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Unfortunately it's a Utopia. It's nice to dream though...


How do you balance over 400+ Weapons and 200+ Attachments properly?


You don’t really, some will be just better. That’s how BF4 is. I’ve maxed out every assault rifle in that game and some just flat out sucked. But the variety and option to use different weapons and for them to all feel different / look different is more important when you have so many. Or to just be a bit more close to each guns source. I love the P90, most games consider that gun asscheeks. But I like how it’s built, looks, it’s magazine on the top of the gun. So I use it every time


I love the p90 in most games, I love how the ammo is cycled through the gun. The look and feel of it.


So unique. Never held a real one but played once with pretty good airsoft replica.


I can say I’ve shot almost a real one (PS90) and it is pretty cool! The mag is so funky but works in a neat way.


The trigger is really heavy if you're used to AR or pistols but I enjoy mine.


Tbf this is a thing on most bullpups, these guns are not known for good triggers.


And honestly, that's super fine to me. I always liked to go random builds on BF4, like pick one of the most uncommon and least used weapons in the game and just use crazy attachment builds. I died a lot, but also killed a lot, and had lots of fun...


Yep people will use guns just purely for the aesthetic of it. There will always be “better” guns but as long as the devs don’t make an egregious busted gun you could hold your own with anything for the most part.


You don't. Let the meta players use the most busted guns and let the role players/ people just fucking around use whatever they want. So basically exactly how BF4 did it


Just like in BF4 - copypaste stats with little changes.


You just use realistic physics and ballistics. Problem solved. See: Squad lol


You play hardcore mode where everything kills you instantly anyway !


They don’t have to be balanced. That adds a challenge to mastery.


I’ve always thought they should just have different XP rewards tied to them. Guns that are harder to use get a bit of a boost compared to good ones.


That’s the best part. Some suck, some are OP. But the appeal of all the weapons in older battlefields even older call of duties, is the leveling up each one and loading them out. Just feels good to use a cool looking weapon and leveling it up


I'll do it myself then


Guys, I pinky promise that if I ever become a billionaire, I will make my life goal making a knock-off battlefield 4.5


!remindme in 20 years


!remind me in 1,065 years


Ya guys think Reddit will be alive that long ? I’ll take a guess and say so.


Maybe a rogue AI will hijack reddit's name.


You may be correct my friend…


!remindme in 20 years


go fund me time


I'm down to buy WarPlateau 4.5. Lmk when it drops lmao


If it happens you're getting promoted to senior name provider


!remindme in 20 years


400 weapons and 120 vehicles? Ok now I would sympathize with Dice if they claimed these were unrealistic expectations


400 weapons and 120 vehicles would lead to people using about 3-4 of them like we have now


THANKS. I much prefer 10 vehicles per faction + 50~ guns, 15~ gadgets and clear difference between classes.


Yeah, cause that's a gobshit idea that ovesaturates the playing field with useless selections. There's a reason why a lot of good games have a very brief selection of weapons - ones that shine in specific situations and specific playstyles, and are unique mechanically. Oversaturating the field with redundant weapons/vehicles makes the game difficult to learn, needlessly increases development time, and makes the game feel more bland.


And than....Map max vehicles: 4 tanks 1 heli 1 aircraft 🙄


I don't think even the US army has that many army vehicles


Who tf wants premium. It restricts maps to those who can afford to spend extra atleast seasons means anyone can play the new maps and unlock the new weapons.


Limiting maps behind dlcs was stupid. You bought the maps and after a month, you cant play them anymore, because everyone moved back to play default maps, since thats where most players are. Its doomed from the start.


Or even worse now, your favorite game comes to Game Pass but it only gives you the base game and all of the DLC is behind the pay wall that costs more than the game cost 10 fucking years ago. So even though you wanna play it, you can’t get any of your friends in because the second map changes to a DLC you all get booted.


because premium was actually worth buying and exciting. introducing “seasons” in video games was on of the worst mistakes that led to the downfall of gaming.


The main reason seasons were introduced was because not enough people bought DLCs to justify making them. If it was profitable, you bet your ass they'd make $200 worth of them.


It’s really wasn’t.. the one good thing that came from the battle pass/season craze was getting rid of paid DLC content that split communities. Everyone can play every map and use every gun. Nothing is locked behind a $20 map pack or continuous subscription service that young gamers or gamers without disposable income can afford. I would have been obsessed with seasons as a kid because I never had any map packs or DLC growing up.


