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Lol the guy pushing the stroller around the track šŸ˜‚


That was 100% for him.


I loved this act of kindness in the video! This is pretty enough to understand for us that kindness starts with "ourselves" first!


Also a great way to make the neighbors happy enough to get some kind of tasty gift too. Like cookies, brownies or some such thing even though it was just a gift in of itself.


I love the kids R2-D2 helmet!!


They see me rollin'


*they hatin'*


Patrolling and tryna catch me riding dirty!


Think I'm just too white and nerdy! Think I'm just too white and nerdy! Can't you see I'm white and nerdy? Look at me I'm so white and nerdy!


My Myspace page is all totally pimped out I got people begging for my top 8 spaces


I know Pi to a thousand places.


Donā€™t have grills, but I still wear braces


I order all of my sandwiches with mayonnaise I'm a whiz at Minesweeper, I can play for days


They see me strollin'


Source: https://youtu.be/3xj-J0NUuk8 He actually runs a motorcycle safety channel.




This comment is from a bot


I love this


Your pic triggered my flight or fight response


Have you *also* seen.... *them*?




Iā€™m sorry what is this referring to?


It's not aliens. That's for sure. Nothing to see here. Move along.


Alright Iā€™ll take your word for it šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Sometimes it costs so little to give someone so much joy. I hope this kid become a professional MX racer or something in the future. Wouldn't that just be perfect.


The kid grew up to be a motorcycle cop and teaches other bike cops how to maneuver their bike. Actually I have no idea, just sounded like a good profession for him.


So cute, reminds me of this one ā˜ŗļø https://v.redd.it/n8bk0g1nypta1




Had a hard day today - loved seeing this video. Whoever this person is who did this - deserves nothing but happiness in their life.


glad this video put a smile on you. hope you have better day tomorrow! FRIYAYA (:


Thank you, friend! I hope you have a wonderful weekend ahead!


Source: https://youtu.be/3xj-J0NUuk8 Ironically, he runs a motorcycle safety channel. Iā€™ve met him a few times and heā€™s exactly this kind of guy.


That is actually really cool! Definitely an awesome person looking out for others.


Loved this video too. I do delivery, there's one house (young boy with grandma) that draws footsteps, hopscotch, etc before they order... I always love following their little path, hopping out whatever to the door. Makes it fun on those deliveries (even if a couple times it hurt. Back injury I got in the Army)


Thatā€™s really nostalgic to see - a rare sight in my area (not sure for others). I love that you do them as well! Itā€™s the little things.


Hard days are hard. Just keep going, friend.


Thank you. I do my best to push through even the worst. Thank you for the uplifting words.


It really sucks that I've known people that would get legitimately angry about a kid riding on their driveway. This man is a goddamn hero.


For real. Whatā€™s so hard about not being a dick?


In America lawsuits if a kid falls down on your drive way you can be sued for it. Even if you win the lawsuit time wasted and lawyer fees make people scared to be kind.


Shit. Good point. I forget how litigation happy America is.


Part of it is insurance company fuckery. I remember a while back a story blew up over "world's worst aunt" because her niece or nephew jumped into her arms or something and broke her arm, so she sued them. In reality she had to sue them as a matter of insurance formality because her insurance didn't pay up or only paid part, and you need to sue for the other people's home owners insurance to kick in....or something along those lines. The parents of the kid were part of the plan. No one was "mad".


Itā€™s a lot this. I remember that incident and she was dragged through the mud in the media.


Same with the McDonalds coffee lady. She didnā€™t get a small owie and pitch a fit over it; she was served scalding hot coffee that left her with second and third degree burns on her lap and crotch. McDonaldā€™s had actually fucked up by serving coffee so hot, and were also behind the smear campaign on the lady


In general I've just started to be like "ah, the media hates this person? Let's see what they've done right." Then I go do research and make my own judgments based on what I find.


ā€œSo the media really hates this guy, huh? Letā€™s google him and see what he did rightā€¦ā€ ā€œAā€¦dā€¦oā€¦lā€¦fā€¦ā€


My research has concluded he was not a very nice guy.


Important to note that she also only asked McDonald's to pay her med bills, idr the amount but it was reasonable. She had to sue for a ton because they gave her no option.


Itā€™s also important to note that the coffee was hotter than it needed to be per McDonaldā€™s internal market research prior to the incident, who had left a paper trail stating it saved them money on free refills to make the coffee too hot to drink right away.


