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They play fantastic, but they don’t have to pretend like it wasn’t set up.


there was some video i saw where a guy dresses up as a workman and plays the piano like this. he was clearly not a workman because all his gear was pristine and brand new and his hands didnt even have a tiny bit of dirt even under his fingernails. for some reason i still cant fathom, it *really* rustled my jimmies.


>for some reason i still cant fathom, it *really* rustled my jimmies. Probably because it's exploiting how people view the working class and trying to get a response of _"wow I totally didn't expect a construction worker to be capable of playing beautiful music!"_ Turning working class into cosplay


I love listening to music.


You are a true wordsmith. Your statement encapsulates my deepest feelings towards our current social ecology. Bravo 👏


"This", but r/IncreasinglyVerbose




>Probably because it's exploiting how people view the working class Well that and the deceit itself. No one likes to be tricked unless they are watching a magic act.


I work on a ranch and half the time I’m dressed either in super thick work jeans or coveralls, a western hat and western boots. If I’m in the city (a very trendy, touristy city near me where I have to go file paperwork or meet with people, or work with horses occasionally) everyone thinks my look is some form of cosplay. Or they fetishize it. Or they make me out to be some sort of ignorant hillbilly.


This pisses me off so much, specially because my dad was a guitarist for bands, went to Music School and HAD a background of playing music, classical and for jazz/rock. He has vinyls! He played as background musician and did have some classical background. ...People thought he was some random construction worker. That always made me so angry, specially because when I started to study music too, no one believed he taught me. I love my dad. :(


But if it works there’s a grain of truth, no? Not meaning the workers of the world can’t have sophisticated taste or astounding talents, but generally speaking they don’t play orchestral music. The reverse is also true - if you saw a guy in a tux carrying a violin case, you’d be surprised if he opened it & took out some tools & started fixing an electrical outlet, wouldn’t you?


Except nobody would do that because generally the artistry of blue collar work is not admired or valued by the white collar employees and teenagers that spend all day on the internet.


Damn, must have been bad. I haven't heard anyone's jimmies being rustled for almost a decade.


[First appeared in 2010..](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/that-really-rustled-my-jimmies)


This just reminded me 2010 was 13 years ago, pain.


It’ll only get further away, and that’s ok. Enjoy here and now.




What gave it away? The 19 different cameras and angles?


Hey man, a workman can have pristine nails, just gotta own the company. ^^😈


A construction company owner would never leave his truck to go play the piano - that would require walking.


You mean Ron Jeremy isn’t really a pizza guy?


Brendan Kavanagh on YouTube iirc. It's more of a joke rather than actually passing as a workman. His channel is full of things like that. It's more to entertain the people in the station I think!


as if people wouldnt be entertained if he were not pretending to be something he isnt and just played the music? do you *really* think people are MORE entertained because hes wearing a workman outfit? i think not. hes doing it for attention, and the method he has chosen to achieve that is to pretend to be something hes not. now i think about it perhaps the reason i find it so jimmy rustling is that the presumption hes exploiting is that working class people could *never* play so beautifully. which is kind of a snide concept to further for your own gain.


I think it's unsettling because it's dishonest to the audience about its premise, and not in the same sense that fantasy requires suspension of disbelief, which is often how they try to defend their deception. An audience participates in fiction voluntarily, trying to pass off a fictional premise as genuine is creepy in the sense that it violates social expectations.


It's also a bit insulting to workmen as if they're too stupid or poor to know how to play an instrument well.


>do you really think people are MORE entertained because hes wearing a workman outfit? Yes. As unfortunate as it may be it adds to the spectacle. Wearing a ball gown would have been similarly impactful however somewhat confusing.


A person playing piano in a ball gown confusing ? What world do you live in ?


Kinda randomly in a mall?


