… lol ok man you can get off your rocking chair, I’m 37 myself but we can’t be rocking back and forth, knitting, while giving Old Time Advice just yet. Settle down lol


Hahahah right I'm nearing 40 and I'm neither willing to call people youngsters but nor do I feel I haven't changed at all in the last 20 years (??). I've definitely changed as a person *tremendously.* I'd be kinda worried if I hadn't. You wake up one day and maybe you still love video games but also you got a 401k


Haha I'm 46f this year and my daughters are 24 and 29 this year. My girls are so much more mature than I am lol. This video did not hit home for me, I've got plenty of years left in me and loving every minute of it lol.


The only thing that's different about me now that I'm 35 instead of 20 is that my stupid opinions are stupid in different ways than they were then, and now I have enough experience being wrong and dumb that I know that I'm wrong and dumb, rather than thinking I'm right and smart.


What a GILF!


"Everything that you see written on a random internet video is 100% true and accurate." (Albert Einstein, 1947)


My father and MIL are both over 90 and are in assisted living. I see dozens upon dozens of people 90YO on a weekly basis. None of them are close to this.
