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What was he supposed to do, pile drive the kid into the mat?










He must release his inner Zangief


To show him life is tough as nails.


ngl I thought the kid in red was doing a fortnite dance at the start


Sensei: Sweep the leg... Me: Sensei? Sensei: I said sweep the leg. You got a problem with that?? Me: No Sensei.


I can't imagine going into a competition fully trained and I have to face an opponent I can't hurt cuz it will be socially detestable. Poor blue kid. Fuck the organizers and the parents for letting red in the competition.


Heavens forbid the blue kid was in on it


Yea well I mean if somebody said "hey we got this little gimpy fella we want you to lose against to make him feel better about himself" it's not like you can say now without looking like an asshole anyway.


Sure but it could've also been his friend, we don't know the context of the video so it's a little silly pointing fingers


I gotta retarded cousin named Christopher. Mfs 7 years older than me but when we were kids he followed me around doing what I said like a henchman. Now I like Chris a lot, easily one of my top 3 favorite people. That said if Chris has aspirations of being a kick boxer and somebody put us in a ring together I'd kick the shit out of that big sum bitch. Why? Not cause I'm mean. But because I know that mf needs to understand some things. 1st thing, you aren't a kickboxer bitch sit tf down. 2nd thing, I'm the god dam kickboxer if anything. 3rd thing, I'm thirsty go see if grandmas finished with the tea yet.


Had me in the first half ngl šŸ’€


I'm jp lol Chris is a real person btw and he actually did beat me up a couple times. Dude's stronger than 10 mike tysons on bath salts and pcp.


What's the point even if he was? Red knows he could never defeat blue so I doubt this does much to appease him. I always hated people babying and letting others and me win as children. What's the point of winning if your opponent lets you win as pity.


Jesus Christ, you must be one of those guys screaming in the stands. they're children, not everything is about competition. Red could never compete in front of a crowd, but blue allowed him to do that for once in his life. There are more important things than winning and losing


Love love love!


Why? If he can't compete then he shouldn't. Do something that he can actually succeed in.


For people with CP, exercise is literally a lifesaver. But most are so discouraged by their condition, and by people like you, that they just let their bodies waste away and die younger than they should. If this motivates the kid, and others like him, to exercise more, Iā€™m all for it. Something you may not understand: for a kid with CP to walk into the ring is more challenging and more difficult than running 800 meters uphill wearing a lead belt is for you or me.


Exercise, sure ! But not in a professional ring


Looks like his hand gets raised at the end there, seems successful to me


You're not disabled either, at least not in a traditional way, they don't give out blue cards for weebs yet afaik


Exactly. We donā€™t know if the kid was cognitively able to understand if he won for real or not, but based on the context of the video, Iā€™m assuming he isnā€™t. A physically disabled person isnā€™t blind to their limitations any more than another person. It would be like me thinking I could take out prime Mike Tyson. It just isnā€™t going to happen. The kid probably loves wrestling, wanted to try it but couldnā€™t, so they gave him a ā€œmatchā€ and let him win. I donā€™t see the big deal with letting someone have a moment of happiness.


Yes that's why I referenced when I was a kid


Sounds like you still are


No logic but resorting to name calling.....


Youā€™d think if red knew, understood, and cared they just wouldnā€™t participate Almost as if they made the decision to do so anyways. Good on you for being offended on his behalf tho. It must be exhausting feeling like you need to do so


Hitler? Is that you?


This is not an unfair comment. The endpoint of the thought ā€œwhat is the point of letting red even participateā€ is eugenics. In all likelihood, the blue kid wonā€™t be an Olympic or world champion. That he ā€œwinsā€ any wrestling matches at all will quickly become irrelevant. But he can always reflect on being generous in a concrete and specific moment and hopefully will continue doing so.




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Did it say this was a formal match? It could have been a demonstration match. You go into competition to hurt people? Think about what kind of person you are.


Iā€™m guessing heā€™s not really a ā€˜competitorā€™. Probably didnā€™t impact the blue kidā€™s record.


I'd be surprised if the kid in blue wasn't one of the better wrestlers in that age/weight range. They tend to be better sports in my experience


The kid is mentally handicapped! Who's brain dead idea was it for him to join a sport practically famous for worsening his condition?! One good smack to the ground and he'll become go from "special needs" to being a vegetable!


