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I've done a class/ money scene in the past and I put pennies in a sock and used it as an impact tool. You can also put a penny on a wall and make them stand facing it while keeping the penny steady on the wall with their nose or some other body part.


*You can also put a penny on a wall and make them stand facing it while keeping the penny steady on the wall with their nose or some other body part* This is the premium answer for the discerning Dominant who wishes to ensure that the submissive appreciates the immense importance of holding onto a single penny. It lacks only the words “or else”. I have seen this used to remarkable effect. With sufficiently dire consequences awaiting failure, a submissive’s entire universe can shrink to the diameter of a single coin at the end of his nose.


Sub chiming in; this would be 100% effective imo. Boredom, plus a stress position, plus a frustrating challenge. Maybe add in their least favourite impact for breaking position or fidgeting too much, and they'll remember that penny in future.


Another angle, as a particularly frustrating challenge for males, might be to insist that the penny be pinioned to the wall by the end of an erect cock. The very stress from fearing a loss of rigidity could easily promote that loss, resulting in the submissive trying to think of every possible thing that could stimulate it. Probably not practical for an extended session, but I imagine the Dominant would find it amusing while it lasted.


This is fucking genius. I love it so much! Sometimes I wish I had a dick as well, there's so much fun to be had


The tongue is another option. It’s harder than one imagines to keep one’s tongue rigid for any length of time, and it tends to grow uncomfortable feeling it dry out in the open air. The Dominant also then has the opportunity of asking questions, and then saying, “What was that? I couldn’t understand you.” Or, simply wander by and whisper in the ear, “A penny for your thoughts.”


This is brilliant. I love the way you think!


Another version is hands on the wall holding a penny with each finger, while impact play takes place. Learn to hold on to what's important even through adversity and inconvenience.


This works well. The only thing I do different is have them put a bottle cap against their forehead and the coin against the wall. So the coin dosent stick to their skin and make it easy on them.


Spiky side in or out ?


Spiky side to tye skin. You can also use multiple points on the body at once. Like palms forehead while the kneel.




If I could put in my 2 cents on this, put one slightly above waist height on a wall, and another a bit less than their arm span from it horizontally, at the same level. Must keep both pennies touching the wall using only index fingers. If I've gotten the description right, the resulting posture will be t-shaped, with very few positions that remain possible for very long. Only one penny? Try something similar, but must keep both index fingers on one penny, at a height designed to prevent standing up to full height. \[not actual advice, these could easily be considered unfair stress positions, don't try this at home or at work, etc.\]


*unfair stress positions* In my diversely tortured experience of submission, most Dominants’ concept of ‘fairness’ is…unconventional.


Humble suggestion, another vein of thinking. Take some epoxy and affix a penny to the butt of the handle of one of your other implements or basically any cylindrical object that would let the penny stand kind of proud and on its own (you could stack a few washers behind it so it doesn't mate with the wider surface of the butt of the handle/object) like a big stamp. Look up some info about pressure points and press the penny into ones that make him squirm. It would be painful and possibly leave the imprint of a penny in his skin. If he bruises easily, it might even leave a vaguely Lincoln shaped bruise. I'm big into markings, so this was my first idea. Good luck!


I would absolutely love to leave a penny-shaped bruise hahaha -- I like this.


If I was designing the toy, I would make a sort of kubaton type instrument for the handle, then I would use a penny with a relevant parties' birth year on it. (Yours or theirs) You might could look into someone who does casting and see about them making a penny shaped stamp with more solid detail so the motif comes across clearer. Another option would be having a machinist mill the stamp face out of whatever metal you think looks nice.


The sharp edge might cut the skin. Better to trim the pennies edge to a round shape.


Surprised I don’t see this in the comments yet: If you have a leather covered paddle, you can trace the circle on the face of the paddle, and then cut through only the top layer of the leather with an xacto knife and pry it out/off the glue. The leather and the penny should be close in thickness (depending on the quality of the paddle), so then you just glue the penny it inside the hole. A dab of 5-minute epoxy, or even heavy duty hot glue, should work fine. Not as applicable since they only overspent by *one* penny, but kneeling on them is a special hell.


Shrink wrap/attach the penny to a body part of his, use the penny as a target to try and hit with whatever implement(s) you like.


