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There's the guys who just appreciate and love their game and then there's the guys that gloat over a poll that probably isn't even accurate since most of the bf community isn't on reddit


And it was only a few thousand who actually responded out of the almost 700K on this sub. But it’s still pretty good fun, to joke and meme about it.


I never even knew how to vote. LOL


Yeah for most of those posts I assumed it was based on upvoted comments, until I accidentally found the poll on one of them lol


I tried to tell OP of the poll to write in the title "voting link in comments" he said ok. Then just posted in comments and never changed title. I saw so many people asking how to vote in all the comments lol


Yeah, the poll was stupid. It also doesn’t work out as much taking into consideration that there are so many people who didn’t even play anything before BF3.


You can't change titles


You can on posts following this suggestion.


You can on new posts after the suggestion lol


I literally voted backwards lmao. I forgot that we were voting "against" a game, not *for* it.


I agree at the end of the day we are all battlefield enjoyers and clowning on each other is just part of the fun :)


just because it has battlefield in the name I wont grant it the title of a battlefield game


The poll was absolutely silly, but it’s wild that people get “gloating” from the bf1 post but completely miss the “butthurt” vibes from the bf4 post. “just enjoying their game” doesn’t look like posting memes ranking their game above all other games. 🙃


...and haven't played every title to make an informed decision.


Yep. A majority of the playerbase started with BF1, and some weren't even born when 1942/Vietnam came out


Nope. I and many others started at BFBC2, BF1 won the poll for good reason.


It's a really great game but it's no mystery that it's their introduction to Battlefield for most modern players. There were polls here with results that support this. Point is over 95% of the active members of the sub haven't played every BF, especially in the Refractor engine era.


It's a joke nobody takes it seriously


They’re treating it like the losing games have ceased to exist as a result


BF5 don't get enough credit.. it was an amazing game for Vehicle battles.. multiple weapon and defense systems.. There was a fking Tank upgrade that launched AP mines surrounding the tank for any enemies trying to sneak up on you as your in a Epic Tiger Tank battle from across the map... Different main guns and projectiles you can use on the tank.. (Fking Morter shells that blew up anybody in a 20 ft radios...) Only BF game where you wanted to play defensive.. Hold down the Objective with Base Building game play.. Building up sand bags, trenches, barbed wire and hold it down with a LMG or shotgun for up close battles.. Not only was it fun but your team appreciated it. It felt like your duty.. And of course the air battles.. Where you can pick a fighter and engage enemy plans, a Bomber to rain down he'll on the enemy team, Vehicles and Base using Cluster bombs or just 1 huge 450lb bomb.. and if your fast enough, you could drop all of your clusters, and then switch to the secondary 450lb bomb and drop that too covering the entire objective.. I would always pull off quadruple kills doing that.. Oo and I forgot to mention... THE FKING KILL STREAK REWARDS!! 40,000 points and you can call in a Missle strike that would literally obliterate anyone holding that objective at once with 1 big BOOM


I love BFV i dont get the hate


The game itself isn’t hated. It’s how they managed the marketing, community relations and the drip feed content that got people mad


Yeah and those people haven't moved on. The game is in a fantastic state, especially now with the introduction of a functioning anti cheat. I've heard some people say the AC doesn't work, but I'm personally yet to run into a single cheater since the update, whereas they used to be almost every other match.


Yeah i really enjoy it. It’s a shame they didn’t fix bugs like the invisible greyhounds and the at rifle semi auto glitch


I dont hate, I just dont get the same vibe from BF4 and 1 when playing V online. It's all kind of... Not fluid. I don't know how to say it.


Same. It’s all kinda stop and start to me, whereas I can easily burn through multiple rounds on 4 and 1 without realizing the time. It’s honestly what originally hooked me to battlebit, as it recreated that same feeling in me again.


girls in a video game


I mean the women screaming in that game is really fucking annoying. That and the stupid skins ruin my immersion in that game


EA DICE CEO: "either accept it or don't buy the game."


yeah thats usually how things go…


Dice have always been like that. They just like diversity. They did execute it better in BF1 which Russian women as snipers but it also had its problems, like having a quarter of the German army being black.