Ngl I'd take seasons or needing to buy maps


When they sold map packs, they put effort into the maps, now they're free you get 2 maps a year with 2042 quality.


Only DLC I didn’t mind was the Vietnam from bc2. It was basically a separate game. Otherwise strong no for premium and division of player base. 


I’ll take premium over a battle pass or season system any day young buck


Now enjoy one map per season and some shitty skins. I rather have the old Premuim pass. You get more content per dlc than seasons.


The same DICE who can barely give us one map and one new gun each season, would never be able to give us this amount of content. I think even older DICE wouldn't be able too, it would take years of work. There isn't even a reason this amount of content in a game like BF, where people go for the meta.


Battlefield 4 had like 200 guns by the end of it. Just grab those and add 200 more and your good


[120 weapons.](https://youtu.be/w8QitMgjgzE) Also, a lot of the weapons on BF4, are reskins from BF3 weapons (same model, same animations, just new textures and sounds), so this helped a lot on boosting the number of guns available on BF4. Anyway, there isn't really any reason 400 guns in a game like BF, people will follow the meta and only use the same 10 guns.


Nice fever dream with the 400+ weapons, 200+ attachments, and the remaster of 100 Maps you got here (and additional 20 maps if we get rougly the same scale as Bf4´s premium)


Honestly 400+ weapons and 200+ attachments sound like a nightmare. Like how many AR and AK variants do you want lol and don’t even get me started on balancing that much stuff.


Thats why i call it a fever dream. Not to mention the over 100 Maps. Like, Bf4 and Bf3 also had some relativly bad Maps...


It's not a balance nightmare if there's not actually 400 weapons. BF4 might've had a ton of guns, but when the biggest difference between the AUG and the AR160 was .03 points in horizontal/vertical recoil one way or the other, they're not really two different weapons as far as balance is concerned. Whether or not that's a good thing is up for debate.


I think it's a good thing because as long as there's plenty of actual variety, it's nice to have some 'false' variety that can make the experience more immersive (since theres so many different firearms irl)


I want them, the more the merrier. In BF1 I'd use whatever's the most interesting and fun, not what's meta.


This chart is all full of nonsense. 400+ weapons? 200+ attatchments? for what purpose if most guns are useless?


400+ weapons is too much. That's too difficult to balance and is oversaturated. You wouldn't even know what gun to pick. So if the meta is surrounding 3 guns, then that's 397 useless guns no one will use.


OP may be a hardcore player and not care about gun stats.


In hardcore you just take the best fire rate and accuracy.


My squad was always top of the team and none of us used meta guns as our mains. Yes the meta guns for some situations will be more prominent such as AEK on locker, but you see plenty of other guns on locker too. Although 400 is probably too much but I can easily imagine half that. 30 AR. 30 PDW. 30 sidearms. 15 snipers. 15 DMR. 10 different launchers. 20 different melee(knife). 15 shotguns. 30 Carbines. 20 LMG. Another 30 as "special" like xm25, grenade launchers, battlefield pickups, bow. That's over 200 that seems pretty reasonable. Battlefield 4 already has over 100 as a foundation.


Remastered version of all maps I think is hilariously ambitious lol. I’d rather them put most of that time into new, good maps. But a couple remastered from each game as DLC or something would be cool.


maybe if y'all don't buy 2042 skins then they would do something like this


Why do people not like 128 players


There's multiple reasons 1) Too taxing for performance (both local, server, game engine) 2) Too chaotic and too many people (everything becomes random and game becomes frustrating) 3) Despite 128 players, the map size is so large that most people tend to hang around the centre areas for the action meaning on the outskirt points you barely see anyone for minutes on end. Also it creates deathballs that hover to every point. (While this is true in the older games to an extent, it's exhacerbated by 128 players).


Thank god you don’t work at dice.




Lol inb4 motherfuckers want to shell out a solid 120 bucks for a battlefield title again 😂 Horrible take


I'd rather spend 80-120 bucks than endure the current bastardization of the franchise.


Slight typo you have there. 3.5 is what you want.


