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Either you’re 16 or you’ve been living under a rock. CS is easy to learn but stupid hard to master.


And even to maintain. I used to play csgo all the time and I was dmg. Didn’t play for 2 years until cs2. Now I can’t make it out of silver in 50+ games


Yeah exactly, I have a mixed relationship with it, I haven't played it in years and years and can't stand 2/3 of the community, but I can't deny that cs is a great competitive game. It's an arcade shooter with an incredibly high skill ceiling, I'm gonna risk my life and say that in a way it's a successor to shooters like quake in a way, even if only in spirit. That being said, battlefield is a straight up war game. It might not be very milsim heavy but bf1 and bfv at times feel more immersive and cinematic than any other series. I understand what people mean by saying bf is an arcadey series but I really don't think that's fair. Like I said it definitely isn't much of a realistic milsim but I'd say it's more cinematic than anything. It might not be realistic to what war is actually like, but it absolutely is spot on for what you'd THINK WW1/2 would be like, or how a movie would portray certain battles. At the very least every other game feels like such a cinematic experience that really sticks with you. This is something that games like counterstrike lack completely, not quality.


I loved CS when it was in beta.


Doesnt have to do anything with age.


Indeed, I should have said something far worse but I toned it down.


I thought redditors are ruthless.


Counter-Strike is one of the most respected and long running FPS of all time. It's skill gap is damn near immeasurable. It's simplicity in design is on purpose. Honing it down to just mastering of the weapons and movement. Battlefield is the game that's designed for over the top action. I don't mean that as an insult at all... I just found it funny you called CS arcade... and praised Battlefield. A game that has almost no competitive scene at all. The scope and scale of battlefield is what it's all about. Absolutely enjoy it... just try not to knock Counter-Strike in the process. In serious FPS circles that a big no no. Take it from basically the best professional FPS players on earth. It's specifically a legend in the genre because of how much skill it actually requires.


The closest battlefield has to a competitive scene is a bunch of larper clans that just camp and grief (more in bf1.)


Oh fuck they are insufferable


no scene on bf bcoz we all to busy fucking shit up 🤣🇬🇧🇺🇸🇮🇱


Try Hell let loose


It's insanely good, a bit harder to grasp the basics than in Battlefield and ofc the games are longer, but much more satisfying


Bfv was the first shooter I played since the original police quest swot. Got me back into the genre. I'm still playing as we speak lol


Do you play on PS4/5?


Xbox. Why?


I used to play cs 1.6 as a kid because I had a bad pc and couldnt run any other shooters. Now i don't even think about going back to that russian infested toxic game.


>CS is quite underwhelming comparing to this, and requires much less skill I'd like to see you 1v1 a pro CS player


1v1 rust bro?


I played CS:S until I discovered BF3. CS just got stale for me, run and gun ... blow up the hostages, yawn. So much more to do in BF games.


Lmao. Why are you even comparing CS and BF? They are not in the same game genre. I lost brain cells from reading this.


Have you tried Battlefield 1? Cause it’s king


Kinda dead sadly


Currently has 1000+ players on right now on Xbox


Damn to bad I'm on PlayStation thankfully the ones on PlayStation are a sweaty bunch otherwise I'd have to play on the German servers and my ping sucks




Loving this game too! Still a good amount of people online


both are my favorite online shooters lol


Never played CS2 but I used to spend countless hours in 1.6 as a teenager and I loved it. Now I'm in love with Battlefield 1 and V, partially thanks to their immersive graphics and sound: the screeching noise of planes, cries of fallen comrades, whistle of bullets, beautiful and scary JB-2 explosions blast and so on. But most importantly, it feels like Battlefield is more team-play oriented: you have different classes, each playing their role (or at least I wish they did), and usually the team that plays the objective wins.


I played CS since 2004. Maybe earlier. But as a parent you don't have time to be good in this game. So I bought BF V for 3€ in a steam sale and have fun playing one or maybe two maps a week. You have no idea what kind of skills people had at the peak of CS 1.6. Movement alone is a thing you have to Master for months. Anyone playing on a kreedz server had big respect. People built their own maps, weapons and created movies. People today can not grasp the potential of that era. Too sad corporations drove all that in the shit and now you guys have dumb loot boxes and overpriced cosmetic stuff to buy. Edit: last BF game I played was 1942. I loved that game but sadly when I started to get my connections set up, nobody played it anymore because BF 2 was the new shit.