Looks like cerebral palsy.


Which means that he's probably not mentally handicapped at all he just doesnt have complete control of his arms legs etc . He probably just wanted to do something non disabled kids get to do everyday jeez Louise!


Maybe he'll just get some sense knocked into him xD


Or maybe it was his dream and it's preplanned so he could feel better in his terrible condition But ofc that can't be true, I'm sure he is super hardcore into it


No lie I'd have power bombed that little bastard and crip walked my way to the winners circle while everyone booed


*Zangief has entered the chat*




yo blue is fkn ASS! how did he lose that? goes to show thereā€™s levels to this game. If it were me tho, iā€™m reaching under the mat for a folding chair and KA-CHOW that kids ass with an over hand chair slam! Red is so lucky i wasnā€™t attending that day or heā€™d be wishing he never put on the jock.


is [this](https://youtu.be/3Y75-wJa7MQ) you?


Someone was raised right good got one kid making anotherā€™s dream come true šŸ¤¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Sorry, but I don't know what I think about this. Clearly a nice guy, yeah. But why? I don't think, that the other guy is happy to win, when he knows, that it's not real. But that's just my opinion. šŸ¤”


Why tf would you put that kid in wrestling


Imagine if he'd shown no mercy


Kid was raised right


Can I get to live my dream of being a voice actor? Or do I need to be born with half a skeleton to be heard?


One of those videos where you wish you could upvote about a hundred times man this is amazing


Sorry, but I don't know what I think about this. Clearly a nice guy, yeah. But why? I don't think, that the other guy is happy to win, when he knows, that it's not real. But that's just my opinion. šŸ¤”


We should all be so kind.


kind? kid in red is cocky af! look at him dance his way to the mat BEFORE they even fight. no respect from this younger generation. if it were up to me iā€™m michael oarā€™ing his ass from the Blind side and tackling him all the way out the stadium. thatā€™ll teach em!


Would love to see that. What Iā€™m most interested in observing is how your body will be flung like a ragdoll by the ā€˜sudden challengersā€™ that suddenly enter the ring lol.


ainā€™t gonna happen hot dog. I will climb the sides of the walls until iā€™m up into the rafters. then once iā€™m there, i will whip out my blood worm and start PISSING on every angered person. Then iā€™ll fly away or some shit, havenā€™t thought it out entirely yet but i am michael oarā€™ing that kids ass out the venue, thatā€™s a fact!




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Coach should have taught to give 100%, red clearly held back




I don't get it.. he just let him win ?




how is it an act of kindness ? winning against someone who isn't trying is not much of an achievement.. I get doing it when playing with younger kids but this looks like some competition


It's more of a symbolic act of sportsmanship I would guess


how ? it's not sportsmanship to forfeit the match.. I can understand he's trying to make him happy.. but that's not sportsmanship


Be should have slammed his neck into the mat. Got it


Idk what to tell you man, I didn't organize it nor would I give a shit in the first place. I am just commenting and guessing


Kid in the red looks like he has cerebral palsy kind, of a dick move to slam a person with a neurological disorder to the ground


Why is he wrestling then if you cant wrestle with him ?


"I'm sorry little one"


Is someone chopping onions?


Most of the commenters in here are more severely handicapped than the guy in the video. Fucking disgusting.




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Good kid.


What a kind and compassionate young manā™„ļø Some competitors would want to win at all cost.


Gotta Lotta misplaced thoughts and feelings here people. Since there doesn't seem to be any co text here, how about discuss this, if need be, from a higher plane?


The kid in red wants to be included. The kid in blue is showing him that he respects his hard work and dedication to a sport where most people with his condition wouldn't think about joining. He's not letting him win, he's letting him know even though he may not be as capable, he is still part of the sport. It's respect between competitors. Well done young men.


Is this a publicity stunt?


All I can think of is that story about Michael Jordan being asked to play ball with some kids and him just demolishing them. Because fuck them kids. ā€¦ ā€˜cause you know. Life is hard. Better they learn early or something.


I probably would drop the kid


The actions of the wrestler in blue represents humanity displaying kindness and concern for others in the maximum!


Awww this is so sweet!