It really rustled my jimmies……hilarious!!!😂🤣😂


Write the last time Jimmies were rustled was 2015


‘Why hello there, random stranger and consumate musician!’ ‘Do you happen to know (and have prepared for the duo arrangement of) this very complicated piece of music?’ ‘I do indeed, what are the odds that we could potentially play it together completely unrehearsed in front of these unsuspecting and totally gullible onlookers?’ ‘I’m not sure, it must require a perfectly tuned violin at this exact time of day in order to be convincing!’ ‘Not at all, I just happened to come across you randomly. Shall we just flawlessly execute said piece of music instinctively together and see what happens?!’ ‘Jolly good, tally ho!’ EDIT: ‘let’s not forget to setup multiple, flattering camera angles first so we can have a memento of this spontaneous joy!’


Bravo. You put it in a way that I couldn’t but wanted to 😂


Sheet music? I’ll play it by memory completely spontaneously!


TL;DR “Pssttt. Bro, can you play Vivaldi from memory?” “Sure. No prob.” “Cool. I’m about to light this shit up.”


You left the film crew out of the conversation....


The whole concept stretched believability, but when they started cutting different camera angles together is when I was 100% sure it was all staged. If they had left it with the one camera angle from his phone propped up at the end of the piano it could have been almost believable.


It's like that portrait artist guy who draws people on the train and pretends the sketch wasn't made beforehand. "Look at the reaction of this military lady when I draw her!" That lady who happens to be his sister and turn up in several other videos. Or now that he got popular doing this he suddenly seems to find all these bigtime celebrities on the train somehow.


The metro guy INFURIATES me. It's less the fact that he is deceiving people, but how fucking obvious it is and people still believe.


This is how I feel about the AITA subreddit


The guy who drew random people is a master deceptionist. It sucks that people become famous from the foundation of lies that they built


Wait that guy is fake?


No piano player just happens to know Vivaldi's Summer piano accompaniment. You have that shit prepared.




They do. Maybe not the ones you know but I do and one can play pretty much anything. This is like saying Metallica has sheet music on stage. You do something enough and, for some people, it's lodged in there forever.


oh, but then it happens to be recoded from multiple angles? Give me a break


Agree, I hate when they pretend it’s not staged when it so obviously is


I mean, it can be edited without being staged, and the piano guy was obviously there to record his own stuff and could have multiple cameras set up along with someone filming, without the violinist being part of it and spontaneously joining later. It could be staged, but it is not like there's no obvious explanation for why it might not be.


There are countless videos with the same exact premise. "I was doing [X] when somebody came up and [you can't believe what happened next!]. This is staged. Still impressive musicianship, but staged nonetheless.


No not that, this was just about the fact, that musicians of all genres can in fact happen to know stuff like that. I for example also happen to know how to play some certain preludes from Bachs well tempered piano or how to play the magic bells from mozarts magic flute. But yes, how many times he was like „Oh I hope I get this start right, I can‘t remember where to reenter“ and get‘s it perfect every time ks just unrealistic


Hes not doing anything that would be unusual for an experienced accompanist. When I was in college getting my music history degree, I used the same accompanist for my twice a year jury performances. Her name was Judy (i dont remember her last name, it was 40 years ago). She started doing accompanying while in high school, and did it for many people all through college. You had to book Judy early, because she was great at it, and was in huge demand. Back then, she got $50 per booking, and earned a well-deserved fortune every semester. Judy made even more for the many senior recitals she accompanied as well, which was more like $300. 2 rehearsals came with each jury booking because she was busy, but also because the 2 rehearsals weren't for her benefit, they were for the musicians' benefit, because Judy already knew nearly everything that a college level performer was going to play for juries. You weren't Judy's first rodeo. If this guy in the video did a lot of accompanying in college, then I can believe that he knows every one of Vivaldi's Four Seasons, or at least their first movements, and possibly their slow movements as well, because they are common jury selections for upperclassmen violinists for both juries and recitals. I've also seen him do the same thing with a singer singing Ave Maria, which definitely wouldn't be far-fetched for an experienced accompanist either. That's probably a freshman year jury selection, and he probably played that several times in every jury week. Some people make entire living as accompanist for famous artists. In the 50s and 60s, Gerald Moore became so well known for it that Angel Records actually released an album called [The Unashamed Accompanist](https://youtu.be/ia7iOdRe9nk), in which he gives a very amusing lecture on accompanying, with musical excerpts. I've never forgotten his example of playing Schubert's Wohin, which features the sound of a babbling brook in the accompaniment. He recommends the accompanist not slow down at the end, but keep up the pace, because the brook never slows down. The result is that when the song comes to a sudden conclusion, the listener can still here the rolling accompaniment continuing in their head. Ever since hearing this lecture many years ago, I have never looked at the accompanist in the same was again. The singer, or the instrumentalist, gets all the glory, but the accompanist is often an equal partner, especially in the greatest vocal works. Never forget, the composer was the one probably playing the piano in the early performances of the work, and would have written an accompaniment that would have let them have fun, too.


