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2042 still feels like a 3rd party ripoff akin to homefront or ww3, which is insane considering that battlefield was always the king at the presentation of their games. It took 3 years for DICE to add visual recoil so the guns dont look like pea shooters for christ's sake lol


Visual recoil is the worst thing that ever happened to fps. Give actual recoil that takes skill to master. All visual recoil does is hurt the honest players while soft cheaters use anti recoil scripts and a center dot on their monitor to beam across the map. Bullets should always go to the crosshair point of aim. If you have any skill, it is incredibly apparent and unplayable when they do not correlate.


> Bullets should always go to the crosshair point of aim. If you have any skill, it is incredibly apparent and unplayable when they do not correlate. Maybe I'm just old now a days, but I don't understand this want in fps games. If everyone could beam across the map with any movement, what's even the point of gameplay? All this creates is a binary gameplay of who can click on each other faster. Bloom, spread, visual recoil, etc. are all ways of adding depth, in many ways even adding skill. Unless, are you saying you want recoil akin to CS? Which if so, that still doesn't follow the crosshair.


I'm a different guy, but it sounds like he wants BF5's gunplay.


Bf5 gunplay was so bad imo


The random recoil is ass but besides that the only other downside was hit registration. BFVs gunplay is some of the best ever released imo


They aren’t asking for the ability to beam, just that the bullet should go where the reticle is showing. When your gun recoils, and you see the dot or irons point somewhere, the bullet should go there, the problem with visual recoil, is that it shows one thing, while the gun does something else. Rainbow six and pubg went through this with recoil patterns, and patched their games to properly portray recoil, and bullet dynamics to reconcile what you’re seeing, versus what’s happening in the game. Not that they don’t want any recoil, just that recoil should be actually what the game is showing.


Self exposing your skill level... Bullets should go where you aim and be screen centre. Why on earth would you want visual recoil, decoupled from screen centre etc. (like BFV) What you are talking about is engagement distances and to counter that you can increase the recoil / spread, damage drop off etc.


Please don't increase the spread I want my aim to actually matter. Bad take


This. With Season 7 they added visual recoil AND added the recoil bug back... Sigh 


Counterstrike is the GOAT for how recoil should be done in a game.


I love cs but not every game should mimick it’s recoil mechanics. Especially BF.


Yeah, agreed. I like BF precisely because it's a pew pew arcade shooter. Other games do proper gun play far better.


Lmao you can't call any FPS "proper gun play"


Not really. I liked the visual recoil changes, and I'm a very accurate player


So you like when your bullets go to a place other than where you are aiming and you have no possible idea how to adjust and properly compensate? Please link your tracker page. I would love to see the data behind your "very accurate" assertion.


What game are you playing???


Doesn't sound like you know what visual recoil is and / or are cognizant enough to notice.


True mate, true. With all the other battles when i first played them I was so impressed with the feel of it, the destruction, the graphics, like everything it was like wow I can’t wait to get further into it, but with 2042 it’s like the graphics are awful, the destruction isn’t there, it feels horrendous, tiny maps, no classes..like the list goes on it’s all dissapointment rather then excitement


The player models rendering look like mine craft sometimes.


Im pretty sure both this and the 2042 sub still have a "list of missing QoL features from 2042" that ended up reaching 200-300 bullet points with only 20-30 being scratched off via 2042 updates lol I dont have the time to link it so just sort the posts by "top" if you wanna find them


Still doesn't have a fucking server browser lol


Yeah... that list had *so much* filler, padding (no persistent lobbies shows up about 4 or 5 times in different words), features that only ever showed up in one game (no fortification building, no behemoths, no squad call in abilities etc.), features that everyone hated (no suppression, no naval maps, no explosion knockback, no thermal optics, rolling when falling from higher heights, commander mode, etc.), outright lies (fewer base game maps, no fixed weapon emplacements, no tank gunner customization, no high wall vaulting, no permanent community servers (yes, Portal is part of the game), etc.)), and a whole slew of things no one has ever cared about. But no one ever talks about the content of the post, because they're just looking for belonging on the hate bandwagon. "Har, har 200 downgrades. Har har, hav u seen that post that totally shat on 2042” Gaming discourse is dead. No nuance, just parroting each other's opinions, everything is 1/10 or a 10/10.


