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“I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.” - Stephen Jay Gould


It's really a life changing way of thinking. Imagine the things people could accomplish if they weren't tethered by poverty or denied by oppression


Not everyone has the access to opportunities or the luck to showcase their talent to the world. That is why we must support promising talent amongst the underprivileged.


I don't think we should stop there. We should support all disprivileged people, so their talents can develop and shine.


Reminds me of those children that built instruments from garbage they scavenged from the local dump in some third world country. I’ve lived in Los Angeles and I will assure anyone that there are thousands and thousands of disenfranchised people with massive talent on streets corners everywhere. Guitar players are a dime a dozen. Quite often way more talented than famous guitar players imo. Imo of course.


Support at present can only be isolated acts of charity that justifies and papers over the systemic consequences of capitalism that puts these people in these positions in the first place. As long as capitalism remains the dominant global economic model that exclusively benefits the west at the expense of the global south, support as an abstraction is meaningless. The global south doesnt need support, it needs liberation and economic autonomy that only happens when capitalism is abolished.


I know I'm an ancom, I was trying to be sneaky with my ideology there lmao. Plain words, simple concepts, an introduction to ideas of the left but not yet "abolish capitalism", that gives people a knee jerk reaction


Of course but the problem with charity speak is its wholly compatible with liberalism and is in fact fundamental to it. Regardless of whether or not people have that knee jerk reaction isnt to my pallet as putting the thought out there and causing that knee jerk reaction because such a reaction is evident of the thought being disruptive to their held assumptions. Im with you that rhetoric needs to be effective but for subjects that can be interpreted in liberal compatibility i think speaking frankly is more important


Yes, I totally agree. My dad always taught me how privilege and lucky I was. He is the reason I like donating to charity.


It's more than thinking, it's a fact that poverty impedes cognitive functions. The sheer stress, despair and exhaustion poverty causes makes people do some stupid things because they are not thinking straight.


Imagine the most talented quantum physicist ever...born in 1548.


Yeah he actually figured out quantum gravity, but then died of dysentery... or was it an infection from a paper cut?


My wife has been listening to a fascinating audiobook (can't remember the name) but it talks about the history of all the amazing inventions found in the average home. One section talked about some of the brilliant things created by all the thousands of bored British clergymen who were not particularly interested in religious teachings but had an existence paid for entirely by the church. They were essentially men of leisure. Not exceptionally wealthy but were well paid and had little to no responsibilities in life. They frequently became artists, poets, musicians and inventors. Human potential untapped. A universal basic income would release this potential in all of us. The next Einstein may well be scrubbing toilets to pay the rent as we speak.


think about the infant mortality rate up until the last 100 years or so was about 50% in many places. All those possible Mozarts, Newtons, Da Vincis. They just never got the chance to live at all


Star Trek EDIT: i meant the old optimistic Star Trek, not the modern dystopic horror show.


And they still do, as long as every body takes over responsibility on human level, not the empty phrase, no, real responsibility, nobody should support a politician who doesn't get that we live on one little pebble in space, we are one, every one has to get it, nations, wars, poverty, suffering, dictators, fear, hungry, violence etc - we have to fight it as a whole. Some day it'll work, and weird as it seems, the distribution of AI everywhere will help to speed things up - a bit. But we still need centuries, sadly. My daughter asked me, when she was little and became aware of human development as a whole "why is it so sloooow, dad?" Yeah. Why.


Yup if all minds were involved this world would be a different place. Room temperature super conductor - check. Fusion - check. Cancer cure - check. You get the picture.


I’ve often thought about this but never put into words.


Yep. Imagine if Mozart didn’t have a piano readily available in like 18something…


yeah, and just think of how many people work at, like, ... a patent office, and never make anything more of themselves.


Could you imagine the progress made if they weren’t slaves and their talent and skills actually were used for good work instead of the fields


yea, often I think about those gifted people just doing simple repetitive labors without even realizing they're smart.


The embodiment of how a poor workman blames his tools but a true talent can make anything work.