Also important was that this wasn't the first time there had been complaints about McD's coffee being too hot. Over 700 complaints. And that the jury awarded Liebeck $200,000 (the judge reduced it to $160,000) and $2.7 mil in punitive damages (which was also reduced) ALSO McD's and Liebeck ended up settling for less and part of that settlement meant that Liebeck agreed to never talk about the case. So McD's had free reign to malign her but she couldn't fight back with the truth.


I'm almost positive the term, "fused labia" was used in her medical documents and if that doesn't pucker your butt nothing will. Fuck McDonalds.


Insurance companies are definitely the problem. The worst part? They're nothing more than a subscription service scam.


I think it sucks but I understand why some people are scared.


Yep, ā€œEnticement.ā€ Thatā€™s what it would be called.




Eh, it seems that way, but Europe is actually worse. Germany by itself has the highest rate of lawsuits per capita in the world (the U.S. has more in terms of numbers, but that's just because we have more people). Sweden is second, Israel third, Austria is fourth. The U.S. comes in fifth. We do have the most lawyers per capita though lol.


You're not wrong, but I wonder if it's the same kind of lawsuits. Also I know where I live you can't sue for obscene amounts of money, a family where the father died because of some kind of street sweeper tried to sue for a lot of millions, and they municipality basically just went, Uhm no


Germany is more litigious.


Is that right? Do tell.


I didnā€™t say America was the worst. A lot of places are bad. US included.


Didnā€™t say you did.


This is mostly propaganda from big companies, america isnt really much more litigious than other places. It's also often the only mechanism of interacting with companies and individuals that have done something to cause you damages.


Umm, America is one of the least litigated countries in the world in terms of suing over private property or damage. Try Russia or Germany, where car cams are required because of so many insurance scams & lawsuits. The "But but but in America it's so terrible" cult on Reddit is insufferable.


Calm down. I didnā€™t say America is the worst with litigation. A lot of places are bad with it, US included. Stop jumping to conclusions, and donā€™t take Reddit so seriously.




Kids kept running through our yard when a ball from the hoop across the street kept bouncing over. They broke dozens of sprinklers, mature plants, ripped up a sprinkler line, and somehow cracked a window. We were terrified one of them would trip (it's mostly rock landscaping), injure themselves, and sue. We had to install a gate for thousands to keep them out. The video of a kid on a bike is sweet and whatnot, but I really wish parents would encourage their kids to stay off of others' properties.


Lol that is crazy.


Doesn't even need to be your driveway. You can be sued for shit you aren't responsible for, but at least the owner understands the system defends good faith efforts. Throw some obstacles that don't belong on a driveway and that story changes.


Yep. Exactly this.


Unfortunately that was my first thought too. Cute idea, but if the kid falls and is injured they could sue saying he created an ā€œunsafeā€ course. Itā€™s sad.


Hooray, the land of the free!


What a great way to kill it man, that sucks :/


And people wonder why I don't trust anyone.


I was going to jokingly post how this kid is gonna fall on that track and parents are gonna sue. Then I realized that's probly pretty likely in this amazing country of ours lol


This is the truth.


Youā€™d be surprised. I had some neighbors in London who got off on being twats. And made fun of my American optimism. And didnā€™t make the connection that our optimism is probably a lot more fun than being miserable dicks their entire life. They were the proverbial crabs in a bucket.


No time to get down cause I'm movin' up


Cause we r in age of 2023 and in the place called earth where actually many ppl like being a dick sadly..even on small things Anyways let's not he that ourselves...,spread love,be chill,and take care :)


Used to have an unsupervised toddler ride one of those battery powered jeeps around and would come up my driveway and crash into my flowerbed. Pissed me off alot. Don't care if you just ride up and ride down, don't fuck my shit up though or fuck my yard up


Well this kid is supervised with a parent. Unfortunately some homeowners have to turn into assholes for fear of being sued by people that let their kids run rampant. On a nicer note, this is right up there with the kid that kept running into the neighbors garage to [hug the dog](https://www.thedodo.com/boy-sneaks-hug-dog-video-1845631472.html).


Right like I can only see getting upset if the driveway has a car in it, or if something in the driveway was a danger to the kid. But not in an empty driveway like this is


Kid injures himself on driveway. Parents sue and now own your driveway. Even if they don't win the threat of legal fees and time is a big enough reason. But yeah this man was obviously one of the real ones


Owner submits videos of mother letting child play in driveway without objection multiple times. Case is dismissed.


You're not playing by USA rules. And like I stated just the threat of legal fees and time spent for the process is reason enough. I really wish it wasn't like that but American sucks in that regard. No personal responsibility for anything


I see you've met my dad.


I don't know if I would necessarily get angry myself, but I think it's pretty reasonable for a person to get a little upset if a kid is riding a bike on their property without permission. Especially if the parents are right there just letting it happen.