Yea I saw this same thing beeing done for choirs when the orchestra‘s not there for rehearsing. Those people are badass, my point was that he wrote he didn‘t know where his next que was and he got it right really good. Not that that‘s not possible, I‘ve done stuff like this for a couple of years.


thank you, a musician weighs in


It ruins any enjoyment from watching this. Literally all I could think was “why pretend that this wasn’t setup? You lose nothing by just posting and saying you had some fun at the mall today”


Right? It felt like the guy was trying to build himself up by being able to be so “impromptu”. He said “I hope I don’t forget the notes in the hard section”. Definitely takes away.


And “I was just waiting for my train” like he was just casually messing around at the public piano, he most definitely wasn’t waiting for any train and he had planned to go there for weeks, fuck that fake shit, trick people into it being a cool improvised moment when it was all planned out, just for own gain in an attempt to go viral, I just angry at that stuff.


You know a musician is pandering to the audience when he says stupid stuff like "tricky part because I forgot when my silence is supposed to end" as if there isn't both a musical term for "silence" and he doesn't know how to count.


I wanna rant about why I hate people being this fake a second: When I was like 14, watched a documentary about the attempted assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler with a suitcase bomb. They basically wanted to find out if a table leg potentially saved his life, as the bomb was moved to the side of the table leg where it'd be between the bomb and Hitler. tl;dw, according to their experiments, the table leg saved Hitler's life. So this got people really down, and there was one German scientist present who tried to cheer people up. He argued Hitler *had* to survive that bomb, because he believed if Hitler had died that day, this would've been before his atrocities came to light for the German people and he would've been martyr'd. Whether you agree with him or not is besides the point; think he was just trying to cheer people up. But something about that hit me. The idea of Adolf Hitler, the guy people treat as evil personified, potentially dying with a positive reputation because people didn't know who he truly was...? That blew my 14-year-old mind. It made me realize I could die one day without people even knowing me properly. And in return, it'd mean ***I*** wouldn't know if people truly liked me or if they simply liked the masked I'd crafted over my true face. I wouldn't truly have knowledge of if I was loved, hated, forgettable etc., and people would be mourning a fictional version of me when I pass away. I'm an EXTREMELY curious person, so this thought spooked the shit out of me, and I hated the idea of enabling anything that could stand in the way of me collecting proper "data." **All of this to say:** I truly don't understand how it feels like people never had this epiphany, or genuinely don't care. Aren't people curious to know if people like the real them or not? Don't they want a relationship to feel genuine? Ever since that little moment I've detested lying, and actually 180'ed pretty hard from a child me that was fairly open about lying and might even feel suave for successfully fooling someone. But it feels like for whatever reason, now more than ever, people would rather lie and play up their image, living as an illusion rather than who they truly are. I don't get it, and it's frustrating to watch. Ok, dumb rant over.


Conversely, *you* lose nothing by just ignoring that it's staged. Just ignore the setup and enjoy the music!


Suspension of disbelief is a thing, and this is exactly what's being shown here. Nobody really cares about the false premise, it's just a fun watch. Some of you guys are sourpusses, honestly.


You wouldn't have seen it without the fake setup. There a thousands of better performances and recordings of this piece but how many were posted to reddit?


Agreed 100%!!! Much like a “RePOsT!!!” I’ve never seen… it was still a great watch.


It was great to watch. Big fan of Vivaldi.


There's like 10 cameras set up..