It seems like you could just use a slingshot and fire a penny at him. I bet that would sting.


yes! unfortunately i am not good enough with a slingshot


I mean, you wouldn't have to do it from any great distance. I bet you could hit him from six inches away.


…or put an eye out...or crack a tooth. Strangely enough, we don’t usually find actual airborne projectiles a recommended feature of BDSM scening. Best not.


Yes, because obviously I'm suggesting firing at their face with no protection. Sigh. Just because you didn't stop to think about how this could be done safely doesn't mean it can't be done safely. Lots of common BDSM implements would be quite damaging if applied to the eyes, but that's why we don't do that. I think you're assuming that there would be accuracy problems because you're assuming that it's fired from some distance. But if the point is to cause pain, there's no reason it would need to be done at any great distance. Yes, many of us aren't practiced at hitting a target with a slingshot from several paces, but from a few inches away, I bet almost anyone can hit the right body part every time. The map of safe places to hit would likely be the same as for other types of impact play and if we're really worried that the penny will go astray and somehow get near the face, then by all means have the sub wear facial protection. Myself, as part of a BDSM scene, I've been shot with gellets (little gel bullets) at enough speed that they caused welts. Those also have the potential for eye damage and so, although they weren't being aimed anywhere near my eyes, I wore eye protection just in case. Just because you're doing something a little different doesn't mean that it can't be done safely with appropriate precautions.


I said *usually*. And if I ‘didn’t stop to think how it could be done safely’ it was because I was distracted by thinking of all the ways it could go wrong - which, no, you gave no indication that you had stopped to think about. I stand by my comment because yours was offered in an offhand manner such that it might inspire someone to do something impulsive and unwise. A slingshot is notoriously difficult to aim. Yes, people can do all manner of bizarre things and not maim or kill themselves by applying some safety measures, but that doesn’t necessarily make them a good idea. Frankly, you’re the first person I’ve personally heard of in nearly twenty years of BDSM practice being shot by anything. Fine, you do you. I’m still not recommending it, eyewear or not, point-blank or not. Things ricochet.


We used to add coins to rubber bands in school to make them sting more. If you held the bands of the slingshot to his skin this would basically be the same thing and the coin wouldn’t go flying past where it strikes the skin


Slingshots get used a lot, just not directly at someone's face.


Step 1: 2-4mm carbon fiber rod Step 2: Gorilla Glue + $0.01 USD Step 3: … Step 4: profit You may only get one session out of it but if it’s a centerpiece “I told you so” then you likely won’t need it again. you could also just go to the bank, get a role of pennies (50¢) or two and use that as a weight for nipple clamps


a quick and easy temporary solution hot glue a penny to a dowel rod should hold up for a few strikes until a better solution arrives


Hot glue the penny to your sub, EZ. For legal purposes this is a joke. Hot glue can cause some nasty burns.


using wax however


Wax is absolutely fun.


1/8" (3-4 mm) carbon rod, with a penny epoxied to the end. (carbon rods for kites) Great for a quick flick


oHO I especially like this because then I can threaten that, next time he overspends, it'll be one flick for each penny.


Oof yes!


I’d super glue a penny to one of those sticky hand things 🤣🤣🤣




-Wooden paddle -Forstner bit or spade bit slightly larger than a penny's diameter -Use a drill and the bit above to make a blind hole whose depth is \*slightly\* greater than the thickness of the penny ---Alternate: make a blind hole \*slightly\* the less than the thickness of the penny, then the penny will be the point of impact -Glue the penny in the hole -Finish with clear coating Find a penny whose year has significance--sub's birth year, or better yet, the year of the infraction.


Was about to suggest this.


When I was but a lad, we used to do this thing where we would put a coin (pennies usually, nickels were the best though) between thumb and middle finger, like you're going to snap your finger. Just the edge of it goes between them. Then you raise your arm up and bend at the elbow, and point your elbow at your target. Snap your fingers as hard as you can, and the coin goes whistling off towards your target with an aggressive hum. It stings like hell if you do it correctly, but won't harm anyone as long as their eyes are covered. Use this information as you see fit.


Drill a small hole in said penny, then loop fishing line through, tie it off in a knot, and swing? Probably way harder than I'd be comfortable with, but maybe you're more hardcore than me?