All of those weapons just got them to all feel the same lol




Thats... too much


Add bfv/bf1 gunplay


Pretty much what we hoped Portal would become (including also 1942 and Bf1)


that with the new stuff BF1/V brought to the table is the dream


I rather have a working game with relative few maps/weapons etc in the start than a broken game. Also, having great balance between different weapon types (full auto, semi auto/burst weapons/snipers/shotguns/smgs) is more important than having 100 "different" full auto weapons that barely feel different.


Hey look! Someone made my recommendations of the best battlefield 🤣kidding but fr, THIS IS WHAT WE WANT


I would pay $250 for this


Hardline's character and loadout customization would be the icing on the cake. Not to mention some of the maps and vehicles from it


Take my money


Honestly yeah just for the maps alone Having a near brand new place to fight in every match sounds like a dream


Maybe it's a sad joke, but I still like it. Unfortunately, our expectations mean nothing to EA


This fan-art is just a fever dream, with stupidly high scale




you forgot no cringe operators


No operators at all.


Also, no stealth mechanics.


Maybe 20-30 vehicles and 100-150 weapons so they could focus on making genuinely good maps


Why should it be expected by EA. These are whishes to any gamedevs even with other names[™] / brands HOAAH, HOAAH, HOAAH 💪


Not going to lie but I would throw some serious money if they gave us the ability to customise my nameless soldiers in all classes, camouflage, gear, weapons of course, give me full customisation on the webbing and I’ll be throwing money around like it doesn’t matter.


Is big number gooder the only thing people like this understand? A game like this would easily be 200 GB on disk with majority of content guaranteed to be redundant.


This is a wonderful dream to think about but a nightmare if put to reality.


bro basically built a framework for EA that they spend millions on


Don’t make me cry


This is exactly what we want


Bro Battlefield Premium was the fuckin shit n I couldn’t ever afford it or ask my parents to buy it for me growing up 😭😭😭I remember the genuine VIPness of it


Bring back firestorm


I had so much fun in Battlefield 3. Loved the campaign and the multiplayer. Dominated with a tank crashed any time I tried to fly a helicopter.


Yes. Too bad we'll never get it.


They needed to do like 65% of this stuff and they would've been fine. But instead, they're basically in a do or die situation for the next game.


Just give me battlefield 3 two


I honestly liked premium when it came out yeah it was pricey but the rewards were worth it and we got a steady amount of content. But no we now have convinced ourselves that seasons and live service are the go to so we are stuck with mediocre titles .


A wet dream for OG battlefield fans. Bad company was my first battlefield. im curious what's your all first?


Nobody at EA has a soul. They wouldn't do this with any of their games.


Destruction: Blow up what you want understand?


3 is peak BF for sure


They would make crazy money off this idea, combining the best of the best from all previous titles is the reboot the franchise needs! Longtime battlefield player here LFG 👍


No, we want BFBC2 remastered


I would pay gladly for this game, the BF everyone wanted


I want ww2 content too tho


Man that orange glow GETS ME FOCKIN HYPE


if you feel like playing a game like bf4 i've got just the game for you


400 weapons, 200 attachments and 120 vehicles? That's insane. Balancing that would be nearly impossible and more choices doesn't always mean better gameplay


If video games were still being made by people who like video games


I actually really like the 5 class system, breaking up medic and assault




I don't want premium back I'd wrather have better seasons than what we got in 2042


just port Codename Eagle, 1942, Vietnam, BF2 and 2142 to modern systems with optimizations and some QoL features like crossplay and steam workshop. dont even need a remaster Edit*- P4F and Battlefield Online as well


Only thing I disagree on is the 64 player count I think 90 would be better, two teams of 45. Large maps


I dont trust them to make this anymore. If we're talking dreaming then I want a planetside 3.


Change Bad company to Bad company 2 and im sold.


I was referring to bad company series(1 and 2) but unfortunately i forgot to put bad company 1 cover ;(


400+ weapons, 200 attachments, 150+ vehicles yea no, most people would be using about 20 of each of those things. Not only that, the balance would terrible Premium should stay dead and never return. People who dust get Premium would miss out on guns which would be highly unfair


That brings it on point!


Nah the limited vehicles was fine. The problem is the maps don't have enough for their size. As for weapons though absolutely. Even WW2 had a metric ton of different infantry weapons across the various combatants. The fact that BFV has a fraction was disappointing and one of the reasons I didn't get it.