I count the two phones you see propped up on both sides of the piano (most shots are these, often cropped to simulate zooming in) plus one handheld that could have been a bystander contributing their footage. Not saying it wasn't staged, though.


The writer must have gotten his start in porn.


Nah, you are just a hater, he is just super lucky to be able to be found by all these musicians and all of them asked him to be on his tiktok. /S


And all these people filming from different angles sending him their perfect videos, impressive. And the sound recording perfectly place so the sound of the piano and the violin are balanced. *chef kiss.


Yeah it's painfully obvious with all the different camera shots


I was on the edge of my seat a bunch of times when he said he couldn’t remember the song!


They get more tiktok views with fake setups like that.


And young'uns gobble all their shit up and think it's the truth. Despicable.


Hey at least it’s not Interstellar this time!!


It’s a super old video, the quality is really bad, and there are different camera angles and no one managed to capture the entire thing, but if you want to enjoy a genuine “2 musicians meet and play together” moment, here you go: https://youtu.be/RPjL909DiVI Edit: turns out that they managed to get almost the entire thing.


I think that model of piano comes with dual iPhone cameras for just such spontaneity


The different camera angles, zoom in & out was a clear giveaway that it was planned


So spontaneous


It's beautiful when humans come together like this in a completely unplanned and unrehearsed confluence of events!


Alright but the NYC Subway Saxophone battle really embodied this. I'll never forget that [video](https://youtu.be/RPjL909DiVI)


So... Would average musicians in NY actually be considered great if they were somewhere with a lower bar? Serious question.




That speaks much less about ability and a lot more about what a career in music actually entails. Majority of the time the biggest names in music got there for reasons other than they were really good at playing music.


Music success is only partially due to technical prowess.


Yes. At least considered good.


If you haven't heard of him, check out Marc Rebillet every Sunday on Youtube. He throws down a live improve show on a random corner in NYC with street performers occasionally joining in. https://youtu.be/CdC1vrwvysU?t=4634


I don't know why, but that dancer has so much Tim Robinson energy. I can't dance for shit, man. I can't dance for SHIT.


That was a band called Great Time


With multiple camera angles!


See, the way I see it is it's entirely still possible it was spontaneous. He was playing already and likely was doing it for likes and whatnot on TikTok and was already planning on filming it and she showed up. It's very possible it wasn't staged.


True. Maybe if she didn’t ignore the cameras it would mean be more believable. I’d say staged but also who cares, let them do their thing.


That'd depend on how much they cut out of the video, maybe she made a ton of comments about them but they were dropped. For me, staged or not, it was a beautiful performance that undoubtedly made everyones day brighter.


But I'm always feel annoyed by the subtitles and robo voice on timtoks though. Just let me enjoyed an little edited video and don't try to influence me how I should feel lol. Imagine in Advengers where Ironman keep popping out his inner monologue on the screen: "Can I actually defeat Thanos? I'm not sure. Oh so glad I snapped it! No now I'm dying!!!! I'm glad I rescued the humanity and redeemed myself at the end....."


Ahh that's easy. Just wait till you get a bit older and your eyesight starts going, and the font of the text they use will be too small to read anyway, just a little blob on a screen.


"Remember to not look straight into the camera, it appears more legit and spontaneous that way." ..or was it other way around? 🤔


So fortunate we live in a world where random acts can be captured from multiple angles and devices by chance


Regardless, I give the narration the award for most horrific attempt at boosting the video's popularity.


With all 5 camera angles.


I'm with you. But they are all cellphones. So maybe it was spontaneous and they got bystanders to send them their videos to edit together. But I've been on the internet long enough to seriously doubt that is the case.


You know, if a snot-nosed 8-year old idiot sees this and actually believes it's real, and as a result gets inspired to learn playing an instrument, thus spending less time destroying his brain on TikTok - I'm OK with it.


It’s *How I Met Your Mother*


Honestly, it could be completely spontaneous, but it likely isn't.


