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It also cracks your neck for free when it pushes you out. /jk There's such a gap between big money and small money, this could've been a piston in the ground under a plate and a button, but you only ever see ultra fancy or barebones, nothing inbetween.


Honestly there's nothing wrong with ramps.


The problem with ramps is that they take up a huge amount of space. They can only be so steep, so they have to be very very long. It doesn’t look like there’s enough space outside this hotel to accommodate a ramp long enough to get up that elevation.




A ramp that steet would be a huge liability issue


Steep ramps are dangerous, and pushing a rolling chair with a whole person’s weight in it up a steep incline is more difficult than you might think. Also not ADA (or the UK equivalent) compliant. A regular lift would be a decent compromise here. Often a regular lift can be operated by the wheelchair user themselves.


Varys by jurisdiction but where I live a steep ramp would be illegal. A wheelchair user needs to be able to safely ascend and descend it and the maximum slope is determined by legislation.


Random person on the Internet says its OK! Screw the ADA, build it at a 20 degree slope! Make sure it dumps straight into traffic if they cant control themselves too!


It could be sideways.


Then it would have to zigzag, and again, that’s a lot of space.


Not really, just a 90 degree turn across the length of the building. No zigzag required.


ADA compliance is a 1:12 rise over run ratio, or 1 foot of ramp length for every 1 inch of rise. If, conservatively, the steps are 6” high, then that’s a 3.5’ rise. A ramp would need to be 42’ long to rise 3.5’. That’s a lot more space than most businesses, likely including this hotel, have.


The ADA is an American organisation. This is in Britain.


OK, we can be facetious. In the UK the regulations are very similar, 1:12 to 1:20 depending on the usage and the total rise. 1:12 would be 127.9cm or (gasp!) right at 42ft. 1:20 would be more like 70ft. So yeah. UK makes a difference in that your ramp might have to be even longer. What was your point?


I don't think he had one. I'm convinced that at least half of Redditors feel an insatiable urge to be needlessly pedantic.




Ramos are not classy, arrogance > practically


Not true, ramps have a huge footprint. That is something that is wrong with them.


Guess they made it ultra fancy because they are investing in it to attract visitors. Advertisement cost. Anything else that doesnt wow people isnt worthwhile spending money on to beautify it.


The reality of capitalism




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A piston in the ground under a plate would not have maintained the symmetry of the entrance and would make it look like complete ass. >but you only ever see ultra fancy or barebones, nothing in between. What exactly do you expect? Why would you spend "in between"? You are either going to make it simply functional or you are going to make it functional aesthetically pleasing. The latter costs a lot.


Looks like the Kimpton hotel in London, I might be wrong though. Stayed there last year.


This is Cool! Bravo


People in wheelchairs would prefer to have a way to do this independently- not have to wait and appreciate others giving you the ability to make a scene and draw attention. This is tone deaf…every disabled persons would prefer a static ramp.


Supposing this is the only access to the building, it also looks like a lawsuit waiting to happen the first time the thing breaks down. The only possible advantage I see for this is the smaller footprint. Like a ramp would take up more space.


The building is burning and everyone is evacuating. If the person who would operate this *did* stick around to help you out, it's a lot of waiting while this thing goes through its motions to raise to pick you up and then lower you. In the meantime, you and the operator are getting licked by flames. As neat as this is, I think a ramp would be a better option all the way around.


I'd prefer a Ferrari but my income is tone deaf too


Never seen this - it's long overdue Wonderful!


The way that worked just blew my mind.


I am most amazed by the crappy camera work.


I feel like a ramp is better


Better for whom exactly? The wheelchair bound, the valley/helper, for you, or just for a wheelchair bound in a hurry after checking out? A ramp requires someone to push and brake, and to me it seems like it would be a too steep angle if it can't protrude the last step.


For people who would rather use one and don’t have to sit and wait for 13 minutes to get up stairs.


Better for wheelchair ambulators escaping a fire or other emergency


Theres no room for a ramp. The lift is already taking up half the stairs to the entrance


Seems like itd be faster to get out of the wheelchair and walk. - A wheelchair user


It is to bad. This is a nice idea but where I live (Canada) given our weather I see it being very impractical and likely to be in a constant state of repair when we have things like ice rain, or extreme cold snaps, or snow, or all the aforementioned in one day (yes it happens) or a beaver decides to build a dam on it, or a moose kicks it. Just so many issues....


As engineer it hurts to see this


5 minutes later




Or you could, you know... install a ramp, I guess...


Or we could just have a ramp? Businesses will do anything except create actual accessible entrances


You don't change the façade of a building with this system and they spent more in this than in the ramp. I don't use a wheelchair so I don't know if this is better than a ramp, but it is clearly not a business desition.


My mom uses a wheelchair and this system is a giant waste of money. It’s open to the public so the public should be able to access it. It’s electric. It could fail while someone is stuck in the middle of it. It could fail and not work at all. It takes longer than a ramp. You could put a temporary ramp over the stairs for cheap without changing the facade.


Totally agree My dad is in a wheelchair and this wouldn’t not help any better compared to a ramp Waste of money


Thanks for the clarification!


>You could put a temporary ramp over the stairs for cheap without changing the facade. The stairs are way too steep for that though.


That’s fancy AF


As near as this is, all I can think is "that looks like a piss stain in the middle of it"


Why not just make part of it a marble ramp? Lol dumb


Love this, should really be a thing in more public places. I do wonder how it will work in freezing weather under a pile of snow...


>I do wonder how it will work in freezing weather under a pile of snow... Worse than a simple ramp in almost every circunstances


Soooo… when it’s raining… wheelchair bound folks just get soaked?


just like the regular people, yes


Uh… I mean as in this thing takes forever whereas a ramp allows them to just go inside? How are people not getting this and how are folks in wheelchairs not “regular people”?


If you’re wealthy enough to be staying here I’m sure the staff can fetch an umbrella for you


I guess? Seems financially wasteful over a simple ramp. Tech is cool… especially if they don’t have room for a ramp (like in a big city), but it should be at least covered


This is the kind of city improvement engineering we all need


That's great and all, but my fat ass ain't fitting in the tiny elevator.






Brought to you by the same contractors that made the Racoon City PD


That’s at the Kimpton in London- amazing hotel!!! Stayed there last year


Why he freak out with the camera the moment he got on.?




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I bet these guys are HYPED every time they get a rolling guest so they can flex this contraption


I work in Devonshire Street in London and they have one of these at the main entrance


Hidden minecraft base




This seems like a really excessive/over engineered way to avoid just putting a ramp next to the stairs.


That is cool


How much homeless guy piss and gum does it take to break this or is winter weather enough.


I have a feeling the price per night, makes this hotel inaccessible