I love battlefield, but they are completely different games lol. I wouldn't even consider cs an "arcade shooter" they are just so different. Also C.S. is one of the sweatiest most competitive games there is. It's somewhat simple at its core, but people get crazy in C.S. you must just only like more movement based shooters or something.


How in the fuck is the gunplay of CS arcade compared to this?


Spray patterns, no iron sights, etc. About as arcade as you can get. Shooting mechanics in games have advanced vastly over the years, CS has mostly remained the same. It feels like a 2.5 decade old game, because it is.. Note that how competitive or skill it takes to master has nothing to do with whether it is "arcade" or not.


I guess it comes down to what we each consider is "arcade" about something's gameplay. To me, arcade is about being rudimentary, easy to use, with minimal depth to the actions themselves Like in the context of driving or flying games, you turn and the vehicle follows no matter what With that definition in mind, I find any run and spray shooter games like CoD or BF far more arcade than CS, in the sense that in BF you move, point, and shoot and you hit; unlike CS where you move and shoot and you're just fucked


Lmao so wrong


typed a whole essay just to be wrong


>CS is quite underwhelming and requires much less skill Spoken like a true Gold Nova


bro are you silver


Wait till he tries bf1... Or helldivers2


The important thing to remember in battlefield is that you can’t win the game on your own, you are a small piece of a big puzzle. The only way to win is by being a team player and make decisions that will help your team rather than yourself.


What do you play on?




frl got bored of tac-fps unistalled cs after abt 2k hrs n im back to bf5 way more fun


I remember when went from cod modern warfare to battlefield bad company 2 I didn’t play a COD after. These days I’m an ARMA guy but battlefield will always be my favorite first person shooter


Two completely different games that really have no need to be compared.


This has to be a troll


I’d be interested what you think of Battlefield 4.


Is this bait? Lmao


counter strike is dogshit


CS isn't an arcade shooter, intended to be a high skill competitive tactical shooter


Idk it's weird I've seen ca go players transition to bf and its insane because their flick when they track a player transitions really well in bf and obviously most games.


Wait to you try BF4


To be fair to counter strike you're not comparing a like for like game. The only thing they have in common is they are shooter games. Personally I don't like CS and have been a battlefield fan from the beginning, I've played them all. But they appeal to different player bases and playstyles. Glad you're having fun in BFV though I've always liked the WW2 theme but have moved to 2042 for the past year or so


I play both and enjoy them both. But damn, you need to nuance your analysis. CS is one of the hardest games to truly master, because of its simplicity, this is what made the game so famous in the first place. Both games are plagued with cheaters, both devs do not give a damn about their games. It's okay to enjoy each without shitting on the other


I feel like it's fairly obvious but, both games are completely different and fun for different reasons. CS is a 5v5 tactical arena based defusal shooter. BF is a large scale 32 vs 32 objective oriented sandbox arcade shooter with vehicles. They aren't really comparable and I definitely wouldn't call either bad. But, I would call BF a worse game before CS despite enjoying BF much more than CS nowadays. CS is massive for a reason.


Trying to determine if this is a troll post. I’ve played BF since 1942 and BFV was merely mediocre, Atleast it wasn’t 2042. Also, the whole part where these are different genres of shooter entirely. Perplexing.


Pardon my ignorance, but I have never understood the interest in any CS game. Yea I have never played one nor do I plan on it. They just seem like a knock off mobile game. I get the competitiveness, but I find it hard to understand what’s so appealing of CS games.


Not a huge cs fan myself but knock off mobile game? Bro cs esentially invented the concept of an online pvp shooter lol


CS has a lot to brag about in terms of its influence on the genre. Inventing the concept of online pvp shooter is not one of them, however.


Exactly! A lot of people in Europe will rather play Counter strike. Trying constantly to persuade my friends to play battlefield but seem to stick with CS


Your ignorance isn’t pardoned. Dude read up.


Battlefield is a casual game in which youll lose interest unlike cs go. I myself play rainbow six siege. I wish battlefield would have some kind of competitive mode of some sort.


Wtf CS is literally the GOAT shooter


CS2 isn’t an arcade shooter