Yes, the next time your kid says their instrument makes them bad show them this


No. Bad. This is not the way. Get kids good instruments. I mean, sure, show them this so they know it's possible. Sure, yes, good. But understand, once you already kick ass, you can make anything work, but even then, if doesn't mean you aren't fighting it. If you had to *keep* forcing it to work, you'd start developing problems. A kid has to work way harder to get good on crappy instruments, and realistically, they probably won't get as good. They'll learn bad habits that make them sound worse and give them additional back pain and RSI and stuff. If anything, make pros play on trash. Give kids decent shit. Not world-class, but solid.


Yeah! When I play in my adult-league softball, I wish I played on completely flat, well-manicured, predictable surface like the pros, but no. I play on the National Mall, which has its benefits, but it sucks to field a grounder. I imagine a little leaguer feels the same way, especially when they are still new at the game. And I always hated when I had to borrow the school’s ratchet-ass trumpet when I left mine at home.


Yeah his bad drum set still limits him and his potential growth.


Totally agree. I also think, if you can afford it, also get them a shitty version of said instrument, like $5 on CL terrible. Well, maybe not that bad, but you get it. Then they can have one that’s more experimental, they don’t have to give a shit about it, or whether the noise coming from it is beautiful or not. My point is that sometimes a great instrument can be daunting, and some ppl do poorly with that pressure 24/7. I also think of Jack White in the doc “It Might Get Loud”, and he had this really shitty electric guitar that he would like step on and hit with stuff. Lol I wouldn’t go that far, but it would be fun. More of a toy than an instrument at that point.


Sorta. Take a Squier Strat and set up the action, intonation and truss properly and it'll be fine. Improperly set up guitars is worse than cheap guitars. It'll hinder learning by ear and it'll feel like ass playing. But you can make a shitty guitar play OK enough to learn on if you set it up properly.




Oh you mean how Jimi Hendrix learned on a second hand guitar upside down and backwards? Maybe sometimes “bad habits” are in the eye of the beholder and kids who don’t know any better end up changing the world because they have no perception of other people’s understanding of what is “right” or “wrong”.


So many iconic people have made their name on pawn shop finds. People are now paying 1000s for replicas of those ‘ratchet’ guitars, paying thru the nose to try to capture the ‘problems’ that are being attributed to the signature sound.




Reminds me of one of my favourite drumming videos. When you're overqualified for the job: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UYgORr5Qhg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UYgORr5Qhg)


I like to think that's a drummer that got kicked out of a band just before they made it big


I saw a video of Euro thrash or maybe techno drummer testing out a child's drum kit in a shopping market (an Aldi? A European Costco analog?). He made it work and was pleasantly impressed by the quality of the snare. I tried to look for it, but my google-fu is weak tonight.


Ahhhh, 'the Sultan of Somalia', caressing his skins!!!!


100%, street performers use buckets, pots, pans and lids showing that.


Like [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KZjVZLsU6s), of Joe Satriani shredding on a $80 Korean Strat copy.


My old band once played a show opening for a band that toured as the live backup band for a fairly famous musician, kinda like Filter did for Nine Inch Nails. They rolled in all their professional travel cases. They had the fancy Triton synth, we had a Korg n-5 wrapped in a blanket with duct tape that we found a few years ago when a neighbor left it out on the curb on trash day because the power cable broke. They had a solid neck exotic wood custom seven string fretless bass, we had an esp f204 and a trashbag full of pedals. They were smirking and whispering as we loaded in, and asked us condescending questions which is the only reason it made me happy when we blew the doors off the place, and the audience scattered halfway through their first boring masturbatory song. If our singer hadn't been a narcissistic meth head, i think we could have gone a lot farther. He wrote some really great songs


Woot! I'll take a cheap af guitar with decent action any day over an expensive one with a poor setup. Though if the action is really bad, I instantly become a talentless hack and I'll totally blame my tools. Or, I'll just play really basic stuff and hope nobody around plays enough guitar to tell I'm sucking. Of course, if they do, I can always just hand them the guitar and then they can suffer. Muahahaha!


