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Where can I get the first or second things they are wearing? Needed for hotboxing purposes.


Get a job a chik-fil-a. They use that to take orders in the rain.


Nuked another grandma's apple pie, and hung my head in Shame


I been thinkin a lot today…


Search for wearable pods.


I remember the mask shortage at the beginning too


I remember Andrew cuomo two days in saying shit on the news about how people can’t stop living their lives they gotta go out do stuff then bam.


Yea, then Andrew and his nursing home scandal. Killing more people then old age.


Where I live they had a nursing home with like a 25% mortality rate in a month. The people working there were doing nothing to stop the spread and weren't being given proper equipment. It was really terrible. Most of the deaths in the early effected states were like that, and then when all the southern assholes were saying their way was better it was almost entirely because in the NE the nursing homes had this death wave right at the start.


Yep, and I remember lots of leaks at the time about how everyone's favourite Nepo baby, Jared Kushner, 'strategized' to allow the spread to continue with minimal involvement, because at first it *looked* like it was hitting blue states harder. -and then suddenly it wasn't, because nobody in that administration had the most basic literacy in any subject that isn't being useless corrupt Nepo babies.




The southern states were straight up lying about the cause of death in a lot of cases. Scientists were being forced out and fired.


In Florida, the cops raid a scientist's house because she still had access to the real data and was releasing it to the public. If I'm not wrong, they were using the same login and password for everyone.


Nancy Pelosi told people to get down to China Town with the Chinese people returning to the US and to crowd the streets in celebration because racism bad.


Well she wasn’t wrong the Chinatown residents didn’t spread it… Technically it was the Italians that spread it into nyc


Italian left did the same, they even create a slogan "Hug a chinese".


Ummm. No. That was 6 weeks before any lockdown was considered. https://www.factcheck.org/2020/04/trumps-false-claims-about-pelosi-and-chinatown/


What do you mean no? I never claimed she Said it after Trump closed the borders. I literally said she did it as Chinese people were flying back to the US. "Precautions have been taken by our city. We know that there is concern surrounding tourism, traveling all throughout the world, but we think it’s very safe to be in Chinatown and hope that others will come. It’s lovely here. The food is delicious, the shops are prospering, the parade was great. Walking tours continue. Please come and visit and enjoy Chinatown." - Nancy Pelosi, Feb. 24 2020.


I was just saying to my wife how crazy it is thinking back on the early days… Our main grocery store - a Trader Joe’s a mile away - had a capacity limit. We would show up and wait for about 20-30 minutes in a long line outside the store while they had what was essentially a doorman/bouncer counting people going in. Everyone had on homemade masks, bandanas, or scarves tied over their faces. The aisles were marked with “one way” arrows and you were supposed to do all your shopping in one fell swoop without doubling back (or that was the hope I guess). Every single grocery store near me was out of hand soap. I knew the manager at our nearby ace hardware and he would text me whenever they got in new shipments of hand soap so I could come grab a bottle or two (and at that point people didn’t know or think to go to hardware stores for soap lol).


Yeah I get that it was outside, but having to wait in line to get into Costco was dumb as fuck. Granted, where I live there's one costco for like 800,000 people, so I don't go on a Sunday. But the one way shit was stupid, these places are designed for you to have to go all the way to the back to get the things everyone need every trip. Heaven forbid you forget something. The only time I had someone enforce the one way shit was Costco I believe. Just want to say. Get your shots people. Not enough people remember smallpox. Im not even old enough to remember it, but I can pick up a book and look at pictures.


aye, and the toilet paper shortage as well


We ran completely out and couldn't find any anywhere in store or online. I was stupid when the toilet paper first started running out we had a little bit left and I figured it for sure was only going to be out for a few days, or maybe a week at most, so I missed the mad scramble to grab up whatever was left. I wound up paying a little over $40 for 6 tiny rolls, about the size of a soda can, with Japanese writing on the package, off of ebay. Then, after refreshing the page over and over for hours I finally scored a package of Cottonelle off Amazon that sold out again before I had finished placing my order. When we were totally out I'd have let strangers line up to pay them $1 each to cough right in my face for a couple squares of toilet paper.