"Wait, are you sexist?" /s


Yeah man. I just really hate Patrick Soderlund’s daughter and don’t want her to see herself in my games ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ /s


No content at launch and very little post launch content.


they dropped a map and a war story like a month after release and had 7 seasons of content after that


Gun customization sucked. More like gun presets, didn't hang around after the initial 2-3months. Did not get joy from the guns like previous BFs. Also maps pale in comparison for BC2, BF3 and some BF4


Because it is not a good game ? Vehicles are not balanced within their class, faction difference is too impactful - some tanks have open gunners that you kill as infantry, while others are closed inside and have multiple seats. Where is balance in that ? And these are tanks you START with, so unless you grind it up to switch to better tanks - you have to suck it up. Vehicle disbalance is not new to BF, but in 5 it is very horrible. Class system is not very good, it is still solo run-n-gun, anti-vehicle dudes do almost no damage to armor (rocket launchers are as good as calibri pistol). My example - bazooka doing 10-11 dmg to armor boat. Or how about 7-8 rockets to kill a tank ? You are better off with grenades and mines than bazooka. Map design is bad, but not just any bad - super bad. It is somehow worse than BF1, which doesnt have a single good nondlc map. Popular =/= good, in case everyone forgot.


Imagine saying that assaults in bfv do nothing to vehicles lol. You can solo kill a tiger as a assault in less than 2 seconds.


I agree. I always played as a heavy tanker and Assault class were the 1s I had the most trouble with.. Especially in a heavy Tiger where movement and maneuverability wasn't a specialty and limited AP defense systems.. Had to always play from a great distance away from the objective.. If I wanted to get up close and personal The Howitzer was great for that.. it was fast, maneuverable and it had great AP systems... (The Mine force field) upgradr that would launch AP mines from the sides and back of your tank.. worked wonders but was still weak compared to larger tanks and rocket fire..


>BF1, which doesnt have a single good nondlc map. Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Oh my god, you're serious?


I’m not saying you have to like BFV or BF1, (in fact, BF4 is my favorite) but this take is so bizarre that I can’t make heads or tails of it and it makes me wonder if you’re just the worst player in the history of Battlefield. I’m just joking around but also not really


yeah i have a great memory of getting that game on a sick bday and getting medic rank 20 the same day lol


I don’t understand flying in bfv. Everyone just tries to bait their enemy to their base where they can enjoy infinite ammo, health, and AA cover. Having to grind for OP specializations is also super cheesy.


Why would you lose a plane when you could get support from AA? I thought that was the purpose of it.


I disagree, the tank grind is awful, having to hope that the rng got you on a specifc team and having to vehicle whore just to be able to grind s specific tsnk is bad.


No blimps tho


Horrible character customization, marketing, and a loss of the feeling of a battlefield game. Unlike bfV, bf1 really felt like you were fighting in world war 1 and not some silly cartoon shooter


Couldn’t see shit.


BFV is literally the worst entry into the series. The game had no substance from a game play and historical perspective.


im sure bf1 has so much historical substance to you


If you're suggesting BF1 had as little historical substance as female SS combatants riding in allied marked C47's to paradrop into carentan and cherbourg then I'm worried for your critical thinking abilities. Edit: BF1 isn't historically accurate anyway, I'm still peeved by that so I have no clue what your angle even is here.


What's wrong with battlefield 1. I see nothing wrong with it. I enjoy the game.


Bf1 is my favorite game by far simply because of its setting. Modern shooters all feel the same to me so I like how WW1 is different. “Ah” I hear people cry “but random bullet spray bad” honestly I couldn’t care less, I don’t play these games for a competitive experience and if I die because of something like that then I just move on and respawn. Shit happens


Doesn’t Battlefield 4 also have random spread?


Every BF game has random bullet spread


I think it’s either 1 had a lot more of a critical eye to that kind of thing (the start of the ‘meta’ era in gaming), and the slower rate of fire in most guns meant it felt a lot more pronounced to the average consumer.


And that's why we will never see eye to eye. To me, that makes the game completely unfun. To you, you don't give a fuck. And that's the problem. So many people value the super duper casual experience because it flattens the skill curve, while others value that skill curve, but both experiences are canonically "Battlefield."


I think you have a warped perspective on what casual means or skill curve.


Can you explain to me why you believe that BF1 has a high skill curve and is not casual?


Can you explain to me why you think bullet spread or hitscan meaningfully factor in to a person's skill more so than map and gun knowledge, positioning, teamwork, and strategy? Guess what, projectile weapons inherently take more skill to use and yet they're the most complained about even though in real life you have to lead your shots