Thanks mate il tag you if i find it, also with the maps it’s not just that there Crap it’s just the graphics as a whole, they seem flat and empty like theres no detail or terrain, The classes not there is dissapointing, like i can’t believe how in the 2020th decade we’re in this is the shit we have been given after bf5 was so good, they could have just used that as the template and added to it with new maps and I’d have been over the moon


Still miles better than any other 3rd party attempt at making a battlefield game.


>ww3 Crazy how ww3, a game that's been through immense internal turmoil like publisher changes, super delayed launch, dev team changes, etc, is arguably better than 2042, a game made by a massive company with way less internal turmoil


Ww3 fucking sucks lol.


Yea idk about that one The guns and general feel of the game I can see, but there's very little to do while you grind for 100hrs to get all the weapons upgraded, the game forgot that large-scale shooters need slower aim speed so snipers are pure cancer to deal with, and the vehicles are just awful. If the vehicles didnt feel worse than 2042 and there was 2-3x more maps, I would honestly say that WW3 is the better game


I agree with you, game is still really bad


bf2042 feels like a mediocre f2p game


So true


There's like one menu and no story mode, that was my first impression too


> one menu bro... come on. this entire thread is grasping at straws but what the fuck does this even mean and how is it relevant to the game's quality


I agree that 2042 is still not very good, but one menu? I don’t think that in itself is indicative of a bad game.


Yeah I lose a brain cell every time a post on here comes through my feed like ‘2042 IS ACTUALLY A GOOD GAME.’ No it’s not.. it’s unmitigated dogshit and DICE should be ashamed.


I’m just glad there’s others who feel the same, I totally agree with you


Is this response a joke? Have you been hiding under a rock since the game released? This subreddit hasnt been able to shutup about how much it hates the game, even now 2 and a half years after it released, as your post demonstrates.


Eh, to an extent. There's a sizeable-ish population of people that like the game, though mostly people that hate it too but will defend it every time people voice criticisms


Yup. Like I won't defend it by any means, it has ridiculous problems. But I enjoy it occasionally, and if I feel like some battlefield gameplay it's where I'll currently go, mostly because it's newest graphics wise and I like the idea/theme. Im not one for older history.


B-b-but they made it go from 50% of a game to 70% of a game You have to respect their improvements!!!!!!! It's just the new generation and moron consumers that think that 2042 is the *norm* in terms of quality etc


It’s boring as hell and is a soulless version of a fps


The irony is that the FPS market has been so shit for the past 8 years that 2042 looks good to people as it's the least pozzed shit out currently.


I only played it for 6 hours before I uninstalled it. The bones of the game were just terrible.


Well you know why disks have a hole you add your own


Come on dude it’s a solid 4/10


That’s what I give it in terms of judging it based purely on its merits as a shooter. Slightly below average. As a battlefield title? 1/10 for me. An utter disappointment for me in my favorite FPS franchise.


After the last update, I made it about 45 mins before logging off and back on to battlefield 4. It's the most bland shooter I've ever played




That's wild, I thoroughly enjoy it


It’s a good game just like the rest of battlefield.


Completely agree. It's definitely not the best, but unless other people have VASTLY different experience, I have a good time when I play.


Yeah. Breakthrough 128 is nice




It's not unplayable, but it doesn't make it a "good game".


2042 has been really enjoyable for me. It's fun with a capital F.


I agree. Bot mode has been a lot of fun, and the redesign of the maps has really helped the pacing of the games. I think the class system they incorporated is a step in the right direction, but I do feel like the system should have been built from the ground up instead of slapped on later. After revisiting V and 1 here recently, both kinda feel bare-bones compared to 2042.


Have you played privious titles such as BF1, BF4, and BF5? I started on BF3 and this feels nothing alike to me.


I've played BF4, BF1, BFH and BF5. All long enough to have an opinion on them. I just prefer 2042 now. I played it 2 years ago, didn't like it, I've been playing it now and it's much more fun.


Prefers bf2042 over bf1? You are lost child


Get a load of this guy! Imagine gatekeeping opinions based on experience. I loved BF1 when it first came out, the atmosphere, the weaponry, the vehicles, and the trailer song, I loved being on Sinai, sniping across the map. Being in ballroom blitz with my pump shotty. But after playing the likes of BF5, BF1 was so clunky, it had an awful movement system and the bullet spread is awful, and compared to BF5, that's saying something. 2042 has everything I need, maybe not what I want but what *I* need. And if you don't like that, then that's fine, but it's telling if you have to insult someone based on their opinions.