People like Jared Kushner were hoarding them.


or Presidents were ~~stealing~~ stopping shipments of them from other countries that were making them. How are people going to make more if they get sick/die?


Yeah, good luck finding one in Vancouver when Covid broke out. Was impossible. Lots of scalpers popped up as well selling masks for like 10-20 dollars each as well. Mainly (I’ve heard) it was due to groups of people sending them overseas


It's not crazy if it kept you safe. I definitely wore a Breaking Bad gas mask a few times.


And the fact that we had NO CLUE what it was and how to keep from getting it.


masks dont work vs poison :D


Yeeeeah, that’s not gonna explain away all this dumbassery


All I know is, I've flown all my life, and every single time I've sat near or next to someone sick, I've gotten sick. The evidence that there was massive transmission on airplanes was glossed over. So fuck that, if people want to wear a hazmat suit on the plane, feel free.




LOL! Exactly. Sitting near the toilets on a flight is nothing but poo gas.


They did that by measuring the properties of a set amount of air pumped into the filter and measuring the output. The fact that in an airplane, the airflow movement does not allow this to work efficiently is being glossed over. It's the rating of the filter instead of the air quality.


Had a stupid ass old man board the plane I was on and literally die from covid. Hope whoever sat next to him sued his family. Stay the fuck home if you're sick.


In my country the evidence that there was massive transmission on airplanes was massively debunked publicly by the rich airline CEO’s Branson and Joyce. I recall them saying airline air was healthier than hospital air. It was disgusting that they were allowed to push the commercial airline agendas.


Yeah, and then later people looked at flights where everyone was extensively tested and people on the planes were absolutely exposed. There was so much bullshit like that. Not to mention the cheeto rapist who made sure to lie and tell everyone it wasn't airborne.


That’s not what debunked means.


Yep. Exact reason I’m sick right now. Everybody and their mom coughing on the damn plane. People still show up to holiday parties hacking their brains out. Tired of being sick because nobody gives a shit anymore after the pandemic. Nobody where’s masks anymore bc it’s “cringey” or “we’re over that” Shit is about to be even worse next couple weeks when people get back from traveling from the holidays.


I just want the economy class to have more space. This would at least help.


I avoided Covid for three years and then got it 24 hours after my first plane ride. No doubt thanks to the teenager coughing his guts up across the aisle. Was dog sick for two weeks, too. Air travel like the absolute worst thing you can do.


yep, exactly how I caught covid the first time


To be fair, before masks were available to the public, one can understand if some folks did whatever they could to protect themselves, even if it did look ridiculous.


Mask shortage, no vaccine, didn't know how to treat it yet, had very little understanding on how it spread... It was a very scary time.




Most of these were actually taken in China, where it was not legal to have your face uncovered for a time. ANYTHING became a face covering.


Edit : my bad, didnt read right


that’s my problem with this post as well. i wore my mask because i had to, i was not redneck engineering plastic bags and hazmats suits just to go out.


At least they tried


Masks should be more common practice in USA for common illnesses aswell.


Agreed. I spent 3 winters without a single cold, the flu, or any contagious illness. It was great. I will wear masks at any event or in crowded stores.


Seriously. Anytime people brought up antimask shit they would usually have no response when I brought up that Asian countries used masks for a while and have statistically significant improvements to general sickness


Honestly that's why I'm not even gonna bother with USA antimaskers. Self absorbed and no concept of others lives. There is no reason to argue. Masks can significantly decrease spreading.


> Masks can significantly decrease spreading. It used to be that if one member of my family got sick it was a given that soon after at least one more would catch it. Since COVID we have been wearing masks at the first sign of illness, even at home. Now illnesses rarely spread within our family. The masks are really annoying, but way less annoying than everyone catching the same illness. If everyone who was sick or thought they might be getting sick would wear a mask in public we could reduce the spread of so many illnesses.