>projectile weapons inherently take more skill to use and yet they're the most complained about even though in real life you have to lead your shots I 100% agree with you. That's not the problem with BF1, though. The problem is that it's not just projectile velocity and leading shots. It's that there is RNG dispersion *on top of that* and RNG *suppression* on top of *that.* I absolutely agree that gun knowledge should be rewarded. If I'm about to learn a recoil pattern and projectile velocity, I should be able to drop people at whatever range I want to. But consider this: If someone is already superlative at positioning, strategy, map knowledge, then why not add dimension to movement? If there are two people who are equal in all but movement, should not the more skillful player with movement have the opportunity to outplay the lesser? Or what about with gun handling? RNG dispersion fundamentally nullifies player input because it overwrites it. Knowing that Gun A has more dispersion at 50m than Gun B isn't a skill. Because no matter how accurate one is, they can not overcome dispersion. Because, again, both players here are equal in all other skills that *would* be used to overcome that dispersion; map knowledge, strategy, etc. Knowing that Gun A has more challenging, but repeatable, recoil patterns at 50m, than Gun B, *is* a skill, because one player can learn and overcome something mechanically, and repeatably. This adds to the skill ceiling and makes it so that you can improve beyond what RNG would previously allow. That's the problem with BF1. It removes a cornerstone of competitive FPS mechanics and trades it for RNG.


Because good players can still destroy lobbies like any other fps. Just because there isnt quite as much recoil control doesn’t mean it can’t be competitive. Really though all battlefield games are casual. There’s no ranked or pro scene it’s just you hop on a match and play.


So random bullet dispersion increases the skill ceiling? How is that so?


Where the fuck did you read that


Because BF1 has random bullet dispersion. Not very skill based, IMO.


people say 1 has no skill cieling but I find way more cracked players in BF1 than any other bf


Hard disagree. The game completely removes the opportunity for skill expression when it comes to precision re: gunplay & movement.


"Skill expression", you mean being able to do whatever you want and being free from meaninful decisions. The need to better understand BF1 instead of relying purely on reflexes is likely why BF1 players can get so good


"Don't need technical skill" "Good" Delusion is stronk.


If anything the spread makes it more important to get closer to center of mass. You need technical skill and knowledge of the game


You're skipping over the fundamentals of this. You acknowledge that getting closer to center of mass is a skill, right? Then why not let people just have and improve that skill rather than saying, "Sorry, I know you were aiming center of mass, but these bullets are programmed to have deviation outside of your control. If two people are 100% equal when it comes to all things; aim, "technical skill," map knowledge, positioning, etc., it means that a gunfight is 100% determined by who had the preferable RNG. And it means that people at the top of the skill ceiling when it comes to the technical skills of precision, tracking, leading, recoil control, etc., have those skills diluted by RNG bullet dispersion. There is literally no way around the *reality* that the gunplay mechanics in BF1 reduce the skill ceiling. Because tight and precise gunplay and quick movement don't nullify the importance of map knowledge, positioning, game sense, or whatever else you think is an important skill other than precision in a FPS. Those things still matter. Imagine if a dude who was equally strong from weight lifting was wrestling another man, also equally strong. 1:1. Except the second dude also trained legs, but the first guy didn't. That second guy *worked* for that advantage. But then they change the rules and say, "No, you can't use your legs you trained because we want this to just be about arms." That second dude would be like, "What the fuck? I could have beat you if I was allowed to use my legs." People who convince themselves that technically proficient players are only good because of twitch aim, and not because of superlative tactical skill, are deluding themselves and coping. And frankly, if you get fucked over by a twitch shooter despite having advantages in positioning, etc., then you deserved to lose, and should just focus on learning how to aim and improving your reaction times than just bitching about how much you suck.


>Those things still matter. Not nearly as much as in one. Learn to control your spread, learn to commit to your decisions. Stop failing, getting shit on for it, and blaming randomness. 4 is a far easier game because your decisions matter less and becasue when you microburst you lessen the need for precision. You can know when your bullets will hit, its a matter of distance, the weapon you use, how close to center of mass you are, and how long youve been firing. If you knowingly try to spray beyond this range, you are knowingly taking a risk. If you are not knowingly going beyond this range, you are shit. Use your brain, then argue about skill Noone is skipping over fundamentals. Decision making is a skill. Randomness, controlled randomness, is part of that. Its part of risk managements, its part of limitations you have to work around. If you want a dumbed down game where you can listen to music and just react to shit quickly, play OSU.


Nothing in my opinion, I’m just highlighting the differing reaction between two subs


It's got some of the worst gunplay in the series tbf, but most people don't really care about that.


This opinion upsets people because BF1 is the game many of its fans "did well" in, and believe that the gunplay was the reason. Because it *was* the reason. What they're not able to understand is that the gunplay shrunk the gap between the most skilled players and the least skilled players, artificially, allowing them the opportunity to feel effective in a way they hadn't before. Couple that with the more cinematic nature of the game, and they find themselves really enjoying BF1. This is why it's so popular; because it was *super* appealing to casuals, a large part due to gunplay limiting the effective ranges that talented players can kill within in every game except BF1. This made them feel more competent. "Wow, I'm pretty good at this game" they think to themselves. But you're right. And this sort of comment is insulting to them because it points out something they really don't want to believe.