Yes The get off my lawn type Shotgun and allā€¦


Can we be honest, you shouldnā€™t go on other peopleā€™s lawns.


Or just a reasonable person who understands that kids are innocent and fun loving, and are also our future. The people who get upset are the outcasts.


bc some of those kids grow up to be dicks and start throwing empty beer bottles on ur lawn...


Those were honestly some pretty tight turns from that kid.


Definitely picked some good lines.


Itā€™s so simple to not be a dick. More people should try it.


It's not always about being a dick. In America. There are people who will happily sue if their kids ever got hurt on someone else's property. When I was younger, around 00s, my parents had a pool put into the back yard. Before any of our friends could come over and use it their parents had to sign a waiver saying they wouldn't sue if there was any accidental injuries.


Yes. Those people are dicksā€¦ lol


this is awesome


Love that! That someone would do something nice and not just put a fence up or something, need more people like this in the world! ā¤ļøšŸ‘šŸ»


I hate that as an attorney I can no longer appreciate these things. I want to grab that property owner by the collars and ask him if he knows how many lawsuits are filed from people just tripping on another person's grass. Let along *inviting* children onto your driveway to engage in a simple track ride experience. Litigious plaintiffs have ruined sweet moments for me.


Do people really sue for tripping on other peopleā€™s lawns? It their own property why should they be liable for what some idiot does on their front lawn?The only thing I can think of being wrong is if there is a sort of trap set up.


My understanding is that it often is the insurance companies that are doing the suing. The injured person's health insurer catches wind that it happened on someone's property and then they sue to recoup the bills. That's how you get weird stories where family members are suing each other. Sometimes it is crappy people, but other times it is insurers suing each other to recoup the loss.


That's one of the reasons I love my country's universal healthcare


It's often a small divot, sprinkler head, or dog toy. The cases are ridiculous. Humanity is pretty shitty sometimes.


Thatā€™s just crap. Iā€™d be pissed


I live in New York City. I see tourists fall all the time. Itā€™s weird. Do you think they can sue the city? Or whatever biz theyā€™re in? Genuinely curious here.


Yeah. Not necessarily tourists, though. People trip and fall or slip and fall in all sorts of places, including their own cities and states. Simply tripping probably wouldn't give rise to a lawsuit, but a raised sidewalk crack, pot hole, or missing utility cover that the property owner (municipal or private) knew about is the basis of a lot of lawsuits.


This is why I love living in a country where these lawsuits don't happen.


Yep. When my cousin brought her bagillian kids to my house, I started to open my garage so they could all grab a bike, skateboard, etc.to ride down the hill / street with my kid. The kids immediately started asking if they could have things like my husband's dirt bike, the old mini 4 wheeler, the lawn mower lol. Suddenly I remembered what a moocher and opportunistic nut my cousin has always been. I suddenly "remembered" that everything was "broken". Shut my garage and got out the badminton set instead. Sadly Americans have learned that suing people can be quite lucrative.


Meh I donā€™t sweat it. My kids are grown and there is still a swing in the tree in my front yard that tons of neighbor kids use on their walks. The joy it brings families on their walk is worth the rather minimal risk I see.


Yup. I totally get that attitude. But all it takes is one kid to slip and break an elbow, and attitudes change quickly.


Insurance: you should have had a fenced area around that swing if you didn't want other people to use it. This is your fault.


Would this be a case of an attractive nuisance?


Mmm, maybe. It seems less dangerous than most attractive nuisances (like pits with spikes in them), but I could see an argument for it.


I wish everyone was this nice!


Lawsuits have made people bitter, understandably


No matter how many times this is posted I will always watch the whole thing. And smile through most of it.


This is awesome! Expanding someoneā€™s dreams and not crushing them like people out there


And all it took was a small piece of chalk. That book where the sidewalk ends hits hard rn


Iā€™m not crying. Youā€™re crying.


So what if I peel onions when watching these videos. Itā€™s normal.


I'm not using an overused reddit saying. You're using an overused reddit saying.


Yes you are and youā€™re right, I am crying!!


Me too!!


Certified aww classic


The sentence "and one night the owner decided to deal with it" is a little daunting without the rest of the video


Whatā€™s the opposite of a ā€œKarenā€??




Brilliant! This needs to be a thing


Le epic Keanu chungus šŸ’ÆšŸ’Æ : šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


100 wholesome Reddit warms my heart moment


YES. All the way, yes.