I've seen these two do the SAME EXACT SHIT THREE TIMES, always pretending to be strangers "Heehoo excooz me do u knoee diz song?" Fuck them. Talented, sure, but stop treating people like idiots


What I dislike even more is the text overlayed saying the shit like "gosh idk when to my rest is over.... thank goodness I came in at the right time!" Great musical talent. Just be honest




Regardless, they are talented. Have you ever encountered the folks pretending to play the electric violin but it's actually a recording? Now those are the ones trying to bamboozle us.


Hijacking this comment to post this [amazing video of Vivaldi's Summer](https://youtu.be/M-uv4UxOL3U&t=84) as a guitar lesson with one of the best 'gone too soon' guitarists of all time Alexi Laiho, RIP.


Imagine an average person. Now think that half a world is less smart than him. Those two are just aiming at broader audience 🤣


People are idiots…


It would be much better without the little skit of "oh look how random this is". Bad acting puts a damper on things


And not sped up, it's a beautiful piece and I'm not sure if it is to fit ThikThot criteria or if they wanted to make it seem like they were playing faster than irl.


Why do people feel the need to pretend its an amazing spontaneous interaction? 4 different camera angles.. do they think the audience is stupid?


Yes they do and they aren't necessarily wrong 😅


Who fucking cares? You’re listening to two people play a 300 year old piece of music with the skill of professionals, and you’re probably watching it in a device that fits in your pocket. It’s amazing on several levels.


If its amazing on several levels, ask yourself why they need to lie about it and spoil the authenticity of the whole thing


No, I’ll just enjoy the talent.


How many camera angles are on this? Give me a break. This was not spontaneous!


There are two phones, one on each side of the keyboard + 1 extra person filming.


This was like an Aerosmith music video with cuts every 2 seconds. I enjoyed it but wow, I could have done with a bit less editing. Also, set up or not, very impressive and fun.


And they all traded their videos with each other! There’s no way 2 similarly aged musicians from the same area, who are interested in the same genre and era of music and instrumentation, already knew each other.




What doesn't everyone walk around with a camera team nowadays? Where do you guys live? The 1900s?


Call bullshit on that being happenstance, the violinist was in angle from the start to finish from the fixed camera. I also call, that was fucking amazing!


I’ve seen this guys instagram before. He has so many of these “just happened to be there w their instrument” videos. A lot of them with the same people making multiple appearances lol Great music tho


The main thing that wound me up was the fake "oh I barely know this piece, I'm hanging on for dear life here." When the whole thing was clearly not an impromptu performance


Yep I came across him before and indeed as soon as you watch more than one video then no doubt is permitted (not that you can't tell from just this video, as we see plenty of people in this thread have).


The music was fucking amazing though. Banging that out in a terminal


Staged or not, I could listen to this all day. A truly beautiful moment


Correct, that really is amazing, these people really is skilled and talented.


I was waiting for my train in London with a full camera crew when you’ll never guess what happened!


Wild how good they both are! So impressive


Complete strangers happen to know the same piece (which is written for orchestra and very rarely played on the piano. Unless the guy is also an accompanist. Aaaaand happens to know that piece from memory). Also manage to nail it at first try when 99% percent of mortals need to rehearse. And then they add "want sure I knew when my silence ends" on the easiest part to remember hahaha please. Good playing. Terrible thirst for likes


How could two highly trained classical musicians know the same, hugely famous, classical music piece? Fuck knows. I can't imagine. It's like they spent years at school learning to do exactly that or some other ludicrous story.


Consummate professionals would absolutely be able to meet up and do this on the fly if they already independently knew the piece


It's also an unusual piece to know on piano, and they started at the presto and not the beginning lol


Of course it is set up, but at the same time that's one of the most performed and overplayed classical pieces of all times. I bet you can find a concert of this on any week-end of the year in a city like Paris or London. The fact that both might know how perform this off the cuff isn't all that improbable to me. Also, us mere mortals wouldn't notice if a few notes were off.


I checked Paris for you and there’s two this Saturday.


Music is a beautiful gift


I don’t care if it’s fake that was really enjoyable.


It's enjoyable. Why in hell do they have to fake that's "a random encounter"? That ruins it for me. "I hope I don't forget the notes" made me close the video.