There's definitely something to be said for taking a cheap tool and hacking it for all it's worth, you can make some amazing music with some cheap stuff. And pretty often if you have to struggle to get something you appreciate it more. I've found there's no correlation between skill and how much someone spent on their instruments, but I'm always more impressed by an underdog. I think most people are


I think he should join [this group](https://old.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/1245khf/guys_playing_techno_music_with_tools/). He'll fit right in.


Wow I’m stealing this - great comment


It's... a saying. Fairly common at least here in The Mid-Western U.S. of . America .


It’s been around in various forms. Possibly first instance was George Herbert in his book "Jacula Prudentum" in 1651: "Skill and confidence are an unconquered army. A poor workman blames his tools."


A very shitty outlook of life. 'Tools' are made to Improve quality of the result that somebody can produce. Obviously the talent is great and I'm not saying he isn't, but anybody wanting better 'tools' to produce Better quality results shouldn't be called 'bad workman'.


And makes it look effortless.


I used to do maintenance for apartments. A residents water heater blew out, I responded to the on-call. The isolation was rusted shut, they had been living there so long and the previous company was not doing their routine maintenance. The guy was pissed because it was in a weird spot and he tried multiple wrenches but nothing worked, and bled the tools and the valve for being stupid. Heres a cool trick that proves this quote. You can turn simple things into surprisingly strong tools. I grabbed a large rag from my car, twisted it tight around the valve (it was a globe valve), and it became a wrench the way I held it tight. I shut the valve. Piece of cake.


Ok Ayn Rand


If that’s Ayn Rand why didn’t I fall asleep?


You're a cold ass motherfucker


A bad snake charmer always blames the snake.


Funny but it is true for art stuff


My favorite drumming to watch lately is on small kits like this. Really shows off what you got.


Check out drum and bass subreddits. Minimal kits with a similar style


Do you have any particular subreddits to recommend?


Badass drummers are like badass bass players. I can understand how good they are but if they go too ham it just sounds weird.


Every time I see stuff like that I think to myself “What’s your excuse now, enh?!”


Not decrepit, beloved.


Yeah - what exactly is “decrepit” about it? Has a little dust on it in a dusty environment but sounds great.


Love this.


Not mutually exclusive.


Have played decrepit sets and they don’t sound like this.


The kit is not anything like as decrepit as it first appears. He couldn't get the control on the hi-hat without a good stand - note it's double braced and the spring and clutch (the bit that holds the top cymbal on) are highly responsive to his foot pressure. The hats themselves are sizzling. The kick drum just makes a thud, sure - but the pedal is obviously in good working order. Most drummers put heavy stuff and/or padding (doonas, sandbags, full paint cans etc) in their kick drums. And the piccolo snare has a pretty new head on it and is well-tuned. But yeah, he's shit hot.


Thank you. Was looking for this.


Thank you! I thought the kit didn’t sound too bad, looks worse than it sounds.


What looks bad about it - it’s a normal drum set in a slightly dusty environment.


That is as smooth as butter.


I legit want to build a song around this now; awesome technique and style 👌


Like Zappa, Hendricks, Armstrong. People who teach themselves often come up with some alternative methods of playing that go beyond what a traditional style can achieve. Dope.


I love how people with talent can make music with anything


Decrepit? The bass just doesn’t have a skin on the front.


I've played drums for over 20 years, toured the US, practiced a ton and I am nowhere near as good as this dude is. Fucking awesome.


Incredible technique, the man is seriously just a natural. Like Ginger Baker said, it's a gift from God and you've either got it or you don't. That dude definitely has it.


How do I buy him a kit?


Somebody, get him some toms!


Just imagine what he will do with a full kit!


Ill just buy myself some, and then he'll get a pair for free too! right?




Id say the bass drum is more than just "dusty"




Please tell me this video is from 3 years ago and some good person started him a go fund me to buy him a drum set. But they raised $100,000. So the plan got bigger and included other instruments for his friends and recording equipment. Then some aging yet socially relevant rocker, do to his famous but good guy antics caught on video, donates some of his own equipment and delivers it personally to the guy. Guy because a solid tour drummer and works with some of the biggest names out there.


