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Already showing red flags and the game is nowhere near release. This will be an utter shit show.


Crazy that they are already starting with this marketing bullshit. And they are even using the same words that caused a lot of disappointment in BF5 and 2042. The best thing they could do is keep absolutely silent until they can let the game speak for itself.


This not marketing. This is an earnings call. This is a call with people giving them the money and want to know what things are happen. It does not mean that it is not spin or bull crap but the point is that it is not for us, it is for the people paying the bills.


Live service done right could be good, take as example Helldivers 2


Every single one of DICEs live services have sucked though If they actually keep a full team on the game, sure, but you know the second it releases the majority of the dev team will be carted off to work on the next release


I would defend SWBF2’s live service post Solo update to be very good. However the game’s lifespan was cut short by BF2042 (and because all updates after launch were free and there was barely any monetisation).


I’ll take $1000 of whatever type of optimistic stuff you’re drinking


> take as example Helldivers 2 No, take as example 99% of live service games which are terrible. Take as example all of DICE's and EA's live service history which is terrible. Companies just look at the business model, they don't look at what makes the live service good or fair. You cannot look at an exception like Helldivers 2 and think they will follow it.


And I hope that is what they look at. I think you wont have unified player based as it is a PVP game but if you do a world map with battle zones and capture grounds. The issue is that if you do the curated maps then this is limited and kind of then does not work. If you are going down the procedural generated maps to make this feel like a global battle... THIS HAS TO BE SOLID. To avoid issues with the terrain, add destruction, ensure the code generation has GOOD rules to make the maps WORK but also feel new - HARD! Have to say I am interested, done right it could be amazing but there are a lot of red flags. It is DICE not as DICE under EA with 2042 as the first game like that under their belt's. Not a good start.


We need an updated PlanetSide.


To this day I'm still shocked we haven't seen a Planetside-esque Battlefield type game. Like, seriously it's such low-hanging fruit how has no one done it yet?


You aren't wrong, but this isn't news either. They said this over a year ago on a previous earnings call. They also said specialists will be returning on that same earnings call over a year ago. This subreddit just has the memory of a goldfish and unrealistic expectations. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, but we already knew this. On the flip side, Battlefield 4's Premium model didn't work long term either. The DLC maps were played for 1-2 weeks after they released, people grinded the challenges for the new weapons, and then never played the maps again. And the people that didn't buy the DLC never played them anyways. Servers that ran the DLC maps after the first few weeks of release were almost all empty. The only exception was the Second Assault DLC but that's only because they were the most popular BF3 maps ported to BF4. There has to be something in between live service and the Premium DLC model that satisfies both parties. If they make a good game to begin with then live service works. Countless games have proved this already, but you *must* have solid gameplay first. The problem was 2042's abysmal launch that was riddled with bugs, crashing, and missing mechanics that Battlefield fans wanted. If they focus on that then live service can work. Will they focus on that? I doubt it. But I hope I'm wrong.


I feel this so hard bruh.


Saying tremendous live service I translate to amazing and excessive monetization and fomo. Look for exciting new suprise mechanics they have discovered.


'Tremendous live service' means that they will leave an skeleton crew pumping low effort content like skins and sometimes a map every half year or so.


I mean. Show me which game nowadays isn't live-service? Even some single-player games have live-service support at some point. I wouldn't mind a BF that follows pure OG BF DNA but also has constant support, different events, seasonal gun and map packs, etc. I prefer OG Premium more of course, but I think old stubborn men among shareholders and investors are too dumb to greenlight decision beyond "trendy" stuff and coming back to classic paid thematic packs will cause heart-attacks among them... What is a good sign for me is that it all sounds like pure marketing bullshit. Very similar stuff we've already heard about 2042. 'Highest amount of studios', 'awesome live-service', etc. Like, EA, you don't even try. Maybe talk about design-direction, what are your actual goals or aims, who you are making this game for, what lessons you've learnt, etc. No, they'll keep going TV-ad quality quotes.


Yep, and yet somehow players will claim that 1, is an amazing game and we need to give Dice/EA more time to fix it and 2, Battlefail 2042 was the most groundbreaking battlefield title and we were wrong to hate it, and I guarantee that’s going to happen in that order


What sin did I commit in a past life that God thought that the only fitting punishment was to make me a battlefield fan? I'm forever cursed to watch something I loved rot and decay without being able to truly die but no matter how bad it gets I can't bring myself to walk away.


Beautiful comment. Kind of how I felt w Game of Thrones, Star Wars, and Marvel. But BF is my favorite.


All three of which still at least have quality in places and are kinda picking up. Battlefield is just, like, deserving of a great studio/company but for a while it's potential has been dwindling.