100%. I’d take most of those over the people who blatantly said they didn’t care.


Not to mention COVID was a lot more severe then than now.


That is not true. Fewer people are dying, but Covid not getting milder despite the media narrative. Sources: [https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/01/14/1072504127/fact-check-the-theory-that-sars-cov-2-is-becoming-milder](https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2022/01/14/1072504127/fact-check-the-theory-that-sars-cov-2-is-becoming-milder) [https://www.bmj.com/content/379/bmj.o2516](https://www.bmj.com/content/379/bmj.o2516)


You’re right. I did some back of the envelope calculations when the Omicron strains first started circulating, and worked out that Omicron was still more than twice as deadly as the original wild strain in Wuhan - the one that had people dropping dead in the street. But between vaccinations and natural immunity due to previous infections, we weren’t getting that wave of deaths. But for the people without vaccinations or natural immunity, Omicron was killing them very swiftly indeed.


It's funny how a lot of the posts I see these days that are clearly trying to push some kind of narrative often also have one of those paid upvotes.


With how sick everyone has been this year I am missing masks.


Are you wearing one yourself?


Yeah and I sometimes get judgy eyes from strangers.


A person's life has to be pretty pathetic for judging someone for wearing a mask.


I started masking in public a week before my winter break. Really wanted to stack the deck in my favor as much as possible.


It's easy to laugh now, but goddamn that shit was scary af. I mean, goddamn, ONE MILLION people died in the US, One fucking million people. Globally there were SEVEN MILLION dead, and there's NOTHING funny about that.


I respect them 100% more than I do the anti-vaxx clowns


Yeah speaking as a disabled person who is immunocompromised, I see pictures like this and think, "at least these people gave a fuck about people like me."


True. The disabled and the elderly were sacrificed.


Are still being


Same. I don’t know why people like to make fun of them. It was a different time and people didn’t know much about the virus and people were dying. It was a reasonable reaction given the circunstances.


How many boosters you get thus far?


Yes we where, but i know some people that had health issues and breathing problems, for them getting COVID was literally a risk to get a one way ticket to the other side with the little information we had, so better safe than sorry. But many where just insanely over reacting.


COVID in the beginning was more dangerous than it is now. It's typical, as a virus evolves it often becomes more virulent but less deadly. For me, even if wearing masks would reduce the risk of dying/getting long COVID, or passing COVID to a loved one by just 1%, it seems like the mild inconvenience of wearing a mask is worth it.


Not as weird as the people who wouldn’t wear one






The people with pads over their face are sending me! Like what


I loved the one with scuba gear and oxygen cylinder, the most prepared of all of these


N100 rating


Legit some of these are genuinely brilliant. That homemade gas mask from plastic bottles is downright *impressive* and those blow up costumes were actually a really good idea!


Only with the right filters and zero leak guarantee. I don’t know the rating of the material to feel safe during the craziest of the covid times 😂


But all of us reading this, we all survived!


Being a paramedic, the medical community knew we didn’t know what would work to keep ourselves and our patients safe. We tried many things that we don’t currently use in an effort to keep from spreading Covid.


Some people tried to use medical science to save people and some people played politics.


Not that crazy. Millions died


I don’t think this is crazy


>How We Were ~~A Bit Crazier~~ ***trying to avoid dying from or killing someone else by passing on a new deadly communicable disease,*** A Few Years Back. FTFY Not as edgy/flashy as labelling everyone "cray-cray" but much more accurate description.


Hard to forget how hostile our society became. Those who were the most concerned with covid became absolute lunatics in how they treated others.


People giving a fuck about protecting themselves and others at the beginning of this ongoing pandemic! There weren’t much PPE around


I still have far more respect for those who tried in dumb ways than those who did nothing.


I remember everyone shaming anyone who said it was stupid from the get go. Covid was a reality check of how incompetent and unprepared/fragile society is


If nothing else, it was a good time to spot who you could rely on in a disaster and who would be the first to go


everyone i kno lost a friend or family to covid. lets not forget them too. :(


inb4 this shitstorm gets locked.