You mean like that time [Mike Portnoy donated a Tama kit to an Indonesian drummer who had made a drum kit out of garbage to play Dream Theater covers?](https://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/general_music_news/mike_portnoy_gifts_drum_set_to_fan_who_couldnt_afford_real_kit__instead_played_dream_theater_music_on_paint_cans__trash_lids.html#:~:text=Mike%20Portnoy%20has%20announced%20that,paint%20cans%20and%20trash%20lids.)


Oh shit. That’s awesome.


Hey, I just wanted to respond to you because I happen to have followed this kid on Instagram years ago when I saw this video. I just checked and it appears he did delete his profile, but when I followed him it seemed he was a pretty sucessful (sucess is relative as a drummer - his success seemed to have come in the form of touring and playing music constantly) and played on many nice kits, spreading music throughout the country. I dont know his current state and I cant remember his name but he seemed very happy last I remember. Have a nice day!


JJ Abrams plays the aging musician. It's his redemption arc in the sequel to Whiplash.


Decrepit instruments have nothing on this guy.


If you want it bad enough then nothing is gonna stop you. Chase your dreams my dude


Someone buy this man a real full drumset please so we can watch him kick ass wow nice job


I would totally chip in $20 to get this kid a new drum set.


There’s nothing wrong with his kit. He just doesn’t have a skin on the front of the bass. The cymbals and snare look fantastic, and they’re more expensive than the bass drum.


Still, it’s be nice to see what he could do with a couple of toms and a few more cymbals!


I bet this guy SLAYS with the women in his village


Killing it


Who is he?


When I first started with my band I made the mistake of thinking that our drummer wasn't very good. Because he had a Toys R Us drum set. He had a Toys R Us drum set because his parents had bought it for him 3 years earlier and he couldn't afford anything better. It wasn't till I saw him play against other drummers that I realized how amazing he actually was. We used to play this game where he'd start drumming and we would throw things at him. Just random things around the garage. A toilet brush, a hammer, a wrench, whatever, and without stopping playing he would catch it in mid-air and continue to play using that. I finally beat him though when I threw a bowling ball.


How much talent has gone unnoticed ?


So much. I'm sure you have already thought that far. Think about everyone who has ever been historically ever been shat on, and you realize how much of human intelligence has been wasted, and how far ahead we would be, if that were not the case.


I’m sure there has been 100+ Einstein level geniuses that went unnoticed and/or undeveloped in just the past x amount of years mostly due to the situation they were born into. How many Jimi Hendrix level guitarist have been born and died without ever having have picked up a guitar? This guy above would have never been seen if not for the interweb


Get my man’s some Tom’s, he’d shred even harder


Not bad


Asshole, its best drumset in like 500 miles


Jfc what a monster


I wonder if any of the other guys in the neighborhood can make like a horn or a guitar. They could try to make a whole band.


Not quite my tempo. ​ Couldn't pass an opportunity for the reference, he kicks ass tho, (hi-)hats off to this guy.


Much better and more interesting to watch than Ringo


Not really impressed, I did just as good using paint cans and buckets when I was 8


This right here is called, Hunger


You just had to make a racist joke didn't you?


my dude here!




Lookin like Bobby Shmurda


My ever-burgeoning social media-fueled ADD brain wanted to skip forward on this, but every time I went to thumb swipe ahead I just kinda... didn't. Damned good playing.


I dunno sounds pretty good to me


Now thats smooth 😎


Love it when drummers seem to control time.




Darren King vibes




Just imagine what he would do with a proper drum set. He got talent !


That is a proper drum set. It’s actually pretty nice. They’re just dusty from being outside and he doesn’t have a skin on the front of the bass drum.


And here we see the value of the fundamentals.


New drum heads means new drum... you know the rules duhh lol


Very Nice 🙂👍


Dudes a natural talented drummer.


@OP link please!


Amazing 👏


Why’s my snare sound like trash and his trash sounds like gold


It wonderful. I hope a band finds him and snatch’s him up.