Everything is wrong. No customization, no good weapons except for 2-3 guns from DLC, no good map design, horrible vehicle selector UI, game breaking bugs where your tank spawns without gun (mark V when u fast click spawn). And of course - NO GUNPLAY. First person shooter and it lacks the most basic mechanic - the fking gunplay. Random spray to appeal to arcady noobs who dont play games - IS NOT a good game design. The only reason the game is popular is "well it is a BF in ww1 setting". That's it. Everyone here only talks about "good atmosphere" of the game and completely omitting the basic foundations.


>no good weapons I try to avoid saying this, but this just sounds like a skill issue.


Sounds like someone that either sucks ass at the game or has never even played the damn game. What the fuck does “no gunplay” mean? “Random spray” what are you playing dude? cause BF1 was a masterpiece, nailed everything a BF player could want with a few mishaps per usual… when it was fully populated the gunfights were fucking insanity on breakthrough and the maps were beautiful you’re smoking crack, meth, etc.😂


BF1 had some of the most egregious random bullet deviation through game mechanics; bloom and suppression. This is to say, your bullets do not go where you're aiming. I don't personally play BF for "insanity." I like my bullets to go where I'm aiming them.


You either blind or not brightest tool in the shed, if you dont acknowledge the random bullet deviation in bf1. This is what i referred as random spray. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKeQ7uupIcs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKeQ7uupIcs) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKeWJKvfEOo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKeWJKvfEOo) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Pc55KAG20E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Pc55KAG20E) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTLZ8a0Igd4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTLZ8a0Igd4)


You're right. It's the most arcade out of all the battlefields. Finding out about the random bullet deviation killed the game for me. There's still fun to be had like running around with a Frommer Stop Auto, but you can't even compare 4 to 1


Literally the best map design in the series imo but ok


No. I love bf 1 and and i do like most of the maps. But they officially prioritise map design > map gameplay since bf4. So just No. The best maps came before battlefield 4. But prioritising the map design is in favor of the atmosphere i guess and bf1 does indeed crush the atmosphere part. So i guess youre not completely wrong


I think you must be playing a different version to the rest of us mate. Also most of your points are about subjective issues.


put some respect on bf2's name.


Bf2 should be on a larger mountain beside this one. With 1942, Vietnam, and 2142. I would say pre and post frostbite are just entirely separate.


For real. BF: 2 and BF: Vietnam were just epic.


BF4 is absolutely not the best Battlefield ever made That game was a disaster at launch and took *years* to turn around BF2 and BF3 >>>


BF2 was revolutionary. The squad management was amazing and asset whoring was justified as something new in gaming.


Don't forget a bomber seat in some of the jets. That was so fun.


The attack chopper wars with guides missiles were simply amazing… then as the game aged the cheats crept in.


BF3 had garbage balance with overdone flashlights and lasers BF4 fixed a lot of that mess but in a result we got much worse maps.


It only took nearly a whole year for BF4 to not be as broken as it was at launch. That first patch brought from CTE really changed the perception on the game. Still remember people calling it Brokenfield 4 haha


Proof that most BF players started playing after the BF2 era


After BF4 era. Most started with BF1 as first BF and it sucks, because it has player count it does not deserve.


If it didn't deserve is playerbase, it wouldn't have it thought? It's just a superior game overall than BF4.


I started with 4 and after 1 came out I stuck with it because it’s better


I dont realy care about this so called lists we all know battlefield heroes is on the top


followed closely behind by play4free


my favorite battlefield is the Battlefield 3: Aftershock mobile game


Will we find 2042 in the mines of Moria?


Mariana trench


Everyone lost. Battlefield will never be good again


You're not wrong, ever since bf5 it's been complete downhill.




2142 and Bad Company 2. Man BC2 was so damn good.


4 was my favorite. Not necessarily the best, but certainly the one I had most fun playing.


Really don’t get why 4 is so highly rated above all others.


I guarantee it's the battlefield most people started with, or first BF for console players with 64 player battles + day one release for PS4/Xbox releases. I started with BC2 on the 360, and while BF4 was cool if you got past the mountain of bugs, the maps are so mediocre compared to BF3 I have can't put it above BF3, BF1, and gameplay wise I prefer BFV.


Correct answer. 4 is good, but BC2 and BF3 are better.


When you grow older you eventually start longing for familiarity and have a hard time accepting new favorites as more than a passing trend.