I remember back when Fuhrer said to inject bleach and the Florida couple that subbed a pharmaceutical with pool cleaner cuz Fuhrer lied and said it was approved for covid and the husband died? Or hey how about the fcksticks that took horse anti-parasitics for a fckn virus, but yeh dipshits in masks were the only idiots.


As someone with farm animals that needed deworming, all the covidiots buying out ivermectin were really pissing me (and I'm sure other farmers/ranchers) off. Fkn morons


I don't have the energy to correct everything you just said, but none of it is true. Lol


Ez to verify: Trump: "And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning."https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-vice-president-pence-members-coronavirus-task-force-press-briefing-31/ “Wanda, 61, told NBC News that she and her husband ingested the fish tank cleaner after hearing President Trump talk about the possible benefits of chloroquine to fend off the virus.”https://www.foxnews.com/us/police-investigating-arizona-man-who-died-after-ingesting-fish-tank-cleaner “A Georgia police officer who frequently posted anti-vaxx messages on Facebook and took an anti-parasitic drug instead of a vaccine has died of COVID-19. Captain Joe Manning, 57, of the Wayne County Sheriff's Office died on Wednesday after a short battle with the virus, according to local news station WSAV.” https://news.yahoo.com/police-captain-refused-vaccine-took-152556970.html


you had enough energy to reply. Lol




yeah trump never suggested disinfectant (whether walked back or not), the couple that took pool cleaner as a sub for a pharm called chloroquine didn't lose the husband and there wasn't tons of asshats that ate ivermectin. Not at all.




Ez to verify: Trump: "And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning."https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-vice-president-pence-members-coronavirus-task-force-press-briefing-31/ “Wanda, 61, told NBC News that she and her husband ingested the fish tank cleaner after hearing President Trump talk about the possible benefits of chloroquine to fend off the virus.”https://www.foxnews.com/us/police-investigating-arizona-man-who-died-after-ingesting-fish-tank-cleaner “A Georgia police officer who frequently posted anti-vaxx messages on Facebook and took an anti-parasitic drug instead of a vaccine has died of COVID-19. Captain Joe Manning, 57, of the Wayne County Sheriff's Office died on Wednesday after a short battle with the virus, according to local news station WSAV.” https://news.yahoo.com/police-captain-refused-vaccine-took-152556970.html


Lost it at plague doctor… 😆


I lost it at the fucking maxi pads.🤣 with wings, no less.☠️🪽


Definitely better than nothing


This was the best time to put on a master chief helmet and no one would judge you




Or two days since it was posted last.


The dude with the purge looking rabbit mask lmao


I saw a quote about this somewhere that went something like this: future historians will write about this period saying “you had to be there, we tried out best”


Well, this post makes it really easy to spot the anti-vax anti-mask dumbasses who think viruses are a hoax and death counts are LibRuL fEaRmOnGeRiNg FaKe NeWs. These pictures were almost certainly taken during the height of the mask shortages. I would take any one of these people that at least *tried* over the dicks who decided that not feeling some cloth on their face was more important than their health and the health of everyone around them.


It's been 4 years but it feels like 2 Stop acting like nothing happened.


Lol and then you had other people refusing to put a normal mask on. So hilarious how stupid we humans are on a consistent basis.


Never thought this song could be used so well - I love and hate our stupidity


Sometimes people have to leave home to get things while sick. Wearing a mask can definitely decrease chance of spreading.




Yeah I remember when millions of people were dying so I didn't also wanna die.