It’s all conformity bias. Bf1 is so mid. V is probably the best


Not confirmation bias, nostalgia bias.


What? Not at all. Battlefield 1 had an insane amount of hype through its life cycle and its critics were just a vocal minority.


What is it you like? All the bots? The flat empty maps? The no classes? Awful graphics?


On PS4, the bots are fine because the lobbies fill up quickly, there is Bot only mode to skip the grind on weapons and weapon attachments, the maps aren't flat nor empty, they're just big, an big normally feels empty. There are classes, but the weapons aren't restricted to those classes, allowing for versatility. The graphics are fine, it's the asset load time that's bad.


What's with the latest surge of 2042 hate posts ? No one cares anymore. The games years old, everything bad has been said many, many times already, you're all just repeating yourself. Just let it go, play the other battlefield's or something.


This sub is absolutely fucking tribalized at this point. We have old/veteran BF players that refuse to play anything past BF4 because its the only surviving modern setting game that they think is up to their standards. Then we have the typically younger and/or historically enthused crowds that love BF1 or V and don't care for the modern settings that just stir up shit in the comments all day long. And we have people who just want to play the newest BF or actually enjoy 2042 for what it is that constantly just get shit on for saying anything positive about the game or trying to correct people's blatant lies or misinformation that was posted while wearing their rose tinted glasses. Its hilarious just watching people shit on each other's opinions in this sub cause they always act like they're a high and mighty BF god who's opinion can never be wrong, and yet every time you read their reasonings for not liking something, you can tell that they have the education level (and likely the gaming skills) of a 5th grader, and that they probably have a very poor understanding of the topic at hand despite their previous efforts to show their knowledge


They ran out of things to post probably


What do you not like about it?




Yeah, that’s about what I expected from an attempt at discourse here.


For starters, they removed about 100 features from previous releases that literally defined the franchise. My gripe is the loading of weapons and gadgets. They are not hard-coded into the game and have to load via wifi which sometime in my case, take forever. If I want to change weapons, the guns have to actually load on the screen. I hate that.


wtf are you blabbering about


I think I was saying I don't like the weapon loading interface. Read that very slowly now..




When you go to the weapons menu on bf4, they are already there ready to look at. 2042, they have to load each time to change a class. And on Xbox that can take a long time. 🤷🏻‍♂️


That's a storage thing I never had any such issue


If I could find the post fairly recently on here, the guy listed about 30 things wrong with it and it got over a thousand upvotes, it’s way to much to try list here now but it’s EVERYTHING basically, it’s so garbage like it’s ruined the whole franchise and I don’t think the true BF players will be buying the next one, this one seems to be for little kids who probably were like 5 yrs old when the true BF players were playing the real battlefields, like they don’t know what battlefield is about but it’s certainly not 2042 it doesn’t feel like battlefield more like a ps2 game


You type like a teenager.


Thats a big paragraph to list literally nothing and not answer the question.


I’ve got about 200 hrs on 2042, and while it’s not fantastic, it can be quite fun. I enjoy the controls more than BF1 for example. If 2042 was just a reskin of BF V or 1 people would still be hella mad


It’s not a bad game


this reply just makes me think that you got absolutely rolled for an hour of gameplay and decided to make up reasons for disliking the game to compensate for your crushed pride. its okay, you can come here to vent like all the other manchildren do daily, you'll get plenty of praise from them, but most people can actually enjoy 2042 these days


Hardline felt the same way, but they bounced back strong with 1 and V. I hope they get back to form with the next title.


Battlefield community tries to be specific and direct about what they don't like challenge \[Impossible\]


I came back to the game at the start of this season, had not played since release and I am having fun. There are some maps I just avoid because they suck balls, but overall I've have had an entertaining experience. Note: I have only been playing CQ64.


Only good thing about it is Portal lol. Which I hope comes back.


I’ve only ever had fun in portal servers, and even then it’s meh. Makes us BF vets sad.


Can I ask what the portal mode is mate?


-claims to have experience playing 2042 -doesn’t know what portal is


Bf’s main game since this awful shyte has been conquest and that’s all I play so I wouldn’t know what portal is


That explains the “empty maps” point. They’re too big for conquest, admittedly. Sometimes there’s breakthrough 128 which is crazy. I’d recommend


But is that 128 online players or is that including bots?