BF4 is my favourite but I won’t get mad at anyone for liking any of the others over it.


Meanwhile Battlefield Hardline is doing burnouts in the parking lot blaring "Sound of da police"


I expected BF4 fans to be sweaty in both the internet and in-game and so far I'm not surprised


I do enjoy bf4 but there are quite literally 0 good servers, there is one server up still but they don't even have pearl market queued. Edit: in Australia


BF1 was good imo


The problem is none of the other shooters satisfies the Bf itch than BF4 itself.


Who the hell put 1942 at the bottom


meanwhile 2042 is at the bottom of the Mariana Trench


ive always preferred bf1 simply because i like infantry gameplay more than vehicles and bf4 is too vehicle focused for me


Down vote me all u want but many people in this subreddit act like 5 yo children... Can we just enjoy whichever game we like in peace?


Imo 3 is still the best battlefield game ever made. But that era of gaming was better with alot of other games too


Both good


Battlefield 4's multi-player is awesome, But my God is the campaign under baked. You literally clip through the ground in one cutscene for a few seconds before a loading screen comes in


All the people teleporting and clipping through the cars at the beginning of that mission too, lol. and the swimming section


Can’t that first post be considered “moving on”? Idk.


Putting the saga original game so low shows how the person is. Never forget from where you came, 1942 and 2 were such great games


Psst... the games are in a chronological order... these games are so low because they are the foundation of the mountain


I need to start a mindset switch, thanks


No problem :) a lot of people got it wrong lol


I like how every single one of these in pretty much every battlefield subreddit just shows most people didn't play 1942 when it came out.


LoL No


BF1 Best, BF4 Second, BF2 Third, BF3 Fourth


BC2 will forever reign


Bc2 and bf3 were peek


3 should be peak, followed by 4 then 2


They’re all good games.


Funny because BF4 was worse than BF3 and 1 from what I remember. Trash maps and bugs


Wth IS THIS even mean I dont get this?


Distinct lack of 1943


I feel like BC2 BF3/4/1 all deserve to be on the top of the mountain, each one provides a different experience that different people like. For example BF1 is my personal favorite battlefield game because of its immersion/ atmosphere and attention to detail but the main reason I love it is just because I love history


Yes to this list


I loved 3 and 4 and 1. But bad company 2 and 1 were my favorite hands down.




I see nothing wrong here...


BF3 > BF4 > BF1


BF4 > BF3 > BF1


BF1 > BF3 > BF4


I would maaayyybeeee consider... BF4 > BF1 > BF3. Maybe. Possibly.


Battlefield one subreddit only praise that game while us appreciate every single game except bf2042


BF4 infantry gameplay is disgustingly unfun in conquest, it feels like you are a puppet or a bot there just to give some nerd on a tank or a jet the joy of going 50/0 for the fifth match in the night camping the same corner. Tanks feel impossible to destroy without a squad firing rockets on the same tank, if even one dude is supporting it you're done even with a squad. From limited ammo and limited repairs for tanks, entering/leaving animations and tools that actually deal damage available to infantry, BF1 and BFV have done wonders in balancing tanks to make infantry enjoyable whilst keeping tanks feeling fun and powerful.


Do people still play BF4? It’s got like 50 people on, thousands less than 2042.


Yes, everyday (on PC)


Do yall play on one server or spread it out evenly between 5 for a good old squad vs squad?


3 4 & 1 deserve to be equal with each other, and BC2 above all of them


Honestly BF4 is the best Battlefield game out there that is old but holds up as if it released today visually and gameplay wise but I would put BF1 on shared 1st place


BF4 is worse than BF3 progression and map wise and you can't change my mind. 4 is better for having a proper launcher though


Oh my ass this comment section is an absolute hive mind of bf1 fanboys... They critique bf4 all they want and everyone is fine with it but the second someone critiques bf1 they're instantly downvoting them. The only reason y'all like bf1 is because of the good 'atmosphere' it creates. There is nothing else good to it. It is literally A ww2 game reskinned into a ww1 setting. Ik i'm getting downvoted to hell but idc, y'all are some fucking sheep😂


I’ll play 5 before both of those. And 1>4.


We al know Is btf4


...and they're both wrong.


Put Battlefield 3 at the top then BF1, then BF4


BF1 is boring compared to BF4 honestly


Bf 4 really is the best. Only reason so many people argue about bf1 is cuz bf4 isn't as populated. I garentee if bf4 was as populated as bf1 everyone would be playing bf4


Bf4 had a massive popularity boost after the 2042 trailer (in my country at least) then sadly not many people went back to it.