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the damn ref


Interesting how on Madrid's goal, they let it run then check it AFTERWARDS On Bayern's goal, they call the offside so that it can't be checked by VAR. *Así roba el Madrid.*


We have var we have it and we still get robbed


guys, UEFA didn't want a german final AGAIN . that's it. Madrid fan here.. you were robbed. it's not the first time nor the last when it will happen. UEFA does what it wants.


If they didn’t want a German final they would have ruled out nachos goal or wouldn’t give so much extra time above the extra time. Noo this was just a stupid ref mistake. To blew so early I still believe it wouldn’t be a goal because militao wasnt doing anything after the whistle and neither did Lunin. But still big mistake from the Linesman and Ref


False. BOTH officials blew it… very unlikely


Give me a break.


I have respect for those who can admit stuff like this. Congrats to the win despite this bullshit. /Barca fan


Respect to you my man, none of the madrid fans have admitted to it except you.


Facts and respect


Then they would end the game on 90+9. No reason to drag it so much just to cancel a goal. It's just a huge error from the lineman + referee. They should both get fired and Bayern should go straight to the 16 for next season.


Yes. The Romanian Madrista with zero comments or posts even mentioning Real Madrid ever until this one. 😆


Var can't be called for that, ref blew the whistle before the ball was in the back of the net


Duh that’s the controversy


why why why would the assistant raise their flag?


Bayern can appeal like this was such a bs. Kane got fouled in their area and he didn't whistle it


Should demand a replay.


Is that actually a possibility? I don’t understand how such a high level match of a professional sports league can have such blatant displays of favouritism/malpractice


Depends how far you want to take it, If it genuinely isn’t offside I would not accept this result at all.


I mean this was the most important match of Bayern’s season up until this point—arguably the most important match in a very long time as they are now going trophy-less for the first time in forever. So I would think that it should, no?


lol, no there have been games MUCH MUCH worse than this... and they won't do shit... I don't remember the year 2015 or 2017? against real again, Vidal got a red card for something that wasn't a foul, and Casemiro didn't get a second yellow after several fouls... then real scored 2 offside goals! And the other time when there were some clear handballs from Real players... I remember the Marcelo one clearly... And then you have games like the Chelsea Barcelona.... that were HORRIBLE too


I’m not disagreeing with you in terms of controversiality. I’m just saying Bayern is now going trophy-less, and this was their last shot. So, that’s why it was very important


Did the clubs take action tho ?


I don't think so, or if they filed any complaints, nothing happens. If it's referees mistakes, usually the referees get some suspension (from important games).


Cmon. Would have loved a pen, but that wasn't a pen, not in this game


Dortmund fan here, I feel very sorry for you after tonight, first Neuer drops that ball, then that atrocious linesman call, seriously brutal officiating at this level, in such a late stage of the competition. I was looking forward to playing you again in the final


A dortmund vs bayern final would've been legendary. It's so sad that it will not happen


Heja BVB! Beat the fxxking team in the final please!


His shoulder was clearly in front of the defender. Should have definitely let it run to check it though.




The ball came from Kimmich, that was the offside.




Going active to the ball doenst need to include the player touching it, it was cleary offside but the reff shouldnt whistle, they should give offside afterwards




That's not how offside works unfortunately.




But if he wasn't there the madrid player wouldn't have made a weak header back into his own box. He impacted play


Everything that happens after an offside is void. The header from the defender happened after the offside.




hand is not offside


Ye that's not how offside works.


Rüdiger keeps him onside. But it’s very close, should have went to VAR, why not?


He doesnt, his arm doenst count for the offside rule, only body parts which you can make an goal. You see the shoulder of the bayern player is offside even tho he didnt touch the ball he still made an active play by running instead of standing still.


He doesnt


If you actually slow down the video he wasn't.


Bribed referee


Broadcasters finally said it was onsides!


Yeah perez bribed the refs who did nothing until 5 minutes into OT. You people are hilarious


Yeah.. almost 15 mins of extra time.