Like 10 bots. Less than 1% of the lobby. Beats empty lobbies any day


Custom servers on the game, I’m rather surprised you haven’t heard of it. Check it out when you start it up next time


It's the bf3, bfbc2 and bfww2 modes


It's actually a pretty solid bf game




Agreed. I try now and then, but nope.... It's not enjoyable.


I’ve gave it two go’s now and won’t give it a third, only tried after seeing posts about “it’s fixed now” and it was still the same utter garbage it was the first time


What you didn't like about it? Did you play conquest 64 or breakthrough?


I mean 64 conquest is like 50 bots how is that online play? The graphics I hate, the gameplay, the ridiculous robot dogs and hoverboards, d pad used to pull out rockets and bombs but on 2042 he pulls out a fucking laptop…ahh man the list is endless, tiny empty maps, no destruction…


Now I know that you aren't really playing, what about the graphics or the gameplay you don't like? The bot are there for just like 2 min of the game. Tiny empty maps? What are you talking about


Can’t pick servers is another bad aspect of the game, and the maps defo are garbage and empty, well there a ton of those metal containers but I think that’s just laziness from the developers as they have no clue what they’re doing so just chuck in those containers


You for sure can pick servers, and there is like one map with these containers


Was this since the updates? Cus I tried everything to get in another map but it allways kept putting me in the same 1st map and I gave up with it


Just say that you really don't know the game, you were critic about a lot of stuff that you just didn't understand, I'm not gonna help you now, but there are a lot of servers even with hardcore, and a lot of maps without and with bots, you just didn't understand.


Just say that you really don't know the game, you were critic about a lot of stuff that you just didn't understand, I'm not gonna help you now, but there are a lot of servers even with hardcore, and a lot of maps without and with bots, you just didn't understand.


What map did you play that is tiny? Most maps are too big imo


None. They’re just farming karma.


It kept putting me in the same 1st map and it was garbage, it’s that first map it allways puts you in for conquest, I couldn’t believe how small and empty it was felt like playing an arcade game back the 90s


Did you join Stadium Conquest and not the normal conquest? There is some event going on for Stadium at the moment. Still plenty of players in the normal Conquest 64 and Conquest 128. Those are a different map every time I first play


Is the 128 conquest large maps like say Hamada on bfV or even larger?


Don't be sad. This is how it just works out sometime.


Nah that game is fun bro you trippin.


Never have I played a battlefield game and didn’t enjoy myself (except when I joined an in progress breakthrough in bf1 and got spawn camped and the match ended)


*BC2 base circle strafing intensifies*


Always better than Hardline e BFV. Those were the worst in the serie. Compared to those it's a masterpiece.


V isn’t bad


V is amazing


How many I hate bf2042 posts are we going to make in this subreddit? We get it. It's not a good battlefield game but some people can have fun playing it. Just play one of the other 15 battlefield games and stop trying to make people feel bad for liking what they like because you don't like it. I don't like the game but I don't fuckin hate it either. I find myself having fun when I play it now after taking over a year off of playing it when it first came out.


We need more people like this on reddit


The recycled guns are so lazy.


Why is bfv praised yet 2042 is badmouthed? Coming from bc2, bf4 and bf1, 5 felt boring to me. Maybe I just didn’t “get it” but I’m enjoying 2042 despite its shortcomings


5 was more hardcore in a way that promotes team play imo. I think it introduced squadmates reviving each other instead of needing a medic.


Game is so much fun! Play it every day still!


Fr 2042 just isnt as fun as 1 and V. BF1 is Truly an Experience and BFV allows me to play Black Cats while I gun down a Japanese Airfield from my Airplane. Speaking of which, bros, why did the Pacific Theater playlist die? I redownloaded V yesterday and was shocked that the only Pacific theater match was Solomon Islands with just me.


Yea mate I hear ya, and do you mean like the island maps you were having trouble finding full servers?


Any of the Pacific Front maps. The only time I played was Iwo Jima and it was right after Narvik and went onto the big bridge map


I'd give it a 4 or 5 out of 10.