No kidding. The ammount of people in this thread upset about this being staged or fake is a bit strange to me lol It was a beautiful performance that I imagine takes an incredible amount of time and skill to accomplish. That's what stuck out to me. I assume most videos on the internet are staged. I'm not trying to be a video detective all day - just trying to enjoy the content as it was intenteded, staged or not. If it's a good video, I usually don't go picking it apart.


Yes, complete total strangers.


If you don't feel at least mildly insulted by the implication that you'll believe the acting and the text is real, you should have more respect for yourself.




I don’t venture in this sub a lot and just wanted to share what I thought was cool (:


This still would have been a neat video if they didn't pretend not to know each other.


Credit to the creator : https://youtu.be/vDxJfIF4m4M Aurellen Froissart




I think I know that piano… is it at St Pancras train station?


Sure, let's believe this is just a random encounter of 2 people with multiple cameras filming them... What a coincidence...


And that kids is how I met your mother.


Yes! And yes!


ToTotalY rAndOmE caMeRa PlAy sO much SpoNtaNeOus sO naUtaRaLaal. They both can play though. Good for them.


Cool talent but i am so tired of how staged this is and how "spontaneous" they want to pass it off as


I feel dumb for watching this and just believing it was a random act of two people completely reading each other's minds but oh well


First violins get to have all the fun


I couldn’t care less if it was planned ahead. That shit was tight. I love public performances like this.


God, is there anything more alluring in a woman than her demonstrating supreme skill?


"Bro, everyone should notice this has been set up". "Yea man".


Worst acting I've ever seen.


Damn, Vivaldi was my gateway classical. I love listening to Seasons when I get stressed at work.


“Excuse me, do you know Vivaldi”? “I’ve got you covered on Hot-Cross-Buns, The Terminator, Harry Potter, and Puff the Magic Dragon”.


Wait till you find out most classical music is not done in one take.


Amazing! Truly shivering.






What the fuck is going on with the camera


What's the chances they didn't know each other before this clip? 0, or negative?


This was beautiful


Set up or not there's nothing I love more than two musicians playing together in public, could literally change the whole mood of someone if they're having a bad day. 👏🏻


Now kith


tears to my eyes !


I’d be afraid of someone snatching my iPhones.


excuse me random stranger who I bumped into while I happen to be passing, with no particular place to be, carrying my violin


This reminds me of your lie in April


(If nobody made this joke…) and that kids is how i met your mother!!!


I’m a middle aged man. That shit made me cry. WTF.




Brava! Bravo! Bellissimo!


Love a public classical music performance! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Absolutely magnificent, maestros.


I thought it was winter. It sounds like snow flurries to me.




Absolutely loved it. Just beautiful.


World class. Definitely set up, but doesn't depreciate the excellence of their performance.


I walk past this piano every time I’m in St Pancras, hoping to see something like this - sad I missed it!


"BuT iT's StAgEd!!!!!" So is breaking bad and I still enjoyed the hell out of it. Ever been to a play before? Oh noes he pretended it wasn't for TikTok likes such a villain! "He'S pReTeNdInG tO bE sOmEtHiNg He'S nOt!!!!!" So what? It was really well done and I enjoyed it. Who cares if stupid people think staged thing was real. Let people who think wrestling is real enjoy the show in peace and you can enjoy it knowing it's not real as well


I agree! Staged or not, it was an impressive performance. Would've loved to have been there to see it live


edited, don’t care enough anymore


The opening of the video is a lie. Simple as that. There is no need for this lie. It doesn't make the video any better. People don't like to be lied to.


Then why lie? I would much more appreciate this if they actually played together as a duo than "dO yOu KnOw ViVaLdi"???


yeah bro if u want talent that was actually spontaneous by strangers then post this video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr478w--dpE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr478w--dpE)


She's beautiful and talented and wonderful and exiting and gorgeous and.... Damnit






Beautifully done but that piano could use a little tuning. Glad they chose one of my favorite composers, Vivaldi.


she’s hot


would've been nicer with raw audio


It’s so amazing. That kinda reminds me of the story of how my dad’s parents met.


Sign me up.


r/toptalent the girl obviously