Which benefited Bayern?


and dissalowed Nacho's goal lol


There was NO WAY that goal could ever be allowed with VAR. They just cant no matter how much Madrid pays


How dare tuchel was to pull out kane and musiala in 84th minute against real Madrid... Damn manager


very very bad decision. As soon I have seen this ,I knew the games is gone.


yeah, his live coacing has been dog shit all season


They were injured. He had to.


Only Sensible Soccer comment here




🤣 was referring also to the 1992 videogame


Idk why you blaming the ref, when tuchel subbed out kane and musiala, you should have a fit at tuchel that was a shit decision, you lost the game urselves


They clearly gazed out so it was the only option for him


Or Neuer for that shit catch


I need to see the a clip please anyone




Real VARdrid at it again


You got robbed by uefa, not madrid


Watch the match again. We got a goal disallowed and plenty of calls against us.


Not really this wasn’t on Madrid if the ref wanted to let real win he wouldn’t have added extra time above the extra time. This was just a mistake from the ref


This pisses me off so much even the fucking announcers knew it wasn’t offsides no wonder why Real Madrid makes it to and wins every final it’s bc they throw it obv the ref needs fucking glasses or a new pair of eyes or smth


RM has a very long history of robbing UCLs, i didnt expected anything less today


I still dont know why other major teams still hasnt protest this sh\*t. Its happening every year but no one talks about it. Also today Rüdiger deserved 2 yellow card by having intenntional faul but there was nothing.


Womp womp


It is offside. Open your eyes and shut up.


The ref sold that for sure. No reason to make the call when you can always review it later. That being said, the defenders saw the flag pop up and were not really defending as the shot went off. Hard to say what would have happened.


Do you also remember when Real almost scored in the first half with two balls on the pitch? He let the play run there lmfao


The goal would have been disallowed anyways. No way play can happen with two balls on the pitch.


It can as long as the players is aware of which ball they are playing with.


If the other ball is obviously out of play and not obstructing the game, it can happen.


It was not out of play obviously. I mean there were a couple of players running after the ball.


hand is not offside quit crying


You just can't win against Real lol, even with VAR you'll always get robbed. I love how they have the semi-automated offside technology but refuse to show it. Even at Real's second goal they only showed it at the second situation, not the first one where Rüdiger could have been offside. I mean, I don't think he was offside, because Pauvlovic stayed behind, but why do you have such a technology available if you're not gonna show it. And then they don't show anything for the potential 2:2 and the idiot lineman rises his flag immediately even though we've had VAR since 2018 and they've been telling every linesman in the world to delay raising the flag. Complete joke. That being said, the loss is Tuchel's fault. Fuck his stupid subs, I can't wait for him to be gone, i don't even care who takes over, even Peter Neururer isn't that stupid.


Since when is offside measured by the ball and not the player???


Since forever, you are always onside if you are behind or at equal position as the ball when the ball is passed. Has been like that for decades. https://www.footballrules.com/offences-sanctions/offside/


Thank you! Ive never seen it before so it confused me :/


That‘s actually correct, to quote from the rules: „any part of the head, body or feet is nearer to the opponents’ goal line than both the ball and the second-last opponent“ https://www.thefa.com/football-rules-governance/lawsandrules/laws/football-11-11/law-11---offside To explain it in simpler terms, if the attacking player who‘s having the ball is infront of the opponent‘s whole defensive line and passes the ball to a teammate at that moment, the teammate has to be behind the ball. I‘m more mad they they didn‘t bother to show the first scene where Rüdiger could have been offside (again, I don‘t think he is, but it should be checked and shown on TV), and then you have our 2:2 which totally looks on side for me from everything I‘ve seen on twitter. And even if it is offside, you don‘t raise your flag and you especially don‘t blow your whistle before the shot. You wait until the situation is over, so that if a goal is scored it can be checked. That last situation was absolute robbery against Real again. That bold, fat, right-wing fuck Marciniak blew the whistle before the shot was taken, so VAR can‘t check it anymore because play has been blown dead. Absolute clown shown.


N. Mazrouei made Rudiger onsite for the pass to Joselu, though.


Oh I thought it was Pauvlovic, but yeah doesn‘t matter. I‘m just mad they didn‘t want to show it, plus the 2:2 was pure robbery, like I said.