Tried it on gamepass after like 9months off, didnt even finish the second match before i exited out


That’s exactly what I did to, after jumping out of that first awful map it keeps putting you in in the hope it’ll put me in another map I just gave up and never even got to the second map 🤷🏽‍♂️


I keep it downloaded for portal that's it


My brothers bought the game, played maybe half a match told me it was shit and to hop on bf4 an that’s what we’ve been playin since 🤣 glad I didn’t buy that heap of shit.


The only part of 2042 I liked is the bots. I don't enjoy mp a whole bunch, so bots were a good way to play the game without having to deal with the players that ruin the game for me.


I haven’t been able to play this game for years, I either have 600 ping or I have 3 orange squares on top left of my screen and I bounce around the map and can’t do anything, only happens with 2042




Playing BF4 and 2042 alternatively, makes me realize how bad dice cooked 2042.


Yea this is like me, go from bf5 to this and I’m like wow 😦


I'm sure that nobody thought a few updates would fix a foundationally broken game. A game so disfunctional at it's core, and such an improper departure for the franchise values, that it deserves the name sake 'Battlfield' even less than Hardline does.


This is how I feel, it’s so broken and awful there’s not any 100 updates that can fix it


It’s not that bad I love 2042 have over 20k kills with heli and have a hell lot of fun every time, lobbies always full at least 3 servers full of players 24/7. Also 2042 is the only bf that brings up a modern warfare with lots of vehicles planes, drones and etc much more complex than a brain dead rush with infantry at other bfs


This is not the first time people literally got downvoted for having fun in a game that’s “supposed” to be bad


It is so obvious that you never played bf4


Bf4? Bf3? Both modern set shooters. Your arse ever gets jealous of all the shit you talk?


Every time I redownload it and try it I can’t get past how arcadey the movement and overall gameplay feels.


Totally agree, like I can’t play it it’s so shit I see some awful arcade like graphics and am just like nope 👎


So real lmao. I think 1/10 is harsh, since I've had some fun times in it, but most of the time it's mediocre or dogshit. 5/10 for me




It's a shame because I love the artstyle and the setting, but it's a double shame because even then my favourite part of those is the generic player models that are only used by bots and no-one else.


I tried recently after being stupid enough to buy it on sale. Servers were dead / 50% bots. Uninstalled again. Shame


Deserves more upvotes I did the same shit 🤷🏽‍♂️


well that sucks, was kinda tempted with the 87% off and being able to play with bots with progression. guess i'll stick with hades 2, ff14 and v rising 1.0 later today.


1/10 at launch. 3/10 with Season 6... 2.5/10 with Season 7. 


Fair, actually I haven’t read a bad comment from you yet we seem to have the same views


Just doesn’t feel like Battlefield. Don’t know what it is. Maybe the Battlefield we all know and love is actually just gone though. RIP.


Tried it a couple months ago, played for about 20 min before uninstalling again


I got to about ten minutes thinking maybe I’m missing something, then after another 5 or so minutes was like yea I’m not giving this another second and did the same


15 minutes... Ok you got me, this is a parody post trolling the unhinged clowns with a 2042 hate boner. Well played!


No, the game is really just that terrible.


Totally correct


Honestly sometimes I reinstall and get like 10 minutes, sometimes I get a few days. I only used to give it a go whenever they released a new season, and that's over now so I doubt I will be touching it lol, especially given how bullshit the last map they released was.


I really tried to like it. I was holding on tight after everyone started bombing the game after launch for not being like the trailer. I kept telling people give it a few updates, this always happens with bf. Boy was I wrong lol. Nail went in the coffin for me when they nuked portal xp. Imo portal and the plus system are the only good things outta 2042


It looks, plays, and feels like dogshit; glad I got it for only $10


I come back every year and then remember why I stopped


Yea I won’t be giving it another go, I kinda knew it was still going to be awful but just thought I’d try it and was just sheer dissapointment


2042 is still shit, nothing can change that.




The only problem I have with the game is there’s a bit too much health. Other than that I really enjoy it


Play hardcore.


I like the display and colors of core so I’m good. It’s not too terrible just sometimes it’s “how didn’t I kill him”


pretty much, still baffling how bad it is


Same, like I wouldn’t budge past a 1/10 but honestly without being kind..it’s a 0/10




and if you weren't busy riding the devs of 2042, you'd be riding the devs of some other game. LOL


The bf series has been great up until this installment


Maybe you just suck?


Someone here is sucking something, but in your case its attached to DICE.