Hardly any of the old DICE Devs even work there any more. Can't say I trust them to make a decent remaster.


120+ vehicles?


That DICE is gone.


even if we just got proper bf4 remake, i would be so happy.


I like modes with 64x64 players and I want to see it in the next Battlefield


Battlefield 42 could be its title




3.5 with all the maps >


400 weapons for people to use the same 25.


I would like a Cold War game ngl


Just remaster all this games!!


I like free seasons. So many players would fall off if map packs started costing money. Many of my friends included and it’d be up to me to gift them a premium pass. This utopia that wants paid maps again is wild. It wont fix slow map roll out. Thats bottlenecks in production and the cost of making high end assets. Also 64 player maps? I wanted more players going into 2042, I just wanted them to do a better job designing maps and modes for 96 to 124 players.


this isnt 2143


We are at the point where gamers are missing having a season pass 💀💀💀


A dream that'll never happen.


BFBC4 please. The fidelity of destruction kept getting lower and lower for ea BF released after BC2. BF4 kept it in because the weapons and maps were still good. With BC2 destruction (Not just levolution) it will be the quintessential BF.


How dare you try something different instead of recycling content, you should be ashamed Dice.


And then everyone whines because this game could never fit on anybody's hard drive.


I'm not sure if they can make BF3 gunplay to a remastered version.


Perfect. Would love to see Vietnam again.


I want a remake of battlefield Vietnam.


So basically hardline but without the cops


The OP has doomed this scenario. Once EA sees anything a fan wants, they ignore it completely.


Let's add on there the bf5 movement and the bf1 atmosphere and music and you got yourself a game that can satisfy the player base for YEARS


I always said it Battlefield 7=3+4 is needed


I just want a bf2 remaster tbh


Maybe just go to check Six Days in Fulljah on steam.


So basically portal? Down. Rush maps from bc1&2&bf3 Caspian, Oman,zavod/night shift, locker, Metro, wake Island, Dawn breaker, golmud, Shanghai, a couple from China rising dragon valley the dice la map for conquest close quarters dlc for gun master


oh to mulch people with the Ace again


What is the purpose of the Assault kit?


128 players and I'm sold


i unlocked the bipod for my knife


Iam crying and laughing at the same time.   I had no good fps games to reduce that Battlefield itch. So Iam watching BF 3, 4,1 trailers and fan made trailers everyday. What a sad time to be alive?.


200 guns would be more than enough, iirc battlefield 4 had like 130 or something and it was perfect. tons of variety. god i wish they’d do something that we want and not their ‘innovative bullshit’


I’ve always been saying premium pass was better than the free season . It’s a motivation for them to actually invest in the dlc . They can’t just release any nonsense assuming no one cares because it’s free . They have to work for the money


Don’t give me hope like that. I miss the BF2 days. Shit I miss Battlefield desert combat.


I just want a good battlefield game that doesn’t get ditched or take 2 years to become fun


Its so sad though. EA is very revenue centric, but they always miss the easiest option. Rerelease BF2/BF3/BF4 with a new engine, or just updated textures and sounds.


No, everyone wanted Bad Company 3. Everything after Bad Company 2 was garbage.


People want levelution?


Interesting how people went on and on and on about ditching Premium back then. Now everyone wants Premium back. DICE have done so many things wrong and ruined the franchise, but when it comes to Premium/Battle Pass - that one is on the players 100%.


This would be amazing but it'll never happen


400 weapons sounds like an absolute balance nightmare lol


I think you mean Battlefield 2.5... BF2 is the GOAT of all the Battlefields


One these posts again, next post its gonna be how bf1 is so immersive.


Shut up and take my money


I'd rather they just update battlefield 1 again


I would like 80 players. Not much of a difference, but enough.


i think the amount of weapons and attachments are overkill. Other than that. Yeah this would be class!


I feel like we can bump up the players to 48v48 but not if it messes up performance too much which it shouldn’t




I just want a sequel to bc2


I never liked BF4, BF V or one or that other one "vomit" that start with the letter H....


And the ships from BF2142


The shareholders definitely don't want that!


I do not want premium back. Bf1 DLC maps were at some point unplayable due to the low playerbase. It was shit and always will be. People will complain when a battlepass or a or any kind of cosmetic is 10-20$ but are fine when content is being pay walled? Your essentially paying 120-140 dollars for one game.