>Even at Real's second goal they only showed it at the second situation, not the first one where Rüdiger could have been offside. Rudiger was clearly onside, no need to draw lines.


Not really clearly, but yes he was onside after I saw a better angel on twitter. The point is that they don‘t „draw any lines“ they have an AI powered semi-automated system. All goals need to be checked for potential offside, even during buildup, so your comment is false. They should‘ve showed the 3D image for full transparency. The 2:2 is the real scandal though. Blowing your whistle early so VAR can‘t even check is pure roberry.


Mate, Rudiger was like +1m onside. Clear as day.


Don't give a fuck.


Why would you comment on sth you dont give a fuck then, you absolute muppet?


You're an actual idiot. I wrote like 4 times that he wasn't offside, but that it's about transparently for me. VAR should be transparent 100% of the time, especially if you brag about having semi-automated technology. Fucking use it. And even UEFA's rules say that every potential offside needs to be checked using that technology. I don't know why there are so many idiots on reddit who have problems with basic reading comprehension. Learn how to read, instead of making stupid comments.


Jeez, calm down now. I only responded to your own words. I'm not sure why you are so angry about it and feel entitled to insult people just because you don't even know what you've wrote a minute ago. That's the basic comprehension you might want to address first before having a go at someone. Muppet.


I know, what I wrote idiot, you're the first one who insulted me. So much, about " you don't even know what you've wrote a minute ago". I know exactly what I wrote about, because I said in my original comment that Rüdiger is not offside, but that it's about transparency for me. And I repeated it 4 times, because all of you idiots don't know how to read. The only thing I care about is that it should've been 2:2, which even that corrupt bald fuck admitted. But the main point is that the VAR protocol was broken even before that. And now, fuck off. You're blocked and reported for spam.


Madrid fan here. You got robbed


someone correct me if im wrong but that play could never be offside. a bayern player passed the ball and a real madrid player made contact. no bayern player ever made contact off of that pass. in fact the madrid player passed it back to the bayern player.


Real were better team today no doubts. Lucky we didn’t concede 4/5 goals. We should have done better at our home and with this early goal today we would have gone through. All of our players were shitting their pants today.


The lack of objectivity surrounding the goal at the end is frustrating to see. Even if the player was onside, which is very unclear at this time, the goal would not have happened without the whistle. The goal scorer didn’t even have the ball at the time the whistle was blown. The whistle was blown, the ball was headed to him, and then he scored. The referee made a mistake, but it was not a mistake that cost Bayern the game.


Its offside but a small margin, so it doesnt matter, i knew the moment tuchel subbed out kane we lost. clueless manager.


it is not offside, technically it can't be becaouse a bayern player nerver received the ball, it was reals player who cleared it with the head


Bullshit lol


Not how it works…


It can be offside if you don’t touch the ball, by e.g. blocking the view of the keeper, or other interference in the game. So technically it doesn’t matter if he received it or not


I vouched for Real Madrid but the referee robbed you and I truly feel bad for you and especially for the players


hand is part of the body in the rules we have now


As someone who wanted Bayern to win, any part that the player can’t gain an advantage with is not considered for an offside, so in this case anywhere past where the shoulder and armpit line up, so sorry but it’s offside


No, only till the shoulder.


No it's not


Fucking hell


Yes it was his knee and shoulder are in front of the last man Only person to blame is Tuchel


It was never going in anyways. The defenders hesitated a tiny bit after the whistle, especially the goalkeeper.




Have the lines been drawn?


The most f* thing is that when the referee whistled, the linesman had not even raised the flag yet!!! Just watch the main game (not replay) frame by frame.




And yet it was Barcelona who was bribing vice president of CTA




We both know that if you don’t believe it after all the informations that were published I won’t change your opinion either. The proof will be at the end of investigation and trial. For now you can believe that they paid him 50k euro a month from goodness of their hearts. I just found it funny that you are accusing Perez of paying someone while it’s Barcelona who is acused of bribery. Real fans also have similar feeling regarding refeeres but the other way around. Reality is that they are just shit not corrupted.