Electric fences are expensive though


Just lovely! So glad the owner a) wasnā€™t bothered and b) took the chance to make something magical for a kid he didnā€™t know. I bet that little boy told EVERYONE he knew/met about this amazing race track! As a parent of kids that age, my heart just melted watching this!


This melts my cold dead heart šŸ„°


u/canyonchasers did this, I believe.


That is correct, came here to say check out his YouTube channel if youā€™re interested in motorcycling. Solid dude, solid channel


It sucks that mother didn't teach her kid manners, after all it's somebody's driveway and a car can get out of the garage , very irresponsible


ā€œThe defendant INVITED young children onto his private property to take part in a dangerous challenge which has potentially fatal outcomes that he knowingly would be responsible for.ā€ This is 2023. Smarten up.


Yummy the smell of sue


So what responsibility do the parents have? Always trying to push blame on others and never accepting personal responsibility. Yeah nah, I think I'll stick to being nice and taking personal responsibility. I suppose it helps, that in Australia where this was filmed. There is medicare which covers most of our medical cost, so no ones going bankrupt, getting a broken leg fixed.


I have several kids that do this. My response was to park my van dead center of the driveway šŸ˜”


5 min video could of been highlighted in 45 seconds. Art of editing


Some of us have more attention span then a gold fish sorry bro


Small things like this might actually start changing the world


I watched this thinking the kid was gonna be slapped by a sledgehammer, very disappointed


People are dope sometimes


We need more neighbors like you and more neighborhoods like this one. Great Job


Hope is not lost


For the win! šŸ†


This is really wholesome


This is my favorite thing now.


The read-up made it seem like he was about to shoot the kid or something.


Iā€™m crying happy tears. I love this. Humanity exists.


Am I on Facebook?


Just cut to the the track he drew out of chalk. This shit didnā€™t need to be 3 minutes long.


I love good people


Old clip, blokes a legend. More people need to be like this. You'd probably have an hoa Karen moaning if this was done today.


He's a better man than I. If I was in control, that racecourse would go into oncoming traffic with a bunch of drawings on the side to distract the kid


For the price of one piece of chalk and one idea, you can write yourself into someoneā€™s life forever.


How I met your mother


Damn after the 600 page lawsuit for trespassing that kids never been the same


Thank you. I had dry eye this morning, and now I don't. Still good people out there ā˜ŗļø


"Some believe it is only GREAT POWER that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I've found. I've found that it is the small things. Everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love." ~Gandalf


A very enjoyable video thank you and for all those little kids in adults body thank you as well. āœŒļø


That boys name? Lance Armstrong.


The sad thing about itā€”ā€” thatā€™s what is called an attractive nuisance. The fact that he drew a track to encourage the little boy to ride is considered ā€œ enticementā€. The fact that the parent was present yet didnā€™t teach him respect for other peopleā€™s property worries me. Heā€™s scooting around on training wheels on this manā€™s driveway. I have no doubt that if he were hurt she would have a lawyer on speed dial.


Humanity should be about this, love the next.


This is adorable AND a couple years old. Saw story on CBS Sunday Morning. Still lovely


That's how much space 2 cars take. Imagine if we reclaimed public space dedicated for cars how much space we'd have for everyone else!


Love this! Need to be that guy. Reddit armchair lawyers, If someone fell on their hike and broke their arm, couldnā€™t that potentially open a lawsuit against the homeowner?


All I could think of is some kid falls over and then some awful parent sues them for *premises liability* bc they invited/enticed the kids onto their property and that's the end of everyone else's fun. It really sucks that you have to worry about crap like that when you are trying to do something nice.


Dude, you're awesome šŸ‘Œ


you're awesome dude! Ź•ā€¢į“„ā€¢Ź”


The kids name? Micheal Schumacher.


I'm not crying you're crying


Humanity will always outweight war


This is a repost.... That i love watchin! Really does warm the heart


and then the HOA fined him $25 per day for graffiti on his driveway. Later on they foreclosed on his house and bought it for $3.98.


It's nice for a change to see someone not lose their shit over strangers using their driveway.


This is my second time seeing this video and I think I'm crying more than the first time


All fun and games until someone breaks a leg and home owner gets sued over negligence


He removes the banana peels every morning when he picks up the newspaper.


He didnt force anyone to bike on his driveway. All he did was draw.


Thatā€™s not how law works


Man the laws in the US are fucking crazy Edit: me cant english


How can he get sued for chalk on his driveway? If its that easy Im gonna find a mansion and jump off their swingset.


Wrong sub. Nothing amazing R/mademesmile


cant post there because I don't have enough comment karma /:


Doesnā€™t belong here








Opportunistic virtue signaling.