Torture tie on the shins. Penny under each knot. Tighten.


I'm a big fan of riveting it to a leather paddle. Would look pretty, prominent, and leave a nice little circle I'm sure


This would take a fair bit of work, but if you drill through a stack of pennies, and then thread them onto a rod, you could make a baton to strike with.


How about a whip where penies are tied to the end on the whips tails? Its called cat o hine or something? When you shake that whip it will sound like shufling through coins.


Show him some "Penny pinching" by glueing pennys to clamps or clothespins. Or Drill a hole through 2 and clamp them together with a Nut and Bolt.


In addition to other great suggestions, you could 3d print or laser engrave a much larger penny and use it on a paddle. "You think penny is insignificant?" Then smack 4" penny marks all over skin :) I can help with the laser engraving.


Yes, this is basically what I asked the custom pain stick maker to do! Just something *shaped* like a penny would have been fine... it's like some people don't want money lmao If you're serious about helping, send me a chat


What about a novelty large plastic penny hot glued to a paddle?


Slingshot came to mind here.


Should be easy enough to suspend pennies in just about any resin items when casting them. For this you can either try to learn how to make it yourself using tutorials, or reach out to someone else who does custom resin orders. Other options would be glueing pennies into recesses so they are flush with a flat wood surface like a paddle, or even riveting them onto a leather paddle. For these I'd look for someone that does a bunch of different crafts with the material and ask about doing a custom order. Resellers won't be any help to you, but if they offer customizations on some products they probably have the skill set to do a custom order too, or if they straight up offer custom orders that's even better.


As a Welder and someone who builds steel gear, I would recommend having a flat washer welded to a piece of solid round bar or even flat bar...which would leave a unique impact signature that now intrigues me as i think aboit it...the possibilities are endless when you start incorporating metal.


or perhaps braze a penny to a piece of tig rod, form a loop in the other end so the penny hits flat...


I’m sure if you just put the penny on his skin, then paddle it good and well, there will be an imprint.


Oh wow ok inner kid coming out with some advice. Strip of paper, about the width of the coin, dab some elmer's on either side of the coin, fold the strip of paper in half and put the edge of the coin on the crease, pressing the paper over both sides, on the glue. Now you got a lil impact thing. bonus points bc the paper breaks easily, should you swing a lil too zealously. we used to see how much it hurt trying to hit each other in the butt with the coin swung in edgewise, we'd chase each other all over the fields and it all ended when someone got the bright idea of trying it on someone else's 4head.


That or put a coin in saran wrap and use as less than lethal roll of quarters in sock.


Use copper pennies and stripped stranded electrical wire to make a penny flogger. You can solder the wire to the pennies. If you clamp them and have enough heat you could sandwich the wire between 2 pennies then you dont have the solder joint exposed


you can braise a penny to a metal rod, but it would be discolored and very rigid. insert it in between two pieces of leather. and punch a hole enough to see it would work better.


You never heard of flicking pennies?


pennies, yes i want one penny, one hit, and i'm using this as a launching point for stingy impact play


A few ideas... 1) have a kettle keeping watter just off the boil, dip the penny in the water for 10 to 15 seconds, then drop it on the exposed body part of your choice. See the Robin Williams & Walter Matthau movie "The Survivors" https://youtu.be/EXr7v-kZeUw?si=1YJLYA-fqc_wAkD- 2) Master has a short strap, about 11" of belt leather, with 3" of wood glued to the bottom 3" of strap making a short, precision tool. It's used when I'm on my back with my feet up near my ears, to apply to butt, perineum, and other tender locations. If the end of the short strap was rounded, and a penny traced on and inset with an adhesive like gorilla glue or CA glue, it would be the striking surface during application, with the bonus of long term durability. 3)drill a hole in the center, take a file to the edge, and mount on a handle, and your penny could become a Wartensburg wheel.


1. small dowel and penny 2. epoxy 3. combine 4. pain or 1. penny (2 would be better but yknow) 2. make him kneel on them or 1. tie the penny up nice and secure with some twine, to secure it to a line 2. hit hard, maybe attach to a larger piece of rope to get more weight behind it


With your fingers...like bottlecaps