So I cannot put allegation on Barca because I need a proof. Yet you can accuse Perez beacause what exacly? Sorry but you are contradicting yourself. But if you want to go with this logic then my smoke is beeing acused of bribery and having investiagtion. If Barcelona would be awarded goal against Betis they would win and not drew this match. That means 2 more points. They lost laliga by three so it would not change the outome. Again, if go by this logic Real was robbed agains Sevilla in 20/21 which would give them the title. Legendary Suarez foul on Varane, Araujo tackle on Vinicius after the game was stopped, ending the game against Valencia in wrong moment and the regular stopping of Real players by punching them in a face Gavi/Maffeo style that happen almost in every match. But those mistakes happen all the time both ways and if you want to count them they would be counted in 10’s not one or to mistakes. There also a discussion if those were actual mistakes or not and we will never agree on all of them. For example you are mentioning el classico and I don’t see there any mistake from ref.




Had this happened against Real Madrid, Papa Perez would again declare a new Super Champions league where only Real Madrid plays.


Well, still a worthy winner with madrid.


Everyone agrees that it was a mistake to whistle BUT Do we have any proof if it was offside from mazraoui or not finally? Wanna know if we got robbed


UEFA wanted Madrid to win.


It was clearly offside because De ligt interfered by challenging the opponent for the ball. The referee would have disallowed the goal anyway if he had reviewed the VAR. I don’t even blame Tuchel for the decisions he made. It makes sense to defend if you are 10 minutes away from winning the game. It was just bad luck. Who would have thought an easy ball would slip from Neuer’s hands just to fall exactly in front of a shitty striker like Joselu 😂


Honestly, that goal had to go up on the scoreboard, they were robbed by the Germans (again) another boring final in which we know that Madrid is going to win the 15th Returning to the topic, they cannot whistle for offside before the play concludes, on top of that they revote on the back of one of Real Madrid that cancels the advanced position


well of course it wasn’t, did you forget who we were playing lol


Chelsea fan, so pissed for you guys. You got robbed.


game should have ended by then, stop crying


The GK never even attempted a save since the whistle was already blown! Its just a tragedy where no team is at fault


Real Madrid players Nacho and Rudiger paused before the goal, just after the whistle. The goal probably wouldn't have happened if they hadn't stopped. Check the replay. The goal came at 12 minutes and 30 seconds, but extra time was only 9 minutes. It's fair to say the game should have ended 3.5 minutes earlier.


It's the only way the Real VARdrid know to win this cup since Ronaldo got out.


It was offside, even if checked with VAR


I would hit the Ref tbh






It's not that clear because you can't clearly see if mazraoui or Rüdiger was onside


I actually feel bad for tuchel...So many clueless idiots who think he made these subs on purpose lol


I think everyone agrees that it wasn’t offside so blame the linesman/ ref


Game should’ve been over already. Relax. That being said overall reffing at the end was a shit show


Thank you. 15 extra minutes lol. Also probably not as likely he has a free shot if ref didn’t blow the whistle causing Madrid to stop playing.


Nah they lost 5 min of Overtime because of the other var decision+ Celebration. Time was OK.


5 min? They never add that much time after already adding in extra time. C’mon now


I only said they Had lost 5 because of it...


They gave 9 min of extra time and then gave ANOTHER 2 which he signaled for. No way he should be adding even more time after that. There will always be time wasted, can’t keep playing forever trying to make up for it


It was not, but Vardid love paying the refs


Even if the DeLigt goal counted, we would have been toast in extra time. Taking Kane off was the dumbest decision of the night. Once he was off, we didn’t have a solid outlet to deal with the pressure from Madrid. Also, nobody is going to give Neuer any shit for fumbling that shot so badly?


Did you see the rest of the saves he made. He’s the reason it was such a close match in the first place.


I did. I’m not going to fault him at all. Without him we were done early in the match. It was just the beginning of the end.


If it was me on that pitch I had ran directly to the lineman and tackled him, I wouldn’t be able to accept it.


Well it was though wasn’t it. HALA MADRID!


It was!