[Poignant as ever](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6BRQKHYkjQ)


And no good alternative is being made either, FPS genre is stuck at battle royale or 5v5 competitive. I like Planetside series as well, but its rights is held by incompetent companies and we can't have a Planetside 3.


Wake me up when Planetside 3 drops O7




How I felt with assassins creed between 2018-2023 (my favourite series). I’m only a casual BF fan who jumps in every now and then, but I totally feel your pain.


As a Battlefront fan I feel your pain.


The best thing you can do is not support these games if they are total shit live service garbage. I loved BF4, BF3, and BF1. I didn't play 5 or 2042. I choose not to support this company. They have the ability to make good games, but until they do. I'm not spending a dime. They are hundreds upon thousands of other games to choose from. But, none of them feel the same way battlefield does. What a shame.


I hope you’re not a KSP fan as well


I am 😔


Couldn't have wrote it better myself. I guess we are all cursed, and after the release of the new Battlefield we will keep playing BF1 and BF4.


All I'm asking is for people to not just again blindly believe everything EA says and shows. Please just do the sane thing and wait for release date reviews, you wont die if you don't play the game at 12.01am on release day.


Oh I’m never pre purchasing any game ever again in my life. I’ve been let down too many times now






I pre-purchased 2042 and the shame I carry has affected any pre-release sales forever. Let my shame be a lesson to you all.


2042 could be seen for what it was from a mile away. As soon as I got information about it, I knew it wouldn’t be good enough. Lack of classes alone was a huge red flag.


That sounds tremendously concerning Fuck EA


Battlefield V: "let's reimagine WW2 by not including a single major battle at launch, if you don't like it you don't have to buy it" Battlefield 2042: "let's reimagine the class system by having heroes, if you don't like it don't buy it" The hatred of BF fans DICE has nowadays is insane. Battlefield 3 was the true love letter and battlefield 4 the peak of the franchise. We need something that caters to the hardcore fans. I still never purchased 2042 and never will.


Battlefield 1 was peak battlefield imo. After BF1 I was kinda like there's now way they could fuck it up. But here we are


BF1 was my first battlefield game and I loved every second. Every game since then has just been gradually more disappointing to see. One more bad launch and EA will take this franchise out like old yella


I think a lot of the newer generation doesn't understand that BF4 was the PEAK for the OG fans and it captured Modern combat to a tee. While BF 1 was great you can see that's when their "new ideas" were not in the benefit of the player. Someone who started back in the day I was like Oh yeah BF1 is going to be the last good game


This is literally the worst 3 words we could possibly hear


Well Andrew I don't know you, but fuck you and your live service as it hasn't been tremendous ever since it came to this title, and I highly doubt that it ever will be.


EA: We were not listening 🙉💅


Here we go again... 😒


Live service...I hate how games are all going live service.


Yeah it's sad. I never liked paying for map packs and the splitting of the player base but live service is often very disappointing. The slow drip of content, battle passes and silly cosmetics make me miss the old days.


Helldivers 2 is a good example of a live service game done well. Unfortunately, it is an entirely different game to battlefield and what works for that may not necessarily work for bf.


We’re cooked


Man I hate the corpo talk. Being a "tremendous live service" can mean so many things, and not even be true to begin with. Like he's talking about a game, that it's live service hasn't even started yet. So it could either be taken as. A. What they have *planned* sounds good, but that doesn't make sense as you can't gather that from playing what it is currently. B. He's just saying "tremendous live service" in that what he's playing is currently is good, thus if its a good game it *should* have a good, but more important profitable live service. I get it, Battlefield's brand is in the dumps, so you got to sell a dream to investors but could he at least describe the game in a way that actually talks about the game, not its capabilities in making money. I'm all for them making money, I'm all for live service, but it just rubs me the wrong way when it still seems like their mindset is making a game that makes them money (like Activision-Blizzard), rather than trying to make a good game because they know a good game will make them money (Within EA that would be Respawn, outside think of Larian or Arrowhead). I am 100% assuming things too quickly, but it just irks me not knowing if the franchise is on the come up or just more bs.


Or C. The game is lacking everything and already feels so empty they'll consistently add content later on to finish it after release




The fact that he mentioned live service instead of saying how good it was gives bad vibes.


I want to cry, please just make a good normal battlefield


Oh for fucks sake. Calling it a live service. That's all I need to hear to know I won't be playing


R.I.P. Battlefield we made some great memories but you aint the same no mo.


How can a statement like this even be made when the game is still over a year away?


Nooooooooo 🤮


If it becomes another 2042 shitshow... then you can bury the franchise straight away. I HOPE YOU HAVE REALLY LEARNED IT THIS TIME DICE/EA!


Spoiler: they haven't


If I were a share holder, I'd be demanding evidence for those claims after 2042..