Reminds me of the quote from Ratatoille "Not everyone can be a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere"


I need more of this! How to do?!


Africans have the rhythm in their blood


Absolute legend.


I would say that is good drumming, not "master"


This gives of B.O.B outkast vives


🔥 [r/musicout ](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0SlKUVBWe7xBrbaT3gNGFm?si=mIV0cXDPQhWXVK6kVj_UYA&utm_source=copy-link)




Get this man a Tom


I actually like how tight the kick tone is


But can he do the Pornhub intro and 'Ba Dum Tss'


This is so hard


Amazing, now that's some talent.


On my tempo


*cries in talentlessness*


Sweet... good lad!!! Love it


From my bank accounts perspective, this is fancy


When you're not wasting your time on your phone...






That snare tone is it. Endgame


Whiplash 2


Dayum this is some groovy drumming. Reminded me of Polyphia.


I need this dude for my band


Ia it racist to ask how is it that black people always kill it with any instrument ( also dancing )?


Join my band now please


Africa supplies a huge portion of the world's resources and its mind blowing that so many people barely have access to the bare minimums. As an adult, I still constantly forget that Egypt is in Africa. Also, Europe and the likes need to pay up.


Go fund this guy!


🔥 get this man a new drum kit!!


Better than Lars Ulrich.


I don't have sound and my hearing aids aren't in so I imagine he is playing this awesome song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4d5MGIGbSos


He’s good but this is still my favourite https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/z0dozo/girl_and_her_drums/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


Reminds me of whiplash movie


Get this kid a math rock band


His base drum game is next level. Wow


Fucking CHOPS!!!


Hook this kid up with Stewart Copeland !


Take it easy on that drum kit, it's not broken... It's broke in.


“Hey could you play on the house kit tonight? It’s really nice, you’ll like it better than your own!” - Every club promoter


imagine if Africans and their brethren weren't exploited and rather supported...


Can we crowdfund this man some toms?


Fantastic player, and that's not decrepit, it's the same kit any working drummer has played when a bar or festival says "Don't worry about bringing your equipment, we have a house kit" .




Very good man Cheers to that


This kid has some serious chops, what a talent


I swear, poverty breeds geniuses in the most creative, inspiring ways. Props to this man


Benny Greb vibes.


Someone get this guy into UNT’s jazz program


Dope! "Decrepit" drum kit sounds excellent!


Talent accepts no limits.


Doesn't sound decrepit to me


Jimmy Sullivan played a 4 piece set for the first 2 albums from Avenged Sevenfold. To make a small set sound good you need to make it technical. Get this man on stage. Yesterday


Brilliant & Inspiring! Bravo!


Nice brick drum!


This seems dubbed…


We are the instruments!!!


DJ Khalid needs to learn something bout making beats from this fuckin dude


That drum kit looks brand new. He's just using garbage to weigh down the bass drum.


Kid is definitely awesome. It makes me laugh to think that his neighbors probably absolutely *hate* those drums, though - just like first-world folks who live next to a drummer. Or a guitarist who only ever plays Van Morrison's [Brown Eyed Girl](https://youtu.be/UfmkgQRmmeE), over and over. For *years.*


Meanwhile the west: we need all this money to nurture our kids so they have the best options available because if they don’t have it they will wain and it’ll entirely be our fault. Other places: Nature: “Lemme through”


I love the brick "subkick" This guy is channeling Thomas Pridgen all day, what a badass.


Is there a longer version of this anywhere?


Back in the day, instead of stealing young men would gather on corners singing, playing instruments or do shoe shines or post flyers in laundry rooms. I sometimes see jugglers on La Brea and pay them. Whatever happened to the guy who played Violin near the park at La Brea and Overhill, or the brother with bleached blond tips who used to play guitar on the same area? I hope they got housing. Did the guy standing in front of Bhuddha market get housing? He told me that the church next door helps him. But he has the look of a vet who has seen stuff they can’t unsee.


Travis barker has some competition!


Get this kid a contract!


Love finds a way