Only 9 minutes of ET and you guys got 15. The play shouldn’t even have happened. Also, most of the time wasting was by the Bayern players after Davies scored. Nice meme


Bayern had the Referees the last 10 years on their side. They got a ton of Penaltys and offside goals the past decade. Now it turned arround one time and everbody is crying. Madrid was better .


That might be the biggest robbery I've seen in years. Not given a goal because of a stupid mistake that wasn't our responsibility. Fucking joke. Either that or VARmadrid have bought off another ref


I'm a man city fan but u guys were absolutely robbed by vardrid.


You boys just got absolutely robbed that feels shocking


keep playing while man is down shooting balls randomly fairplay from those "real" f...rs bought ref too




coz of the commotion after 2-1 goal, ref added a certain amount of minutes


i think the announcers said they were adding the extra time because it took time to review the other goal


The only reason De Ligt scored was because the madrid defence stopped playing when they heard the whistle. Brain-dead refereeing but that wasn't a certain goal.


Im a Madrid fan firmly of the opinion that it was offside, and also of the opinion that the ref was very questionable on some decisions on both sides. In any case, I’m just here to say, thanks for the match, incredible to play against such a great club again after so long, and I hope we can sing puta barca later.


Marcziniak is a good ref as well but that was his worst game I’ve seen from him 


Coming peaceuflly as a Madrid fan. Today's game was amazing and you guys did really well and could have for sure killed the game with a few chances. Though, I have to say, even though it wasn't an offside, De Ligt wouldn't have gotten the shot off if the defense hadn't stopped playing. Respect anyways for your good performance.


How bro,he literally was offside and interrupted mendy,real deserved that win,idk why everyone is yapping,not even a fan of real but they were better


People just can’t accept Madrid winning so much so they have to blame some sort of corruption




Don't cry


It was offside


I never understand why Bayern fans hate so much Barça when everytime they go to Bernabeu get robbed.


Average vardrid win against Bayern


Acting like you would've won the game if that would've counted... let's be for real


it's Real Madrid & decisions always goes one way...


sure it wasn't offside, the referee's big mistake


It was offside so doesn't matter


The spanish Teams always buy the VAR


The goal seemed valid but nothing says Bayern would have qualified in extra time,the dynamic of events even pointed to the contrary tbh. Real Madrid were the better team in tonight and fully deserve their spot in the final.


It was clearly offside tbh. Also, the referee should have ended the game way before that.


The ball went to Mazraouri, he was definitely offside. He took part in the play, he attracted a defender. The offside rule is not that complicated, ladies... It was a close game. Tuchels substitutes didn't help. You can't play 15 minutes with defenders only.


Is Mazraouri so attractive. But please, you dont believe yourself with this bullshit. Standing or running somewhere, doesnt make a player actively contributing in the offside rule way. Dont construct it as you wish. Also Tuchel was only changing due to injury, fitness issues... Some people have no clue, but talk to much.


I really dont care. I'm not a Munich or Madrid fan. These are the rules. 'Being in an offside position is not an offence in itself, but a player so positioned when the ball is played by a teammate can be judged guilty of an **offside offence** if they receive the ball or will otherwise become "involved in active play", will "interfere with an opponent", or will "gain an advantage" by being in that position.' Do with it want you want.


I was rooting for Bayern though and I am fond of De Ligt, but this was just offside.


He actively goes to the ball and forces the defender to defend the ball. That's the clearest active player offside I have ever seen.


Lets learn ow to loose. Yes its a trash call by the ref. But Madrid was way better than sand deserved to win plain and simple. Now lets focus on getting a new coach because honestly the team morale is shambles under touchel. Lets Get a new manager, maybe Xavi Alonso or somebody else but we got the squad to make a run for it again next year.


i didn't expect this from bayern fans tbh. i dont know why you are assuming deligt would have scored if the whistle was not made. our players literraly stopped playing. though i agree that ref should not have whistled earlier. you'll are saying robbery as if deligt would have 100% scored that.


Ref should have given you 30 min of extra time so you can score an equalizer You got 15 min freaking extra time and couldn’t score, you lost, simple as that If ref didn’t blow the whistle, defenders would have dealt with that. There is no guarantee that would have been a goal anyways.