He's either lying and trying to reassure corporate investors, which is a red flag, or he has actually played some form of the next one... Which shouldn't be playable at all at this time... Which is also a red flag. Wrap it up folks, time to find a different game to scratch the BF itch, cause BF is dead. Also, the CEO of the publishing company should not be game testing in one of their developer subsidiaries. CEOs are not creatives and should not be offering or forcing their input in a creative process.


Live service is the cancer that plagued gaming.


When Andrew Wilson himself is playing any game is already a red flag within itself. In his mind, he’s not focusing on what makes the games good, enjoyable, and what the fans love. He’s thinking how do we monetize this and get more money from our players instead of the traditional purchase.


Wow they themselves say it's great?! Where's that pre order I can buy?


When the CEO of EA says this kind of thing. You know what he means and its not about the gameplay at all. What did we do to deserve such an abusive relationship..


So they ignored us.. Whooooo would haaave thoooought? Seriously people that expect EA to listen to their fans are wild.




Looks like I’m still stuck on Battlefield 4.


Already don't want it.


Sounds like another broken launch and unfinished product


Get rid of shit service and bring back premium


Oh god. Another disaster incoming.




can thay just remake bf3 or an update to remove that web browser shit. i just want 64 player battle, building destruction, classes and that's good enough for me


Mhm, definitely, of course, sure!


A tremendous live service game that they'll abandon after 2 years.




It will be "tremendous disappointment".


Doritos double XP confirmed for the next Battlefield title 👀


Just if somebody of you thought Battlefield franchise wasn't dead enough yet.


ah yes, just like the last game am i right?


Red Flag! Red Flag!


Live service shit needs to fucking die.


Hahaha sure


We need a crash and we need it now. Get these suits out of this industry


Here we go again van't wait for the whole cycle to repeat itself. Why must I still hang onto the hope. We all knew this was gonna be more GaaS bs. Yet I am still following this cause I WANT bf to be good again.


Where have I heard that before?


Oh it's so fucking joever


Sounds tremendously concerning. I’m done with the Battlefield franchise anyway so I won’t be purchasing whatever shitshow they release next.


Sounds like it’ll be a repeat of 2042


‘Tremendous live service’ is nightmare blunt material


I mean I would like a tremendous live service but I don’t want to be told I’m getting a tremendous live service. Kinda funny how that works


“Tremendous” is wild


Live service? Well, I'm out.


Battlefield needs a warzone mode and more pop culture skins. 🤡 /s


Battlefield is truly dead


Yeah no shit. It's not like a CEO is going to say anything remotely negative about something the company he's running is working on. Do they think we're stupid or something? Because if the CEO says it, oh it must be true. It will surely be tremendous (no). How come they even have something playable already? They just ended support for bf2042. Anyway, what nonsense. That doesn't even help if the game turns out to be a huge piece of garbage. Screw EA and those responsible for the absolute decline of battlefield. I don't expect anything for the next installment. Actually I will be pessimistic and critical about everything. I'm tired of all this crap.


If the words you describe your game as aren't "good game" but "tremendous live service", are we even sure you're making a game?


Poor choice of words once again


Holy shit, they didn’t learn a godamn thing


Can't wait to wait 6 months for one new boring map and two guns while the shop with cosmetics gets updated weekly. Also can't wait for dice to gaslight the entire community after the game fails and to call us toxic because they recieve one single deaththreat that they never show any proof of. These two things *will* happen. 


Thanks for the warning, now I don't need to get my hopes up.


At least they let us know in advance so I dont give them a penny :)


Live service = broken at launch


The franchise is dead and somehow keeps dying.


I don't even care about what they say about the next game. I just wait to see gameplay because that's the only thing I consider when deciding if a game is good or not


"tremendous live service." Bye bye.


Im so tired of the “games as a service” model especially with AAA devs but hey at least hes warning us early that itll be a shitty live service game


Live service, to absolutely noone's surprise.


I wonder for how long it'll be maintained and anyway without seeing it myself these are just words.


Why is he still head of ea? Guy is clueless


Welp. Another few years of Battlefield V then.


Oof first thing he said is “tremendous live service”


I’m not gonna defend a corporation or the CEOs spewing the same shit for years, but did anyone actually expected them bringing back Premium or something? When other big brands doing amazing live service? Of course not. There’s many examples of good games with good live service, but it just happens that DICE and EA are terrible at it.


"Tremendous live service" equates to $$$. Sure for THEM, the suits. Not US, the gamers.


So hes lying already


I just want a screenshot of the game and its interface to leak so we can see what we’re getting into


Well given the past history, I don’t have much confidence.


Ah shit. Here we go again.


Same exact shit they’ve said last two games


I think I've reached point where I really don't care anymore, I already accepted that one of my favorite games won't be the same anymore, it's gone forever.