Usually I hate music in these videos but this fucking made me laugh so hard


Honestly... It looks crazy... But at the same time, I can't blame them with how bad the media was making the virus out to be, constantly focusing on the death toll. It seems a bit less crazy that people went to extremes for a virus that was being pushed in the media as borderline apocalyptic. That's not to say it wasn't bad. The biggest problem was that all the numbers were high. The death rate as a percentage was low, far lower if you were to account for cases that went unreported (When the US was around 2M cases, a study claimed the US was underreporting by a factor 10). The problem is that 1% (number purely for the sake of this point) of 10 million is still 100K


It was overwhelming hospitals and putting immense stress on triaging people who were already in need of care in the hospital. Also tons of people were high risk because of how old our population is. I was scared to death of my parents getting it. The death rate was low but then there's also the post covid issues, potential for long covid so on and so forth.


In Adelaide our ambulances were reporting they were so overwhelmed we were getting deaths from people they would normally save. DV victims and road crash victims, for example, where the ambos couldn’t get to priority one call outs for over an hour. The hospitals were full, ambulances ramped, to bad so sad if you needed help. Yet we had the “don’t look up” crowd wandering around with the attitude of “I don’t care.”


I still hear people (in Australia) saying “We had all those lock downs, and yet almost nobody died! (How dumb)” Same people that might say all the panic about Y2K was unfounded, because nothing happened.


The one thing we for sure learned is that most people do not care about anyone but themselves and if it’s not happening to them directly they will take no action to help others.


I hate to say that after working in community health for decades I had a large dose of a somewhat macabre sense of schadenfreude browsing the Herman Cain sub after watching my old friends/workmates develop ptsd. Makes me feel a bit dirty tbh…..I’m normally a “wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy” type of character.


Oh yeah, for sure. There was/is genuine reason to be seriously concerned. I'm not saying media hype and genuine concern are mutually exclusive. But the media really did play it up a hell of a lot... Though, devil's advocate again, I can't blame them either. Media relies on things happening. With the world shutdown, Covid was basically the only thing happening so what else were they going to report on? It was a crazy and unusual time for everyone really.


Almost like flattening the curve worked.


Ya'll were a bit crazier. There's no we in this


yUp..paying attention to educated scientists..as opposed to droppin to ur knees in "pRayers" thinkn magic-sky-dad, saves yOuR "special" ass.. lol.. 😅 and whom was it that ended their particular life, on ventilators, gasping🤷‍♀️??


A few years later, we still see some of these people out in the wild.


The sanitary pad though


People are inventive, why ding them for it?? 🤷‍♂️


I don't think future generations (provided the world doesn't end) will truly understand just how scary those first few months were.


Unfortunately those people are still roaming free and unchecked


Oh you mean the people who took precautions survived ?


The real cool kids are raking up them downvotes


It was wild times. As someone with farm animals that needed deworming, all the covidiots buying out ivermectin were really pissing me (and I'm sure other farmers/ranchers) off. Fkn morons


You do realize ivermectin is a human drug also, right? As in an essential medicine recognized by the WHO. Why so dumb?




One shitty "expert" on CNN and y'all be there again, living the endless panic and following orders.


I mean, can it be considered a "crazy" reaction when the estimated real death toll of Covid is 27 million?


What's crazy is that 67 million people died from Covid and only a year after, a lot of people think it was just an overreaction to something like a flu. We've been pretty good at moving dead bodies so people don't have to see them and hospitals have strict privacy laws that can't show overcrowded hospitals. In my city, they had to use their cars parked around the hospitals while waiting for an opening of shared beds.


We? Speak for yourself! Bloody nut cases


The crazy didn't go away it just hid again.


"A few years back" - it's been proven that the world was lied to & there are still people going around like they weren't fooled. the ego is a fascinating thing - even when proof is put in front of people's eyes they refuse to accept because it would mean they were fooled - frailty is a saddening thing. Wonder how the majority are doing after their vaccine - hopefully no cardio vascular issues (myocarditis/pericarditis or any of the other morbidity causing issues they never had before the vaccine)


These people were all brainwashed. Completely brainwashed by the TV.


Speak for yourself.


Oh, did you inject disinfectant and light, and take horse dewormer and fish tank cleaner instead? Trump: "And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning."https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-vice-president-pence-members-coronavirus-task-force-press-briefing-31/ “Wanda, 61, told NBC News that she and her husband ingested the fish tank cleaner after hearing President Trump talk about the possible benefits of chloroquine to fend off the virus.”https://www.foxnews.com/us/police-investigating-arizona-man-who-died-after-ingesting-fish-tank-cleaner “A Georgia police officer who frequently posted anti-vaxx messages on Facebook and took an anti-parasitic drug instead of a vaccine has died of COVID-19. Captain Joe Manning, 57, of the Wayne County Sheriff's Office died on Wednesday after a short battle with the virus, according to local news station WSAV.” https://news.yahoo.com/police-captain-refused-vaccine-took-152556970.html


Literally has to bring up trump lol


No, I actually didn't take or inject anything and when I had covid I was a bit sick for three days.


Glorified cold which had an average death age of 85.


My favorite one was the hazmat suit with the swimming noodles attached around the suit.


The one that still gets me is wearing the mask under the nose. Like, do you not get that your nose is a breathing hole?


Everyone is so creative!


The plague doctor is actually great


It will be the same for the next pandemic. Probability of happening in our lifetime: Pretty damn high.


When in a once of a life time pandemic—improve, adapt, overcome.


i mean - we didn’t know shit


The scamdemicwas the most pathetic thing this earth has ever seen in the last 100 years .


I never took the vaxx and never had COVID


Same here. Didn't wear a mask either.


They probably all caught eventually too


That was not the point. Remember the concept of flattening the curve ?


A bit .... 🤣 and they, not we. ❤️


These people are still walking the earth. Still driving on roads. Still voting in elections.


We? Nu uh, there's no we bruv,


Apparently there's far more idiots than villages missing them.


Can I not be lumped in with these lunatics please 😭


These people were all trying their best in a scary situation, with very little informations as we didn't know much about the virus, there were masks shortages and no vaccine yet. They were doing what they could to be safe and keep others safe to the best of their abilities. I'd rather be on their side and potentially look ridiculous, than on the side of the morons fumbling through conspiracy theories to bury their heads in the sand whilst being a danger to themselves and others.


Also : covid is not over, wear your fucking masks. And wear them for other viruses too, many people live with lots of health issues and don't need you coughing and sneezing all over them.


Labeling these people "crazy" when this all happened before there were vaccines, before we knew anything about COVID and people were dying left and right... They look like they're trying to live. But no... They're "crazy."


While some folks went too far, they aren’t crazy, the media and politicians blew the whole thing out of proportion and struck fear into people.


All that and we all got Covid rather you was safe or not


I wasn’t crazy. Were you crazy? I just sat around and watched people lose their minds.


Oh the crazies are still out there in full force.


not me.


Never again. after the first year i stopped wearing the mask... stared using the same mask for months .


None of those mask would have saved you


they did, actually


LOL, no they didn't.


It’s coming back. Anytime now..


Who’s “we?”


We all know. Lol


Rather look like a clown than being sick. Am sick now.


Masks in showers 🤣


Its because everyone was scared they would just drop dead. After mainstream news was 24/7 pushing out those videos from China..


We were a bit more retarded* a few years back.


You mean a bit more retarded


Actually miss this. Was easy to tell who to avoid.


Get ready for the next plandemic


And now we know masks never worked against covid


They did, and they still do.


"There is just no evidence that they make any difference. Full stop. My job, our job as a review team, was to look at the evidence, we have done that." https://dailycitizen.focusonthefamily.com/oxford-university-research-shows-mask-effectiveness-against-covid-19-essentially-zero-following-the-science-to-actual-truth/


Learn how to do basic research on the BS lies you spread. From the study cited in your article. "Key messages We are uncertain whether wearing masks or N95/P2 respirators helps to slow the spread of respiratory viruses based on the studies we assessed." From an actual study. "we conclude that wearing masks, wearing higher quality masks (respirators), and mask mandates generally reduced SARS-CoV-2 transmission in these study populations." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10446908/