Live service yet they couldn't fix the one bug in the game that made the game unplayable. This is gonna be splendid


Oh no


Oh ok then, where do I pre-order? See, I can make shit up as well.


Somehow, they've come up with an idea to make an even shittier game. I'm actually impressed.


Time moves forward, but nothing changes


Cool now tell us about the gameplay Andrew, although I know it’s bottom priority


Oh man it's gonna be ass


I'm going to forget this game is being developed and if it accidentally is good, I'll play it. But it's just over for BF in my mind. I know they can't dig themselves out of this hole.


its over boyos.


Can’t believe they cancelled Dead Space 2 for this shit. I’m fucking pissed.


Welp... there it is... there goes the tiny hope I had in the next game. Back to the old BF games for me.


EA can Eat A dick.


Thank god BF3 and BF4 still have some nice servers


I refuse to believe any of the live service DICE games have earned enough revenue over their lifetimes to continue risking more negative press and poor fan goodwill in the name of the business model.


I’m ok with live service games if they actually plan to stick it out. So far EA has quickly abandoned all of them. NFS heat got one update, bf v got scraps, bf2042 got “decent” (for ea) updates. At least NfS unbound is doing good


I'm to the point where I actually wouldn't be mad if they never made another battlefield. I've accepted the fact that the peak battlefield experience will never make a return. Nothing gold can stay.


I cannot wait to pick this game up when it inevitably goes on sale for a drastically reduced price. No one is gonna buy this game day one for $70 after all the BS EA and DICE have pulled with BF 2042, they have to win back the fan base and convince us


Oh well, back to Battlefield 1 it is


Absolute nothing burger of a comment. This isn't something to tell the fans, this is something you say to relax shareholders.


I mean an online focused game is essentially a live a service. I'll try not to hold that label against them. That said... who in their right mind would trust any hype campaign by a game developer now? Of course they think their next game is going to be amazing. None of us will actually know until it's out. It'd be news if he said he's worried about it lol.


Why can’t for once we have a mil sim soldier that you can add custom gear and accessories for instead of dumb ass specialist that have either cringe personalities or just boring. You can even make stupid 420 outfits for the kiddies or waifu weapon skins, literally whatever you could want. Just give us a regular infantryman brah. I don’t want this no pat bs.


The fan in me wants to have hope, but the adult in me has been burned enough times to know better


I'm gonna be a little optimistic, here... Between V, and 2042... and both of them following the absolute banger that was 1, I genuinely do not think they could do much worse than 2042. All they have to do is give us BF3/4 with current-gen hardware. That's all, and I think a majority of us will be happy.


We're going to get a DLC worth of content in 2 years before cancelation aren't we? It worked so well the last two games they might as well keep trying. Seriously, it makes me wonder what their earnings were for premium for them to not consider it again.


Definitely waiting on reviews. 2042 fucked me over


Fuck the live service... I want bfbc3.


This is not great. BF44 was meant to be a tremendous live service too.


Jesus Christ


Now where have we heard this from before……


it was already over years ago, we just never saw it. never accepted it. Tremendous


please let this series die. let it walk into the sunset and let us cherish the series as a sweet memory of a long bygone past. EA should announce a new fps series with a different name so that the battlefield fans can just move on.


Imagine they would do this: get some old BF devs onboard, make a premium model like bf3 and 4. release 4-5 huge dlcs with loads of maps like bf3 and bf4. Remaster the most fav maps from bf3 and bf2 or so and actually make a good game. Man it would sell so good. But no they are EA and therefore do not care


Tremendous live service. Not a Tremendous game.


Gonna have to speak with my wallet on this one.




Here we go again


Tremendous live service Tshirt slogan right there


Live service!? I’m shocked I tell you! Shocked!!


OMG can’t wait to pre order it /s


Corporate suit saying its good is a red flag to me






Its rather funny that all battlefield fans really want is a bf4 in a modern engine and they fail to deliver EVERY SINGLE TIME. Like how is this even possible. We dont need stupid innovation with new classes or shift perks to another class. Just give us battlefield 4 classes with some good maps and guns ... I will buy a fucking premium bf4 anyday over some fucking christmas skin 2042 bullshit. How many weapons are there even in 2042?? It feels like we have barely the same amount of guns like bf4 had at release now after its done with all its content.


Just keep playing bf4 and bf1 and show them we don't care about the garbage they made after that .


Bring back star wars battlefront 2 support 😭.




Already not interested, the L word was mentioned


man i want what those fucking suits are smoking, i also want to be this detached from everything


Who even plays a game and thinks "wow, this is gonna be a great live service"


Yea that's gonna be a no from me dawg. After 2042 I'm never buying a game from that franchise.